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May blessing be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah . Making known to us the mystery, secret, of His will, His plan, His purpose, And it is this: In accordance with His good pleasure, His merciful intention which He had previously purposed and set forth in Him, He planned for the maturity of the times and the climax of the ages to unify all things and head them up and consummate them in Christ, both things in heaven and things on the earth. Eph. 1:9,10 Amplified.
When Messiah appeared the first time, it was to the cross of His day that the Father sent His Son, to do His will and to be the sacrificed Lamb of God. Nothing could have intruded more into the religious senses of the people of that day and more vividly expose the divine laying down and yielding up of God Himself, than His naked and yielded up Son on the cross of that generation.
The imagery of the climax of the ages is a wedding. The last event recorded in Scripture, and the final event of this earth's history is the "marriage of the Lamb," the consummation of all things. Now, when Messiah returned, it was to the marriage bed of this day that the Father brought His Lamb and His "bride, the Lamb's wife," to do His will and to fulfill what was written of them in the Book.
The idea of being married to God isn't new, but it had become obscured and its true reality lost in religious circles. Yet, every part of the symbolism of marriage was originally given by the Father as a living picture of what actually occurs in the soul in order for it to be married to Him and become one indivisible being with Him. The truth had fallen so low that it actually came as a shock to this generation to think that a soul would have to go so far as to get naked with God in order for Him to consummate His union with them. This generation also had no idea how layed down a soul would need to be in order for God to come into them.
So, in the most vivid imagery the Father could conceive, He purposely intruded into the religious senses of this final generation and overthrew all the religiosity of the day. In His great heart yearnings to wed human beings to Himself in a permanent eternal union, the Father worked with divine ingenuity to shock those who claim to be His, out of all of their religion. He purposed to bring them into the invasive reality of a much deeper, much more intimate and extensive, much more naked and honest relationship with Himself than they had ever conceived.
It was the Father Himself Who ordained the consummation of the ages and the "marriage of the Lamb" to be literal events. The Father purposed for the heavenly interrelating and perfect union of the Father, His Word and His Spirit to come down to earth into three human vessels and live out heaven's threefold union in the new land. Nothing could intrude more into the religious senses of the people of this day and reveal the gross ignorance of what it means to really be married to God, than this living, functioning threefold union. He desired for this visible union to reveal the invisible but very real union that the Father consummates with His living Word and His Spirit the two witnesses of His Anointing in every layed down and yielded up human vessel.
It was a divine life that was layed down and yielded up to the Father in this literal consummation. Michael, the Son of God, the divine Bridegroom, revealed to humanity the secret of permanent union with God. He came to bring the divine Anointing in His bride, to the maturity of His own divine yielding and laying down, the depths of which we had never before conceived possible. The Father didn't tell us in words, but showed us in action, as a human, how the divine Anointing lays down Its life and simply follows the Father's unexplainable leadings. It is the Father Who has made Himself naked to us, in His Son. And now, in this consummation, the Son of God returned to consummate with His own divine life in every layed down soul. It is at the consummation of all things, that the judgment of the living occurs, and where a profession of being one with God, is checked next to the measure of the stature of Messiah. The Father purposed for His Son to reveal the depths of nakedness to which honesty brings a soul, when it becomes exposed in the light of God's immediate presence.
This "second coming" of the Father's Anointing, isn't about seeing a god up in the sky, but it is a disclosing of those who have let the divine Anointing revealed in Jesus of Nazareth at Christ's first coming, be in them, and grow up in them, and be brought to the full maturity of the Anointed Messiah. It reveals those who let that Anointing in them be consummated with the Anointed Messiah into the Father. "He that is joined unto the Lord (Messiah) is one spirit." "Just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in Us." 1 Cor. 6:17 KJV; John 17:21 Amplified.
Nothing could more vividly expose the divine laying down and yielding up of the Anointing in the soul to the Father, than the literal marriage of the Lamb. This excruciating personal test revealed the meek integrity of the Anointing that went against all of the natural and religious reasonings of the soul, to follow the incomprehensible instructions of the Father.
In July, when the Father came down upon the two witnesses and anointed us to participate in this living parable, we didnt know that was what was happening at the time. All we knew was that the Father was very close to us and we found words and responses in ourselves that werent of us, and that were impossible to comprehend or explain at the time. We were following the Father down a path that we couldn't see. We only knew the next step as we received our next instruction or felt His next moving upon us.
It was the Father Who had anointed us to recognize His divine person in His own precious Son; and it was the Father Himself Who freed us from every earthly hindrance, divinely enabling us to follow His unfathomable will with singleness of purpose above all else, even though His leadings seemed so contrary to everything we had known. But so it was written of this very period of time:
With the characters they have formed, they will act their part in the fulfillment of history. In a crisis, just at the right moment [they] will fall into line as witnesses, to confirm truth which they do not themselves comprehend. 12 MR 390.
The Journal Entries and recollections of the two witnesses document the Father's mysterious movings by which He determinedly brought us to the literal consummation and "marriage of the Lamb." They are a word description of our personal experience of the Anointing from the Father. This Anointing included deep irrepressible yearnings for intimate communion with God, which groaned within us for expression with an intensity we had never before experienced. The Anointing also contained within it a divine capacity to yield and respond to God, and to receive and to give divine love. We had never before even begun to conceive the depth and constancy of the Father's love for us, and we felt heartbreaking intensity of desire that this precious love of the Father that we saw and felt from His Son, be personally revealed through us, as we were seeing it revealed through His beloved Son.
With the appearing of Messiah, I found the spiritual instincts of the Anointing being awakened in me with a level of consciousness that I had never before experienced. These delicate instincts were not anything like the thought processes of my religious mind. I had no idea that the flow of the Spirit in me had been long oppressed and dominated by my "religious" thinking. The Father distinctly brought back to my remembrance when this unconscious soul domination over the Anointing began. It began when I started making judgments about what it wasn't "nice" or "right" for a "Christian" to feel. After that, whenever a thought or feeling would come to me, I was continually occupied having to stop it and mentally judge whether or not it was right for a "Christian" to think or feel that way, and my trust was unconsciously preoccupied with my mental deductions, and I couldn't sense the intuitive leadings of the Spirit.
When the Father told me to lay my burden of carefulness at Michael's feet, and yield consciously to the Father's keeping power instead of judging with my human judgment, I immediately felt the results of my mind being out of the way. Unconsciously to me, this religious judging of everything had actually been a "religious" form of self protection, keeping me from following the true unctions of the Spirit. At that time, I began experiencing the verity of the words that the Father would speak through His Son a year later! "Giving yourself to Me means you don't have your self to protect you with any more. If you are undefended by your self, then Father defends you."
Innately I felt the overwhelming need of being quiet, and being in a quiet place, so these delicate sensings of the Spirit wouldn't be hindered or overridden by past habits of thinking or relating. As the Father drew my attention to the following verse in the Song of Solomon, I felt such keen identity with it. "I charge you, O you daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or by the hinds of the field, which are free to follow their own instincts." S.S. 2:7. I was feeling this charge to the daughters of Jerusalem to the depths of my soul, where the awakening of the spiritual instincts of the Anointing arose. These spiritual sensings were so new that I didn't know how to even speak about them, or even support them when I was questioned. I felt innately that it was life or death whether I followed them or not, even though I didn't understand them. The only thing I could do was follow them because I felt the Father in them.
This brought me to another crossroads in my life. With Messiah's coming, came rapid changes because of the intense, internal spiritual breaking open that I was experiencing. I found it impossible to keep up with life as it had been since we arrived in the new land. The two worlds that I was experiencing didn't seem to go together, and I felt strongly within myself that I needed resolution from the Father. I was beginning to see that much time alone with Him and much quietness of soul and surroundings was absolutely indispensable, if I were to go forward in the light that was shining on me.
I remember coming home one Friday morning, filled to overflowing with love and gratitude to the Father, after He had sent me over to His Son's chamber earlier. I felt like a fountain within me had burst the bounds of its dam and was now free to flow with the Spirit of the Father, which I felt so strongly upon me at that moment. I sat down and opened up the computer to begin to capture what I was feeling with the living words from heaven that were on my tongue, but I was called to consider my domestic duties in light of the Sabbath. I submitted to my husband and closed the computer. All day I worked, eagerly anticipating the completion of my earthly duties, so I could resume my time with the Father. But when evening came, and I once again opened the computer, the flow was completely gone. My grief was too deep for words. The Father had become so precious and intimate, just in those first two weeks of Messiah being here, that I yearned with inexpressible desire to convey the living reality of His preciousness.
For a week, the utter incompatibility of the two worlds I found myself in-between intensified. In the agony of those midnight sessions with the Father, I pleaded with Him to bring His solution. On the night of July 25 the Father was strong upon me, and I found myself pleading for two things in particular; for His love to pour out of me as it poured out of His Faithful Son, and for the divine efficiency to be faithful to the work that He had called me to do in lifting up Messiah and fulfill the household and mothering duties which He had entrusted to me. The Father's solution was to come five days later.
July 30, 2000
Dearest Faithful Messiah,
The Father awakened me in the early hours of the morning and spoke with me regarding the solution that He has prepared for my special needs during this time. The plan is so perfect and simple. I want to share it with You in person, if Father hasn't already. I will see Your loving face at our next Divine Appointment. All my love, Michal
I will be most interested in hearing of your solution. So faithful is our Father to render the demon of our earthly barriers ineffective. He opens the wellsprings and satisfies the desires of every living thing. He takes off the yoke of servitude and places on us His own most glorious yoke which is easy and light but more effective and terrible to bear, for all the earth is moved by it.
You shall be clothed with me and my congregation will be at your feet. Your crown will be my twelve stars which all my messengers wear. Blessed is she who comes in my name, being married to my purposes and heart. Michael
The Father had put it on my heart to come away with Him for several days and be quiet. The following letter which He gave to me for my husband, conveys what the Father had put upon me.
July 30, 2000
Dearest Compassion,
The Father visited me during the night, and early this morning He brought His solution for two great needs He has been pressing upon me. The clear perception of my duty that came this morning, is the Father's answer to the heartbreaking heavings and deep silent sobbing in the middle of the night of July 25. The notes of that night session are included for you to read. I had two distinct pressing desires. The first desire was a deep yearning for others to feel the Father's reconciling love pouring out of me the same way I have felt it pouring out of His Anointed One for me -- touching, life-transforming and free. Secondly, I was in agony of spirit to go forward in the work for which the Father had been preparing me ever since those early morning awakenings which began last fall, on the way here, a little over nine months ago. All through our journey to this place, they have recurred, with hardly an interruption or reprieve. I have been pressed into them. For the last 9 months, I have been forced to lay down my life in a greatly intensified way, and there has been a lot of it to lay down.
As I look back now, I know that it was the extensive preparation required to bring me to complete death to my self, that the Anointing in me could be free to follow the Father uninterruptedly. I have felt God's special call upon me since around the time of Pentecost, a year before coming to the new land, when the vision of God Alone came upon me. And now, I must stand free to follow the work as the Father has recently been opening up more clearly to me. I must go forward. I am being compelled by the Father to press ahead, and I cannot be bound or constrained in any way by human obligation or earthly considerations.
I don't know what my relationship to the housework or Contentment or you will look like. They were all surrendered completely at the altar where I layed down my life. But I am very clear now that I can allow nothing to hinder the flow and moving of His Spirit within me. The last time that happened was Friday morning, when after being delivered completely, I had such an overwhelming sense of the Father's intimate love and care, and gratitude for His saving power through His Son, that a river felt like it was pouring out of me. I sat down to the computer to channel its life-giving virtue, and you recalled me to the house duties. I desired so much to call someone else to come in and clean the house so I could be about my Father's business, but I found myself again being confused between duty to the will of my earthly husband and God's calling. When I closed the computer, the flow was gone.
Sabbath afternoon, I earnestly yearned for the Father to draw me closer to Him so His flow could come forth again. I was awakened during the night with the clear knowing that I didn't want to ever again delay or relegate the flow of the Spirit to after hours, when everything else is done. Everything else will never be done, but I have to go forward anyway. I am being pressed into service.
This morning the Father said that I need to come apart for a time with Him. I am not who I was. The Father and the Son have delivered me. The veil of flesh that has kept the Anointing from being free, has been rent; but I need to be stabilized and settled into what has just been wrought, and to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and equipped for that to which I am being called.
Sabbath evening I was in the middle of doing something on the computer, when I felt a distinct call in my spirit, and I knew I had to stop and go for a walk, though I didn't know where or what for. As I walked, I came upon Michael and a group of people the Father had drawn to Him out under the trees. The time has truly now come when "everyone will be taught of the Lord," led individually by the Spirit to feel the summons and end up where they are to be at each appointed time.
When I arrived back home and you asked why I hadn't come back and gotten you, I couldn't explain anything to you. All I could do was keep yielding myself silently to the Father's keeping power, that I not be engulfed by the past, or count or discount anything that I was being led to do or not do, but only wait quietly for His words of reply and instruction. The old wineskin of our ways of relating can't hold the new wine that has come. The Father Himself must and will provide a new wineskin.
I must be free to follow the spiritual instincts that I find awakening within me, completely free to follow the moment by moment flow of the Spirit, unhindered in any way, by any obligation. As I was resting before lunch, the Father drew near me again and brought to my remembrance the inspired words that He gave me several months ago, in direct reference to our relationship as husband and wife.
At His visit to the temple in His boyhood, as the mystery of His lifework opened before Him, Christ had said to Mary, 'Wist ye not that I must be about My Father's business?' These words struck the keynote of His whole life and ministry. Everything was held in abeyance to His work which He had come into the world to accomplish. Now He repeated the lesson. There was danger that Mary would regard her relationship to Jesus as giving her a special claim upon Him, and the right, in some degree, to direct Him in His mission. But He must now go about His Father's work. As Son of the Most High, and Saviour of the world, no earthly ties must hold Him from His mission or influence His conduct. He must stand free to do the will of God. This lesson is also for us. The claims of God are paramount even to the ties of human relationship. No earthly attraction should turn our feet from the path in which He bids us walk. Mary's connection with Jesus placed her in no different spiritual relation to Him from that of any other human soul. DA 146,7.
Chapter 5, page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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