Experiencing the Finished Work
gate eleven

About a week before Easter 1967, the anniversary of Moses' death, and during the fast of Esther, the Holy Presence came down on me very strongly. I felt completely distressed and lost. My spirit groaned within me and I went to my bedroom and knelt down by the bed to pray. I agonized before the Lord, in great distress of heart. I asked Him to save me or let me die. Immediately after that prayer, I heard the Voice speak to me again. This time it was a voice that I would not characterize as a voice only to my soul, but it was more like a voice to my ears also. It was quite clear. The Voice said to me, "Leave the church." My burdens subsided and I got up from my prayer and went into the living room.

I was perplexed. Why would God ask me to leave the church? It made no sense to me. I was a Sunday School teacher; I was about to give a special Easter program reading; I was respected, and besides that, it was the really "true" church. We came from John the Baptist. One cannot do better than that, I thought. I did nothing about the command, since I could not reason it out as something God would want me to do.

The next day the great spiritual distress returned and the Spirit came down heavily on me. Again, I went to my room and prayed in great anguish of heart. I felt very troubled that God would take me through this terrible agony once again. I was lost, deserted, desolate, and in complete undoing, and it seemed God was not helping me in my great distress. I prayed again, "Convert me or kill me," but I don’t want to be in this torment. The voice once again sounded clearly and what seemed verbally to me. "Leave the church." This time I said, "I will."

I got up from my prayer, and I made my way over to my uncle’s home and told him what had happened to me. I was commanded by God to leave the Baptist church. I did not know the reason, I only knew the command. He asked me, "Then where will you go to church?" I said, "I don’t know, maybe in my garage." My uncle answered, "Then I will come also." I was now feeling quite free and relieved of my burden. I was delivered from that most terrible agony of my soul. I went about my usual activities and considered how I might start a church in my garage.

The third day the agony returned again. I was deeply perplexed at why these things would keep happening to me. I had agreed to leave the church but the torture had returned. I felt almost angry with God. Didn’t I do what He told me to? I wept in my bitterness of soul and poured out my heart to the Father. I opened to Him my perplexities and my complaints. I was willing to serve Him, but I could do very little in this state of distress.

For the third time I prayed, "Save me or kill me." I didn’t want to live any longer in such an emotional stretch. I would rather be dead. Besides that, I now hated sin, and if I were going to remain in it, I did not want to go on living. The great contest was being waged and the wrestling with the angel increased to a torrent of expression. I was broken, undone, and without help.

The Father spoke to me again the third time and said, "Leave the church and keep the Sabbath." Suddenly I understood. Suddenly all came clear. I said, "I will." In a grand explosion of light, the darkness lifted from off of me, and I was in a whole new world of existence. All old things passed away and all things became new. Sin was removed from me and my heart was cleansed with the heavenly waters. I was born again, and the "old man" was history. The "old man" was the man who loved sin, the natural man who loved the world and was very comfortable with it. He would never raise from the dead after that day. The love of the world was gone. I would always do what I knew was right. If I had a clear decision before me, I would always choose God's will. I had entered into the Sabbath rest. I had entered into Father. The contrast between the experience of great distress, and my deliverance cannot be exaggerated. I was thrust into a completely new world, created by the voice of God Himself. I had no earthly mentor, and I had followed no earthly commands. The Father Himself snatched me from the burning and called me forth for His own purposes.

I immediately went to the pastor of the Baptist church and told him what God had instructed me. He said, "Well, maybe you should be an Adventist." I said to him, "The Lord did not tell me where I should go. He only told me to leave the church and keep the Sabbath." This I did. I knew nothing at all about Seventh-day Adventists. I had heard about Seventh-day Baptists and I considered trying to find a church where they worshipped. Through a series of events, the Father led me to a Seventh-day Adventist church which was being built in the vicinity, but which wasn't in use yet. I went over to it and looked in the window, and the Father told me that is where I would be going; that was my new church.

I was baptized in June of 1967, during the war in the middle east. Jerusalem was taken by the Israelis and the times of the gentiles ended. That all occurred at the time of my baptism. Since the Spirit entered into me, as it did Paul on the Damascus road, the world would now change, and so would my world. Nothing would ever be the same again. My vision was changed and my eyes were opened. It is as though I saw from heaven's point of view instead of earth's point of view. I was thrust into heavenly light in an instant and I heard the angel choirs singing in my soul.

Just before my baptism, I knelt down on the dressing room floor and gave myself again to the Father’s purposes. That night I had two very vivid dreams that I still remember. In one dream I was outside my house washing my car. Immediately I heard a voice, "Look up." The moon was whipping around the earth at a very fast pace. I heard a voice say, "This is the coming of the Lord." I was anticipating seeing the great appearing when I heard a voice from my wife, "Wayne, Wayne." I turned to look at her to find out what she wanted. When I looked back into the heavens the signs were gone and all I saw was the blue sky as before.

In my second dream, I was walking across the land with my son in hand, going to church. We took our time and loitered by a pond not far away. When we managed to get to the church it was just letting out. The people were all shouting in glad rejoicing over some great blessing that they had experienced but I had missed. My dream ended.

Both dreams left a strong impression upon me. The first dream told me, Do not let your wife turn you from your purposes. Keep your eyes fixed upon the appearing of the Messiah and do not listen to earthly pleadings and the cries of your earthly interests. Do not let them take your attention away from the present things coming down from the heavens.

The second dream told me to not delay. I must get right to the meeting in which Father designed for me to be present. Do not loiter over other petty things and personal comforts. I was to get to where the Father had destined me to be and I was to get there on time.

After the baptism, I was sitting on my living room sofa, and the Voice spoke to me again. It said, "You will always tell the truth." I knew I would.

The writings of Ellen White became very helpful to me, even though I knew nothing about them until six months after I had joined the church. No one seemed to mention her much within the Adventist community.

Shortly after my baptism, I was sent to a college to study for the ministry. I was led to Loma Linda University where I completed a Master's degree in religion. This "Master's degree" made me master of nothing. I studied for the ministry of the Adventist church. While in this "Rome," I was exposed to many things that greatly troubled my heart. I saw others with strong faith in the beginning, lose it all and drift away after a little time there. Father sent me there for experience, so that I might rightly judge matters later on. After my "formal" education, my heavenly Father would then begin to give me a true education.

As I studied at the Adventist University, I realized that the Adventist educational system was Roman Catholic. It trusted heavily on what they termed, "Higher Criticism." "Higher Criticism" means, "I know more than the Bible knows." This is a method of study by which one can be brought to know nothing at all, for certain. It causes one to be "true to the church," but it gives one no resting place on the Scriptures and in the Spirit of God. The members of the church have their focus taken from the pure word of God, and placed on the polluted word of man instead. This is like the other denominations that claim the name of Christ. The churches have all clasped hands in a great vortex of unbelief. This was a dark time for me, the darkest time of my life. I sometimes wondered why Father would take me out of, what seemed at the time, a pretty "nice" world, only to thrust me into the hell of apostasy. Everywhere could be heard the message that one cannot trust the word of God. This was never spoken in just those words, but spoken more by the way men believed and lived.

I was not accustomed to study in institutions such as that. I was completely out of my element, but I was required to go, and take my growing family with me. I had no idea how I would support them, I only knew I had to go. From time to time the Father would encourage me, and from time to time He would step in to keep me from giving up my severe and laborious work. In college, men are called to spend long hours studying nothing. They are made to believe they are getting an education. They are not. They are simply undergoing a washing of the mind, so that real learning will not occur and men are made to trust their society instead.

I would get up in the morning at 1:00 A.M. and go to work. After my work, I would begin studies at the university which lasted till about 3:00 P.M. in the afternoon. Then I would go home and study till I would sleep, before my next workday. After I had been called by my Father, my wife was estranged from me and could not follow my faith. She did her best in her circumstances, but could not feel the calling I had. I had taken her from her secure home, with grassy lawns and fruit trees, and put her into a mobile home to live, across from a cow pasture and dairy. It was not what she would have chosen for herself.

Because of these things, my wife was against me in her spirit even though she did her best to "go along", and besides that, I was now studying in a university that was faithless and offensive to spiritual principles of life. In everything Father was calling me to do, there was a continual heartache, that no one could understand but the Christ Spirit. I had no human comfort and no faithful friend, but I was called to give human comfort and be a faithful friend. As I shared Christ with people, only a few would have any kind of positive response, and this was a "religious" university.

I became an Adventist minister and remained one for twelve years. I thought I was in the "true church." The Father Himself had led me there, and I felt that one cannot leave the "true church" no matter how devilish it becomes. This is the prevailing wisdom in most churches that name the name of Christ. About seven years after I became a minister, more truth was opened to me and I saw a way to help the church come out of the prevailing iniquity it had been wallowing in. I began a seminar entitled "LifeSupports." It was created to bring the church back to the Bible. The content of the seminar can be found on this site. I traveled to camps and churches sharing the very basic principles of Christ's kingdom. Every seminar was the same. The people would earnestly contend with me, and they would state that those Scriptural verses could not mean what they said. I have been one who believed that the Bible did mean what it said, but the Jesuit trained ministers had learned "Higher Criticism," and that was the end of truth. After that it was only, "Stay in the true church." No matter that the church no longer believed the truth. It was believed that the Adventist church was the right ship. The right ship seemed sufficient, even though that ship didn't have Christ in it any longer, as is true for all of the denominations of the world. There are many denominations in this trap of thinking. They cannot ascend, because the governing board has not approved it. Ascension is scheduled for the end of the world sometime, "but not in my lifetime," they say. They are in a democracy, and if the majority are dead and lost, the churches vote that that is the condition in which they must stay.

In the last seminar that was held in the Adventist church, the pastor and his head elder worked energetically to cause people to disbelieve these very basic truths about life that I was presenting to them. We had a large attendance, but only three from the local church, and that included only those officials appointed by the pastor to go to the meeting to look for some strange doctrine. He made it plain, however, that any baptisms that I might gain, were to be sent over to the church so that they might receive credit for them. I saw that Father's purposes for me in that poor, fallen denomination were coming to an end.

On my way home from church, I prayed earnestly to my Father while I was driving. "Oh, Father, Why do you require this of me?" I was asking this because the church had become so dark and Spiritless, and still I felt required to show up to their dead letter meetings. The Father said to me, "I have not required this of you. You have required it." With great relief, I did not return to that dark world, and that legal, Spiritless religion again. I left the church that believed in the form, but had no knowledge of the Spirit. The Scriptures say, "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." 2 Tim. 3:5. I turned away. This event also happened for the Apostle Paul and Martin Luther. The time came when they had to separate from those they once called brethren. They had to leave the religions they had considered the true ones, and which, indeed, had been true to God at one time.

When I had entered the paid Adventist ministry, for which I earned my degree, I found myself again, in a secure well paid profession. I was given educational allowances, medical benefits, and a steady income. From the world's point of view, one could not expect much better. One's hours were pretty much up to the minister, as to how much he would work, and when. I have known ministers who didn't work at all, except that on Sabbath, they would show up to listen to a guest speaker. The rest of the time they were building houses, dealing in commodities, or some other personal project. It was not a hard course to follow. I had one problem, I was working within a church that worked against God, and I continually found myself in deep distress over the spiritual declension I saw everywhere. After working 12 years, I was called to leave it all behind. When I left my post, I asked the conference that employed me for my severance pay that I had earned, to help me get my current life adjusted again. They told me they would not give me what I had earned. They told me that if I had molested children or slept with the organist, they would have given me my severance pay, but since I was a good and faithful worker, they would give me nothing. In my mind, this was par for the course and the nature of Babylon. I did not complain, but went on my way.

Father required me to gain all of the benefits of the world and apostate religion, and then He required me to give them all away and be left with nothing. I could keep nothing of the world, and I was bound to follow my Father's instructions anyway. While I suffered much, in not understanding these things at the time, it was much more of a mental agony to think of staying in such a polluted atmosphere as I had been in. I would have rather sat on a rock naked, than to play the false game of modern "religious" men.

Now, on this side of the giving over, I have counted what following Father's voice has cost me, and I am content. I have forsaken all, so that others might also forsake all. I have received my Father's word to My heart at any expense to myself, so that others might receive my Father's word at any expense to themselves. Yes, I got to keep nothing of the world, but neither do I now have to lift the kinds of burdens the world lifts. I care not for financial depressions or recessions, I care not for war, I care not for taxes. I do not need a worldly education and I do not need to compete in the world of selfishness. I fly high and free in the clouds of my Father's heaven.

I have considered my work, and the calling to which I have been called. I have considered the totality of my life and its roots and branches. My preparation for my Anointing has been long in the making. I have had to be prepared and trained for it over many years. It was not given merely at the whim of myself or My Father. I have suffered for man, and on his account, and for his benefit. I do not call men to anything that I have not thoroughly experienced. I have watched men who have heard the announcement of My coming, count the cost of receiving Me. For most men it is too much to pay. If their wife, husband, friend or pastor will not follow, they do not follow themselves. If they must give up a favorite job, they will not follow the voice speaking to them.

I cannot fully explain the great and severe agony I experienced, having to wade through the cold and darkness, my feet covered with mud from the journey which was long. My soul continually cried out to God, as to why He had placed me in such difficult and spiritually offensive circumstances. I complained to the Father that the university, calling itself by His name, should have been six feet under, and left as bare dirt, so that some useful weeds could grow there. But it did not go six feet under and I had to bear my burdens alone.

I will not go into all of the details except to say, I had to finally give up my family, for they were not interested in my way. My only son, the son of my right hand, alone, came with me at last. The others went their own way. I had to give up my job, family and a host of friends and relatives, who always regarded me as extreme, in that I wanted only to follow my Father's commandments and always do what He said to me. These "Christian" relatives could not understand such a devotion. They had wished I could have been more "normal."

After a torturous 5 years of college, working night and day, with little rest, and having earned my Master's degree, the Father had me give it all up as though I had never gone to earn it. After thousands of hours of arduous study, and thousands of dollars, I was now required to let it all go and keep none of it. What I had learned in my studies, was what Christianity was NOT, but I had not learned one word as to what Christianity WAS; not one, for in the university I had attended, they knew nothing at all of my Father, so how could they teach about Him? The only things they could teach were the haunting doubts that went through their own souls. They could only praise the world of their own making and hope that someday, when they died, they would go to heaven, a heaven that was never promised. Instead of the power of the Holy Spirit motivating them, I saw the many avenues of self-praise. When a church dies, the message is no longer the righteousness of Christ, but how nice they are and how many good deeds they do. Their publications point to themselves, instead of the Christ Who is appearing. They count their numbers and use those numbers to prove that God is leading them.

Martin Luther was benefited by his time in the Roman Catholic church. He saw how men had dominated the Spirit in religion. It was necessary for me to see the same things he saw. Father educates His servants in various ways, and sometimes His servants must be left in hell for a time to wash it all from them. Purgatory is real. It is where believers have to spend their time to get hell out of them. I was purged in Purgatory from the elements of vain religion. I had to drink of the bitter waters, and eat my food with bitter herbs, until I was cleansed from all of the deceptions that I was being prepared to speak against.

Adventists publish a book entitled, "The Great Controversy," which deals largely with the Roman Catholic deception and persecution of the ages. The Adventists do not see that they have become a child of the very system they say they do not believe in. The religions of the world are merely human religions. They have differing forms, but they are identical in spirit. Humans are led to follow human reason, and they call that human reason, "God." Human laws are followed and human traditions. They believe in their "true church," or in their "true doctrines," but they know not the Spirit and power of God. This humanism is a deception. It is the very doctrine of the President of the country, when he appeals to his war on terrorists. He uses only human reasoning, and all the world follows after this beast, including the religions that profess to be following God. They all receive the mark of the beast by following it. They receive the mark in their forehead, (the mind), or in their hand, (personal labors- taxes), or they take the number of his name (they are identified with his name - "I am an American, I support the President.")

Martin Luther was trained in Catholicism, and when he separated from that company, a movement formed bearing his name. Now I found myself in a similar situation. What should the believers be called? I didn't want to name the company of believers after me. As I lay on my bed at this time, considering what the name of the church should be, my Father spoke these words to me, "This is the name wherewith she shall be called..." I jumped from my bed and went to the Scriptures. I opened to Jeremiah 33:16. There I read, "In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, The Lord our righteousness." That was the beginning of the congregation whose message was that God is their righteousness and it is not their own righteousness that they have. This congregation was destined by the Father to reveal His own Self in them. So many religions trust in their true church, but this congregation was appointed to trust in God, be in God, and reveal God. The soul who believes, will be married to God.


Chapter 11, page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16


Two Witnesses index page