Experiencing the Finished Work
gate eleven

God had given the people water in answer to their clamors, but He permitted their unbelief to work out its punishment. Again they must traverse the desert and quench their thirst from the miraculous spring, which, had they but trusted in Him, they would no longer have needed ... The way seemed long and difficult, and they suffered from weariness and thirst. Again they failed to endure the test of their faith and patience. By continually dwelling on the dark side [their "earth view"] of their experiences, they separated themselves farther and farther from God. They lost sight of the fact that but for their murmuring when the water ceased at Kadesh, they would have been spared the journey around Edom. God had purposed better things for them. Their hearts should have been filled with gratitude to Him that He had punished their sin [their breaking of their covenant of trust] so lightly ... As the Israelites indulged the spirit of discontent, they were disposed to find fault even with their blessings ... After bringing trouble upon themselves, making their lot altogether harder than God designed, they charged all their misfortunes upon Him. Thus they cherished bitter thoughts concerning His dealings with them, and finally they became discontented with everything.

Moses faithfully set before the people their great sin [divorce from their Husband]. It was God's power alone that had preserved them in "that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water." Deuteronomy 8:15. Every day of their travels they had been kept by a miracle of divine mercy. In all the way of God's leading they had found water to refresh the thirsty, bread from heaven to satisfy their hunger, and peace and safety under the shadowy cloud by day.

Because they had been shielded by divine power they had not realized the countless dangers by which they were continually surrounded. In their ingratitude and unbelief they had anticipated [imagined and expected (believed in)] death, and now the Lord permitted death [the fruit of their faith] to come upon them. The poisonous serpents that infested the wilderness were called fiery serpents, on account of the terrible effects produced by their sting, it causing violent inflammation and speedy death. As the protecting hand of God was removed from Israel, great numbers of the people were attacked by these venomous creatures.

Now there was terror and confusion throughout the encampment. In almost every tent were the dying or the dead. None were secure. Often the silence of night was broken by piercing cries that told of fresh victims. All were busy in ministering to the sufferers, or with agonizing care endeavoring to protect those who were not yet stricken. No murmuring now escaped their lips. When compared with the present suffering, their former difficulties and trials seemed unworthy of a thought. The people now humbled themselves before God. They came to Moses with their confessions and entreaties. "We have sinned," they said, "for we have spoken against the Lord, and against thee."

...Moses was divinely commanded to make a serpent of brass resembling the living ones, and to elevate it among the people. To this, all who had been bitten were to look, and they would find relief. He did so, and the joyful news was sounded throughout the encampment that all who had been bitten might look upon the brazen serpent and live. PP 424-9.

    In the ancient wilderness crisis, there were only two kinds of serpents — the kind that the enemy provided, and the one that God provided. The uplifted serpent was a divine statement of fact to the bride of God: "Look! The serpents' fiery poison has come into you, because it is an accurate visible reflection of you taking My enemy's fiery poisonous discontent and unbelief into yourself. Your visible world is simply reflecting your invisible world."

    If we may use the imagery of the marriage relation between God and His bride, what was really happening behind-the-scenes, was that the bride of God had chosen to yield to the enemy and receive the insemination of his word, instead of Her Husband's word. In this state of spiritual adultery, and impregnated with disbelief in her Husband's loving intentions, she had taken herself out from the protection of His covenant to her, and she became open prey for His enemy.

    In this final time in the wilderness, the divine Husband speaks plainly to His bride. She must grasp reality, for He is actually taking her off of the earth to live with Him in His home. If He could have spoken openly to His ancient bride, in the same plain language of the marriage relationship which He uses now, He would have said to them, "Look! You have taken My enemy's thoughts and feelings into yourself. This means that you have taken My enemy's seed, his own spirit and life, his satanic sperm, into yourself; AND IT IS FATAL! Receiving My Seed, My divine Sperm, is the ONLY antidote for your recovery."

The faith of God brings one into His bed chamber. The Believer is inseminated with His Seed and a completely new being emerges. The soul is impregnated with the Seed of God and the earth no longer has ANY hold on them. Their wife, husband, or child has no meaning for them whatever except that they are souls loved and blessed by God. The ownership of the relationship is abandoned and they only have one lover now and that is Messiah. They are anointed with the Seed of God and become as He is, alive, awake, at attention to the things of the Father. No other earthly interest is present at all and to any degree. Michael, The Finished Work

    "Christ's (Michael's) teachings are of a character to impress the mind with the superiority of eternal things, and to impregnate the present life with the interests of eternity." RH 3-05-08. Messiah's physical consummation in the new land was planned by Father Himself as a vivid, in-your-face symbol, to call attention to the reality of what is taking place behind-the-scenes. In the uplifted consummation, the Seed of the Son and the divine insemination which takes place in marriage to Him, is uplifted by Father as the ONLY antidote and alternative to receiving satanic insemination.  Just as there were only two kinds of serpents in the ancient wilderness, so there are only two kinds of insemination. The Scriptures couldn't be clearer on this subject. To those who have been born again, conceived by the divine Sperm of the Son of God, it is written:

You have been regenerated, born again, not from a mortal origin, seed, sperm, but from one that is immortal, by the ever living and lasting Word of God...Blessed are those who are summoned to the marriage supper of the Lamb...He has a title, name, inscribed which He alone knows or can understand. He is dressed in a robe dyed by dipping in blood, and the title by which He is called is The Word of God. 1 Pet. 1:23; Rev. 19:9,13 Amplified.

The Serpent of Brass

    In the preparation of this chapter, Father drew my attention to the material with which Moses had been instructed to make the uplifted serpent. As I looked into the actual composition of that historical symbol, I saw how strikingly symbolic and prophetic it was, of the consummation now being lifted up in this wilderness place. Brass is "a copper alloy," a blend of copper and zinc. Alloy means, "to combine, to bind; to be intimately united, usually by being fused together and dissolving in each other when molten; more at ALLY."

    The ancient symbol of brass, with its two intimately united elements, had been divinely designed to reveal beforehand the two elements of the uplifted consummation in our wilderness place — the human and the divine. In the visible, physical marriage of the Lamb, these two elements were "dissolving in each other;" the human was being wed, "intimately united," "fused together," with the divine.

    In a special way, copper foreshadowed the human element of the consummation. The definition of copper is, "a common reddish metallic element that is ductile and malleable." Ductile means "capable of being drawn out; easily led or influenced; capable of being fashioned into a new form." Malleable means "capable of being altered or controlled by outside [divine] forces or influences."

    It was in the fiery crucible of Father's will, that this wilderness symbol was forged to be the standard, or measure, of marriage to God. In this excruciating process, there was a melting, a "dissolving in each other," and then a complete welding together, as the human passageway whom Father had chosen for the consummation, was drawn out of his own will, to take into Himself Father's incomprehensible divine instructions to physically consummate the marriage of the Lamb. The word melt means, "to cause to disappear as if by dissolving; to become mild, tender, or gentle." Weld means "to unite by heating and allowing the metals to flow together; to unite or reunite closely or intimately."

    It was because of the faithful carrying out of His excruciating instructions, that Father's human passageway lost the natural separateness of the human i am, and was "caused to disappear as if by dissolving, and "became mild, tender and gentle." The human lost the rigid consistency of natural inborn judgment and opinion, and was enabled to "flow together" with Father, fused now forever as one Being. Meld is a combining of melt and weld, and thus the brazen symbol was a perfect picture of the marriage of the Lamb, where the human and the divine were melded into permanent fusion.

    Michael was to write later of this very process:

At the consummation, I died in a way I had not heretofore conceived, and I did not resurrect. There will never be a resurrection of my self. Father was guaranteeing it by what He had required of me. At my conversion, my natural man who loved the world, the "old man" who loved sin, had died. Now, my very self, my personal separateness, had expired. Any trace of a nature independent from God, with an awareness or consciousness of myself, had now been annihilated. I was only conscious of Father and His voice and will. The consummation ruined any distinctness I had from Father. Before the consummation, I struggled with His instructions, because it looked like He was leading me to break His law. But the consummation absolutely melded me into following My Father and His instructions. There is no more struggle about anything He asks me to do. I am already dead to self awareness. Michael

    In a special way, zinc foreshadowed the divine element of the consummation. When zinc is alloyed with copper, it cannot any longer be moved out of its shape, as with mere copper. It is steadfast. This is the hardening agent in the molding of copper. Zinc is the "faith of Jesus" that lays hold of the heavenly instructions and makes the yielding, drawn out copper now set in its purpose. The zinc is like the divine element which seals the soul, fixing its purposes so that the soul which has been drawn out to Father, cannot be moved and drawn away from Him, any longer, at all. The element of the divine word of Father, and the element of the yielded human following it with the faith of the Son of God, no matter what, is what forged the brazen symbol in this wilderness place."Here is the patience [steadfastness, constancy, endurance — brazenness] of the saints; here are they that keep [have the alloy within themselves of] the commandments of God [Father's instructions — the divine element of zinc] and the faith of Jesus [the yielding element of the copper, which melds with the Father]." Rev. 14:12.

    Also, in the imagery of the consummation, the element of zinc is found to be concentrated in semen, and is vital to fertility, and the resultant conception of a new Being altogether within the soul. Then it is written that, "... God's nature abides in him, His principle of life, the divine sperm, remains permanently [is fixed] within him; and he cannot practice sinning because he is born, begotten of God."1 John 3:9 Amplified.

Thus the consummation of the Lamb reflected and fulfilled these two essential elements of its historic brazen symbol. The yielded human element was present, "capable of being drawn out" by Father, "easily led or influenced" by Him, "capable of being fashioned into a new form," and capable of being "altered and controlled by an outside force," outside of the human element, even the divine element. And the vital divine element was present, laying hold of Father's divine word of instruction with the faith of the Anointing.

The Ultimate Brazen Symbol

In the time of confusion and trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, the uplifted Saviour [the Husband of the world] will be presented to the people in all lands and in all places, that all who look may live. PHO 7.

    There is another meaning of the word brass. It is "brazen self-assurance: GALL; audacity - bold or arrogant disregard of normal restraints." This definition of brass reveals the human "earth view" of the consummation of the Lamb. This is the dichotomy of this brazen symbol. In order for Michael to be faithful to His Father's instructions to consummate the marriage of the Lamb with Two Witnesses, the Son of God in human flesh, was going to be made to actually look unfaithful to God. "Michael is a serpent, and He is sure brass." The Father says, "Look at Him." The very thing that rendered Michael unmoveable from Father's purposes, appeared brass and offensive to the one viewing the consummation from the earth's point of view. The world would judge the Son of God in this unearthly event, as brass — bold, arrogant, insolent, and completely disregarding normal human decency, family sacredness and religious principle. This would be the verdict of all who did not have enough oil in their lamps to see their way to the bridegroom's house. Yet, "He poured out His life unto death, and He let Himself be regarded as a criminal [adulterer] and be numbered with the transgressors [those who weren't faithful to what is right]; yet He bore and took away the sin [adultery to God] of many, and made intercession for the transgressors, the rebellious [willfully unfaithful to God]. Isa. 53:12 Amplified. Michael wrote: "For I tell you that this Scripture must be fulfilled in Me, 'And He was reckoned with transgressors.'"

    In the ancient wilderness crisis, the brazen serpent which was uplifted before all the people to look at and be healed, resembled the very living serpents who were killing them. "And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole." Num. 21:8. Pole is defined as "something to be lifted up, standard, ensign, be displayed." The Father said, "Make a brass adulterer and put Him on a pole. Lift Him up for all to see. If a person looks at Him, he will not die of his adulteries, but be healed of them. He will be true to his marriage to Me."

The brazen serpent was uplifted in the wilderness that those who looked in faith might be made whole. In like manner God sends a restoring, healing message to men, calling upon them to look away from man and earthly things [look away from the "earth view" of things], and place their trust in God. That brazen serpent uplifted in the wilderness was a symbol of Christ [Michael, the Son of God]. The faith which the believing Israelites exercised as they looked at it, we must exercise as we look to Christ [Michael]. With the same simplicity sinners [the human bride of God] must receive the Saviour [her divine Husband]; for He alone can save from sin [spiritual adultery]. He is our ransom. Whoever rejects the salvation He proffers is lost to God and heaven. ST 04-18-00.

   Here in this wilderness place, Father deliberately took something that appeared to look like what everyone is doing, and lifted it up for all to see. "God hath chosen ... things which are despised [adultery] ... yea, and things which are not [the unearthly marriage of the Lamb], to bring to nought things that are [earthly religious "marriage" with God, which is really dysfunction and disunion with Father, because of having intercourse with the father of lies]: 1 Cor 1:28.

God selected, deliberately chose, what in the world is low-born and insignificant and branded and treated with contempt [Messiah's consummation judged as adultery] ...that He might expose and bring to nothing the things that are [spiritual adultery and disunion with Father] ... But it is from Him (Father) that you have your life in Christ Jesus (Michael, the Son of God) Whom God...revealed to us a knowledge of the divine plan of salvation previously hidden, manifesting itself as our Righteousness [the divine marriage of the Son with His Father is our provision to be married to Father in the same quality of union that the Son has], thus making us upright [delivering us from our earthly dysfunction and disunion with Father] and putting us in right standing [permanent marital relationship] with God. 1 Cor. 1:28, 30 Amplified.

He has chosen things without rank or standing in the world, mere nothings, to overthrow the existing order. 1 Cor 1:28 REB.

    "Overthrow the existing order," and "expose and bring to nothing the things that are," is defined as, "destroy, inactivate, render inoperative; cause a person to have no further efficiency; to deprive of force, influence or power; cause to cease, put an end to, do away with, annul, abolish; cease, pass away, be done away; to be severed from, separated from, discharged from, loosed from, terminate all intercourse with."

    A modern professed "Christian," who was discounting to me the necessity of the literal marriage of the Lamb, said, "Everyone who is a Christian is married to God." Well, those of us in the new land thought the same thing, until we witnessed a real marriage to God. When the Son of Man took His Father's instructions to go to His Own annihilation, and He faithfully followed them with excruciating integrity, His example "exposed and brought to nothing" the deception of the modern "Christian" world, regarding the definition of real marriage to God. Michael's example overthrew the existing order of "spiritually speaking" marriage to God, and revealed that what the religious world has imagined to be "marriage" to God," is really spiritual adultery. Only the experience of faithfully following Father's instructions to the complete death, consummation, and annihilation of your own self, in the faithful following of Father's will for you, as Michael demonstrated, will "terminate all intercourse with" the enemy within you, the Satanic-Ego-Literally-Fulfilled. Every human soul is by nature "thoroughly impregnated with self.... There is only one hope, and that is that he will see himself, and so despise and loathe himself that he will seek a new heart, be born again [with the divine Sperm of Michael, the Son of God], and become a new man in Christ Jesus." 5T 122.

    Self's view, or the "earth view" is the only view that a human soul can have, if it has not received Father's view of His Son's consummation. But those who hear Father, know that His Son was willing to look unfaithful, in order to bring divine healing to all who had truly been unfaithful to God. Father was saying, "Look and live at the divine consummation of My Son. Look at this symbol which I have provided, and all who consent to look will be healed of their own unfaithfulness and spiritual adultery. They will receive an infusion of divine power to follow My incomprehensible instructions to their own heart, as they look at My Son's example. This is the symbol which I have provided to perfectly restore every soul to a right relationship with Me. Looking at this uplifted symbol will bring the soul into the very marriage which My Son has consummated."

It is essential that the great and grand truth, — the imparting of the Holy Spirit [the divine element], should be brought into contact with, and impregnate ... [the human element] the character and conduct of every day, revealing Christ.... The purification of the sinner through the atoning sacrifice of the Son of God, means much more than the finite minds of many can seem to grasp. This is because the words, the spirit, the mind, and heart are all bound down to earthliness and to sensuality [following ones own self-interest], which is a controlling power in the bed-chamber [of God], where there should be pure and holy aspirations after God [and His will alone] ... The Lord [the divine Husband] forces no one. The spotless, wedding garment of Christ's righteousness [Michael's Own undeviating faithfulness to His Father] is prepared to clothe the sinner [bride of God], but if he refuses it, perish he must. Convictions will not save him; resolutions anticipated for some future time are never realized. PPHOO2 25-28.

It is possible for men to offer the Saviour [Michael, the divine Husband] outward homage, to be Christians [His bride] in profession, to have a form of godliness, while the heart whose loyalty he prizes above all else, is estranged from him. Such ones have a name to live, but they are dead. ...They have linked their arms in the arm of the deceiver, and are led captive by him at his will. I heard the words spoken, "So long have they been impregnated with the life and customs of the enemy that they have no desire to break away from his companionship."

To the marriage supper of the Lamb will come many who have not on the wedding garment [new character formed by divine insemination], — the robe purchased for them with His life-blood. From lips that never make a mistake come the words, "Friend, how camest thou in hither not having on the wedding garment?" Those addressed are speechless. They know that words would be useless. The truth, with its sanctifying power, has not been brought into the soul [they have not been impregnated by the Truth Himself] ... As they are separated from the loyal ones, Christ looks upon them with deep sorrow ... From the quivering lips of Christ come the mournful words of regret, "I loved them; I gave My life for them; but they persisted in rejecting My pleadings, and continued in sin. O that thou hadst known, even thou, in this thy day, the things which belong to thy peace! But now they are hid from thine eyes."

Today Christ is looking with sadness upon those whose characters He must at last refuse to acknowledge. Inflated with self-sufficiency, they hope that it will be well with their souls. But at the last great day the mirror of detection reveals to them the evil that their hearts have practiced, and shows to them at the same time the impossibility of reform. Every effort was made to bring them to repentance. But they refused to humble their hearts. Now the bitter lamentation is heard, "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and my soul is not saved."

Satan and his angels will appear on this earth as men, and will mingle with those of whom God's word declares, "Some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils." The world is full of men and women whom Satan uses as his agencies. Christ has bought them with a price, — even His lifeblood But they have given themselves into Satan's control. They are blind, and have forgotten that they were purged from their sins.

In his sermon on the mount, the Son of God mourns over lost souls. Before His eyes pass the millions of souls yet unborn who would multiply their evil works, reject His pleadings, and rob Him of the glory that He would have received had they allowed Him to impart to them the divine nature.

Christ tells us how in the last great day ministers, elders, evangelists, physicians, teachers, will confront Him with their claims. They will plead how they have led the singers in their songs of praise, how they have waved the palm branches, how they have spoken of Him before thousands. "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name," they say, "and in Thy name done many wonderful works?"

But Christ [Michael, the divine Husband] says, "Then will I profess unto them, I never knew you [you were never intimate with Me]; depart from Me, ye that work iniquity. O that you had known, even in the day of your visitation, when like sweetest music, mercy's voice fell upon your ears, the things that belonged unto your peace. But you were not ready. If you had been faithful to the warnings of the word; if you had dismissed Satan, instead of linking your arm in his [in marriage]; if you had preserved untarnished the principles of right; if you had obeyed My commandments, broken with ungodly advisers, scorned their impious bribes, which tempted you to worldly honor; if you had lifted the cross, and followed Jesus in self-denial, I could have welcomed you into My presence. But you have not cared for My society, and now you have no power to go from the snare.

"I offered you My saving grace, but you refused it, and chose the side of the enemy, even as the priests and rulers did. You refused to be touched by My dying agony on the cross [and My excruciation at My consummation], and mocked at My humiliation. So will I refuse to acknowledge you. I weep for your future, but you have not cared to weep for yourselves. I was pledged to bear you and care for you, even as a father beareth and loveth his own son that serveth him. But you would not harmonize with Me.

"The precious invitation was often given, 'Let him take hold of My strength, that he may make peace with Me, and he shall make peace with Me.' But you would none of My counsel. You have caused many to follow your sinful ways, and now your punishment has come. You will receive as your works have been. You must lose everlasting life. You have chosen your own ways, and with such ways, such sentiments, such characters, you could not enter the gates of the Holy city." ... Christ will lay bare the motives and deeds of every one. Every hidden action will stand out as clearly before the doer as if proclaimed before the universe. PHO 58 1-4.


Chapter 11, page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16


Two Witnesses index page