Experiencing the Finished Work
gate one gate two gate three gate four gate five gate six gate seven gate eight gate nine gate ten gate eleven gate twelve

gate 12

The Year of Favor
And It's Results

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed
and qualified me ... to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,
the year of His favor
Isa. 61:1, 2 Amplified

Introduction to the Consummation

    The unbroken intimacies of marital union, which were always meant to exist between Father and the human soul, and which were brought to light during His consummation parable, are going to unfold in Chapter 12. These intimate realities came to light only because Father Himself brought "the marriage of the Lamb" down to earth — very literally, "down to earth," in a physical union of body, soul and Spirit, between the Son of God and the Woman in the wilderness. It has been Father's studied and determined purpose to redeem His intimate union with the human soul, from the level of a nebulous, doctrinal, theological marriage with Him, to an actual, real, personal, factual experience. Marriage to God, "spiritually speaking," has really been only a religious notion held in the human imagination, a pretend marriage to God. This was where the long "believed" doctrine of "the marriage of the Lamb" had been relegated for thousands of years, until the Son of God broke through the first human being He had been veiled within, to begin revealing what real divine marriage union with God looks like and feels like. Through His Own Son's marriage, the Father set the standard for marriage to Him. It is the marriage of the Lamb. Anything less than the marriage of the Lamb in the human soul, is not marriage to Him at all.

We shall surely deceive ourselves if we think that because we hold certain Bible doctrines firmly [we are "married" to God], we actually possess the blessings which these doctrines were designed to bestow. The intellect may accept truth in its noblest form; but if this truth exerts no influence on the life and character, it is of no practical value. On the contrary, it proves a delusion if it quiets the conscience while it does not sanctify the soul. ST 5-22-84.

If marriage to God doesn't bring a soul to the same place it brought Michael — the utter consuming of Himself in the Father — then that soul's "marriage to God" isn't real. Father ordained that His Son Michael intimately reveal what a real marriage union with Him is — first to the Two Witnesses, and then, through the Two Witnesses to the entire body of Christ. The actual consummation events were a revelation of the unearthly divine union which the Lamb of God has with His Father, and which is mirrored physically in the unearthly divine union between the Lamb of God and the Two Witnesses. Father's consummation parable is a revelation of the Spirit of divine marriage. It is the same between Father and Son, and Son and bride. The Spirit of divine marriage has nothing to do with gender. This Spirit was mirrored visibly and physically in every literal event ordained by Father during the consummation. Father carefully designed to reveal the very clear and specific elements which are essential and present in the complete consummation of the human soul to Himself. And it is the thoughts of the mind and the feelings of the body which are the soul's two witnesses that this most intimate union has occurred between the human soul and God Himself.

    Every human soul was created to keenly feel Father's Own invisible but intimately felt movings. In every specific instruction which Father has given His Son in His physical, literal, divine marriage with the Two Witnesses, He has sought to bring to light the reciprocal transactions meant to exist freely between every human soul and the Father. This will be seen clearly as the details of the consummation unfold. Human marriages have never been able to accurately convey these intimate, invisible realities of divine union with God. Only a divine marriage could. This is why Father brought His Own divine marriage with His Lamb, "down to earth." Father Himself personally anointed Michael of Travesser and the Two Witnesses to make marriage to God REAL. The Son of God really does have literal, actual intercourse with the human soul. The Son of God really does come into the soul through the place of intercourse, the passageway of faith, and that soul really does receive His divine life "Seed."

    Father Himself has been conducting this actual, functioning, divine marriage, through the specific instructions He gives to His Son for the Witnesses, and to the Witnesses for His Son. Physical marriage to Michael has enabled us to keenly identify the very same spiritual realities and reciprocal processes occurring invisibly in our own souls with the Father. The Two Witnesses have been given to write of these mirror realities for the benefit of all, so that every soul can identify and experience fully the unbroken intimacies which they were created to experience, between the Father and the divine Anointing of Michael in their own Spirit-enabled soul.

    In Father's consummation parable, Michael is the revelation of the Father, and His distinct role and activity in relationship to His human soul bride. This revelation of the Father by His Son at His reappearing in humanity, was foreseen by John the Revelator on the Isle of Patmos.

To John, banished to the Isle of Patmos for his faithfulness in witnessing to Christ, there was given special light to the church. In his exile he beheld his glorified Redeemer, and saw more distinctly than ever before what was to be at the close of this earth's history. He saw the mercy, tenderness, and love of God blending with His holiness, justice, and power. He saw sinners finding a Father in Him of whom their sins had made them afraid. Mercy and truth met together; righteousness and peace kissed each other. In the place of fleeing from God because of our sins, we flee to His arms for protection and pardon. The throne, terrible to us in our unbelief, becomes in our repentance a place of refuge... [In the awesome and awful Most Holy Place of judgment and exposure is found the mercy seat, the place where consummation with God occurs spontaneously when the soul finally knows itself to be naked and totally at Father's mercy.] He beheld upon Zion "them that had gotten the victory...stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God," and singing "the song of Moses" and the Lamb. Revelation 15:2, 3. UP 100; AA 589.

    The Two Witnesses testify that during the consummation events, we received a capacity to take in the preciousness and faithfulness of our heavenly Father in a way we had never experienced Him before. This opening of our hearts and minds to the Father began when Messiah first appeared among us in the new land, but particularly during the consummation, we began to be brought into the Father's intimate vulnerability and tender abandonment to us. "No man has ever seen God at any time; the only unique Son, or the only begotten God, Who is in the bosom, in the intimate presence, of the Father, He has declared Him, He has revealed Him and brought Him out where He can be seen; He has interpreted Him and He has made Him known. John 1:18 Amplified.

    In Father's consummation parable the Two Witnesses are the visible revelation of the mind and heart of the Anointing, the Son of God, Who responds intuitively and reciprocally to the Father. The physical and mental responses of the Two Witnesses to Michael, visibly dramatize the spiritual responses of the heart and mind of the Anointing in every human soul who allows the Son unrestricted freedom within them to respond to the overtures and intimate drawings of the Father. Through the writings of the Two Witnesses, a soul is liberated to yield to the mind and heart of the Anointing within it, and lay down all of its religious self-protection which it has used to keep itself "pure" and appropriately "self controlled," but which, in reality, has kept the Father from being intimate with it. Instead of continuing to trust its safety to all of its self-created "proprieties" and religious protections, the soul is freed to abandon itself to the responsive thoughts and feelings of the Anointing within them, Who is abandoned to His Father completely and unreservedly. The religious self-kept soul cannot bear to "go there" with God, for in that intimate place of abandonment to the Son and the Father, the soul is no longer in control of its own self, but is completely yielded to Father's merciful keeping power, and the incomprehensible and humanly unpredictable movings of His Spirit.

    In the chamber of consummation, it was revealed how Father touches the human soul and makes love to it in different ways, and He desires every soul to recognize and experience the specific ways that He makes love to them, personally. The human soul is His bride, His soul-mate in human flesh, whom He causes to be drawn out of itself to intimately "feel after Him." Acts 17:27. Father makes love to His soul bride with His Own hand, as He carefully and providentially arranges circumstances for the soul which are calculated to bring it up to a climax of drawn-out desire for Him and His intimate will for it. Father also makes love to His soul bride with His Own mouth, drawing out the soul to be "with Him where He is," by His personal words to it, bringing it up to a readiness to draw into its intimate depths, the Seed of His Own faith; for it is intensity of divinely drawn out desire which connects the human soul to Him. If a soul will let itself be drawn out by the Father, and made vulnerable and naked and exposed before Him, He will bring it to the intensity of desire which gives it the capacity to draw Him fully into itself for consummation.

"This is the will of God, even your sanctification" 1 Thess. 4:3. Is it your will also? With intensity of desire, long after God; yea, pant after Him, as the hart panteth after the water brooks....God's people must have a fixed purpose. They will never be holy until they put all the energy of their being into the work of conforming to the will of God.1SAT 303.

"They shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy." With intensity of desire, with a pure, holy faith, they grasped the promise of eternal riches. Their one desire was to be like Christ..."And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred and forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads....These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the first-fruits unto God and to the Lamb. And in their mouth was found no guile; for they are without fault before the throne of God. RH 8-10-05.

    The human body has nerves which have equipped it with the capacity to feel. Not only do those nerves feel when something is occurring in the physical realm, but they also feel when something is occurring in the spiritual realm. Physical realities and spiritual realities are felt with the same nerve endings. These sensations which the body's nerve endings are feeling are then interpreted to the soul, either by the natural human mind or by the divine mind in the soul —"the mind of Christ." It has been the studied work of the adversary to cause humans to misjudge and misinterpret every feeling which comes from God and the heavenly realm, in order to confuse the things of the Spirit which were being sensed in their souls and felt in their bodies. Thus the door has so effectively been closed against God becoming intimate enough with the human soul to consummate His divine union with it.

    When Father seeks to draw souls out in a genuine, spiritual union with Himself, humans are influenced by the adversary to react with several different extremes, all of which shut the soul off from true intimacy with God. When some souls feel the drawing out of the Father, they are influenced to misinterpret those spiritual sensings and the physical feelings which accompany them, and to very conscientiously regard them as dangerous, and totally unrelated to a "pure" relationship with God. Their human minds are influenced to judge that ultimate holiness would be attained when one does not feel such feelings any more.

    These drawings from the Father are indeed dangerous to the religious appropriateness of the natural mind, for they are designed to draw the soul completely out of its own control of itself, so it can abandon itself to the Father — to be kept and loved and saved from itself altogether. When the soul is in control of itself, the Father is effectually shut out of the soul, and it cannot receive His touch. As soon as He begins to get close, it seems to the soul that this unfamiliar vulnerability being felt is undermining the carefully cultivated controls which it has built around itself to keep itself under appropriate control to keep from sinning. These souls are led to form a character that is based on religious self protection. They are left feelingless and untouchable, removed completely from all the sensings of the Spirit and their resultant feelings in the body, which they were led to misinterpret. This all has contributed to communities of cold, hard "believers" who have no human sensitivities remaining. They can make war and debate religious tenets at the drop of a hat, but they cannot make love. They have fought very hard to deny and resist such feelings of drawn out vulnerability. They are desperate to keep themselves from going to that place of feeling which the adversary has channeled their human response to misinterpret with such self conscientiousness. When a soul doesn't know the Father intimately, it has to have its self-generated laws to protect itself. When the soul knows Him, He is the soul's protection.

    The adversary leads others to pervert the sensings of the Spirit which they are feeling in their bodies, for their own selfish use, instead of recognizing the nature of their divine origin. They use them as a prompt to be drawn out to other human beings, or to draw out other human beings to themselves, cultivating an earthly relationship of physical intimacy or emotional dependency. Humans have been led to worship physical responses and use them for their own purposes, instead of allowing themselves to be drawn out to the Father Who elicits them. Romance is the great false Messiah in regard to the pure union of God. The Father draws a soul out to Himself, and Satan quickly introduces notions of human love and romance (fictitious, sentimental love) to the mind, successfully diverting the soul from giving itself over to God in His full, consummated embrace. The Father desires a true Spirit union of Himself with the bride, and Satan wants to divert the soul to mere physical union so that the true Spirit union may be hidden from the bride. He makes "in love" to look deeply spiritual at first and "God's will." After a little time, the trap is discovered, but often too late to undo without great agony. In place of the birth of Michael, romantic souls are led to have their "own" babies, giving birth to themselves instead of God. "In love" with the flesh, is out of love with God.

    Satan has become very skilled in insinuating his own interpretations of what a person is feeling. He speaks in the soul in first person, as if it is the soul itself who is interpreting what it is feeling. He has direct access to the human mind, unprotected by the divine mind. Those who look to "their good reason" or trust in "their own" human judgment to interpret what their soul is feeling with its body, are wide open for the misinterpretations and insinuations of the adversary. This occurs whether they are conscious or unconscious of it. Only the mind of the Anointing, residing internally, can liberate a soul from its own human mind and close the open door of access to the suggestions and cultivation of the adversary.

    It is only "the mind of Christ," the divine mind in the soul, Who can intuitively be wooed by Father's intimate drawings, and His "suggestive" thoughts and feelings. When Father "suggests" greater intimacy with His Offspring in the soul, the Anointing of the Son feels those drawings with His keen sensitivities and is very responsive to His Father's overtures, while the soul He is in, physically feels His spiritual responses to His Father. When the Anointing in the soul sees an intimate, spiritual principle, that soul feels the divine reality which the Anointing is experiencing, in its own body, and just the same as though it were physical in nature.

    Unfolding over a period of twenty one days, Father's consummation parable was the actual visible manifestation of the mystery of His consummation with the human soul — the invisible but keenly felt drama which occurs in the depths of every human soul who has requested permanent union with Him. Father has given the Two Witnesses almost two years now to see and experience within our own souls, the very processes and literal events of which we were participants during the consummation. He has opened up our understanding of these events, not just mentally, but physically as well, in our own physical experiencing of these invisible truths in our daily lives. In the revealing of the events of this consummation parable, you are about to see a mystery which has never before been opened to the gaze of the world. You are being permitted to look into the sacred and awful mysteries of the Holy of holies. It is impossible for the human mind, unaided by divine power, to catch even an outline of this awesome scene. In Father's consummation parable, the sanctuary in heaven is being thrown open, just as Scripture prophesied, and the intimate life of the beloved Son of God and His Faithful Father is being revealed in a way it has never been revealed before.

    "After this I looked and the sanctuary...in heaven was thrown open." Rev. 15:5 Amplified. This word open here means, "to open, in the midst, among, between, amidst." This sanctuary is being opened to view in our midst. What kind of structure is this temple that is being opened in our midst? "I saw no temple in the city, for the Lord God Omnipotent Himself, and the Lamb Himself, are its temple." Rev. 21:22 Amplified. What these Scriptures are saying is that the inner, intimate life of the Father and the Lamb — Who ARE the temple in heaven, are being opened "in our midst," opened among us, for the whole world to see.

    There are divine mysteries of the process of Father's love-making in the soul which have never before been revealed until the marriage of the Lamb. For the souls who find the desire in their hearts and minds to be the bride of God, these mysteries are essential and indispensable to know at this time. One year before Father brought us to the new land — at the same time He led me to the Scripture passages describing The Faith of God, and the historical parable of The Brazen Serpent — He brought the following Scripture to me as a foreshadowing of the necessity we would find of entering into the intimate chambers of consummation with God. "Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast." Isa. 26:20.

    At that very time, Father was beginning to move the Woman into her wilderness retreat where she was to go through a very intense process of death to herself and complete consummation with Him. Without being in the safety of His chambers, and knowing the reality of His love in an intimate way, it would feel humanly like God was angry with her, and everything was going wrong. As the Woman in the wilderness was to be taken through her very necessary process of final and permanent death to herself, she needed to understand that it was Father's heart of love for her which was taking her through this soul–rending crisis. Father was actually making love to her, and He desired her to come into her chambers where she could feel His heart and know His thoughts, and shut the chamber doors of her heart and mind against every thought or feeling which would misinterpret the Father's love during the complete overturning which she was experiencing. In her chambers, with her doors shut, she would know that she was being loved faithfully and personally, and in just the right way; and it was the Father Himself Who was bringing her up, by His Own hand and with His Own mouth, into her final deliverance.

    The revelation of the intimacies of the marriage of the Lamb is the last message of mercy to the world. This is the special truth adapted to the necessities of the people of God at this time.


Chapter 12, page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13


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