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The final Atonement by Consummation, which was carried out by the Son of God in the new land, was a perfect reflection of the very wilderness enactment which prefigured this final event. As God conducted the children of Israel through their experience in the wilderness, He established His visible dwelling place among His people, to mirror spiritual realities which were present invisibly in the Spirit. The instructions connected with the sanctuary had to be carried out in a precise manner. Nothing was to be deviated from. There was a precise balance that had to be meticulously maintained so that those looking on could get the point that was being made. There was fire used in the wilderness sanctuary, but it was a specific kind of fire. If common fire were used, the priest using it would die. The two sons of Aaron were examples of this. A high priest was chosen by God. Not just anyone could be the high priest, or carry out his functions, or they would die. The people could not copy the high priest, or they would die. No one could touch the ark or he would die. There was only one sanctuary and not 12 sanctuaries around the camp in each of the tribes. All of the tribes had one sanctuary to be their example of things in the Spirit. In this, it was clearly shown that symbols do matter. Symbols are carefully connected to the things which are invisible. It is as though the visible is the invisible, for they are one.
Ceremonial sacrifices weren't new. Christ had instituted them immediately after the fall of Adam and Eve, as a type of His coming to give Himself as their Redeemer. But the adversary had discerned a symbol of communion between earth and heaven in these sacrifices, and in the long centuries that followed, it had been his constant effort to intercept this communion, and pervert the symbol. The sacrificial service became used and abused by heathen religions; and now, the manner of the temple service had to be carried out so as to draw the people from the heathen motivations and context with which they were familiar, to the pure and self-sacrificing purposes of God. "Because the people of God had confused ideas of the ceremonial sacrificial offerings, and had heathen traditions confounded with their ceremonial worship, God condescended to give them definite directions, that they might understand the true import of those sacrifices which were to last only till the Lamb of God should be slain, who was the great antitype of all their sacrificial offerings." 3SG 303,4.
These things were also true for the final Atonement by Consummation in the new land. The intimacy of the marriage relationship was not new. The Son of God had instituted it in Eden, as a physical expression of the real intimacy between God with the human soul; but in this likewise, the adversary had discerned a symbol of communion between earth and heaven, and in the long centuries since Eden it had been his constant effort to intercept this communion. He caused sexual symbols to be perverted to an extreme degree by heathen gods, so perverted that anything sexual was made to seem evil by its very nature. He corrupted sexuality itself, and made it to be dirty, and grossly perverted out of its normal channels. Through humans, satanic powers took something supremely holy, and turned it into vileness. Yet, the illustration expressed in sexuality is in all of nature. So the question comes up, Why has it been made so offensive and why is it so embarrassing to speak of? Even plants have particular ways in which they procreate. There are male and female grasses in the grasslands, and male and female trees. It is everywhere and in everything, yet, this "sex" has been sent back to the dark rooms of the book stores and the licentious and grossly corrupt Internet sites. The very nature of the sexual has reverted to the pornographic, and it has been virtually ruined for spiritual illustration. As with the wilderness sanctuary, Father was redeeming something already ruined, and bringing it back to prominence, so that men could be made to see His original purpose for them. But it had to be brought back in a precise way, or its spiritual lesson would be perverted, and its power would be made of none effect to bring the soul into its union to God. Satan had done his work in making pure things offensive, and now God was going to make offensive things pure. "And the voice came to him again a second time, What God has cleansed and pronounced clean, do not you defile and profane by regarding and calling common and unhallowed or unclean." Acts 10:15 Amplified.
The Atonement by Consummation involved a very literal, physical intimacy between real people. This was seemingly carried out at great risk. How could a literal, physical consummation be carried out in the way that it was, so that the very real images of the modern cinema, and presidential promiscuous behavior, be kept out? How could the intimate images be brought up front, without the old adulterous reactions of the mind that men so freely express on their Internet and in their movies? If Michael had a very literal, physical consummation to reflect heavenly realities, how would that be carried out so that all of the people would not go right out and copy him, if not in actual practice, in their thinking? They would only be able to copy Him in theory, using strange fire, for their copying would come from the flesh, instead of the Spirit. This, truly, was the great work of God, for without His careful supervision, the images would have been ruined and the divine purposes would have crossed over into the merely human. One of the great helpers that Father provided, is that all that was done would be made public and visible, instead of in secret and hidden. The events at hand were all announced beforehand and nothing was in secret.
While Michael was to consummate the marriage of the Lamb with two very real witnesses, it was to be done only by instruction, and only in a certain way. By Father's decree, it was to be a holy (set apart) consummation, and could not be made common, on pain of death. The Two Witnesses were chosen at the same time Michael was Anointed, and the process of selecting the witnesses proved this in actuality. All three principles in the image were being prepared together, even without their knowledge of each other at the time. It is only in hindsight that everything has been made clear.
When Father first started drawing out Michael to the Song of Solomon, there was not even the hint of an idea that it would end in such a literal union and intimate expression. The strong drawings to the imagery of Father's intimacy with the human soul, was foremost on His mind. The human soul was viewed and felt by Michael as Father views it and feels it. The Son of God was to press the human soul into Himself, and He into it. Michael felt this intimate union of Spirit with all souls, every man, woman and child. This imagery was precisely how Father enters the soul of everyone. He actually goes into it and has intercourse with it in the Spirit. But how could this act be expressed without going full force into the heathen view of sexuality which has been made so prominent? Would this physical union be with man, woman, and child?
In the sanctuary service, the Father did not give instructions for all of the cattle and goats and sheep to be killed. Also, humans were not sacrificed. In the consummation, all of the people were not to be physical symbols, but all the people were called to become intimate with Michael, the invisible Son of God in their own soul. Father knew that only two would be chosen to be physical symbols, but this was not known until they were chosen. What Michael was called to do was to precisely follow His instructions, and no one else was to copy Him and run out to also "get consummated" in such a physical, intimate way. There were not one million high priests in the camp of Israel, there was only one, and that one had to be guided through his procedures exactly. If the high priest failed, he would die.
The sexual act that occurs in all of God's creation was given to be a holy symbol of the union between God's creation and Himself. God created the sexual act to not only reflect the union of the divine and the human, but to reflect the result of the union, the coming into being of a new life altogether, the very birth of the divine Son of God in the human soul. This was very real. It so infuriated Satan that man could create another human soul, and yet he could not, that he has done everything possible for millennia to pervert the symbol of marriage and the physical act of procreation, and to make it offensive and disgusting. There has not only been prostitution, but also the abuse of privilege, as seen in the presidency of the United States, and in the priesthood of the "Christian" church. Satan has used adultery, child molestation, self abuse, and homosexuality to greatly take away from the pure imagery of the final consummation of the Son of God in the human soul. God is not a molester, as is the devil. God is not sneaky and in the dark, as is the devil.
The nature of the sexual is so much a symbol of God, that Satan has used it in his most invasive worship. In the Middle Ages some women had literal, physical sex with demons. This was the most perverted use of the holy symbol, and it gave devils great pleasure to break into this imagery and destroy it. These events are documented in history, but we shall not go into these profane images more than this. They are written to bring to the reader an understanding of the nature of satanic intervention. He intervenes in ways that will circumvent the plan of God and bring it to nothing, if he can do so. He perpetrated this very thing in heathen sacrifice, so as to set the stage for the sacrifice of Israel to seem common and ordinary, before it was established in the wilderness. This commonness was the reason the two sons of Aaron were killed when they started to use common fire instead of the holy fire. It all seemed the same to them.
From the beginning, the adversary purposed that the very symbols used by heaven, would be symbols so greatly perverted, that no one would be able to recognize the significance of the consummation and "marriage of the Lamb." The symbol, which had been designed of heaven to unfold to men's minds the important final events which would end this world, was to be perverted beforehand, and then used to hinder and bring contempt on the very light that God desired to convey through it. The adversary of the soul was determined that truth be misinterpreted and misapplied, for he knew that truth unmixed with error is a power mighty to save. His determined stratagem throughout the ages was most intense in manipulating human minds, so that the imagery of the consummation of the Son of God would be permanently connected with everything impure and vile, ensuring that Michael's experience of the consummation not be recognized, and His interpretation of the "marriage of the Lamb" be rejected. But Father decreed otherwise.
This chapter is written to lay out the expressed purpose of Father, and His determined direction in the final consummation of the atonement. It is also laid out to warn the soul who would touch the imagery with his passions and immoral comprehension. If one touches these images with his vain and corrupt heart, he will die. The sanctuary of God is not to be touched or handled in a common way, or the one doing so will perish in his sins. He will cross over into the common, and the truth of the intimacy of God with man will be lost. The High Priest Himself, Michael, cannot touch the imagery or express it in any common, human way. Michael has had to approach the event with humility and careful consideration before anything was done, or is done now.
If any soul seeks to copy these things, and pretend
to be Michael, flattering himself in his licentiousness and whoremongering,
that he is doing what Michael did, he will be cut off from the Father and he
will never hear His voice. Satanic forces will instead, inhabit his soul, and
he will be ruined in the process. Let us enter into these things with our shoes
off, and our head covered, for this is holy ground.
Before He came to this earth as Messiah, Michael the Son of God, gave Moses a vision which would prepare His people to understand the nature of His appearing, in Person, among them, when He would come. The vision contained a temple, a physical place where God could begin to live among them in their very midst, and, in the fulness of time, a temple into which Messiah would physically enter, in Person, as well. "The temple...was the mirror of God's presence...They were now instructed to hold his house in sacred honor...because God had promised to be there; ...Messiah would honor it with his personal presence." RH 12-12-07.
The vision given to Moses had two parts a physical, visible part, and a spiritual, invisible part. The physical part was the visible part that could be seen with human eyes, for there was an actual temple building which was erected in their midst from the vision which had been given. The spiritual part was the invisible part, which could only be seen with the eyes of the mind and heart. The Bible speaks about the eyes of the mind as "the eyes of your understanding." Eph. 1:18. Those are the eyes that see what is really meant by what is happening. The physical temple of Moses' vision was an actual temple building, but, that physical structure contained specific details characteristic of a living human body, intimating that there was something else to see about this temple. Some of those specific details included the skin and hair coverings of the wilderness sanctuary, and its ability to be moved from place to place; and its two compartments which reflected the two experiences which occur in the feelings of the heart and the thoughts of the mind. More of these specific likenesses of the temple to the human body were covered in Chapter Nine, and there were a lot more specific similarities which weren't covered there. When the moveable wilderness sanctuary was replaced by Solomon's temple, there were new physical details which were now strikingly characteristic of a human body, and the spiritual picture remained the same.
So, in Moses' temple vision, it was the details of the temple building which were peculiar to a human body, that were meant to be seen with the eyes of one's understanding. We have no record that the people who lived during the time of that vision caught the spiritual aspect of that temple with the eyes of their understanding. All they saw with their physical eyes was a temple building, and they didn't see anything with their mind's eye. If they would have been able to see the spiritual picture with their mind's eye, they would have seen a human body, and, a temple building. Then when Messiah came, they would have put 1 + 1 together and understood that the true temple in which God had come to dwell among them now, and to which their temple building had simply pointed to, was a human body. They would have seen and understood the significance of the vision, when Messiah came in Person to fulfill that vision; for the Son of God was going to enter into both the physical temple and the spiritual temple of the vision when He came in Person.
In the fulness of time, the Son of God appeared on the earth, and true to Moses' temple vision, He very literally and physically entered into both the physical, visible temple of the vision, and, the spiritual temple of the vision. Of the actual, physical temple building that Christ entered into, He said, "I was with you day after day in the temple." Luke 22:53 Amplified. When the Son of God healed the sick and taught the people within its precincts, and when He cleansed it twice, once at the beginning of His ministry to His people, and once at the end, Christ fulfilled the physical part of Moses' temple vision. "The second temple was not honored with the cloud of Jehovah's glory, but with the living presence of One in whom dwelt the fullness of the Godhead bodily, who was God himself manifest in the flesh. The "Desire of all nations" had indeed come to his temple when the Man of Nazareth taught and healed in the sacred courts." GC 24. But the folk of His day didn't have eyes of understanding in order to foresee the implications of the temple vision which had been given them, and it was quite a shock to their senses that Jesus entered into "their" temple with such authority, the temple they had assumed they owned. Yet the temple actually belonged to God. It was there because of His specific instructions. When the Son of God went into the temple, He was only going into that which already belonged to Him, and that which was really His. God made the temple for His Son to go into. That was its sole purpose to point to Him, and to receive Him into itself, at His coming.
So when Jesus said, "Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise," they were "utterly perplexed and disconcerted at the turn things had taken...One was in command whom they could not intimidate with their assumption of authority. Jesus had taken his position as guardian of the temple. Never before had he assumed such kingly authority; never before had his words and acts possessed so great power. He had done great and marvelous works throughout Jerusalem, but never in such a solemn and impressive manner. 3SP 27. If the people of Jesus' day had seen through the eyes of spiritual understanding, then, when God's Son assumed the divine guardianship of His Father's house, they would have instantly known and understood, Of course, this is the way it should be! God's Son has complete jurisdiction over the temple of God. But, the people of Jesus' day weren't expecting this kind of Messiah.
The Son of God also literally and physically fulfilled the spiritual part of Moses' temple vision, as well. "Wherefore when he (Christ) cometh into the world, he saith...a body hast thou prepared me." Heb. 10:5. By actually coming into a human body to dwell, during His time on this earth, Christ literally and physically fulfilled the spiritual part of the temple vision. By the manner in which God sent His Messiah, He was clearly showing His people that a literal, physical human body was the living reality to which the spiritual part of Moses' temple vision had pointed forward. Christ's human body was the living physical temple in which God was dwelling. "Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority; but the Father who dwells in me does his works." John 14:10 RSV. The people at Christ's first coming didn't want to believe that God was the One Who was living in that human body, but Christ said to them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up again. Then the Jews [who hadn't been able to see with the eyes of their understanding, what Jesus was really saying by this,] replied, It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days? But He had spoken of the temple which was His body." John 2:19-21 Amplified. When Christ spoke of the temple as being His own body, the physical body in which He was living, He was saying, The temple that God dwells in, and My human body, are one and the same. The living Presence of God no longer dwells in a building somewhere; He dwells in Me. Thus God's Messiah, in Person, consummated the two parts of Moses' vision, the physical part and the spiritual part, into one living reality. This was the Messianic fulfillment of Moses' temple vision. First, the vision to Moses had revealed that God would dwell in a building, in the midst of His people, and now, through the body temple of Messiah, God had revealed the fact that He really wanted to come closer to His people than simply dwelling among them in an inanimate temple, He wanted to dwell among them in a living temple.
Chapter 11, page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16