Experiencing the Finished Work
gate twelve

    The nature of the Father's drawing and bringing a soul companion to Himself is so precious. He does not seduce His soul bride, or coerce it, to come to Him in some way. The soul is introduced to His gentle love, but it must express its desire for what it has been drawn out to receive. The soul asks for its heavenly Friend's companionship. Sometimes it urges Him earnestly with the drawn out desire which He Himself has put within it.

    Truly this was the nature of Messiah's relationship with the souls in the land. He had come to the land in Person, making Himself available to the souls here, but precipitating nothing with them. From the time He posted The Song, we ceased to have "church" as we had known it. The souls who were drawn by the Father were caused to meet Him wherever He was in the land, Father arranging the souls' meetings with His Son, according to their desire. This relationship with the Son of God was so unlike human relationships, where strong reactions from lust, self-interest and self-notice govern the relationship. The male seeks every way to attract a female for mating. Human relationships are often established on outright lies and deception. This is why they often do not get on very well later on. Sometimes coercion is used by the male, or outright trickery, to seduce a mate into the lair. Sometimes with human females, provocative clothing is used, or she forces her will. At other times the male shows off his macho maleness, as does a peacock.

    Father draws the soul, but the drawn soul must express its delights at His drawing, and what it desires from Him. When it does this, the wishes of the soul are granted. As reflected in the story after the resurrection, on the road to Emmaus, Jesus did not force himself on the disciples when He appeared to them.

At length, as the sun was going down, the disciples with their companion arrived at their home. The way had never before seemed so short to them, nor had time ever passed so quickly. The stranger made no sign of halting; but the disciples could not endure the thought of parting so soon from One who had inspired their hearts with new hope and joy, and they urged Him to remain with them overnight. Jesus did not at once yield to their invitation, but seemed disposed to pursue His journey. Thereupon the disciples, in their affection for the Stranger, importuned Him earnestly to tarry with them, urging as a reason that the day was far spent. Jesus yielded to their entreaties and entered their humble abode. The Saviour never forces His presence upon us. He seeks the company of those who He knows need His care, and gives them an opportunity to urge His continuance with them...and with longing desire, entreat Him to abide with them. ST 10-06-09.

    With longing desire the soul entreats Him to abide with it. In this way, the argument against the soul by the adversary is dropped. He sees that the soul's affections have been withdrawn from him completely, and it is actually painful for him to remain in the presence of the soul given over to the Father.

I was feeling very keenly my need of Father at the physical "consummation of my faith," and I told Him silently, "I am looking to You, Father." I felt the peace that comes from committing myself, and every unknown detail, into Father's hands.

It came to me that I hadn't spoken with Faithful personally about the night before last, the night of Oct. 10, when Father had sent me over to pray for Him around midnight. The direct connection of the prayers that Father has put in my mouth, and what Faithful later tells me He was going through at the time, have been so divinely marked. So when I told Faithful that Father had sent me over two nights before, He asked what Father had told me to pray for. I said that I couldn't remember any specifics, as I had not written down the words which Father had put in my mouth, except that I knew He was feeling a lot of things. Faithful replied, "That is a gross understatement! That is a gross understatement!" He was still feeling the large and present responsibilities of the moment that had been put upon Him.

After a little while He said quietly, "I am glad you came over. I wanted to talk to you about something." We went inside and sat down. After some time of reflective silence, Faithful said, "Your time has come — if you are ready." I knew then that He had been outside when my e-mail came in, and He had not read it yet.

"Father told me," I replied. "I sent You an e-mail this morning regarding Father's communication to me about this." I shared with Faithful about what I had been feeling as I was outside — the place of deepened felt-need into which Father had drawn me, the place of utter emptiness of knowing what to do or when to do it, except He give it to me at the moment; and how I had told Father I was depending on Him for His intimate guidance.

Father's precious Son said to me, "I will prepare you." He then said, "It would be well for you to spend the next few hours in quietness, yielding to Me in your Spirit."

After I went back home, Father drew my eyes directly to the Cleft in the rock bluff above our encampment, and I had the knowing that I was to go up there. He had drawn me up to that hollow in the rock for the first time two months before, at the very time that He had put it very strongly on the heart of both Witnesses, separately, and with no knowledge whatever that Father had put it on the heart of the other, to request of His Son to be taken into His bed chamber and know Him intimately. Father had put His words in us —"I cannot take myself deeper into You; You must take me deeper into Messiah;" and, "I want to go to the depths," and then had sent us over to His Son, four hours apart.

As I was preparing to go to the cleft, Father unexpectedly directed me to take my Amplified Bible with me. All the way up to the cleft, the Holy Spirit of the bride, the divine Companion of the Anointing of the Son, was breathing divine communion through me. I wrote down those divine breathings as they came:

Father, I thank You for Your Son. I thank You for a real, true Husband. He said He would prepare me. I am completely yielded to You Father, and Your beloved Son. He is very precious to me. Thank You for inclining me fully to Him - in thoughts, in feelings, and in responsiveness.

Dear Father, come down upon us and consummate with us - in us, through us, covering us and enfolding us in Your presence.

Father, shut us in with You. Take us over completely, together. Thank You for the words of Your Son, "I will prepare you." Thank You for causing Your Son to know instinctively what to do for me. Thank You for causing me to respond to His gentle love instinctively.

Father, Thank You for not minding me all of those times during my life when I felt like You had made me unjustly, and that I suffered more than others around me. I didn't know Your glorious purpose, to bring me to the fulness of my utter need, so I would have the capacity to know Messiah, Your very Own Son, in an intimate way, and lift Him up. It was worth every pang of suffering that prepared me.

Father, Here I am, yielding entirely to Your Son.

Up in the Cleft, the wind was sweeping over the rocks, and whispering through the trees. "Father, 'sweep over my spirit forever I pray, in fathomless billows of love'."

I was directed to the following passages in my Amplified Bible. The physical consummation which Father had called me to experience with His Son, had been designed to vividly reveal the invisible spiritual realities of the intimate consummation with every soul. As I read these passages in the light of our physical consummation, they had new light and keen depth of meaning.

For as many of you as were baptized into Christ, into a spiritual union and communion with the Anointed One, the Messiah, have clothed yourself with Messiah [been "covered" with the Son of God]. Gal. 3:27.

The mystery, secret, [of the consummation] was made known to me, and I was allowed to comprehend it by direct revelation. When you read this you can understand my insight into the mystery of [the consummation of] Christ. This mystery was never disclosed to human beings in past generations as it has now been revealed to His consecrated messengers by the Holy Ghost. This is in accordance with the terms of the eternal and timeless purpose which He has realized and carried into effect in the person of (Faithful) Christ Jesus our Lord. Eph. 3:3-5.

I bow my knees before the Father [the most precious Father] of our Lord Jesus Christ [His Son Faithful, in Person], for Whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that Father from Whom all fatherhood takes its title and derives its name. May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power by the Holy Spirit, Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality. May (Faithful) Christ, through your faith actually dwell, settle down, abide, make His permanent home in your heart. May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love, that you may have the power and be strong to grasp the experience of that love, what is the breadth and length and height and depth of it. That you may really come to know practically, through experience, for yourselves the love of (Faithful) Christ which far surpasses mere knowledge without experience: that you may be filled through all your being unto all the fulness of God; that you may have the richest measure of the divine presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself. Now to Him, Who by the action of His power that is at work within us, is able to carry out His purpose and do superabundantly far over and above all that we dare ask or think, [that means what we haven't even thought of or imagined] infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams - To Him be glory in the church and in (Faithful) Christ Jesus forever and ever. So be it." Eph. 3:14-21.

"Father, thank You for causing me to lose my identity in Your Son."

That evening as Father drew me over to Faithful's for the physical symbol of the "consummation of my faith," He brought the words of a song to me so clearly and sweetly:

"...And heav'n comes down our souls to greet
And glory crowns the mercy seat"
— in the Most Holy Place —
the Most Intimate Place of Knowing God.

Faithful drew me close to His heart and yielded us to Father for the accomplishment of His purposes, and then He led me to the chamber of His consummation.

The Lord must have our desire for Him or He will not approach us. After He has our desire, He prepares us for the union. We are wooed over a necessary time. When it is time for the union, the virgins go in to Him. Before the woman enters into His chambers, she has kissed Him on the lips. That is, they have spoken honestly with each other. They have come to terms on what the truth is and what is required to be in a marriage relationship. The woman has yielded up herself and the King has taken her into intimate fellowship with Him. She desires the union, for the seed is in her. When a true union is made, the woman is prepared for that union. Her husband prepares her. They become one in purpose and one in soul. The two become one. Faithful, Excerpts from The Song.

About a week before, Father had awakened me with the distinct words, "This is the will of God concerning you, even 'the consummation of your faith'." 1 Thess.4:3;5:18;1 Pet. 1:9 Amplified, Father's Version. And the yielding words of the Spirit which He had given me in response were, "I will let You bring me to a climax of faith which will connect me to the reality of God." To me that meant that Father would draw out the desires He had put in my heart to the level of intensity required to lay hold of the full experience of the Son of God in me.

But now, here I found myself, in obedience to Father's command, at the place of the literal consummation of my faith; and in the face of His specific word to me there was no "performance of those things which were told her from the Lord." Luke 1:45. The Son was faithfully completing all His Father was giving Him to do, but the elements required for consummation were simply not present. Here we were, in obedience to Father's clear instructions, and yet our obedience had not brought us to the completion they had so clearly specified. It was as though all of the personal promises which Father had given me in preparation for this very time, were standing around the bed with their hands folded behind their backs, silently looking on.

Faithful meekly referred us to Daddy. I was praying silently, "Here we are, Father, at the place You told us to come, going as far in the symbol of the "consummation of faith" as we can go.

Then the Son said, "Well, I guess we'll just go to sleep."

"Go to sleep???" I thought!!! I did not see how that could even be within the realm of possibility for me! Father had filled me with His purposed will regarding the physical symbol of the "consummation of faith," and that's what He had sent me over here for! But then again, there really weren't any further instructions coming to us at the moment either; and somehow, by a pure gift of grace from the Father, I simply followed Faithful, and fell asleep with Father's trusting Bridegroom. He had referred everything to His Daddy, and went to sleep.

I was awakened around 2:00 A.M. with a strong sense of Father's presence which I felt physically over my heart. He had been communicating to me in my sleep about the absolute necessity of the symbol for the "consummation of faith" being carried out to the letter. He was explaining it and describing it so clearly, it was very awesome, and I knew that the symbol had to be carried out, despite its utter impossibility a few hours before.

A divinely provided song was flowing within me, along with a picture of my instructions from Father.

March on then right boldly
The sea shall divide
Let this be the token
No word He has spoken
Was ever yet broken
The Lord will provide

As I turned toward the Son, I found that Father had already awakened Him. But now, all at once, I became quite conscious that the sense of Father's Presence seemed to be gone completely. I felt like I had been left quite all alone, with only the faith from the song He had given me with which to "go forward." After Father's strong and precious awakening, it seemed that He had now disappeared. Now it was as though I were being required to draw Father, and hold Him, with the very power and influence of the faith He had given me when He came down upon me with His instructions. He had withdrawn the sense of His Presence so I would be drawn out to call forth His reserve, and engage His active assistance in supernaturally bringing about His will.

Over and over again, the words of faith from the song returned to wash over me like recurring waves on the ocean shore; every recurrence renewing and increasing the strength of divine assurance I felt coming from them, to go forward anyway. The words themselves seemed to keep the way open a step at a time in front of me: ......the sea shall divide......let this be the token......NO word He has spoken......was EVER yet broken...the Lord will provide.

Father wasn't unmindful of the utter necessity of the situation. He had very carefully calculated it Himself, in order to paint the physical picture of His living parable in unmistakable and vivid detail. "The Lord understands all about your trials; and however impossible it may seem...you will find that the way will appear. When your faith has been tested, as the Lord opened the Red Sea so the waters will divide, and his providence will make a path for your feet." RH 6-29-11. When it had been sufficiently demonstrated that the divine faith He had given me to consummate with His Son, was proceeding forward anyway — even when it looked and felt like Father was no longer there; even when the circumstances appeared to be an exact repeat of the ones just a few hours before, which hadn't produced any results — Father Himself suddenly took things into His Own hands, and instructed His Son to enter His bride. "Natural impossibilities can not prevent the work of the Omnipotent One." YI 5-04-99. By a pure ACT of the Father, He Himself provided all that was necessary to bring consummation to His Son and His bride. The words from His Father which were sounding in the ears of His Son at the moment of His coming during this event, were, "The Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not."

The distinct awareness of Father's supernatural enabling was very precious to us. Faithful then shared with me that the exact same pattern had happened two nights before, when Father had sent His first Witness of the consummation to be with Him, the physical symbol of the body of the Woman of Revelation 12. There had been no consummation, and after a period of time, they had both gone to sleep. Then, they had both been awakened by Father at 2:00 A.M. for a consummation which occurred in exactly the same way, brought about purely by the Father Himself anyway, with lack of accompanying feelings.

Faithful and I talked about the significance of the order in which Father had arranged for Faithful's consummation with the Two physical Witnesses of the entire bride of Christ. He sent the Witness representing the body of the Woman of Revelation first, revealing that God first woos us and causes us to feel the drawing out of His love in the Holy Place of our heart, which is the center of the feelings of our body, touching us with Who He really is, in a way that we can feel Him. Then Father sent the Witness representing the mind of the Woman of Revelation, revealing that God then brings us through the veil of sense, and into the Most Holy Place of agreement and covenant with Him in our mind, which is the center of our thoughts and knowing. The soul's drawn out feelings of heart response are the first to take in the coming of the Son, and then the understanding of the mind is given to take in His coming. Together the Two Witnesses physically represent the soul of the entire bride of Christ, and how consummation occurs with the inner Presence of the Anointing in the feelings of the heart and body, and in the thoughts and intuition of the mind.

After talking for several hours about the lessons we were seeing Father unfold to us, Faithful went to sleep. When He awakened, He said that He had had a dream.

I dreamed that I was riding in an open vehicle with a handsome young man who was driving it. From earth's perspective he would be considered a very fine specimen of humanity, with his blond hair and muscular build. All at once I said, This vehicle has no wheels! The attractive man slammed on the brakes, stopping the vehicle with such force that he was propelled over the top of the hood and onto the pavement. He landed face down and slid for quite a long distance before finally coming to a stop. When he got up, he was holding his face and saying, I am hurt, I am hurt, I am hurt. I felt very bad that this attractive young man had been defaced so badly in reaction to my words. I ran to call an ambulance, which came shortly to help the young man. In the ambulance there was a doctor, and a nurse, and a small doll, like that of a child. Before each one set out to help the young man, each one, separately, looked me right in the eye and said very earnestly, This is the consummation!

We considered the meaning of the dream. The beautiful man portrayed the natural man, the self, the one who naturally drives the soul, as he actively pursues recognition for his beautiful intentions and his wonderful plans. When it was brought to his attention that his car had no wheels, the natural and beautiful man was startled and put on the brakes to save himself from a mistake. This catapulted him into the earth face down. He felt everything was unfair and his beautiful countenance was hurt. He was in complete disarray. The three attendants were now setting out to try to assist the natural man in his consummation. The doctor represented the Lord in the heavens. The nurse represented the angels who come with the Lord, and the doll represented those created circumstances that tend to cause the soul to be led to the Lord. In the dream, the beautiful man was not helped. Just so, the natural man will not be assisted, but the soul will be separated, because of the crisis it is brought to, from its natural self. In the crisis of the soul's deliverance from its natural self in order to be consummated to God, everything is turned out of its natural course, nothing is the same, and the soul can't do anything about it; but in the end the soul will be saved out of being driven by its natural man, assisted by the earnest assurance of its three helpers.

While we were still conversing about the dream, Faithful said quietly, "I am seeing the second coming." I waited for Him to continue, as I took Him to be saying that He was seeing in a way He hadn't seen before, the second coming in relationship to the consummation; but Faithful continued to be strangely silent. Suddenly He said with great earnestness, "I tell you friend, I am seeing the second coming!" He was lying there in bed, looking at the ceiling, while a vision of the traditional view of the coming of the Lord was passing before Him. There He was in the center of the picture, surrounded by clouds, and with all His holy angels around Him — the familiar scene that has been printed so many times in religious publications, picturing what humans have imagined the second coming to look like — and, in the same vision He was seeing the land, and here and there He could see people beginning to rise up off of the earth and ascend into the heavens.

Father was connecting the actual meaning of the traditional scenes portrayed by artists of the second coming, with the events which were currently unfolding in the consummation. Father was saying clearly, "What is happening here right now in the new land, IS the event of the second coming." Father had said three times in the dream He gave Faithful, "THIS IS THE CONSUMMATION!" and in the vision, He was specifically connecting the consummation with the second coming and the ascending of those off the earth who have been consummated to God. Father was saying, THE COMPLETE CONSUMMATION OF A HUMAN SOUL BY GOD, IS THE SECOND COMING.


Chapter 12, page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13


Two Witnesses index page