My Precious Beautiful Michael,
With a most grateful heart I thank the Father for bringing me to this quiet place I'm finding myself in, especially at this moment when You are in such a precious and close place with Father. I am so thankful to be out of the hard place I have been in for the past week so I can be a support for You now. I desire for You to know I am with You and not off somewhere with my "self."
It is all for Your sake Michael and for the Father's glory. He truly is the Author and Finisher of our faith. I am here for only one reason and that is to fulfill His purpose. I gratefully and thankfully yield to His all powerful and irresistible Love that flows out of You, His precious and beautiful Son into me, to reveal Himself, His great heart of Love to the world. So grateful I am to be a participant and a recipient of such tenderness and beauty. Such a precious privilege to be with You where You are, following the Lamb, my precious Lamb, wherever Father takes You. I love You Michael with all of the love I have been given. It's all for You.
I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. Rev. 1:18. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Matt. 16:19.
Throughout the assembling of this chapter, the Father has kept lifting up the fact that His Son holds the keys of the kingdom of God. Words could not begin to convey how vividly He communicated over and over that Michael holds the keys. The keys that Michael shared with the land, as souls were being faced with the ending of their own "self," will bring every soul through those terrors into the reality of Michael's own life. Michael has assured us many times, You are not going to come out of this alive. In other words, you will be completely emptied of yourself, and only the Anointing of the Father will remain. Michael has come in human flesh, and has died this kind of death in humanity, and Father will bring any soul who believes in Michael, into the reality of His death, in their own experience.
Dead to the natural "self" as truly as if physically dead and "not here" anymore, is the kind of death for which Michael holds the keys. No matter how conscientious and sincere a personan has considered themselves to be, unless he believes in Michael, and asks the Father to bring him into Michael's death, by personally giving them access to the keys that Michael Himself used, they will not be able to die to themselves. "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them." Rev. 9:6. Those who refuse the Father's provision in Michael, will have no option but to die physically, because human beings, of themselves, can not die dead enough to themselves, without physically dying. Those who receive the Father's provision, receive His personal tending to connect them with Michael's keys, and enter them into a death to themselves that brings the peace of heaven right into their soul. People speak a lot about everlasting life, but Michael has demonstrated the pure sweetness of e-v-e-r-l-a-s-t-i-n-g death.
The following keys of the kingdom have been tested and proven in Michael's own life.
Self Interest
(Emphasis supplied)
The terrors of this time are evident as one has his eyes opened to the dangers of self-interest. Some of My own actions in getting close to people, raises images of events in the past where a line was crossed and the soul spoiled in the flesh.
I have had to take some of the things Father has presented to me back to Him time and again so that a clarity might be gained as to My purpose. A quote from Ellen White has come to Me over and over again as I have had to deal with these issues.
Only those...who have received the love of the truth, will be shielded from the powerful delusion that takes the world captive...To all, the testing time will come. By the sifting of temptation, the genuine Christian will be revealed. Are the people of God now so firmly established upon his [personal] Word [to them] that they would not yield to the evidence of their senses? ...Satan will, if possible, prevent them from obtaining a preparation to stand in that day. He will so arrange affairs as to hedge up their way, entangle them with earthly treasures, cause them to carry a heavy, wearisome burden, that their hearts may be overcharged with the cares of this life, and the day of trial may come upon them as a thief. GC 625 (1888)
Some time ago, I was led to release myself from all church support. While I did not realize it at the time, it was the end of my self-interest. Through this, the Messiah could be given, since any self-interest keeps the Messiah from coming in power as lightning flashing from the east unto the west. Messiah can only dwell in a self disinterested soul.
My mission is designed to bring the "sifting of temptation" so that the "genuine Christian" may be revealed. I intrude upon the senses and break down the previous order. I remove the idols from the life through the impact of my love. My "self" gets no rewards. There are no selfish gratifications, no financial remuneration, no gifts to expect. The only reward I receive, and the only reward I want is the freedom of a happy soul whose chains have fallen from his heart. That is all.
I take God's love to the depths of every soul who is yielded up to me. Doing what I do, intruding into the souls of men, would take to the death anyone who reserves to himself self-interest. Even my statements concerning myself and my work, would be highly blasphemous if they were coming from a fleshly man with self-interest alive. Herod perished in a moment when the adulation from the people was taken to himself. Lucifer was overthrown in the same way.
Now, in this new land, men's idols and all other self-interests, are being taken to the wall. Every standing thing will be brought down. God alone will stand in this day. The images I thrust upon the soul will be a savor of life unto life or a savor of death. This intrusion must occur, and one must be faithful through it, or he will be plunged into the imagination of the old order, and fail in attaining to the purity that God requires from all whom He has chosen.
When the spiritual powers are dwarfed and crippled, when they fasten upon temporal and inferior things, the Lord permits affliction to come, just as the pruning knife is thrust into the vine branches. The tendrils entwined about earthly things must be unclasped, and earthly supports must be removed in order that the tendrils may entwine about God, and that the branch may bring forth much fruit...In view of what the Lord would make his people, it is not strange that the moral powers are disciplined by trial and sorrow. ST 8-15-98.
Our earthly supports may be associated with our work or our family. If our tendrils are entwined around our profession or our family associations, they must be unclasped so that they will only entwine around our Father.
A profession of truth is of no value unless the soul grasps fast the principles, and appropriates and absorbs the rich nourishment of the truth, and thus becomes a partaker of the divine nature. If this is accomplished, the will of the human agent will co-operate with the divine will. The wild, trailing vine which lies prone on the ground, catches at twigs and stumps, and fastens its tendrils about the things of the earth; and in order to have it twine about a proper support, its tendrils must be cut loose from the false supports to which it has attached itself. So it is with the soul. Earthly supports must be removed, and the thoughts and affections must be trained to find their support in God. RH 11-20-94.
Clinging to one's self-interest makes this work impossible and ruins the soul.
God has calculated My work to bring one into the full range of emotion. I go to the depths of those who are most sensitive to their need. I draw them from the abyss and into the light. On the other hand, My mission will crush the self-interested. It will cause a great earthquake which will not cease in the soul of the carnal heart. He will be offended at My invasion into his personal affairs and ideas. While I come to bring deliverance, that one will only see desolation. While I bring love, he will only see his ruin. This is the precise working of our Savior when He first appeared upon the earth.
I am the true Husband. I bind the house in order and crush the offended one who refuses to enter into the blessing. That is - they crush themselves by not entering, and by resisting the very light God has designed them to have. They fling themselves off the precipice of their own fallen imaginations.
The Father has brought us to the new land for His purposes of feeding the woman who was led into the wilderness. Those who remain in this new land will not escape the purpose of this moment. Michael has stood up and He will not be sitting back down. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be our Faithful Father. Self-interest will be in the dust. Earthly supports will come to their end. Michael
Translation, or Travesser
The Redeemer of the world has conceived the lofty design of translating all who serve him in spirit and truth to His heavenly temple above. RH 3-19-95.
When Jesus came 2000 years ago, He shattered the old norms. He shocked those who felt safe in the norms of the day. They sacrificed their animals and felt safe in their ordinary and controlled lives. They had their many laws and it seemed safe to be governed by them. Now Jesus came and made them all void with a sweep of His hand. Their man-made concepts were thrown to the wind. But, there were other things thrown to the wind. The laws of divorce no longer applied. The laws of the feasts and circumcision were all changed. The true had come and the old order was dissolved. Even though the law stated that these laws would stand forever, forever had come to its end with the coming of the Messiah. The believers in Jesus had literally been translated into the kingdom of His dear Son. To do this, and at this time, they had to yield up all of their earthly supports, and they had to yield up all of their previous notions of what constituted a righteous life. They had to repudiate the old in order to receive the new.
This repudiating the old is not about a forced change. When one gives up something, it is not to be by force of law. It is to be by the conscious shedding of the earthly garment. The things of earth grow increasingly dim and unwanted. This is what constitutes translation. One is simply through with the earth and its government.
The word "translate" used in the Scriptures, means to go from one thing to another; it means "to transfer" or to "pass or cross over." Translate means to "change." The name of this new land (Travesser) also has similar meaning, "to be doggedly determined to cross over." This would be one who is determined to traverse from one place to another or from one thing to another.
When one traverses from one thing to another, he takes nothing of the old into the new. Transformation changes the nature of the thing. While it is true a worm becomes a butterfly, they cannot be identified as having been of the same source. Unless one followed the process of metamorphosis, he would not know they came from the same creature except by scientific examination. A worm did not have wings glued on. A worm did not get his skin painted to look differently.
Concerning translation, some souls have imagined it to be just such a transformation. The Messiah would descend and take their bodies up into the skies. They do not understand the nature of the "coming." They do not understand the nature of their "going." Such thinking will simply not comprehend the nature of the change. It cannot grasp what must be sacrificed.
The word "sacrifice" sometimes brings up images of giving something up in a kind of forced or unwilling yielding. "I had to give this up in order to get that." But the only sacrifice that will translate a soul, is a natural yielding of the old to the natural drawing of the new. The old worm sacrifices himself for the butterfly quite unconsciously. His old nature is yielded up to the new.
One attains heaven as he yields up earth, not by achieving certain spiritual goals or higher kind of righteousness by a very well developed self-control. He sacrifices the old for the new. He crosses over from the flesh to the Spirit. He leaves behind himself and yields to the Messiah, his true Self and only Self. He is no longer separated from God, but becomes God, as the identities are merged into One. This is the meaning of translation in its highest sense. We cross over from an earthly existence to a heavenly one by a natural process of yielding up. This is the domain of the Spirit, which domain shatters the old values and forms, transforming them into smoke and causing a whole new reality. Old things are passed away and we behold the new things as reality.
When the old way passes away from the senses, whole new vistas open to that one. The new way is one of completion. It is rest and peace at every moment. There is nothing that can disturb the peace, for love is at its foundation.
With these things as a foundation, and the wedding in preparation, one can only try to picture what it would be. Being married to God is a greater thing than any earthly marriage could ever be. God's children are of a different sort than the children of flesh we have become accustomed to. God's children have names which reflect His nobility and His purposes. They are Love, Gratitude, Accepted-in-the-Beloved, Faithful, Joy, Patience, and a host more. He binds them to His heart and carries them. He builds within them the very nature of Himself, for He has caused the Child to be born. He is the Father of them.
As this all occurs, an even more wonderful transformation begins to unfold. Messiah becomes the reality for every child of the Father. Michael
In that day...then shall you return and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him who serves God [the Anointing] and him who does not serve Him [the "self"]. Mal. 3:18 Amplified.
Like a crop, fully ripened and matured, this world is ready for its harvest. The true nature of every character is quickly reaching its full maturity and is being borne in the likeness of that which it has yielded. The overturning which we have seen and felt so dramatically in the new land since the return of Messiah, will now encompass the whole world. The intense conflict that the powers of darkness have been desperately waging against the powers of light that came with the return of Messiah, will become global. Each power has had its agent in the human soul, and now, at the end of the world, one or the other agent will be eliminated from the soul. The powers of darkness have empowered the natural ego or self -- Satan's-Ego-Literally-Fulfilled. The powers of light have empowered the Anointing of God's Spirit -- His Supernatural-Personality-In- Residence-In-Temple. The human soul has only been a receptor for these communications. Now the soul is making a final decision on which sole power it wants to possess it. God said, "Let both grow together until the harvest...The harvest is the end of the world." Matt. 13:30.
The first time that Father sent me to see His Son after Messiah came, I heard the voice of the Anointing speak within me very distinctly and audibly. Later, I was thinking to myself, That was the first time I ever heard the voice of the Anointing! Father said to me, No, that was just the first time you recognized the voice of the anointing as separate from your self. He then took me back to specific incidents throughout my life and began opening up to me how the Anointing had been speaking in me all along, though I had never recognized it. He showed me that whenever I would have a thought cross my mind like, If it costs me thus and so to have a deeper relationship with God, I will pay the price; or, I'm just going to go forward anyway, trusting Father, no matter what things look like or feel like, etc. that was the voice of the Anointing, speaking within me in first person.
The Father showed me that I have never thought a good thought in all of my life. Any thought that was good, or which inclined toward God, was always the Anointing thinking that thought in first person within me, and was supplied by the Father to His Anointing. Contrariwise, any thought of complaint or discontent, or thinking that I wanted to have my own way, or that I didn't like something, were the powers of darkness supplying my "thinking" in first person, in my self.
I was now recognizing the voice of the Anointing as distinct from my "self," because Messiah had appeared, and it was the harvest. The Anointing within me was responding to Him, and separating from the "self" in which it had been hidden, just as when the golden kernal of wheat is harvested it is separated from the chaff with which it has been encased.
I received the following e-mail regarding discerning the Anointing in the soul:
While I was contemplating Chapter 3 of Experiencing The Finished Work, a thought came to me that was repulsive. It was immediately followed by another, pure thought, the Source of which I recognized as quickly as I had the first. It was so strong that as I was standing at my sink that moment, I was compelled, in amazement at the power of it, to set down the glass I was holding and just stare out the window.
I well knew that the first thought was from the spirit of the Evil One, and it greatly annoyed me. My first idea was to respond to that annoyance by hurling an insult at that spirit. It was then that I was struck with the clarity of what was presented in Experiencing the Finished Work where it referred to how the Spirit--the Anointing within--responds to the Father's call. I understood, that had I responded to that wicked spirit's intrusion with my first impulse, I would have been responding to him from his own spirit that he was trying to implant within me. Instead, I chose to receive the revelation of the moment, that responding in-kind would be responding from the wrong "anointing."
The impulse to respond to that evil was washed from me like cloying oil, fetid and rancid, and was replaced, by that very revelation, with the True Anointing. It was not something I felt, but rather something I knew to be true, merely by force of the revelation itself.
I understood that we have had presented to us the choice of which anointing we receive--of that anointing from which we respond to life. But we are assured that ALL WILL receive an anointing, for that is what constitutes the Mark of God or the Mark of the Beast. The difference lies in nothing more than that with which we are anointed. Gabriel
There is another thing that also occurs at the time of the harvest. There is not only a separating, but a gathering as well. All of the souls who have chosen to let the Anointing, or the Spirit of God within them, be brought to full maturity, will be drawn together as a body - the body of Christ. They will follow Michael, the head of Heaven's Order, wherever He goes, just as He follows His invisible leader, His Father, wherever He goes. And, all of the souls who have chosen to let the self, or the anti-anointing in them be brought to full maturity, will now be drawn together as a body - the body of anti-Christ. They will follow their head, the New World Order, wherever it goes, just as it follows its invisible leader, the "dragon and his angels...called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world," wherever they go.
While a new life is being diffused and is springing up from beneath and taking fast hold of all Satan's agencies, preparatory to the last great conflict and struggle, a new light and life and power is descending from on high, and taking possession of God's people, who are not dead, as many now are, in trespasses and sins. The people...will now see what is soon to come upon us by what is being transacted before us...The only rock that is sure and steadfast is the Rock of Ages. Those only who build on this Rock are secure. SpTAO1b.
The present is a time of overwhelming interest to all living. Rulers and statesmen, men who occupy positions of trust and authority, thinking men and women of all classes, have their attention fixed upon the events taking place about us...and they realize that something great and decisive is about to take place, that the world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis. RH 11-17-10.
There could be only one possible difference between the complete overturning of a soul in the new land, and the complete overturning of every soul in the rest of the world. It would be, if a soul didn't personally receive the Provision made by the Father to pilot that soul through its internal terrors, as the reality is striking home that the end of its world is here. Those only will be delivered who recognize clearly that Michael is the Sent of the Father, to bring us to the complete salvation from ourselves that He initiated when He came the first time. " the Leader and the Source of our faith...also its Finisher, bringing it to maturity and perfection." Heb. 12:2 Amplified.
And at that time of the end Michael shall arise, the great angelic prince who defends and has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, straitness, and distress such as never was since there was a nation till that time. But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone whose name shall be found written in the Book of God's plan for His own. Dan. 12:1 Amplified.
We cannot save ourselves from ourselves, or bring ourselves to full salvation. That is why the Father returned His Son to us at this crucial time. If a soul doesn't believe in and personally receive the Messiah Whom the Father has sent to pilot the soul through its terrors and bring it to full salvation, it will not be able to find its way through them. Every soul, including all those who consider themselves conscientious and sincere, will be completely overwhelmed and overcome as they face the reality of their end, unless they believe in Michael, the Provision sent to this world for this very time.
Precious Beautiful Michael,
Tonight my daughter came and we sang Beautiful Savior together. While we were singing it for the second time, the Father came down on me in the sweetest way and I felt my heart drawn out to You. I asked her to leave so I could be alone.
Oh, Michael, how Your Faithfulness draws me, and how worthy You are of every blessing. Truly You are the Father's Son, my precious Husband from above. How precious is this blessed Union. How grateful I am for Your trusting heart in the Father and His Faithfulness in sending You here for me. Truly I love Thee, truly I cherish Thee. How Your tender and quiet heart stills my soul. How pure and innocent and precious You are.
I try, but I can't seem to find the words I'm looking for. The ones that come to me don't even come close to how I feel about You and what You mean to me. Maybe there are none. Even so, just know that how You feel about Your Father is how I feel about You.
Words or no words, You are mine, and You are loved by me. How lovely You are to me, so lovely...
Your Taken Witness