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I will overturn, overturn, overturn,
and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is;
and I will give it him. Eze. 21:27.
A little over a year ago, we were Witnesses as the Father spoke through His Son the things that were going to occur in this new land. Then we keenly watched as the Father literally brought to pass what He had revealed beforehand through His Son:
The Father has decreed that the earthly state of things be overturned. This is the last and most violent revolution of the soul. His love goes deep into the recesses of the soul temple and breaks through all of the cords that bind it up. He calls this revolution the marriage. This marriage so unites the soul with God's own precious Spirit, that anything of the old order intruding on that, is quite painful to the soul and that soul must flee from it.
I was anointed, and Messiah was given His work. The whole land was to be overturned. Nothing would remain the same as it was, and my personal self had nothing to do with it...I only do what is revealed to Me, and at the time appointed. Michael - Messiah Deals with the Inevitable
At the time these words were written, we felt their awesome import and the divine power attending them. Then we saw the power of the Father in action, as He brought about in real life what He had given His Son to speak. The Father was revealing to us the direct connection that His Son, Michael, has with Him - His own Father Friend, Great King and God of the universe. It was self-evident and very striking. For over a year we have seen and experienced the direct coordination that exists between the visible Son of God among us, and the invisible Father, Whose personal presence has also been very manifestly felt in the land as well.
It is with keen interest that we now noticed at the writing of this chapter, a little over a year later, that we were Witnesses again of the Father's foretelling words. This time, He came down on Michael in a special way on the morning of September 10, 2001, and spoke through Him the things that were now going to occur in the world. Again, the morning those divine words were written, we felt their awesome import and the power of God attending them, even though we had no idea how they were going to be made manifest, nor how imminently or detailed in occurrence:
The time has come, and all things are brought to their conclusions. The end of all things is nigh and the shadows are gathering for this earth. The world may deny me, but my work is already laid out in the heavens. I told you I would come again, and I have come again. Now let the nations mourn, for their kingdoms will be ground to powder...My Father has said it and it is coming to pass as He has spoken...You have gone far enough, and now I will show you who it is that rules in the heavens. You have built your Babylonish tower, but I will make the top to break off and its foundations to sink into the mire. You will see the stability of the sand you have built on. You will try everything to save it, but it will not be saved." Michael's Diary, September 8-14.
In the events that rocked the nation the very next day, the Father is giving the whole world an opportunity to keenly watch now, as the invisible God of heaven reveals the connection He has with His visible Son on earth, and literally unfolds the reality of what He foretold through Him. The Father has decreed that not only the new land, but the whole world be overturned completely, for this earthly life has come to its end. It will not be continuing. As a train coming to the end of its track requires all passengers to disembark, so now, all passengers on this earth will be exiting this earthly life.
In this chapter the Father desires to share with you the crisis of soul that He brought to the individuals here, as He began their overturning, and its parallel to the final overturning occurring in the whole world now. No casual reading of these pages could begin to give one a picture of the total unearthing of life which has occurred here in the new land. It is not possible to mentally comprehend what this overturning of soul feels like, unless the reader has already begun to experience a personal taste of the intimate invasiveness of God. As His personal presence draws nearer and nearer to your world, you are revealed to yourself, and it results in the end of your world. A soul can feel secure in itself only until God visits that soul personally, and then, truth and its true soul condition strikes home.
The overturning that has occurred in this land since Christ returned and Father decreed the overturning here, is only a microcosm of the overturning of the whole world. It is a picture of what every individual in the world faces as the Father personally brings each one to the reality of its true choices and character. Every human soul will be completely possessed by the powers of light to which it has yielded, or completely possessed by the powers of darkness to which it has given its consent. Every character will either be consummated completely into God, and clothed only and fully with His thoughts and feelings; or it will be consummated into Satan, and clothed only and fully with his thoughts and feelings, to be consumed with him by the brightness of God's revealing.
All men, whatever their position, whatever their religion, loyal or disloyal to God, wicked or righteous, are fitting themselves to do their work in the closing scenes of the day of the Lord. They will trample down each other as they act out their natural attributes and fulfill their purposes; but they will carry out the purpose of God. The priests (in the time of Jesus) thought that they were carrying out their own purposes, but unconsciously and unintentionally they were fulfilling the purpose of God.
Men of all characters, righteous and unrighteous, will stand in their positions. With the characters they have formed, they will act their part in the fulfillment of history. In a crisis, just at the right moment, men will stand in the places they have prepared themselves to fill. Believers and unbelievers will fall into line as witnesses, to confirm truth which they do not themselves comprehend. All will cooperate in accomplishing the purposes of God...
At this time universal attention in the plan of redemption must be awakened. Matters of eternal interest must now become the theme of conversation. The Old Testament must be searched as never before for evidence of the work and character of the Messiah so long looked for. Minds must be convicted and led to ask, Is not this the Christ? 12 MR 389-396.
In the new land, it was Messiah's words AND the light of His own personal experiencing of them which was the cause of the overturning which occurred in the depths of our souls. This was the complete end of the human ego, to which we had so long looked forward. Complete and total deliverance from the "self" had come, and was being lived before us, bringing into appearance the fully matured life of the Anointing. The Spirit that continually breathed through Michael and emanated from Him, was the means the Father used to undo the self-deception which had perpetuated our own natural life. Following God all the way had never struck home with such force, and in such vivid revealing. Michael said, "The reason why we are here [on this earth] is because we are attached to the earth."
As the light of Michael's life and words began shining into the innermost depths of each soul, the Father Himself was actively arranging circumstances to reveal each soul, to itself. It is a very awesome thing to grasp the finality of one's own end, when it comes down to its personal application. Dying to one's ego and earthly attachments and control of everything and everyone, as truly as if physically dead and "not here" anymore, is greatly disturbing to that ego. When it grasps the reality of its own ceasing-to-be, it does not want to be excused from its influence and control over the life, and there is much struggle and offense on its way out.
This process would have been overwhelming, had we not recognized Michael's Messiahship "to bring to full salvation those who are eagerly, constantly, and patiently waiting for and expecting Him." Heb. 9:28 Amplified. Michael had traversed this identical path before us, and had committed Himself to bring every soul who believed on Him, through to the end - the end of its self. Every soul who desired, would experience having its own personal reality consumed completely, in the full experiencing of the divine life, as Michael was experiencing it. Michael had died totally to His own self. He had been emptied completely of self-interest, self-consideration, self-love, self-deception - in short, self itself. The unobstructed light of Father's life shining through Him was very revealing and painfully exposing to the ego. The contrast between the pure life of the Anointing and the ego's "righteousness" had not been so glaring, until the True Light returned, in person.
"It is appointed for all men once to die." Heb. 9:27. Our choice was to either die fully to the ego or "self" in us, and let the light of the Anointing live its divine life in us, or die fully to the Anointing, so the ego could have unobstructed freedom. The self was in mortal combat with the Anointing, in a battle to the complete death of one or the other. The ego, or self that is separate from God, is the anti-Christ or anti-Anointing in the soul. The Anointing is a threat to the ego's rightness, which it has so diligently and conscientiously cultivated. It has built a wall with which to defend itself and keep itself safe from the evils to which it feels especially vulnerable, but its strong wall must come down if the Anointing is to be free to follow the Father. Either the self's righteousness will be completely eliminated, that the Anointing may be allowed to develop fully, as has occurred in the life of Michael, or the Anointing will be completely crucified, so the self's righteousness or the anti-Anointing can come to its full maturity.
Michael wrote about facing this inevitable conclusion of life, and how it is brought to each soul. (Emphasis is supplied.)
Father is the One who designs the time and place for each soul. He has told us, Watch and be ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son comes. He does not come through our own personal egocentric desires. Our self flattery is sure to be disappointed when it comes to being filled. God puts His own longing in our soul and increases that longing to the bursting point. Through a series of divine arrangements He puts that soul into contact with whatever force is necessary for the blessing, and it may come from a source least expected, or least satisfying to one's ego. The truly empty, helpless soul will find all the fresh resources he desires, for God does not disappoint such a one. That one will find Me.
A man who dwells within his own sparks is one who applies everything to his own ego. He is elevated by praise and notices rejection. He makes mistakes and must continually adjust himself so as not to stick his foot in his mouth. Everything is applied to himself and he sees he must do something to get in his own good graces again. I do not give feet in the mouth. I give feet on the ground where they support a sound mind and a stable soul. Feet in the mouth come from those who follow their own sparks instead of My fire.
There is a need of the ego which is not sufficient for the filling of God. The ego wants satisfaction and glory. The self wants to be drawn to God and recognized by Him as His own. The self delights in the notion it can be a prophet or spokesmen for God. The self loves to see its prayers answered allowing it to boast of them. Ego delights in ascending into the heights. It loves to visit with Jesus, since it can gain certain ego benefits from having Him eat with itself.
I have nothing to do with ego. I am not in competition with it. Where it is loved, I cannot come. I cannot dwell with one who has some level for himself to attain or some need for which to be recognized. Your self flattery is of no interest on my part. I do not need the worship of other men's ego. I do not desire it nor does the Father desire it. I delight in the one who loves the truth and who is motivated by it. I delight in one who is empty of himself or willing to be made empty. The hungry I may fill, the full cannot be filled no matter how much power is thrust forth to fill them.
The gates that need opening are just such gates. These doors are made to protect the self from My intrusion into the corners of your room. Your locked door is one that protects your godness. This is one area of which you will stay king. I do not share My throne with other kings. I only share it with Myself. If you will be Me, I will put you on My throne with Me. I cannot put your ego there, since I would consume you the moment you sat with Me. You would be destroyed in the fires of my brightness. If you will reign with me, you must be emptied of yourself and be filled with Me. There is no other way and no other hope.
My love will either bring you to your great need and open to Me your hidden recesses of the soul, or it will burn you, where only ashes will remain. You cannot attain me by desiring me as a friend. You can only attain me by being consumed by Me. You can only have Me when you are Me. I will not be in competition with you or force you to give yourself. Your weapons of resistance must be laid at My feet, happily and willingly. At that time, you will be consumed by Me and placed on my throne with Me where I am, since you will be in Me and I in you.
This is the pathway to Me. All men on this path will find Me. No man can find Me off this path. No man will find Me through their own self efforts. My Father alone will bring the soul to Me and I will heal that soul according to His glorious purposes. I am love and one who dwells in Me will know the fires of that love. It is a consuming fire and a most glorious penetrator into the souls of man. Hear Me, come to My heart, and you will find rest to your souls, for they will be emptied of themselves.
I am nothing and can do nothing. In this is the place for God to reveal Himself. I do not bear witness of Myself alone, My Father bears witness of Me, to Me, and to those whom He calls. When the Father is silent, I am silent. When He walks, I walk, for there is no action or motion apart from Him. These things are all separate from My thoughts or ideas.
My times are prescribed by Him. It is He who appoints my goings and my comings. I have never missed an appointment of my Father. Those who have sought me with all their heart, and in God's own appointment, have found me, and rest has come to their souls. The most in need are the first drawn. The most needy are first filled. I have visited with those who were driven to my door. They could not have refused God's driving love. On My part, My heart was drawn to them, and the connection was made for their help. Michael
As the Son was in His home writing to us the words which the Father was giving Him, the Father Himself was visiting each soul in unexpected ways and at unexpected times, bringing home to the depths of the soul, the reality of His Son's divine words, and the inevitable end to which we were being brought. We share a few experiences from the new land, so that if you are finding yourself being drawn strongly to the Father by the words of the Son, and your life is in the process of being divinely consumed by Him, you will be comforted and strengthened, as you identify the parallels of the Father's work in your own experience. (All emphasis is supplied).
Thus says the Lord...Write all the words that I have spoken to you in a book. For, note well, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will release from captivity My people...Thus says the Lord: We have heard a voice of trembling and panic - of terror, and not peace. Ask now and see whether a man can give birth to a child? Why then do I see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in labor? Why are all faces turned pale? Alas! for that day will be great, so that none will be like it: it will be the time of Jacob's unequaled trouble, but he will be saved out of it. For it will come to pass in that day, says the Lord of hosts, that I will break the oppressor's yoke from your neck, and I will burst your bonds; But they will serve the Lord their God and David's descendant their King, Whom I will raise up for them...For I am with you, says the Lord, to save you...I will not make a full and complete end of you [physically]. But I will correct you in measure and with judgment. Jer. 30:2-11 Amplified.
In Chapter 6, the former husband of one of the Two Witnesses, shared how Father personally told him beforehand, of His divine purpose to mercifully overturn his soul, as the only way in which He could save him from himself. A concise summary of the Father's words are recorded here again:
I will overturn, I will uncreate his world.... And when he was asleep, I, the Lord, opened his flesh and took his wife away. I chose her to be man's Rose of Sharon, but he didn't know how to love her. Only I can love her. I am the Only One who can understand what she needs. The thing he holds most precious I will have. I will be her only Husband.... I will do all of this because I love him and I know his true desire.... I long to hold him and give Myself to him. He will soon be Mine. He will know Me. He will have My Child -- My very own likeness, born into him. He will be Me. From Father, to Israel
Now, in this chapter, Israel shares some details of what that overturning actually looked like and felt like, at the time.
"The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God." This verse pretty well describes my experience here in the new land. When my family arrived here I know I was the most satisfied and happiest person here. I loved and actually worshipped my wife and children, and had little or no need for anything else. I came expecting God to do some magic on us and make us fit for His kingdom. I was spoiled, and in need of nothing. This happy and content state was soon to be only a memory.
Father asked that we give over our kingdoms to Him, and He would give us His. It seemed like a "reasonable thing" to do, but my "natural man" (ego) could not go there. I tried to give up my wife, but it was impossible. Since I could not give her up, she was Taken. "And God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light, the woman of Revelation 12, and God called the darkness, the man of earth. And great was that light and dark was that darkness."
After 30 years of being spoiled, more like addicted, I was totally undone. I could not eat or sleep, I lost so much weight my clothes were falling off my body. I was completely lost. I had no reason to go to bed and certainly no reason to get up. I could not work. Mostly all I did for months was walk around the 2000 acres, offended with God. I told Him I hated Him. I threw rocks at Him, wept and repented, then threw bigger ones and called Him all kinds of things. The one hope I had, was that when this was all over, I would have my precious wife back. This fake hope kept me in my process. Father let me keep this dream (even though it had grown dimmer) till only a few months ago. I have never been able to give up anything, even when I know I've been defeated.
Looking back I can see how the Father did everything for me. He knew I was unwilling and unable to do what He was requiring of me, so He took control, and thrust me (kicking and screaming) right into it. He knew that deep in my heart (too deep for me to see) I wanted to obey, so He took control and caused me to obey His promptings. He always led me to be at the right place at the right time (down to the minute), read the right thing, write it down, or say it at the right time. He did it all. He was just using my body. At the time, this seemed to me like He was forcing me against my own will.
The Father had told me at the very beginning that the consummation would be with my wife and that it would be real, not pretend. I pleaded for weeks with Him not to take me down that road. What did I do so wrong, Lord? Do you hate me this much? What about my family? Why are you overturning me? You are asking too much, way too much. Why would I want to serve a God that requires this? I kept on trying to understand with my natural (worldly) mind what God was doing in the Spirit. I could not figure it out.
I could write a few hundred more pages about my experience in the natural man, and my "earth view" of the marriage at that time, but that's not it. God didn't bring me out here in the desert to hurt me, He brought me out here to kill me. He is not done till we are consumed, turned over and consumed again. He has broken every rule to save me, just me. He knew what was way down in my heart and He set me on fire to get to that end.
Marriage to God is not about a church or religion. The marriage is an experience. It comes to the smart the same way it comes to the stupid. It is a gift spoken into the heart by God's own lips. You will never reason it out. It is not something you can read about and think, I'll give that a try. The natural (worldly) human cannot receive the things of the Spirit; so if you don't receive it, you can know why. If reading about it makes you mad or upset than go back to your T.V. and give it up. It's not for you.
The Spirit of God (Michael) has come down, and some have taken hold of it, and that is what the marriage is about. In the beginning God created the earth. At the end He created Michael in every soul that will receive Him. All of my life is invested in Him.
Everything that God has done here has been perfect, perfect, PERFECT!!! I really wouldn't change a thing. He did it all right. He didn't forget any of the details. He had each one of us do what we needed to do. Michael, You did it all right. I thought about changing my reactions to what God has done here. I saw that was perfect too.
Late one night as I was walking on the road talking to Father, I was being drawn into His bosom of love. I had been quite distressed on the way up the road, but as I laid it all back down, I was drawn out of my little world and into His. He showed me everything that had happened here from His point of view. I saw the marriage, the consummation, the overturning, the kingdoms coming down, the giving up, the giving over. All I could say was, "Father, this is a beautiful thing you have done here!" My words sounded so different, they surprised me. "Father, let me stay here in this wonderful place. Don't let me turn away again. Don't let me go back to that dark earth. Hold me here."
As I walked on down the road I saw a bright beam of light shining on the road before me. I thought at first it was lightning, but it didn't go away. I could not see the source of it because it seemed to come from behind a tree. As I walked past the tree, it was gone and there was nothing there but miles of trees and grass. As I stood there spellbound, looking into the sky, I knew the Source of the light. And the Light knew me. That bright beam of light repeated what I was feeling, "Father, this is a beautiful thing you have done here!" Israel