The marriage of the Lamb was the catalyst for the judgment of the living, revealing those who have let God anoint them with His Spirit and His Anointing of Michael, and those who have not. Herein is the separation of those who are of God, and those who are not. Unanointed human minds who have not let Father anoint them with His perspective, are offended by the literal, physical marriage of the Lamb, and the peculiar details which Father arranged for its consummation. "Wasn't there an eligible single women whom God could have anointed for the consummation? And why were there two women? Couldn't He do it with just one? Why did He have to break up two families? The natural man wants to make the things of God as painless as possible. "We don't mind accepting God, but just don't make it cost me anything."
The unanointed human mind cannot see that these questions are answered in the life of Jesus. Could not a "spiritually speaking" lamb have been used instead of a real one? And did the real one have to be a human body, a real man? And did it have to be real blood that came out of Him? Did He have to lose His life and get nothing at all in return for His work? It cost Jesus everything He had hoped for and everything He had. He got nothing at all as He was placed upon the cross. He saw no victory as His faithless followers looked on. Even His mother's grief was only human. She did not believe Him to be the anointed Messiah after all. She just stood and stared at her poor son, nailed onto a Roman cross. She was as confused and distressed as the disciples were.
The physical cross of the Lamb of God, and the physical consummation of the Lamb of God, reveal the actual, spiritual experience of EVERY Christian who is true. EVERY Christian gets nothing. EVERY Christian must give up all hope, and EVERY earthly covenant must be broken. NO Christian ever goes to heaven with ANYTHING. The symbol of the literal marriage of the Lamb had to be with two "covenanted" women, in order to rightly represent the nature of the giving over, and to eliminate all natural possibility of collusion. It was not about a man and woman having sex. Any single woman could do that. It was about the soul abandoning its covenant with earth, and giving up all claims and hopes in the earth.
This event clearly shows what EVERY human soul who professes God must experience. Every soul who would be the bride of God, has been in a covenant relationship with its own natural self. Father's symbol had to be with a "covenanted" bride, instead of an uncovenanted one. Father ordained that there be two "covenanted" women, instead of one, to substantiate that this very process of soul, with its absolute emptying, is required to enter into heavenly realities.
Let Me ask you a question: What natural woman would want to leave her very own husband to share a husband with another, and lose every earthly interest in the process? The Two Witnesses gave over their earthly husbands and their very precious children. These Two Witnesses to the consummation of the marriage of the Lamb, could not lay a personal claim upon a husband in the earth. There was no such marriage. Our relationship is not an earthly marriage, and there are no earthly laws in their favor, protecting them. In reality, the Two Witnesses got nothing out of the transaction, from an earthly estimation. They gave up every earthly hope of support, and they gave up all claims to the past.
Some souls exchange what they have for something else, which they can reason is better. A soul can easily give up houses and lands if it sees the "pot of gold" waiting for it by doing so. In the true Christian life there is no "pot of gold" at the cross. There the soul only sees loss and abandonment to the things of earth. The Two Witnesses and Michael Himself, could calculate no real personal earthly gain out of the instructions they had been given to follow. This accurately portrayed the way in which the Sons of God are governed, and the motives with which they follow Father. They do what they do because they hear the Voice of instruction, and that is all.
One must bear in mind that the five souls involved in this heavenly parable, and very real marriage of the Lamb, were only following Father's instructions. The participants did not spend time in their homes figuring out how they could get something. They had no idea that the events which did take place, were going to take place as they did. Father's living parable unfolded as a flower, quite apart from any human devising. So it is in the Christian life. The Father, alone, is the One Who directs the child of God, and the human must keep its own hands off of its own life. The soul who is married to God, is really married to God. Father's movements are only the soul's own, for it has no designs for itself. THIS is the marriage of the Lamb this is the judgment of the living.
In order to understand the position in which the Son of Man was personally placed in the physical consummation of the marriage of the Lamb, it is necessary for one to consider the peculiar issues surrounding this physical marriage which Father had planned for His Son. First of all, before we came to the new land, Father's chosen vessel, Wayne had had no desire whatsoever to marry. As the new land was being procured, Father had told him that he would "marry the land," referring to the prophetic passage, "Your land shall be married, owned and protected by the Lord." Isa. 62:4 Amplified. He had been very happy with that arrangement, as its spiritual meaning was very significant and obvious to him. After Father had emptied the human "passageway," in which His Son was to first appear during His return, He instructed him one Sabbath to read The Song of Solomon all day long. This was his least favorite book of the Bible, and it was extremely difficult for him to do, even while following his instructions anyway. Father continued to immerse him in it again and again, until he had become one with its spiritual vision; at which time Father spoke his work, as Messiah of the bride of Christ, into him, and began drawing out the people of the land to the Person of His Son.
Immediately Father began revealing the unusual earnestness and intensity of purpose which two were experiencing, in laying hold of the Messianic salvation which Michael was earnestly seeking to bring the whole land. At the same time, Father also began intimating that the spiritual marriage of the Lamb would be expressed literally, in a physical consummation. This plunged the Son of Man into indescribable anguish, for these women came from two families who were very dear to Him, and it would mean the break up of these two families, if Father's intimations didn't change. To Michael, murder would not have been a greater crime, and child molestation would have been trivial in comparison. He could not conceive of any greater sin. Through His human eyes He saw Himself as a criminal, robbing two precious families of all that was sacred. As time went on and Father's intimations turned into specific instructions, Michael felt that He was being required to go against the impeccable faithfulness which had heretofore governed Him. His own personal conclusion of the circumstances at hand, was that He was literally throwing away everything He had held sacred to Himself.
The Son of Man stood between heaven and earth, between the way heaven was viewing this consummation, and the way that earth was going to view it. The "earth view" of the Son of Man was as any natural human. Michael was viewing the consummation and the peculiar details that surrounded it, from God-given law, and all of the laws were screaming loudly into His soul. Because Michael's instructions from Father seemed to go against the law of God, like Abraham's appeared to, the Son of Man was strongly tempted to judge it thus, and refuse to obey Father's explicit instructions to His soul. But the Son of God did not depart from His Father's expressed purpose for Him, even though in His Own Person, He felt every feeling of His own human and religious judgment against what He was being called to do.
This event would not be springing from the choosing of natural, human, self will, but from Father's instructions alone, to His Own soul. Father was establishing a new order in the earth, heaven's order, and Michael was being required to look at the physical consummation of the marriage of the Lamb, through the eyes and with the feelings of one who had been faithful and conscientious to what was God-given in the old order, but which was being changed by Father's personal decree. In His Own body, Michael had to bear all of the peculiar details and circumstances of this unearthly consummation, with its effects to the new land, and the world. Messiah had to face the total and radical change from the old order to the new order, and, bear the entire bride of Christ, with Him, through her change.
During the writing of this chapter, Michael reflected on what He was given to bear, in thought and feeling, during that time.
While I knew in my own heart that I was facing this excruciation because of the instructions Father was giving me, the appearance of that which I was being called on to do, was anything but moral appearing. It wasn't moral to me. I was personally judging that that which I was called on to do was immoral, and it caused me the greatest grief. I was having to deal with the very things that I had talked to others about, and things for which I had disfellowshipped some. In this very act of the consummation, I was being required to go against my very own self, in order to follow my Father's voice. I had to disobey myself, and leave myself behind no matter now, what the consequences were. At the very beginning of my experience with Father, I had received His word to me, "You will always tell the truth," and this was the very catalyst that systematically brought me up against my earthly ideas, my earthly contracts with myself, which I had to break, in order to remain true to Him. I had an agreement with God, and now this was the very thing that brought me into my crisis.
In my life, I had put some kind of value on "doing right." I had never committed adultery, or even considered it in my mind as something I desired. This was true even before I was a Christian. I was faithful in all that I had put my hand to. I carried out all my agreements to the letter, and faithfully bore the burdens put upon me. Since my conversion, I had stayed away from sin because I hated it, and I loved righteousness. Yet "doing right" was in some degree a boost for my self image. It gave me a little something to hold on to. I saw it as evidence that I was a Christian. "Don't Christians have strong morals and always do the right thing?" I had never consciously thought that I considered myself moral, and trusting in "doing right", but I felt secure in God because I hated sin and loved righteousness, and it was this unconscious trust in my relationship to God, which had to be burned away.
When this way of regarding my relating to God was overturned, so was my trust in my relationship overturned. My trust was now only in Father alone. I did not feel now that I had a claim on some pure action for myself. I felt like I had no purity left to claim. My hands were not now only empty, they were gone. I had been cut off, head, hand, arm, and foot. My self was utterly exhausted, for it could find nothing in which to lay hold. My emptiness was not now just a resting of my soul. My emptiness was palpable. Now I would be perceived as an adulterer, a molester of mankind, a leader of a pernicious cult. I was made sin, and to appear sin, by the force of My Father's instructions to my soul. I felt like Abraham who was called on to murder his son, and I also trusted, as did Abraham, that God would provide a way out of the circumstances I was being required to face. I thought that there would be a ram of some kind in the thicket, but there was no ram. I realized later, I AM the Ram in the thicket for the people. I let the knife be plunged, not into my son, but into myself.
In facing this most strange event, I was brought to the end of myself, and it was by consent of myself. Father now had the full control of My will in every respect without my own judgment adjusting anything. He took away my judgment. I was laid down to every instruction. The whole process was the most excruciating experience I could ever have conceived of. It was a very real cross for me, but if I had not followed through, I would have kept my judgments; I would have kept myself.
At the same time that Michael's human nature was seeing and feeling the implications of this consummation from the "earth view," Father was also pressing heaven's view upon Him, which He was being instructed to carry out. "At that time, says the Lord, will I be the God [Husband] of all the families of Israel, and they will be My people [bride]." Jer. 31:1 Amplified. Heaven's view was that God's bride the individual soul and the collective soul of the entire bride of Christ, belonged to God alone. His bride, whether individual or collective cannot be under the jurisdiction of any other human. Human beings who were about to enter heaven, were being forced to learn what "heavenly" was, and how heaven only had one family, and it was the family of God. The wives and husbands belonged to the Father, not to each other, along with all of their children and their possessions.
Michael keenly felt His Anointing from Father to be fully responsible for every soul in the land, and no earthly high priest, with his symbolic breastplate of twelve stones representing his bearing of the people of God upon himself, ever came remotely close to the unfathomable intensity and the weight of bearing which Michael felt within Himself as He bore the soul of the entire bride of Christ on His own heart. Never did any earthly high priest feel what our divine High Priest felt such a keen cohesion with every single soul whom Father has given Him to bear. Michael acutely felt this connection with a soul, sensing in a most intimate way their invisible soul conflicts, whether that soul was physically present in His home, whether they were out walking in the hills, or whether they were thousands of miles away. He could not have felt any more keenly the invisible atmosphere surrounding that soul, than if that soul were physically pressed up against His heart. This was, and is, the direct connection which Father Himself makes between the Son of God and those Father has given Him.
Father specifically ordained that the invisible activity and inner processes that the divine Anointing goes through in bearing the human soul He is within, appear visibly for all to see. In Person, the Son of God would be the visible and physical personification of the inner divine Anointing, and His personal Saviorship of the individual soul He is within. Michael would reveal in Person, how He bears upon His Own Self, from within the human being, the individual soul He has been given. The Anointing's faithful communication of every word from the Father to the soul and every divine instruction, would be made visible by the instructions which Father gave to Michael of Travesser, in relationship to the visible bride of Christ. The Son of God Himself, Who is the invisible divine Husband of the entire collective bride of Christ, had personified Himself in Michael of Travesser in order to reveal in a visible, physical way, the invisible work of Michael the Archangel, not only with each soul, individually and personally, but His work with the collective soul of the entire bride of Christ, of which the two former earthly husbands of the Two Witnesses, were a very distinct part.
The Son of God very much felt in His Own Person, the grieving and perplexities of the previous husbands. The uncertainty and consternation with which they were faced, Michael had to feel, and carry it all upon Himself. He knew how shocking to the human senses this consummation was going to be to everyone, and especially to the two former earthly husbands of the Two Witnesses. It was acutely shocking to His own senses. The sensitivities of the Son of God are very keen, and Michael felt intense excruciation with, and for, these two former husbands, in particular, who had been required to lay down their lives in order to give their former spouses to Father for His living parable. He understood very well how they felt, for He was very much with them, in this extremely distressing event. He had already been required to lay down His life to even think about giving His consent to His Father for the physical consummation with the Two Witnesses, and He felt this continual laying down to the depths of His being.
Michael stood between heaven and earth, and in the midst of this terrible tension, there was no one else who had ever gone through such rending of soul, thereby rendering them able to empathize with Him and know the depths of what Michael was experiencing, yet Father had made His Son to be fully responsible for all of the difficulties which arose in the hearts of the people in the land, and Michael felt fully the weight of that responsibility. With much excruciation He was literally giving over His life for the people, so that they might follow their own lesser incomprehensible instructions from the Father, as He was leading them away from their own earthly domains and self-interests. These lesser incomprehensible instructions may have concerned husbands and wives, children or friends. This was the divine atonement of the Son of Man. He walked our path before us, the path in which implicit trust of the Father is required, when the soul's limited human understanding is in the dark, and it must go forward alone on Father's personal word. He made an atoning way through the overwhelming and conflicting natural and religious thoughts and feelings, to faithfully follow the instructions of His Father, in our behalf, for our sake. This "atoning way" was made evident in how Michael yielded up to Father's incomprehensible instructions, and trusted His Father in it all, even though from His own personal and earthly judgment, He was sinning the greatest and most grievous sin imaginable against His own self. The only comfort He received was the comfort that came through the Father's close presence and the knowledge that it was all from Him. The signs and wonders following the consummation were clear and obvious to Michael, and a great source of comfort through the event.
Nothing we are called to bear or go through can compare in depth of anguish to what Michael went through and bore for us. His experience of His consummation was greater in intensity because He was our forerunner, making a way where there had never been a way before, and in addition, carrying all of us on Himself. Being drawn into the soul struggle and mental agony which Michael experienced as He was led forward to the place of His sacrifice and consummation, will strengthen your own soul as you are taken forward to your consummation. Father was fully with His Son through the excruciating anguish of His crisis, a divine pledge to you of His intimate and careful tending through yours.
It is a spiritual law that one can only understand what one has personally experienced. And there is only one way that a reader will be able to be admitted into the secret of understanding the physical events which actually occurred during the consummation. That only way, is when you yourself are personally resolved to faithfully follow Father's intimate and incomprehensible instructions to your own soul. When your own soul has been emptied of everything but undeviating purpose, excruciating honesty and unbreakable integrity to follow Father's personal instructions to you, no matter the cost; when you have been filled with a love of His will more then anything else, that overpowering and consuming love for Him that the Bible refers to as "the fear of the Lord," He will personally admit you into the secret of the consummation of His Son. "The secret of the sweet, satisfying companionship of the Lord have they who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant and reveal to them its deep, inner meaning." Ps. 25:14 Amplified. A soul is led to break his own covenant with earth and establish one with the Son.
When you yourself are being taken by Father into the Most Intimate chamber of exposure and knowing, and He is entering into the unearthly depths of your own soul sanctuary, then He will bring to your remembrance the events and lessons He prepared for you from His consummation parable. In your own person, you will then identify the actual divine realities that His Son and His Two Witnesses were anointed to reveal during the consummation in a physical way, and you will find yourself saying, This is what the Two Witnesses meant...This is what Michael was bearing...This is how the thoughts of my mind and the feelings of my body are consummated to the Anointing of the Son of God in me. After spending the night of your own soul, with God, You will then be able to say of the physical events of the consummation, what Job said after he spent the night of his soul, with God; "I see now...what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. I have heard of You only by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You." Job 42:3,5 Amplified. Father Himself will consummate your soul to His divine Anointing in you, making your own soul inseparably One with Him continually if you will follow in the same footsteps that He placed before us.
In Chapter Seven, Messiah Deals With the Inevitable, we covered Michael's intimate thoughts and feelings from the time that Father began intimating that the spiritual marriage of the Lamb could possibly include physical consummation, until the time when Father gave His final instructions to His Son to consummate the marriage literally and physically, and He announced this upcoming event to the congregation. The toggling process through which Father took His Son, alternating Him between providential evidence that the consummation would be only spiritual, and then providential evidence that it would be literal and physical, covered a span of nine weeks. September 30, 2000 was the day that Michael made His announcement to the congregation. This was a Sabbath, and the beginning of a new year, a sabbatical year of rest. Later in this chapter we will be taking up the narration of events in the new land, on that Sabbath with which Chapter Seven concluded, and we will be covering the remainder of the events which set the stage for the consummation to begin. We are asking the reader to take the time to read again Michael's inner experience as He faced the consummation. It is indispensable to be immersed in the spiritual sensing of what the Son of Man was feeling during this time, for it is one's personal preparation for comprehending the significance of the unfolding of the details in Father's consummation parable.
Verily, verily, the Two Witnesses say unto you, Except you eat the flesh (human) and drink the blood (life) of the Son of Man, Michael of Travesser, you will experience no final Messianic deliverance to your own soul. Without this vital comprehension you will find yourself unprepared to face your own death to yourself, so that Messiah can appear in you, in uneclipsed divinity. John 6, Father's Living Parable Version.
Chapter 11, page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16