The appearing of Messiah, in Person, at both comings, brought consummation to the spiritual and the physical, the invisible and the visible; and, in a special way, the reappearing of Messiah brought consummation individually and collectively. We will consider these three ways in which Messianic consummation has occurred.
Spiritual (invisible reality) & Physical (reflection in the visible, of the invisible reality)
At each coming, Messiah literally and physically fulfilled both the physical parts, and the spiritual parts hidden in the physical parts of each vision given. The spiritual part of both visions, was as the divine Seeds planted within the details of the physical parts of the visions; and at both comings of Messiah, each vision received its true, visible, physical manifestation. If God's people had laid hold of the spiritual and the physical aspects of the visions which were given, they would not have been surprised either time, at the manner of His appearing, or the literal and physical fulfillment of the specific, and naturally shocking, work which the Father gave His Son to accomplish, in Person. But in general, the people of the first vision saw only the physical aspects of the vision, and the people of the second vision saw nothing, because they turned themselves into spiritualists, by interpreting everything written as "spiritually speaking," relegating all of the imagery to the theological, and unreal.
In the two comings of Messiah, both visions given beforehand, received complete physical and spiritual expression. The spiritual part of the vision received physical manifestation, and the physical part of the vision received its true spiritual reflection. Each part was a mirror image of the other part. A mirror image is "something that has its parts reversely arranged in comparison with another similar thing." In addition to the mirror imaging of the spiritual and physical, the second vision unfolded as a complete mirror image of the first vision. At Messiah's first coming, that which was spiritual in Moses' vision (details characteristic of a real human body), received physical expression in Messiah's earthly life when He came in Person (He lived in a real human body); and the part of the vision which was physical (the literal, visible temple), received spiritual expression in Messiah's life (in the invisible, two part heavenly sanctuary of His soul). The physical received its true spiritual expression, and the spiritual received its true physical reflection. At the second coming of Messiah, that which had been physically manifested at His first coming (the human body of a man), would be spiritually manifested in its ultimate expression (the invisibly-connected living body of a Woman, the church, the bride of Messiah); and that which had been spiritually manifested (the many invisible members within His physical body), would receive physical fulfillment (the many physical and visible human beings within Messiah's spiritually connected body, in whom Michael, the Son of God Himself has begun to appear). Thus again, the spiritual would receive its true physical reflection, and the physical would receive its true spiritual expression. "It is sown a natural, physical body; it is raised a supernatural, spiritual body. As surely as there is a physical body [one single human body at Messiah's first coming], there is also a spiritual body [One collective, invisibly-connected body at Messiah's second coming]. " 1 Cor. 15:44 Amplified.
Michael, the Son of God Himself, consummated the physical part of Paul's vision, by literally reappearing in a physical human body. He also consummated the spiritual part of the vision, in Person, by coming physically into the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place of the "bride of Christ," the Two Witnesses. Thus, Michael, the Son of God, fulfilled, in Person, the very Scriptures which foretold that this was indeed His Father's purpose, for Him to unify the physical and the spiritual, at His second coming. "Making known to us the mystery, secret, of His will, of His plan, of His purpose. And it is this: In accordance with His good pleasure, His merciful intention which He had previously purposed and set forth in Him, He planned for the maturity of the times and the climax of the ages to unify all things and head them up and consummate them in Christ, both things in heaven (in the invisible spiritual realm) and things on the earth (in the visible physical realm)." Eph. 1:9,10 Amplified.
Individually & Collectively
At Messiah's first coming, Michael, the Son of God, appeared, in Person, in the human flesh of one man, Jesus of Nazareth. At Messiah's return, He is appearing, in Person, in the human flesh of every human being who compose His One, spiritual, invisiblyconnected body, His human bride. The appearing of Michael, the Son of God on this earth again, in Person, began with Michael of Travesser, and it will end when Michael has appeared fully, in Person, in the last living human being He is now in, "each in his own rank and turn." 1 Cor. 15:23 Amplified.
Michael, the invisible Son of God, currently administers every aspect of His own divine life individually and collectively visibly and invisibly. Michael ministers invisibly within the soul chambers of every individual member who is a constituent part of His One living bride, spiritually entering into the Holy and Most Holy Places of each visible human being who forms His spiritual temple; and in Person, through Michael of Travesser, Michael Himself also ministers visibly within the soul chambers of His living spiritual temple, physically entering into Its Holy Place and the Most Holy Place, the Two Witnesses. Michael also administers every aspect of His own divine life to the many living members of His collective spiritual bride, through e-mail, and Internet postings, and by meetings with those present in the new land.
Collectively and individually, the Son of God has brought consummation for "things in heaven and things on the earth." Michael was instructed by Father to physically consummate the marriage of the Lamb with the Two Witnesses, to reveal the invisible but very real and felt spiritual consummation which occurs between Michael and the two witnesses in your own human soul. Individually this is experienced when the two places of one's own soul chamber, the spiritual thoughts of the mind (things in heaven), and the physical feelings of the body (things on the earth) are no longer two separate, conflicting entities, which do not harmonize. We have all previously experienced the spiritual and physical conflict of seeing and feeling the discrepancy between the words of Michael we consciously consented to believe, and the actual feelings we are experiencing in our bodies, which fly in the face of what we have chosen to believe. But Michael came again in human form, to consummate these two places of experience, into peace and complete oneness. When Michael comes into your human form, He comes into your mind with His Own thoughts, and He comes into your own body with His feelings and attitudes, and in your own person, you experience the spiritual consummation of knowing only His thoughts in your mind, and experiencing only His feelings in your body. The Holy Place of your feelings, and the Most Holy Place of your thoughts are the two parts of your soul which give witness to the intimate union which occurs between you and the divine Husband of your soul, Michael, the Son of God. When these two chambers of human experience perfectly reflect the undiminished Reality of Michael's divine Being, in your very character and life, then Michael has become Personified in you, and three have become One, indeed.
This final appearing of Messiah that has come to the earth, is the final make-up of the heavenly family. God has a bride and she is married to Him, as two water drops marry when they come together. One looking on can no longer discern the two drops. They become one in every way. This is what the consummation has revealed. The bride of Christ is not broken up into millions of little parts. She is not even broken up into 144,000 little parts. She is One, and she is One with God. They are married, and wherever the Lamb goes, she goes also. She naturally flows, and her response to the Lamb of God is not one of trying really hard to do what He says. She does it as naturally as the wind blows, for it is her very nature. She has received Father's nature as her own. There is no difference now. She is Michael, "One Who is like God. Michael
Before the Son of God became incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth at His first coming as Messiah, He appeared to His people all throughout the Old Testament dispensation as "the Angel of the Lord," "the Angel of God," "the Angel of His Presence," and "the Angel of the covenant." The book of Daniel is the first Biblical record of the Son of God intervening in human affairs by the name of Michael, though that was a very familiar name for the Son of God in the heavenly courts. Daniel prophesies that at the very end of the world, the Son of God will "stand up," and "arise," as Michael. "And at that time of the end, Michael shall arise, the great angelic prince who defends and has charge of your people.And there shall be a time of trouble, straitness, and distress such as never was since there was a nation till that time. But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone whose name shall be found written in the Book of God's plan for His own." Dan. 12:1 Amplified.
Just prior to giving this prophecy, Daniel had been through a personal experience that gave him an intimate understanding of the nature and character of Michael's "standing up" for His people, at the time of the end. Daniel's attention had been drawn to the prophetic words of God stating that it was time for God's captive people to be released from their captivity and return home. He had also been constrained to intercede in their behalf, importuning that divine intervention to be given for the fulfilling of the conditions required to bring this to pass. The appearances hadn't looked promising, at all, for this to occur, and for three weeks Daniel had fasted and importuned. Then, at the end of that time, Gabriel had appeared to him and told him what had been happening behind-the-scenes, during the entire time of his importuning.
The man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation...Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia. Dan. 10:12,13.
Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days...I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince. Dan. 10:14,21.
And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. Dan. 12:1.
As a result of Michael's direct intervention, the prince of Persia was freed from the satanic hindrances which he had been feeling so strongly. He was divinely enabled to act on the unction that had come to his heart to release God's people, and he decreed that they could return to their own land. The Son of God Himself had been sent to remove the hindrance which was in the way of God's will being accomplished for His people. He had not been sent to accomplish this as "the Angel of the covenant," or "the Angel of the Presence," but in the specific station and character of "Michael." A station is "the place or position in which someone stands, or is assigned to stand or remain." The Son of God was sent as Michael, because He was assigned to stand in His place, and remain there until the thing was accomplished for which He had been sent. His "standing" and "remaining" would assure it. The character, or "distinctive quality" of the Son of God coming as "Michael" is seen herein: This will occur. I will remain here until it does, and it will occur.
There is another Scripture reference to the Son of God being sent on to this earth, in the specific station and character of Michael which occurred during the time of the Old Testament dispensation. Jude speaks of when the Son of God was sent to raise Moses from his grave, as Michael, the Archangel. Because of Moses' sin, his resurrection was being challenged by the adversary, who was standing guard over his grave, in an attempt to keep God's purposes from occurring; but in the specific station and character of Michael, the Son of God would "stand" for Moses. "Christ resurrected Moses and took him to heaven. This enraged Satan, and he accused the Son of God of invading his dominion..."Yet Michael* the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee." RH 3-03-74. *"'Michael' is the name applied to God's son before he left heaven to become Jesus Christ, and also after his return to heaven." Treasure of Scripture Knowledge 1597. Another distinctive quality of Michael's character is seen here. His "standing" had no self-importance or self forcefulness in it, whatever. He had come to speak the word of life to Moses from His Father, and He referred His adversary to His Father, The Lord rebuke you (turn you back, keep you down). And He did.
In these two incidents from the Old Testament, when the Son of God was sent by heaven in the station and character of Michael, His work was conducted in a manner not visible to the world. In the case of Moses, He came privately to "stand" in the crisis of an individual, and with the children of Israel, He had came invisibly to "stand" in the crisis of His people. But at the same time that Gabriel tells Daniel what just occurred behind-the-scenes with Michael, he says that he had also come to make Daniel understand what would befall God's people in the latter days. He said that at the end of time, when the conflict between the powers of light and the powers of darkness would have come to their final crisis, Michael, the Son of God would come to "stand up for the children of thy people" in a different way. Stand up is literally defined as, "to stand, remain, endure, take one's stand, be in a standing attitude, stand forth, present oneself, attend upon, be or become servant of, to stand still, stop (moving or doing), cease; make a stand, hold one's ground; to arise, appear, come on the scene, stand forth, to stand with, be appointed, to station, to cause to stand firm, maintain."
The Son of God would be sent when it was time for the crisis to be brought to its completion, and the special divine intervention of Michael was required. "At that time there will appear Michael." Dan. 12:1 REB. The Son of God would "appear" as Michael. Christ would come now, not only in the station and character of Michael, but in the office of Michael, as well. "Appear" means, "the act of becoming visible to the eye; the act of coming into sight; the thing seen; a phenomenon: the exhibition of character, the introduction of a person to the public in a particular character." Gabriel said that the Son of God would appear "to the public in a particular character;" He would appear in the character of "Michael the Archangel," "the great angelic prince who defends and has charge" of God's people." For the first time in the history of this world, the Son of God would now "appear" in the office of Michael. An office is "the special duty, charge, or position conferred by an exercise of governmental authority and for a public purpose." In the case of the Son of God, "the exercise of governmental authority," would be the Government of Heaven. Both the office and the station of Michael, "the special duty, or charge, or position" are described in Dan. 12:1. The office of Michael is: "the great angelic prince who defends and has charge" of God's people; and the station to which the Government of Heaven assigned Michael, would be to "stand and remain" until God's people "shall be delivered, everyone whose name shall be found written in the Book of God's plan for His own."
In The Revelations, which is the "unveiling of the divine mysteries...which must shortly and speedily come to pass in their entirety...predictions relating to Christ's kingdom and its speedy triumph," the unveiling of Daniel 12 is revealed in Revelation 12. The results of Michael's "standing up" and "appearing" for the deliverance of His people is graphically portrayed:
And there was war in heaven [in the realm of spiritual realities]: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels. And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ (the power of His Michael is come): Rev. 12:7.
After we had left our ranch in the north, and right before Father brought us into the new land, He said to me, "Now will I arise, says the Lord. Now will I lift up Myself; now will I be exalted." Isa. 33:10 Amplified. At the time, I didn't connect it with the prophetic word, "And at that time of the end, Michael shall arise," but that is exactly what He was portending to me.
Now will I arise, (become powerful, come on the scene) says the Lord, because the poor are oppressed, because of the groans of the needy; I will set him in safety and in the salvation for which he pants. The words and promises of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in an earthen furnace, purified seven times over. Ps. 12:5,6 Amplified.
You will arise (become powerful, come on the scene) and have mercy and loving-kindness for Zion, for it is time to have pity and compassion for her; yes, the set time has come, the moment designated...When the Lord builds up Zion, He will appear in His glory. Ps. 102:13,16 Amplified.
Michael, the Son of God, has appeared in His glory. His office and station as Michael was disguised at His first coming to the earth in Person. He took the name Jesus, and ministered the salvation of Jehovah in the human body of the Man of Nazareth. But at His return, "this same Jesus" has now appeared, undisguised.
If one desires to know how Father views the events at the end of all things, he may read The Revelation. Divine visions reveal the way that God sees the events which are presently occurring. In the days when Joshua and Zerubbabel led the people of God on their difficult journey back from their captivity to rebuild the ruins of Jerusalem, anyone looking on would have only seen two dusty travelers leading a group of travel-worn exiles on a long journey to a hopeless looking pile of ruins. But God saw the current spiritual realities, behind the guise of human appearance. In several divine revelations, He gave the prophet Zechariah His vision of what was occurring, giving us to see through His eyes. What God saw was "two anointed sons of oil standing before the Lord of the whole earth as His anointed instruments." He saw oil flowing, He saw seven living candlesticks receiving the oil from the two sons of oil and illuminating "the all-embracing providences of God" for his people. He saw the "finishing gable" of a true, living temple being brought forth with "loud shoutings of the people, crying, Grace, grace to it!"
Chapter 11, page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16