Over the period of about a year, the earthly husband, Pharaoh, gave permission for his wife to leave the land and be married to God. He was not especially happy concerning this state of affairs, but it was becoming evident to him that the marriage was not profitable to continue. The wife had also been made ready to leave her old place in favor of the new. Israel went forth to marry her heavenly Husband. This course was set upon because of the great promises made by the anointed man, Moses, representing the messenger for the heavenly King. They did not consider, however, that those promises were only made on the basis of trust and acceptance. The people must abandon themselves to the purpose and not keep any of their personal considerations in the matter.
The Father instructed Moses to build a temple, which would help them visualize the heavenly realities. The earthly sanctuary was a symbol of the very real purposes in which they were involved. They were to see that God was with them and that He was sacrificed for their deliverance. If they would faithfully follow their Husband, all of their difficulties would be borne for them and they would know the way. This earthly temple, made out of gold, silver and animal skins, was the help they needed to envision the true principles of life, if they would yield up to that. It may also be noticed that the temple had to be borne around by them. It went with them wherever they went. This is true of the human temple also. The believer must bear the weight of it.
As history records, the great majority of the children of Israel were not willing to be married to God. They complained that the way was too difficult. They complained that they did not have sufficient water, or the kind of food they preferred. When the Lord instructed them to keep the Sabbath, one poor soul thought he needed some sticks and that was sufficient reason to break it. For this he was stoned. Listening to the complaints of the Israelites also brought Moses to express his complaints to God concerning the hard course he was led to pursue. In the end, only a few of the ones first given the promise, entered into the new land. The others all died in their wilderness. Moses, himself, had to yield up his desires, because he had finally yielded to the spirit of the complaining heart expressed by the multitude. He reacted in anger and lost the opportunity to translate from their midst which would have brought a great testimony in favor of the faithfulness of God. In the last moment of his conflict, Moses turned to himself, and lost the blessings promised. While Moses was on his cross, he lost his temper and yielded his cross up.
The great sin of complaint is little recognized. "Moses, you have made my way too hard. You have given me too much to do. I don't have what I need. I don't have what I want. You are taking from me things I want to keep for myself." Finally, because of their spoiled spirit, the giants in the new land seemed insurmountable. They could not overcome their doubts and fears and were left without receiving the promise. They did not get to marry their heavenly Husband, and they did not get to enter into the new land.
On the surface, it seemed the people had the right beliefs, but when these beliefs were tested, they failed to bring them to the reality of faith. They consulted the seeing of their earthly eyes and the hearing of their earthly ears to judge whether they were led of God or not. They wept continually in regards to their hard course. They mourned for their poor state of things. Through the centuries things have not changed. Some things never change, but the professed believers do not recognize their own failings, even though there are sufficient historical examples for them to take warning from.
The Deliverance
Today, the deliverance of God's people cannot be achieved until they can fully see and yield up their natural self. This natural self, is constantly whining and weeping over its poor state, but it is God who gets blamed for it. When men complain or whine, always needing, and never satisfied, forever bemoaning the treatment which has come to them over their past life, they cannot be delivered or saved.
The realization of the self is a most important necessity. "And there [in your new land] shall ye remember your ways, and all your doings, wherein ye have been defiled; and ye shall loathe yourselves in your own sight for all your evils that ye have committed." Ez. 20:43. This is the key to the deliverance. It is to fully see and yield to the reading of your record by the Angel, and to see fully and completely how you, all by yourself, were the sole creator of all of your life's difficulties. You did it all, and no one else had anything to do with it. You are the one who has led you into yourself. You are the one who has loved yourself. You crucified Christ. You are Pharaoh. You are Korah, Dathan and Abiram. You are Caiaphas (depression), always looking at things from the dark side. When you can truly see this truth about yourself, and receive it with loving and yielding acceptance, giving up the notion that there is a good thing or two within you, then you can yield to the true Self, even God Himself, and deliverance will result. While great pressures, and apparent threats, attended the consummation of the marriage, the Father delivered out of them all.
When one can see this, and rest confidently in the judgment of God concerning his natural man, he is brought into a new place of yielding and faith. The consummation is essentially the act of the self being consumed and annihilated in the bed of God's personal invasion into their soul. It is annihilated because it has been seen, recognized and yielded up to God, Who alone can fill the life with the essential wholeness. No more will that individual complain or weep for its poor state. No more will it blame or accuse God for its unfair treatment or unrecognized potential. Never again will it pine away for the fulfillment of its desires and think there must be something amiss, since these desires are not sufficiently filled. No more will the soul think it deserves a higher place in the courts of heaven than it has received. It is abandoned to God, full of the peace and joy there found on the mighty-breasted One. This one now receives life's delights and joys in the daily round of gifts which pour out of the heavens. These gifts are unseen to the earthly-minded those married to earthly lovers and all of their vain expectations.
The soul given over, yielded, abandoned, and consumed in God, married to its heavenly Husband, will receive the promised deliverance. It will walk in white and be molded into the image of the One it is married to. This principle was lost to the children of Israel. It was lost to the Christian church who worshipped the Man Jesus but lost the whole point of the message of Jesus.
Now, in these final days, there is a promise given which will be fulfilled in all who are faithful. The promise is for those who have not resisted the heavenly unction but acted upon it. This promise is for those who enter the consummation of the Lamb, and who by faith are married to the Son as the Two Witnesses are married to Him. By faith, they stand outside His window, always seeking entrance into His chambers. By faith they move upon their unctions and deny every apparent hindrance to His communion.
And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God: for true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore [self], which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. ...And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. Rev. 19. Faithful
This is the will of God concerning you...when Jesus Christ the Messiah, the Anointed One is revealed...at the same time you receive the result, outcome, consummation of your faith, the salvation of your souls. 1 Thess.4:3;5; 1 Peter 1:7,9 Amplified.
On Wednesday, October 11, Father led me to several thoughts pertinent to the consummation of the marriage of the Lamb, which was already occurring. Their significance, in the light of my own upcoming consummation to the Son of God, was very profound to me, for I knew that this physical consummation was meant to find its meaning within the soul sanctuary of every member of Messiah's body. The first thought to which I was drawn, is referring to the ancient wilderness "Tent of Meeting" and the real purpose of Father giving His people that visible representation.
The Lord's appeal was that they (the children of Israel) should find in their own personal lives the meaning of the temple and its services [for us, the consummation and its events]; that the purpose of the sanctuary [actual, literal holy intercourse in the Most Holy Place of the living soul sanctuary by the Son of God] be met in themselves, that God should dwell in them [through His Seed which would remain in them]. By this object lesson [of the marriage of the Lamb of God] God would give them the knowledge of the true. It was not a figure in the sense of being a type of something to come that did not yet exist, but a figure in the sense of being an object lesson and visible representation of that which then existed, but was invisible. Alonzo Jones
Only a few days before this, Father had awakened me with the distinct words, "This is the will of God concerning you, even the consummation of your faith." 1 Thess.4:3;5:18;1 Pet. 1:9 Amplified, Father's Version. He had put it strongly upon me that my physical consummation with the Son of God would be a visible symbol of the consummation of my faith with the faith of the Anointing of the Son of God within me. This process of the consummation of my faith would be the final process in the whole work of Father's redemption within my soul. The end of this process for me would bring me to complete Anaiah-lation. Every last trace and shadow of my own faith would be dissolved in the fire of the consummation and I would be melded inseparably with the divine faith of the Son of God.
Faithful was to write later of this consuming of His Own faith:
The consummation of the faith is what occurred in the consummation of the marriage. My faith had to be brought to such an emptiness that no real effect could be attributed to it. I was called to perform an act that was totally against my natural spiritual desires. My own faith had to be consummated, in that it was brought to nothing. My own faith could not be counted as anything. My faith was more like an empty hole than a mountain, and this is the prerequisite to receiving the faith of God into the innermost depths of one's being. This empty hole is the passageway through which the Word of God enters into the soul and which allows the divine Seed to remain within it. This consummation of the faith is how the soul is impregnated with the very faith of the Son of God. This is the faith that every soul must have who will be drawn up off of the earth into the vacuum of God. Faithful
In the Most Holy Place of my soul, my own human faith in appearances was to be finally and totally consumed by the faith of the Son of God within me. The consummation would completely consume my human faith, which was based on what appears to be true, as the Son of God would rend my membrane of flesh, penetrating into the innermost part of my being with the Word of His faith. I didn't know it yet, but the next day I would see the beginning of the unfolding of this very process of the consummation of my faith, and I would be given Father's grace to face the utter impossibility of this physical symbol of the consummation of my faith coming about, and would find myself laying down quietly with the Anointing, and losing consciousness of all of the apparent impossibility, in the atmosphere of the Anointing's quiet and patient rest in Father's faithfulness to bring about that which He had commanded.
This process of the consummation was to be the final process in the whole work of redemption in the soul. The end of the process would be my complete Anaiah-lation, the complete disappearance of the last traces and shadows of my own faith, in the consuming fire of the Son's Own faith.
The true entrance into spiritual life is to feel that power which slays man's natural ability, and propensity to believe, so that the gift of the true faith may be received. For there is no rising up and living the second without the death of the first, with all its dependence on its natural faculties and powers. Isaac Pennington
The consummation of our own faith comes when we are required to go through the excruciation of reaching beyond appearances and feelings to lay hold of the Word of God. "To all, the testing time will come. By the sifting of temptation [contrary human appearances and natural human feelings], the genuine Christian will be revealed. Are the people of God now so firmly established upon his Word that they would not yield to the evidence of their senses?" GC 625. In the consummation, faith in appearances is consumed forever, and only faith in Father's word, and His unchanging faithfulness, remains.
Father drew me to the phrase in 2 Cor. 7:1, "perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord." Perfecting means "to perform, execute, complete, fulfill, so that the thing done corresponds to what has been said, the order, command, etc. With reference also to the form, to do just as commanded, and generally involving the notion of time, TO PERFORM THE LAST ACT WHICH COMPLETES A PROCESS, to accomplish, fulfill." Strong's Concordance. Physical consummation with the Son of God was to be a visible symbol of the "last act" the Son of God consummating my faith into the fullness of His Own reality of experience. The completion of the bride by the Son of God coming into her fully, consummates the whole process of redemption in the human soul.
Consummation is defined as "completion, end, perfection of a work, process or scheme; consummation of marriage the most intimate union which completes the marriage relation." Webster 1828 Dictionary. The above phrase "perfecting holiness" was a description of what Father was doing in bringing the marriage of the Lamb down to earth, in a literal, physical union between the Son of God and His human bride. Father was causing His Son to conduct this divine marriage "so that the thing done, corresponded to what had been said." His Son would "do just as commanded" reveal to the onlooking universe, the true physical "form" of marriage to God. This physical symbol would resurrect the standard of "being married to God," from its lifeless tomb of "spiritually speaking," where it had been lying powerless, and He would lift high the standard of what marriage to God is really like.
Father drew my attention to the word "form" from 2 Tim. 2:15, in the phrase "form of godliness." The definition said that the "form of godliness" is "the form befitting a thing, or expressing the fact; the form by which a person or thing strikes the vision." Father was giving Faithful's "marriage of the Lamb" to the earth, as the "form by which a Person strikes the vision" of real, genuine oneness with God. In its physical and spiritual form, Faithful's divine marriage in human flesh would strike Father's vision of marriage to Him.
The consummation parable revealed that consummation with God is not a one-time event. Again and again, the Son of God enters into the depths of the soul, impregnating every part of the character with the life of God. The consummation parable also revealed that the Seed of the Son would come in every member of Christ's multi-membered bride. The marriage of the Lamb which Faithful consummated physically with the Two Witnesses, was a living picture of His invisible, but very felt, literal, actual, real consummation of soul with everyone in His entire multimembered bride.
In a sermon given on July 21, 1889, Spurgeon gave a description of the perfect union which the Son of God effects between Himself and His entire multimembered bride:
This morning my principal aim shall be to show you that the blessed and glorious union, which is to be celebrated between the church and her Lord, will be the marriage "of the Lamb." The ever blessed and eternal union of hearts with Christ will be in reference to His sacrifice, specially and emphatically. The perfected union of the entire church of God with her divine Husband is here described by the beloved apostle, who laid his head upon his Master's bosom, and knew most about Him, and who was under the immediate inspiration of the Holy Spirit, in these words: "The marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready." Whatever else we think of at this time, my discourse will aim at this as the white of the targetnamely, that Jesus Christ as the Lamb, the sacrifice, is not only the beginning, but the end; not only the foundation, but the topstone of the whole sacred edifice of the temple of grace. The consummation of the whole work of redemption is the marriage of the church to Christ; and, according to "the true sayings of God," this is "the marriage of the Lamb." Spurgeon
Chapter 12, page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13