And Jesus answered and said unto him,
What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? Mark 10:51.
On a Sabbath, long after Father's process of selection had revealed the two women whom Father had anointed with His Son, for His living parable, Michael shared with the people in the new land the intimate exchanges which occurred between the Father and the Son, during that process. No one but the Son and the Father knew this process was occurring, and the Son didn't know Father's real reason for it at the time. In this process of revelation, the place which Father gave His Son during that period of intense visiting, was that of being the divine Revealer of the thoughts and intents of every soul. He would be the divine Keeper of each visit, not letting His knowing of right or wrong steer the course of the conversation, or direct it to any place in particular, but rather, He was to simply keep every visit honest.
At the beginning, My vision from the Father of the spiritual experience of the Song of Solomon, between Messiah and His people, was that the drawing of God was open to the whole land, and anyone could respond. I had no thought of there being truly a physical union in the process of this symbol of marriage with God.
I was to ask each one who came to me, "What do you want Me to do for you? Is there anything you want from Me?" I was to be as a mirror to the soul, and Father was intensely interested in the flow of events, for in it was the exposing of human intention and the true force of their will. Humanity is seldom honest. They usually adjust affairs to the liking of what they believe their benefactors would like to hear. They distort, or hide the truth altogether, so that they will not be ill thought of. They are hardly aware that they come at life in this way. Father completely rejected this kind of manipulation from the one who was in My presence. If someone were not completely honest, covering up what they actually wanted, or needed, because they might be rejected for asking, I was simply not to accept them. Dishonesty was a gross perversion, and there would be no second chances to say the thing one wanted, if they did not come clean the first time asked.
All lies were exposed to Me, and Father revealed to Me every subtle twist of the soul. I knew what was in humanity, yet I was not given to rebuke all of the dark personal deceptions I saw. I was only given to let them go their way, for the deceptive soul is self deceived, and My exposure, in some cases, could lead to discouragement. They know not what they do. When any visitor learned later that any request would have been acceptable to me, and then changed their request because of that knowledge, it was denied. It was too late. The testimony had already been tarnished by self-interest. Self-interest is the root of all lies, and this was not to be allowed in the chamber of the Son.
Another factor was the revelation of the depth and intensity of desire. Some souls who came to Me were honest enough, the problem was more involved in the depth of desire that they seemed to lack. In response to My question, some souls said, Oh, I would like to get closer to God. Some said, Oh, I don't know, nothing special, I guess. Their requests were so Spiritless and listless, that there was no real creative power in them. It is true, however, that everyone who came to My door with a request, received exactly what they had requested, and in the spirit that they requested it. Each soul got just what came out of his mouth.
So, the people began to visit Me. And Father would be there with Me. Sometimes a person would come and visit and talk about themselves for an hour. And I would be considering, Is this one who will fulfill the spiritual purpose of the Song of Solomon? And the Father would say, Son, do You want a wife that talks about herself all the time?
I said, No Daddy.
Well then, we'll excuse this one?
Yes Daddy.
So she would be excused and someone else would come. This one would set out to teach Me. And the Father would say, Do You want somebody for a bride who has come to teach You, and to show you how brilliant she is?
I said, No Daddy, I want a lover. I want someone who will love Me instead of herself.
Well, shall we excuse this one then?
Yes Daddy, let's excuse this one. And that one would go.
One after the other came to My house for an interview that they did not suspect. The real purpose of these interviews I did not suspect either. I was simply following Father's instructions.
Some who came were disobedient. They wouldn't follow My instructions when I counseled them as to how they should respond in a particular situation. And Father would lean over and say, Son, do You want a bride that will not follow Your instructions?
I said, No Daddy, I don't.
Well then, we'll excuse this one too, OK?
One after the other was excused. It was as though each soul were playing a part for the entire earth, each one was fulfilling a purpose for good or evil.
And then there were those that seemed to me that they had all the qualities. And day after day I would wait for their knock at My window or on My door to seek entrance. But they were sleepy or busy, having something more on their mind, and they never came. And then the Lord said, Son, do You want a wife that doesn't desire You so that they will make any sacrifice to find you?
I said, No Daddy, I don't. That is like the earthly marriages that men now partake of. And so those would be excused.
And over the months, finally two were chosen who fulfilled the mysterious qualities of the Bride of Christ, who were prepared for the wedding with the King, as Esther was, where nothing would deter them from their appointed task. Michael
The selecting of the Two Witnesses was a wonderful revelation to the soul of how Father makes His appointments. The Two Witnesses were clearly set apart right from the beginning of Messiah's appearing in the new land. They responded to every unction of the Father, and in a most spectacular way. Also, the previous husbands of these Two Witnesses responded in like manner. It was clear that the husbands were anointed to their task also. Michael
The former earthly husbands of the Two Witnesses had very key roles in Father's living parable. He anointed them with a very special measure of His grace, in order to live out their vital role which would complete Father's visible representation the revelation of the invisible process of separation which is required of the human soul. The soul who is drawn out to God must separate from its former contract of intercourse with its natural self, in order to be consummated to its divine Self, God.
In Father's living parable, the former husbands were as two living witnesses, verifying the fact that the spiritual affections of the Woman of Revelation 12, had in actuality been withdrawn from the one with whom she had had intercourse for so many years, and had now been drawn out to the Son of God instead. This spiritual phenomenon was being visibly revealed by the Two Witnesses who were being compelled to separate from their former relationship to their earthly husbands, by Father's anointing and strong drawing out to the Person of His Son, Michael of Travesser.
The immediate responsiveness of the Anointing in their soul to Father, when they realized that He was asking them to release their wives to the Father, was very pronounced. During the writing of this chapter, Father brought these specific words to me in regard to the former husbands of the Two Witnesses: "Greater love hath no man than this, than that a man lay down his life, in order to let his wife be free to follow Father's personal movings in her own heart." If the two former husbands would not have willingly accepted Father's personal call to their heart and mind, this visible drama of presently occurring spiritual realities, would not have occurred.
The two former husbands were anointed beforehand to be visible and physical revelations of the two distinct responses which occur simultaneously within a human being, when unexpected and unearthly instructions from Father come home to the soul. Within themselves they experienced two distinct responses: They experienced the thoughts and feelings of the divine Self, the Anointing within, Who responded spontaneously to the Father's voice, despite the incomprehensibility and unaccountableness of this unexpected revelation of His will: and, they experienced the thoughts and feelings of the natural self, the intensely contradictory independent ego within, with whom the adversary has had such direct access, and the one in the human soul who has had such natural familiar response to the adversary's ways of thinking and feeling. At Father's personal call to their own souls, the former husbands of the Two Witnesses felt very distinctly the mortal conflict of these two naturally conflicting natures.
When God said to Abraham, "Take now your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love and offer him as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains of which I will tell you," he felt to the uttermost depths of his being, that divine requirement of letting his son go as a sacrifice to God. The fact that he was stopped at the last second didn't take anything away from the real, internal death to himself which had already occurred, in order for him to yield to God's instructions in the first place. Before Abraham lifted the knife over his son, He had already undergone the true spiritual death to himself, which those instructions were divinely intended to accomplish within him. From heaven's point of view, Abraham did kill his son. He was true to God's personal instructions to him, and fully released his son to God. And not only was it Abraham's sacrifice, but Isaac's as well. For he had to die a real death, in order to accept his father's word that God was requiring this of him.
When Father began opening up to those of us in the new land, the real kind of death that is required in order to die fully to ourselves and everything which we have "possessed" and "owned," the literal physical relinquishment of the Two Witnesses to God by their previous earthly husbands, for the fulfillment of the Father's divine purposes, was a real and vivid part of the living symbol Father brought into the land. The genuine transaction required of them to die to their natural self, in order to literally and actually give their wives for the consummation of the Son, was more real than the cessation of their earthly marriage through a physical death. The inner death to one's own self, which is required in order to follow the personal instructions of the Father and be true to His personal call, is far greater than a physical death. Every soul who is translated off of this earth without seeing physical death, will have followed in the footsteps of the earthly husbands of the Two Witnesses, in as real a death as they were required to die. The internal reality and vivid revelation of death to the natural self, which these two former husbands were anointed to die, in order to go forward in Father's personal conviction to their own hearts, was given to the entire bride of Christ by Father Himself, as a true spiritual and physical revelation of that quality of death required of every soul, whether that spiritual relinquishment is required physically, or not.
Needless to say, the adversary of the bride of Christ was not AT ALL happy about the turn of affairs, as he watched Father's living drama begin to unfold. He stood by incredulous at what Father had purposed, and what He was actually beginning to bring about in the new land. He saw and recognized the Son of God, in Person, in the office and work of Michael, strongly drawing the spiritual affections of the Woman who had previously been in a contract of intercourse with him. He felt her affections being withdrawn from himself, and going out to Michael, the Son of God, instead. This invisible spiritual transfer which was occurring was being personified in a vivid, visual, and physical way by the Two Witnesses, who were being given from the Father to respond strongly to His Son.
The adversary began feeling an acute identity with the position of the former husbands of the Two Witnesses, as he saw the part of the living parable which Father had anointed them to live out. He thought that surely those former husbands had been given ample occasion to sympathize with him in his own loss of the affections of the Woman, and that they would readily share his intense feelings of injustice and unfairness toward the Father and His Son. But when his insinuations and subtle mental persuasions failed to stop the husbands of the Two Witnesses from giving their agreement to Father's purposes, and yielding their wives up to the consummation of the Son, his jealousy and rage knew no bounds.
Now there was a day when the angels of God who accompanied Michael, the Son of God, at His return in Person, presented themselves before the Father. And the adversary and accuser of humanity, Satan, also came among them. And Father said to Satan, From where did you come? Then Satan answered, From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down in the new land. And Father said to Satan, Have you considered My servants, Jonathan and Salem, that there are none like them on the earth, immediately acting on My unearthly promptings to yield up their wives to Me, for divine consummation with My Son? Then Satan answered, "Do those husbands give their agreement to You for nothing? Have You not put the Anointing of the Son of God within them, and supplied to them the very agreement in their own thoughts and feelings with which to agree with You? But now put forth Your hand, and let me touch their soul. Just allow me to give them my perspective, for I know that if they had the thoughts that are in my mind, and the feelings that are in my being, they would immediately withdraw their agreement to You for this whole unearthly arrangement. And Father said to Satan, Behold, they are in your power. Only upon the Anointing Himself you will not be able to put forth your hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the Father. Job 1, Father's Living Parable Version.
The process of trial through which the adversary then commenced to take the former husbands of the Two Witnesses, was conducted with an intensity that only those who have been in that place of crucifixion would begin to understand. In every forceful and oppressive way Satan tried to impose his thoughts and feelings on these two men. In Chapter Eight, Turning and Overturning of the Whole Land, Israel, now Salem, shared the nature of the intense satanic onslaught which he experienced after yielding his will and wife to the Father. Two years later, at the writing of this chapter, Salem shares the following thoughts:
I knew from the beginning that Father was requiring my wife. Right away I knew it. I knew this was for real. I wasn't just giving her up "spiritually." This wasn't something we were going to act out. Giving her up was giving her over to the consummation. I never felt like I was doing this great noble deed, or anything like that. It was like Father was saying, "This is what I'm having you do right now, and you'll do it. Later you will wonder why you did it, because it was like going against yourself." I wrote in my journal, "Father showed me I am just not willing to give up me. I want it my way. It seems too hard. Father is asking too much. Not only is He taking my wife, He has TAKEN her, but now He is asking Michael to make love to her. Actually, Father has asked me to be willing for that to happen, and it seems very likely that it will."
I already knew the outcome. I knew I wasn't going to stand in the way of anything, and I didn't want to. My feelings did, and I knew Who I was fighting against, it was the Father. I already knew what the end was Father was going to have His way. "I have been willing (reluctantly) to submit to my crummy circumstances, but I saw this morning, the big key is just to submit to the will of God. That's what my circumstances are, the will of God. This is all about the will of God, verses my little human will. I know Father will keep me in my decision I already made. I haven't changed my mind."
The other former husband, Compassion, now Jonathan, shares here the natural human thoughts and feelings which confronted him, even while at the same time the Anointing in him was yielding to Father's will:
In retrospect, as I consider my personal experience, I veil my face before my Father, "So perfect are all Your ways!" Through His eyes, I now view with deep Gratitude the natural, human thoughts and feelings which I experienced at the time of my great overturning. They were all essential to my emptying of my self. At the moment in which the picture clarified and I realized what sweeping, life altering changes were being thrust upon me, my thoughts were not high and noble. They were, "Why me? It may be an easy thing for her to step out of her 'responsibilities,' but it is me that now has to fill her place, in addition to my own, making me the sole parent to our five year old daughter." It felt very inappropriate, irresponsible, and unfair. I loved my daughter deeply and always enjoyed being her Daddy, but I had not bargained to be a single parent. I said to myself, "Single parent families were not a part of what God envisioned when He created man. This doesn't feel right." But through the whole ordeal I was always given the assurance that it was right, in spite of my feelings.
Father said to me, "What do your feelings have to do with the truth? You feel what you feel, but feelings are not an indication of what is right, or true, or My will." At every critical point Father kept me yielded, many times contrary to my feelings. It all "felt" wrong, but Father gave me the "knowing" that it was all right more than just all right, but ALL RIGHT, every single detail.
I remember writing to Michael early on, during the time in which the Two Witnesses were being selected. I was seeing my self, and abhorring what I saw and knew about myself; yet feeling helpless to bring about any change. I asked Michael to do whatever might be required to change me. I asked that the furnace be heated seven times hotter, that He consume me altogether. And now, nearly two years later, I see in the very experiences through which Father has brought me, the answer to that prayer to Michael so long ago. "Thank You Michael, thank You Daddy." Jonathan
It is noteworthy to observe here, that just as the Two Witnesses represented the living soul chamber of the feelings of the heart, and the living soul chamber of the thoughts of the mind, so it was with the former husbands of the Two Witnesses. One former husband predominately experienced, and had to deal with, the feelings of the heart, and the other former husband predominately experienced, and had to deal with, the thought processes of the mind. Father's living parable revealed that the Witness who represented the living soul chamber of the feelings of the heart, had to separate completely and permanently from the natural human feelings with which she had lived in contract relation, in order for the Son of God to come into her living chamber and consummate her with the divine feelings of His heart; and the Witness who represented the living soul chamber of the thoughts of the mind, had to separate completely and permanently from the natural human thought process with which she had lived in contract relation, in order for the Son of God to come into her living chamber and consummate her with the divine thought processes of His mind.
The agreement of these former husbands, to yield their wives for Father's parable, was going to cost them everything; yet Father had anointed them to reveal visibly and physically in their own persons, that the divine Self within the human soul, will prevail over the natural self, no matter how overwhelmingly strong the natural self feels. The Anointing prevailed in Abraham all the way up to Mt. Moriah to offer his son as a sacrifice to God, and in Jesus of Nazareth He prevailed in the very darkest time of His whole earthly life, from the Garden of Gethsemane all the way to His death on the cross of Calvary; and, He has always prevailed in every soul who has ever yielded to the pain of dying to the human, in order to become consummated to the Divine, while in the process of fulfilling Father's personal call.
It was the divine Anointing in each former earthly husband, Who responded to Father's personal instructions to his own heart, to release his wife for His incomprehensible purposes. The natural human way of looking at this particular consummation was pressed upon them with almost overwhelming force, yet, as in Abraham, whose command from God didn't look too good through natural, human eyes, either, the Anointing fully saw and bore their human thoughts from within them. The Anointing fully looked, with them, at their "earth view," through their eyes. The Anointing in them also fully felt, with them, their painful feelings of dying in order to make such an unearthly sacrifice. Father did not in any way fault them for thinking such natural human thoughts, and feeling such natural human feelings, in the face of His very unnatural divine instructions to them. He was down in their skin, with them, and was looking at this divine consummation through their eyes, and feeling it through their nerve endings, in them.
Yet, it was the intimate work of the Anointing in the two former husbands, to bring them to cross over from their natural, human "earth view," of the consummation, into "heaven's view," into Father's vision and purpose of this consummation. The Anointing had faithfully seen, and felt, and borne them in, their excruciating time of testing; and now, He was going to cause them to cross over to see and feel everything through His divine thoughts and feelings. The Anointing of Michael in them was very purposed to cross them over, in every thought AND every feeling. In His divine mind, this crossing over process was simply going to occur, and it was a very real process.
The settled purpose of the Anointing was to fully identify with them, and, cause them to fully identify with Him. In first person, He thought His Own thoughts within them, "No matter what feelings I am feeling, no matter what earth views press into my thoughts, I haven't changed my mind." And these two former husbands sided with the Anointing of Michael in them, against their own natural thoughts. The Anointing in them, drew them with Him into the secret place of the Most High, the place where the soul no longer yields to its human "feeling's view" of reality, even when it is in the very midst of them. The two earthly husbands were faithful to what they were given to bear and deal with, and nothing the adversary tried could cause them to change their agreement to Father.
Chapter 11, page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16