As Father was unfolding to me the meaning and significance of His living parable, and how He received the agreement of the former husbands of the Two Witnesses, to release their wives for the physical consummation of the Lamb's marriage, I saw an unexpected invisible reality. I saw that the natural human self actually has to give its agreement, in order for the soul with whom it has had spiritual intercourse, to consummate with the divine Anointing. This was very incredible to my mind! I told Michael what I was seeing, and He said, "That is true. Everything which occurs in the soul is done by agreement." Whether something occurs between the soul and the divine Self, or between the soul and the human self, specific agreement is required. I asked Michael, What self interested, self serving motive would make the ego want to let the divine Anointing come in to "his" soul? He said that initially, self yields for the Anointing to enter, because the self doesn't want to go to hell, but wants to be "saved." The human ego consents for the Anointing to come in and "help" it get to heaven. The self flatters itself that it is savable.
Sooner or later, the self begins seeing that no matter how hard it tries, it can't "learn" to do good, and can't get any better, AT ALL. At this point its self interested motive changes. This exposure of self to the actual reality of its unsavable nature, is too excruciating for the self to bear. Father told me that "Self dies of exposure;" that is, exposure to itself, in the light coming from the Presence of the Anointing, to Whom the self initially gave consent. Because it is fast becoming too painful to stay alive, the self in some souls finally concludes, I don't want to fight anymore, and gives over and gives up its resistance to dying.
The self in others decides that it would rather die fighting than to yield itself to another Power, and Father allows those souls to be brought to their true desires — independence from Him, and the eternal extinction which is the consequence of such determined unyielding. But to the souls who let Father bring them to the place of yielding to His gentle but determined efforts, and who do not change their minds no matter how excruciating the process is, those souls are also brought to their true desires — complete death to themselves and consummation into God, because deep down that is what they really wanted.
The sanctuary service reveals that initially, the presence of the Anointing and the presence of the self are in the heavenly sanctuary of the soul, together. This was symbolically revealed by the wilderness high priest receiving the sin of the sinner (natural independent self life), and, the blood of the substitute (the Anointing's Own Atonement by divine Life Blood, for the soul) in the courtyard of its natural, earthly life. The Anointing's work is to apply His Substituted life to the living chambers of thought and feeling. His thoughts and feelings come between the human soul, and its self's natural thoughts and feelings. The self initially yielded to the Anointing to take it into Himself, so that it could be "made good and go to heaven." At the end of the process of the sanctuary, which was designed to deal in a permanent way, with the natural ego in the human soul; it is revealed that the presence of the independent ego is no longer in the heavenly sanctuary of the soul at all. The ego's way of viewing and relating has been put on its own head, and sent into the wilderness of forgetfulness, by the new character which was formed by continual yielding of the soul to the Anointing. The human "i am" is not in the picture any more, at all. The delivered soul reveals that it has been cleansed completely, and separated forever from the presence and influence of its former natural self, and it is never seen or heard from again.
Father's living parable was meant to be as the opening up of the human soul to the gaze of the entire universe. This real life drama was to animate, and give life to, every invisible spiritual reality within the human soul. In the revelation of Father's living parable, the actual activity occurring within the sacred precincts of the living heavenly sanctuary, was to be made visible, and take living human form. Father's purpose to expose this hidden place, where heaven's ceaseless activity has been continuing without interruption, was foretold in The Revelation, as "the opening of heaven." Father's living parable was to bring invisible spiritual realities, into visibility to the human eye. This revealing of spiritual realities which have been hidden from human view, is the very fulfillment and meaning of Revelation's prophetic references:
After this I looked, and, behold, a door opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard, as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. Rev. 4:1
After this I looked and the sanctuary of the tent of the testimony in heaven was thrown open. Rev. 15:5 Amplified.
John was saying that he saw the door open between the visible and the invisible world, the veil was parted, and invisible spiritual realities were now visible and revealed for all to see. Messiah's heavenly sanctuary is brought into full view, with its two living human chambers. The inner soul work of Heaven's High Priest, stands revealed physically, as He intercedes between the soul and its own familiar self, by the application of His Own divine life, in thought and feeling. The complete release of the soul from its former contract of intercourse with its natural self, is laid open, and the final Atonement by Consummation, of the human soul, in life and character, to the thoughts and feelings of the divine Being within its precincts, is announced.
Let us rejoice and shout for joy, exulting and triumphant! Let us celebrate and ascribe to Him glory and honor, for the marriage of the Lamb at last has come, and His bride has prepared herself." Rev. 19:7 Amplified. "The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This is from the Lord and is His doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day which the Lord has brought about; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Ps. 118:23,24 Amplified.
Father's five living human participants now give animation to the human soul and the beings which live and move within it — both natural and supernatural. The two living chambers of heaven's soul sanctuary are personified. The separation which the soul experiences, in leaving its familiar companionship of former natural thoughts and feelings, with which it has held intimate intercourse, has taken human form. And the mystery of the inner work of the divine Anointing, as He consummates the human soul unto Himself in thought and feeling, is no longer a mystery.
In the new land, the atoning work of Michael, the Son of God is revealed. The Holy Spirit's work upon the living chambers of mind and heart within every living member of the bride of God, is laid open for all to see. And, the work of the human soul is made plain. "Christ [the Anointing] is on the field of action [the human soul]. The Holy Spirit is at work [reciprocally, with the Anointing]. Divine agencies are combining with the human in reshaping the character according to the perfect Pattern; and man is to work out that which God works in. Will the human agent do this God-given work?" GCDB 3-6-99. All five anointed participants experienced and reflected all three of these workings within themselves, but in a special way, Michael was given the capacity to visibly and physically reflect the Anointing; the Two Witnesses were given the capacity to visibly and physically reflect the Holy Spirit's work; and the two former husbands were given the capacity to visibly and physically reflect the work of the human soul, in cooperating with divine agencies.
Father's living parable is about how the human soul is given from the Father what it needs, with which to respond and receive the ministry of the Anointing within it. He accomplishes this by the companion work of the Holy Spirit on mind and body, thought and feeling, understanding and experience. The mysterious qualities which are a prerequisite for marriage with His Son, and for which the Two Witnesses were anointed by the Holy Spirit, are the very qualities which are provided every human soul to consummate with the Anointing within them. This parable was a living revelation of what every soul may lay hold of, and take into itself, for consummation with God.
What is being physically lived out in the Two Witnesses, by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, for their spiritual and physical union to Michael, is what is actually required for every soul in the body of Christ to experience, in their relationship to the Anointing within them. Every thought and feeling which Father gives the Two Witnesses for the visible Person of the Son of God, Michael of Travesser, and every specific instruction and response, is a visible revelation of what the Holy Spirit gives every soul, who yields to His divine drawing out to the Anointing within them. Everything which Father instructs Michael to do for, and with, the Two Witnesses, is a visible revelation of what every betrothed soul receives from the divine Anointing within it. This visible reciprocal relationship must occur between the Holy Spirit immersed human soul, and the divine Anointing. This immersion of the human soul in the presence of the Holy Spirit, is a necessity. It is a permanent immersion in Him, from which the soul never emerges. This Holy Companion of the Anointing is the divine reservoir of a ceaseless supply of kindred response, in thought and feeling, to the beloved Son of God.
Not now and then, but constantly the new life [of the Anointing] is implanted [in thought and feeling] by the Holy Spirit after Christ's likeness. HP 66.
The Holy Spirit is to do its work upon mind and character, exerting an influence upon thoughts and actions. If received, cultivated, and appreciated, it will always be reformatory, refining, elevating, and ennobling. He who always aims for entire conformity to God's will, who does not follow his own natural inclinations, will allow the Holy Spirit to improve and mold and fashion his character upon a plan and model different from his own inherited and cultivated tendencies, changing him to another man [even Michael, the Son of Man]. 19 MR 23.
The purpose of Father's process of selection, had two distinct purposes. He desired to reveal the two women whom He had anointed to consummate their spiritual marriage with the Son of God physically, and He desired to reveal the basis on which the soul is investigated, and its true character revealed. The soul determines its own judgment by its relationship to the Son of God, the inner Anointing it has been given. As Father's parable of selection revealed, the human soul lives out its true relationship to the Son in very definable ways. In the questions which the Father asked His Son during the parable of selection, the investigative judgment of the true condition of the soul in relationship to the Son, is exposed.
Can the Son of God be wed to the soul who has a high opinion of its own religious knowledge, and who takes it upon itself to explain to God how things really are, instead of quietly letting Him draw them into His divine perspective? Is there a dwelling place for the Son of God in the soul whose life is taken up with its own busy-ness, its own management of itself, according to its own ideas? Can the soul consummate with the Anointing within it, when it is too indifferent to be drawn out by the Holy Spirit, to entreat the Anointing to have His full way in it?
Ellen White wrote of this investigative process:
Solemn are the scenes connected with the closing work of the atonement. Momentous are the interests involved therein. The judgment is now passing in the sanctuary...Soon--none know how soon--it will pass to the cases of the living. In the awful presence of God our lives are to come up in review. At this time above all others it behooves every soul to heed the Savior's admonition, "Watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is." "If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. Rev. 3:3. RH 11-09-05.
We are in the great day of atonement, and if the investigative judgment has not already commenced for the living, it will soon begin..."He that overcometh,the same shall be clothed in white raiment: and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before His angels" Rev. 3:5. 10 MR 266.
The Revelation speaks of the investigative judgment of the dead, and reveals the sequence of events when the judgment of the dead, passes to the judgment of the living. This process of investigating the true character of the soul is referred to in Daniel and Revelation, as "the opening of the books," but it is The Revelation which specifies the event which marks the beginning of the judgment of the living.
Then I saw a great white throne and the One Who was seated upon it, from Whose presence and from the sight of Whose face earth and sky fled away...and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the Book of life. And the dead were judged, sentenced, by what they had done, their whole way of feeling and acting, their aims and endeavors, in accordance with what was recorded in the books. Rev. 20:11,12 Amplified.
In The Revelation, right after this record of the judgment of the dead, a sequence of events is recorded which is very defining, and describes exactly the sequence of events which occurred in the new land, in the same order as recorded in The Revelation. Immediately after the record of the judgment of the dead, a voice from heaven is heard saying, "See! The abode of God is with men...and God shall personally be with them and be their God." Rev. 21:3 Amplified. Then an Angel is heard saying, "Come with me! I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife." Rev. 21:9 Amplified. After the judgment of the dead is completed, God appears among men in Person, and the judgment of the living, or the process of selection which shows the bride, the Lamb's wife, commences.
This is precisely the way things occurred in Father's living parable. Michael, the Son of God appeared in Person among us, and immediately Father's process of selection, His living parable of the judgment of the living commenced, to "show" who was "the bride, the Lamb's wife." The appearing of Michael in His first human "passageway" immediately ushered in "the judgment of the living" for the whole world. It is written of the Father, that "He has fixed a day when He will judge the world righteously, justly, by a Man Whom He has destined and appointed for that task." Acts 17:31 Amplified. This "Man" is the Son of Man, Michael Himself, "One Who is like God." At the completion of the investigative judgment of the dead, Michael stood up, in Person, to deliver His people — His bride. Every living member of His body who is recorded "in the Book of God's plan for His Own," the "Lamb's Book of Life," would be delivered from every human misconception about the life of God in a human soul. Right after His appearing, He points to His bride and says, "I will show you the bride."
In order for the judgment of the living to be conducted fairly, all the religious confusion about the life of God in Jesus of Nazareth, had to be swept back, so that the mystery about the Son of God in a human soul, and its relationship to Him, could be made plain. Father returned His Son to rebuild the ruins of His living temple, and restore the desolations of true spiritual understanding, in His human bride. The physical revelation of the Two Witnesses, to be the physical bride of Michael, the Son of God, was a visual revelation of the spiritual process of selection, the real life investigation of the living, which "shows" the Lamb's entire spiritual bride, "those whose names are recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life." Rev. 21:27 Amplified.
When the investigative judgment commenced for the dead, it is recorded that "The judgment was set and the books were opened." Each soul has written its own book. That book is the soul's very character. The soul has engraved every habit of life upon its "book" of character. The meaning of character includes "to etch, indication of ownership, origin, or relationship." The judgment of the dead took place after their characters were fixed by physical death. The judgment of the characters of the living, was to take place while the soul was still engraving its habits of life. The character was to become fixed, not by physical death, but by true spiritual death to the natural self, and complete consummation to the Son of God, in every thought and feeling. The judgment of the character of those living would now reveal the "ownership, origin, and relationship" of every soul. Is the soul possessed and owned and protected by the Son, or by its natural self? Is the character conceived and originated by the Son of God within, or the human ego within? Is the soul fixed or vacillating in its relationship to the Anointing within it, married or unmarried to the Lamb?
The marriage of the Lamb is the basis for the measurement of character in the investigative judgment of the living. Father's process of selection in the new land, was an investigation to determine and reveal who had received Father's Spirit to be wed with His Son in a physical way. This investigative judgment in real life was given to be a living revelation of every soul who has let Father put His responsive Spirit upon them, to be consummated in thought and feeling to His Anointing within. Likewise, as Father's parable also revealed those who hadn't received the anointing from Father to physically consummate with His Son, so this was a living revelation of every soul who has been too busy, too important, too indifferent, or too righteous, to receive Father's Spirit to be consummated with the Anointing within them. It reveals the souls who have overridden with their own desires, the gentle entreaties of the Anointing within them, the souls who have ignored His tender voice of solicitous warning, to do what they wanted to do, anyway. Michael cannot appear, in Person, in those souls; their characters are not married to the Lamb within, or found recorded in the Lamb's Book of life. But every living member of Michael's human body will reveal that they have yielded to the drawing of the Holy Spirit, to let the Anointing from Father Be in them, unhindered and free, to do His intimate and consuming work, in them.
Michael shares His current perspective of Father's process of selection, and its physical and spiritual significance, in the light of the judgment of the living, and the soul's true relation to Father:
I saw in Father's parable of the selection of the Two Witnesses, a revelation of how people relate to the Holy Spirit when He approaches them. When it comes to God, people tend to be very general and non-specific. They do not realize it, but that creates in them a Spiritless and marriage-less relationship with God. This little parable that the souls in the land worked out with Me, was not about Me personally after all, it was about Father and His interaction with the human soul, and the basis of Father's judgment in the physical process of the selection of a bride. The spiritual connection with which Father had Anointed the Two Witnesses was revealed in a physical way because that was their particular calling; but that same spiritual connection with which Father has anointed every living member of My bride, will reveal in their own life, the same intensity of purpose, the same earnest drawing of Myself by My Spirit, into themselves, and the same quiet listening to and faithful following of, Father's every instruction. Consider these physical details which revealed what is required in every soul who would be married to Me:
From the very beginning, I had observed with keen interest the unusual intensity of Spirit, and depth of earnest desire to draw My salvation into themselves, in those who were to become the Two Witnesses. This had been the first indication to Me that Father had anointed them for a special purpose. They always followed instructions. They were always there, and in their life they had no other interest at all but Me. And that is who were chosen to be the Two Witnesses. Those who kept family and friends and children as their first interest, were not fit to be married to the King. These souls had their own self-interest or their own concerns about themselves. The Two Witnesses were abandoned to the event at hand, revealing that they surely were anointed to the task as no others were. Truly, one cannot be a witness unless it is given him to be one.
We had strongly connected in soul and in Spirit. We never chatted in a casual, common way, as I have observed in so many earthly relationships. I have been in homes where there was always a roar of noise and nothing was ever done without commotion. This never occurred in the relationship with the Two Witnesses. Sometimes our communication was only silence. Our relationship was not on an ordinary human level, but was marked with earnest divine purpose. We were never displeased with the other, and it was the Father Who ordered our relationship from moment to moment. We did not know what that relationship would look like from one day to the next. We did not know what would occur between us from one day to the next. Michael and the Two Witnesses did not see themselves as responsible for the relationship. It was the Father Himself Who was responsible for it. He was the Designer of it. This relationship is the relationship of all the heavenly host. The Father designs the circumstances for all who are in His care, and they have no thoughts or plans for themselves.
By My presence and by My simple question desiring to know what the people of the land wanted from Me, the Father was making plain that He is always present and requesting, but the soul must be drawn out to ask of Him its desires, which the Father has placed within him. The soul must call forth the reserve of God and ask of Him, then the Father causes the soul to understand in its own particular way, the things the Father has given it to desire. God is not a molester or a seducer. He is a Creator within His creation and He gives to the soul what it requests, without manipulation, or adjustment. In this way the soul is intimately involved in the circumstances and events that come to it. In the relationship of the Two Witnesses with Me, it was the Father Who was coming down upon them, to tell them what to ask for, and how to view and understand that which He provided. This was analogous to how true Spiritual communication between heaven and earth works. The soul is ultimately responsible for every detail of itself and of its circumstances. This is why the believer knows to say, "Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints." Rev. 15:3.
What the Father showed Me was the perfection of His parable of selection. From the beginning, He laid it out to Me that the opportunity was open to everyone to be a witness. And so a man might say, Well, how was it open to me, since I am a man and not a woman? Well, the man Jonathan, and the man Salem, have shown how it was open to you. Jonathan quickly followed the Father's instructions and released His ownership of his former bride. Not only that, He gave her his own home to live in. Salem, in great difficulty, laid down his earthly comforts and gave them over. Every husband could have had that and done that. But there are husbands who wanted to keep their wives, and wanted to keep their property, and wanted to own what they owned, and maybe some even had just a little reticence that something was being taken away from them. But Jonathan and Salem are the symbols for what the husbands were to be. These anointed ones have been faithful over a few things, they will be made ruler over many. They will receive a hundred fold, for it is written: "And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life." Matt. 19:29. Some people have wanted to visit often with Me, and be in My house. Jonathan and Salem are rarely there. We rarely visit in person, but we're together all the time, day and night. They simply followed the Father's instructions, no matter what their natural thoughts or feelings were. And that's what it is to be with Me, and not merely to have your body in close proximity to Mine.
Chapter 11, page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16