This morning after breakfast the Father called me out for a walk. I knew I was to leave our home for a time, though I didn't know what that would look like, or how and when to communicate with you regarding this, but as He drew near in quiet communion, He started bringing His thoughts to me for a letter to you. The season of quiet to which Paul was called in the desert of Arabia immediately following his conversion, was brought to my mind, and these thoughts stood out to me as I read about it just now:
A messenger from heaven bade Paul to leave for a time. The solemn charge that had been given Paul on the occasion of his interview with Ananias, rested with increasing weight upon his heart. 'The God of our fathers hath chosen thee, that thou shouldest know His will, and see that Just one, and shouldest hear the voice of His mouth.' These words were in harmony with the words of Jesus Himself, who, when He arrested Saul on the journey to Damascus, declared: 'I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in which I will appear unto thee'. As he pondered these things in His heart, Paul understood more clearly the meaning of his call and the greatness of the work before him. AA 126,7.
The morning of July 26, I was taken back to the calling of the Lord to my heart on December 3, 1999:
God has raised you up and has given you words to speak to the people and to reach hearts as He has given to no other one. In order to be God's special instrument, you should lean to no one, but hang upon Him alone, and like the clinging vine, let Your tendrils entwine about Him. He will make you a means through which to communicate His light to the people. You must daily gather strength from God in order to be fortified, that your surroundings may not dim or eclipse the light that He has permitted to shine upon His people through you. It is Satan's special object to prevent this light from coming to the people of God, who so greatly need it amid the perils of these last days.…According to the light He has given you, He holds you responsible. 'Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit saith the Lord of hosts.' 2T 607-609.
You need not weary yourself with busy activities and needless cares. Work on for the day, faithfully doing the work which God's providence assigns you, and He will have a care for you. Jesus will deepen and widen your blessings. RH 8-02-70.
The Father's words to me this last winter before arriving in the new land were also brought to me again, confirming His call: "I have put My words in your mouth and have covered you with the shadow of My hand, that I may fix the new heavens as a tabernacle and lay the foundations of a new earth and say to Zion, You are My people." Isa. 51:16 Amplified.
Oh, how I long to love you as I have been tenderly and lavishly loved. And the Father has heard my heart's cry, and has made a way where there seemed to be no way, when He said, Come apart and learn of me, and be filled with all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, that the healing streams of love might flow forth unhindered and unbounded. So I have been called apart to receive the Father and the Son's special communion during this time. Our Faithful One received very specific instructions from the Father regarding how to bring me to complete death to myself, and now in this too, I am yielded completely to Their keeping. Love, Michal
The deep spiritual communion of heart and soul which is so physically expressed in The Song, and which I automatically took so metaphorically in the beginning, began assuming a direct cause and effect relationship. Between every new and specific expression of divine communion that the Father would give His Son for me from The Song, I keenly observed the direct communication of His divine life into me, which I invariably experienced as a result. As I began seeing how the Father had ordained for Messiah's divine life to come into me, it caused me to be alert and awake to the direct effects of everything that the Father was bringing about.
One Sabbath as Michael shared out in the open air with those the Father drew to Him that day, He put into words this cause and effect correlation that I was noticing and experiencing in the chamber:
I will kiss your lips, and you will speak only My Words. I will kiss your eyes, and you will see what I see. I will kiss your ears, and you will hear only My words. I will kiss your neck - the strong connection between the heart and mind... Now when she (the Shulamite) opens her lips she will speak only what I speak, because My lips are on top of hers. She will hear only what I speak because My lips will be covering her ears. I am a faithful Husband.
Of Messiah's first coming, it is recorded, "Many of the words and acts of Jesus appear mysterious to finite minds, but every word and act had its definite purpose in the work for our redemption; each was calculated to produce its own result. If we were capable of understanding His purposes, all would appear important, complete, and in harmony with His mission." DA 393. So it was with Messiah's return. The Song was written for a very specific divine purpose. Every aspect of it was important in illustrating and revealing the Father's plan to draw every hungering soul into His embrace.
When God touches His creation, there are noticeable results. Every specific way that God touches our being and every place in us that He touches, brings divine connection and transformation. The chamber of the Son revealed the verity of the truth that "There is no such thing as…male and female; for you are all one person in Christ Jesus." Gal. 3:28 REB. Gabriel shared with me the following experience of the results he saw and felt after he was anointed with the oil of Myrrh when the Father sent Him to the chamber of His Son. The anointing of Myrrh was a symbol from Queen Esther and the year of her preparation to be united to the King. Her preparation foreshadowed the divine preparation essential for the bride of Messiah to be united to the King, and the essential bitterness of experience which opens up the soul to go in to the divine King.
After that she had been twelve months, according to the manner of the women, for so were the days of their purifications accomplished, to wit, six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with sweet odours, and with other things for the purifying of the women. Esther 2:12.
These are they who have not defiled themselves...for they are pure as virgins. These are they who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These are they who have been ransomed, purchased, redeemed from among men as the firstfruits for God and the Lamb…for they are blameless, spotless, untainted, without blemish before the throne of God. Rev. 14:4 Amplified.
I have a tendency to think of things in symbolic gestures, and when they find their way into reality it surprises me. When Messiah anointed me with the oil of myrrh in the chamber, it signified the entering into the bitterness of the final resolution of all my troubles. I wasn't expecting the direct effects that followed immediately. All hell broke lose. My earthly relationships that I valued, began to be divinely broken up. Gabriel
The results we experienced came not only from the divine touch itself, but from the Holy Spirit of faith, the Spirit of the bride with which the Father had anointed us. We found ourselves divinely receiving and believing in, knowing and experiencing the divine power in each touch. The heavenly anointing of this Spirit, "coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband," had come down upon us as the Holy Spirit of the bride of Messiah. This divine companion or counterpart to the Anointed Word of God, came down already "prepared as a bride," "to give the Messiah a fit reception and secure His blessings; to receive one coming." Strong's Concordance. This Spirit from the Father came down upon us with a built in divine capacity to receive the Word of God into itself. It came prepared to know Him, to be touched and influenced and affected by Him.
God is faithful; by Him you were called into companionship and participation with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord…the reception of which is due to the power of divine grace operating in your souls by the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 1:9,7 Amplified.
I remember so vividly, after the Father would break me open in the night by a revelation of my great need and then send me to His Son, Michael would press me close to His heart and say, Let Me come into you. Let me come in deep. I could feel the Holy Spirit of faith in me, reaching out to Him and drawing me to respond to Him with my whole being. I felt His words going into all the places in my soul that the Father had just emptied out, touching places within me that had never been touched before. Illusions and misconceptions that had bound me up with a death grip were letting go their hold on my thinking and feeling; the clear, bright light of the divine words and presence of the Son were dispelling the darkness of misperceiving God, even as sun evaporates the fog.
August 3, 2000
Precious Son of God,
When I left Your chamber, I was so wrapped in Your glory it was palpable, and I had the sense that You were still there, imprinted into me. I slowly walked along through the arroyo. You were so very "WITH" me. I went to Freedom's dwelling to pick up something, and as we talked, Your calm, quiet spirit and words flowed through me, and went right into her heart. All at once she looked me right in the eye, and with a very keen penetrating look said, You're not who you were any more are you." I said, "No, I'm not." Our conversation was very solemn, and right to the heart. She said that her self could feel that its end was here, and it was afraid.
I shared with her what Faithful Witness had seen in a dream. He saw a lamb-like beast (buffalo) standing in a field. A lion was sitting in front of it with a piece of meat in its mouth. As Faithful Witness looked closer at the buffalo, he saw that its abdominal parts had been eaten out, and wondered that it could even keep standing there. What especially captured his attention was the look which was in the buffalo's eyes. It was looking intently at the meat in the lion's mouth as if something were beginning to dawn on it. The lion was consuming it! The meat in the lions mouth was part of its self! As the buffalo grasped the reality of what was happening, and the source of its demise, it turned to run, but it was too late. It only took a few tottering steps, and then collapsed, dead, to the ground.
I told Freedom that it was too late for self to escape, and that self had just recognized it as it looked at the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. She said that she was beginning to see her own end. As Your words flowed through me they brought personal conviction of great need to her. As we parted, she was in tears, and as I hugged her, the Father put a very personal prayer in my mouth for her. It was a significant and meaningful prayer as I committed her to Him. Not too long afterwards, I saw her with her day pack on, heading for the hills to be alone with Father.
As I sat alone outside eating lunch, it opened up to me so much more clearly the power of our chamber times together, and their purpose. It is an absolute necessity that I remain IN THE SENSE OF THEM at all times, for the vivid consciousness of YOU is the light and power with which I am clothed. I bring You to the people in that way, and they SEE AND FEEL AND KNOW that I have been WITH You - they see Your image - Your beauty and likeness, instead of me. These inspired words are so meaningful to me now.
Christ…is a personal Saviour. We bear about in our body the dying of the Lord Jesus [His continual, selfless laying down of His life], which is life and salvation and righteousness to us. Wherever we go, we bear the abiding presence of One so dear to us; for we abide in Christ by a living faith. He is abiding in our hearts by our individual, appropriating faith. We have the companionship of the divine Jesus, and as we realize His presence, our thoughts are brought into captivity to him. Our experience in divine things will be in proportion to the vividness of our sense of his companionship. Enoch walked with God in this way; and Christ dwells in our hearts by faith when we appreciate what He is to us, and what a work He has wrought out for us in the plan of redemption. Then we shall be most happy in cultivating a sense of this great Gift of God to our world, and to us personally. ST 9-03-96.
Christ breathed on His disciples, and said, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost." This is the great gift of heaven. Christ imparted to them through the Spirit His own sanctification. He imbued them with His power, that they might win souls to the gospel. Henceforth Christ would live through their faculties, and speak through their words. They were privileged to know that hereafter He and they were to be one. They must cherish His principles and be controlled by His Spirit. They were no longer to follow their own way, to speak their own words. The words they spoke were to proceed from a sanctified heart, and fall from sanctified lips. No longer were they to live their own selfish life; Christ was to live in them and speak through them. He would give to them the glory that He had with the Father, that he and they might be one in God. GBC 10-1-99.
As I walked after lunch, the Father was impressing my mind with the significance of what I find myself doing and being. I have laid down my earthly life, my earthly husband, my earthly daughter, my domestic responsibilities, my body and my soul, for the people here. I was so wrapped up in His thoughts, that I had been walking along unconscious of the direction I was going, until I suddenly recognized that I was at my favorite altar down in the arroyo. As I knelt there the second time today, remembering the first time, when while there the Father had sent me to You, and recalling the pure joy and heavenly communion of those hours, I praised and glorified Him anew for leading me as He willed all through the day so far.
As I yielded myself afresh for His purposes during the remainder of the day, and arose to walk back, the prayer I found Him breathing through me was, Father, thank You that You are bringing forth the image of Your dear Son in each veiled one here.
Then, as I was recalled to that quiet, solemn, heart conversation between Freedom and I, I knew that that was how I would always speak from now on. The sentence came very clearly into me, I can never be common with anyone - any more; and then the realization came, I AM not common anymore. I am set apart for a holy purpose - "that the love which You [Michael] have bestowed upon Me may be in them - FELT IN THEIR HEARTS, and that I Myself [the Spirit of the bride] may be in them."
I found my heart entreating the people with these words: "Come, MY PEOPLE, enter into your chambers and shut your doors about you, and hide yourself for a little while, until the indignation and terror be overpast." Isa. 26:20 Amplified. COME! MY PEOPLE! - I felt very much identified with the words MY PEOPLE, and with Queen Esther, as she pled with her people and instructed them as to their part in their deliverance.
Then the Father brought this verse clearly to my mind, and I was the bride, pleading with My people: "The Holy Spirit and the Bride say, Come! And LET everyone come who is painfully conscious of his need of those things by which the soul is refreshed, supported, and strengthened; and whoever earnestly desires to do it, let him come, take, appropriate, and drink the water of Life freely." Rev. 22:17 Amplified.
When I came back from my walk, I knew I would never have a common conversation again, remaining quiet so I can continually receive the further unfolding of the Father's purposes in me and through me.
I feel the Father very much pressing me to write these things to You daily. The Holy incense of reliving their communion keeps them refreshed in me. Doesn't this last verse in the Bible have much greater significance in the light of these things we have shared today?
"The grace, blessing and favor of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah, be with all the saints, God's holy people, THOSE SET APART FOR GOD, TO BE, AS IT WERE, EXCLUSIVELY HIS. Amen, so let it be!" Rev. 22:21 Amplified. Michal
I was much blessed by your e-mail and the lightning shared with me. I delight in your precious moments with Father and His confirmation as to the time we are in. With great interest I follow your pathway and take delight in your delights. Michael
Sometimes matters will so shape themselves that we cannot doubt they are of God. At others, they will run contrary to our ideas and feelings. The Lord surprises us sometimes by revealing our duty in lines altogether different from what we have planned for, and we declare, "It is not so. This is untrue." But nevertheless, it is true to the letter…The Lord wants us to yield to His molding, to be emptied of self and surrendered to God, that Christ [the Anointing from the Father] may pervade the soul. The fire can only burn when we purify the altar according to the word of God. 1 MR 240.
There is a precious Spirit that comes forth from the Father and that leads the soul home to Him. It is a soft, quiet, patient, humble spirit. It is the Anointing. Before I was to begin facing the possibility that the Father was asking me to do something that I didn't understand, and which would seem very wrong to me, He drew my heart out to Him. I didn't know that the next day would be the greatest crisis of my life. I didn't know that my yielding to God was going to be tested to the uttermost, just as Abraham's yielding was tested to the limits of its trust when God asked him to kill his son of promise. Did my trust in God have a limit? Was there any point I would come up to and say to God, this is far enough! - anything beyond this point is asking too much of a person! It was about to be determined just how far would I go in taking up the cross of Messiah and yielding to the Father's unexplainable will for me.
The Father Himself came down on me and gently prepared me for this crisis. I was standing at the kitchen sink doing dishes, when I felt His presence draw near, as He breathed the song, "I Surrender All" through me. Immediately I found the words flowing in response, "Here I am, surrendering all." I sensed the presence of a yielding Spirit within me which was wide open and vulnerable to the Father. That quiet Spirit held me safe from myself and my natural internal activity, as the sense came with it that I was to wait, and the Father would speak again and be His own interpreter.
The absence of my own familiar mind was very marked to me, which had always tried so hard to religiously "understand" what God meant by something He was saying. At that point I didn't have a mental clue as to what He was asking me to surrender, or did I have a "handle" on how to surrender it; but very distinctly I remember being held in the softness of that quiet, humble Spirit, not searching my mind or looking to my own analyzation to wonder what God might be referring to. Instead, there was a silence in my soul which I could feel, as this precious Spirit, born of heaven, quietly yielded to the Father before understanding came. This Spirit innately knew to wait in expectant stillness for the Father to unfold what He meant; It knew how to be at a yielded attention and listen. I didn't know at the time that it was the Spirit of the Anointing that I was experiencing, I just felt the presence of the Father very close.
After a period of dwelling quietly in that Spirit, "Here I am, surrendering all," the Father spoke again. "Low at His feet lay thy burden of carefulness. High on His heart He will bear it FOR THEE." Again, the divine response was immediately there, "Here I am, laying down my burden of carefulness." I now knew that the Father desired me to lay my "burden of carefulness" at Michael's feet, though I didn't know what that meant. Held in the quiet trust of consciously yielding to the Father's keeping power, and not my ability to use the dictionary or my mind to second guess His words, I yielded to the continuing sense that I was to listen for His further words.
I was quite conscious that even though I was yielding to obedience by simply saying the words that were given to me, the actual "surrendering all" and the "laying down of my carefulness" was an unfelt, invisible inner work that was being rendered real within me by a divine power, through the permission of that prayer, "Here I am." As Madam Guyon put it, "The yielding spirit, causes the soul to lose its own consistency, that it might be ready at any moment to receive the mold of God." Again, the Anointing held me still, listening and yielded, and waiting on the Father. I was possessed by the simple knowing that as I waited in quiet expectancy, the Father would continue His communication with me.
Weeks later, in answer to my unspoken pondering, What is the real power of the words "Here I am," and the Spirit that I feel with it? the Father Himself awakened me early one morning with a sentence that revealed its divine key: "'Here I am', opens the way for the letting soul to take in the very faithfulness of God." Father, our trust is not in these words, it is in You and Your faithfulness.
The coming of the light that caused me to see exactly what this "burden of carefulness" was, came "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye," "as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven." 1 Cor. 15:52; Luke 17:24. The Father became very intimate with me as He entered my thoughts and feelings and touched the personal way in which I was bound by this burden of carefulness. Specifically, it had to do with laying down and surrendering the habit of religiously judging everything that came to me, and everything which I felt and thought. The Father knew that human judgment could only misjudge what He does. He knew that my judgment would dominate and override the yielding, responsiveness of the Anointing, with "good" reasons — Scriptural reasons. Abraham had Scriptural reasons not to obey the Voice he heard and offer his son as a burnt offering. Human judgment cannot be brought to trust the Father. It has to understand, and have a reason, and that is not trust.
Now, in this moment of divine illumination, the Father was saying to me, Surrender all of your judging and reasoning to Me, instead of trying to keep yourself by judging everything. You don't know how to. Yield yourself entirely to My keeping power. Lay all of your conscientious "taking care of yourself" at Michael's feet. Your bound up spirit has been the result of you trying to keep yourself.
Chapter 5, page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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