Experiencing the Finished Work
gate 6

    I didn't know anything of the inner conversation about fleece that Michael had had with His Father a few days before, or that my request was one of two that had come to Him on the same day, bringing to pass the first condition of the agreement with His Father that He had finally consented to.

Divine Rules

    Both of the witnesses asked Michael if He knew what was on us to say to Him, and to both of us He replied that He did, but that we would have to say it. The Father showed me His purpose in requiring the two witnesses to have to say to Michael what we were being caused to desire, even when Michael knew it already. It was a parable of the interrelating of each soul with the Father. He yearns with divine intensity to bring every soul into His vast all encompassing love and affection, and to become one being with them; yet He also knows how invasive and consuming it would be to that soul. Our desire has to be drawn out so that it becomes stronger than our desire to stay in comfort and not endure the agony required for the Anointing to penetrate all the barriers in our soul. Our Father never forces us to want what He is desiring for us. He isn't a rapist; He never intrudes His presence where He is not wanted or desired. "Thus says the Lord God: For this also I will let the house of Israel inquire of Me to do it for them." Eze. 36:37 Amplified.

    This was seen when the Father sent His Son the first time. When the risen Savior walked home with the two disciples of Emmaus, He waited for the disciples to specifically ask for what they were being drawn out to feel.

During the journey the sun had gone down, and before the travelers reached their place of rest, the laborers in the fields had left their work. As the disciples were about to enter their home, the stranger appeared as though He would continue His journey. But the disciples felt drawn to Him. Their souls hungered to hear more from Him. "Abide with us," they said. He did not seem to accept the invitation, but they pressed it upon Him, urging, "It is toward evening, and the day is far spent." Christ yielded to this entreaty and "went in to tarry with them." Had the disciples failed to press their invitation, they would not have known that their traveling companion was the risen Lord.Christ never forces His company upon anyone. He interests Himself in those who need Him. Gladly will He enter the humblest home, and cheer the lowliest heart. But if men are too indifferent to think of the heavenly Guest, or ask Him to abide with them, He passes on. Thus many meet with great loss. They do not know Christ any more than did the disciples as He walked with them by the way. DA 800.
    This was also seen in Pilgrim's Progress when Christiana and Mercy encountered great difficulties because they didn't ask for a guide at the wicket gate. Reliever, who was sent out to rescue them from their assailants, told them this divine secret.
Reliever: I marveled much...that you petitioned not the Lord there for a conductor...for He would have granted you one.

Christiana: ...Indeed it had been well for us had we asked our Lord for one; but since our Lord knew 'twould be for our profit, I wonder He sent not one along with us.

Reliever: It is not always necessary to grant things not asked for, lest by so doing they become of little esteem; but when the want of a thing is felt, it then comes under that estimate that properly is its due, in the eyes of him that feels it, and so consequently will be thereafter used. Had my Lord granted you a conductor, you would not so have bewailed that oversight of yours in not asking for one, as now you have occasion to do. John Bunyan

    In the writing of this chapter, one year later from the experiencing of this divinely required asking, the Father came down on a Sabbath morning and unfolded the above reason that He required us to verbally express to Michael the desire He had put on us. At exactly the same time, the Father came down on Michael and gave Him the following words which He shared with us Sabbath morning when we met together:
I wanted to talk to you a little bit about realities. In your relationship to God it is so important that you understand what I'm saying to you this morning. I'm only a parable in the land. You come to Father just like you came to Me. You act the same way to Him, that you do to Me. The question is, What do you want? Many times I've met with people in my home and I have said clearly and frankly, "Tell me what to do, I will do it. Tell me what you want." It is only an example of what the Father wants from you. He wants to know what you want. Timidity and humility are not the same things. Tell Him what you want. Tell Him who you are, tell Him what you think of Him. Really! not pretend, not what you think He wants to hear. There are not very many people who tell the truth. Whether someone would tell the truth or not was the basis of what occurred in this land during the last year. And what I mean by the truth, is the raw truth, apart from what it would mean to have a question answered in one way or another - whether it had personal interest in the answer or not.

"Well, I want to serve only you," we say. So Father puts hedges in our way to see if that is where we really are, and what we really want; whether we will break down every barrier. So then He brings by some wonderful thing, a job or something else to see if that is what we really want. We are tested on the things that we say - severely tested to see if the metal is what it says it is. When a tree says it has fruit, Father brings by the fruit baskets and says, "Let's see if we can fill these." He tests your profession. But this thing that has happened in the land was to show you what your relationship to God was. How you relate to Him. The reason why the Two Witnesses were chosen had to do with who followed instructions - who kept the word - who did what they were told by the Father. That is all it was.

Father keeps adding more unknown rules, but His children follow by instinct. Not because they know what the rules are; they follow before they know what the rules are; and then they talk about what the rules were after they've already done them, fulfilled them, met them. So now what are the rules? Those who are the Father's will know. They will read His mind. People don't get to heaven by law. They get there by Spirit. The Spirit drives them there. They have to do what they do because they hear the Spirit call. The new land won't save you, only the Spirit.

I have talked for many years about telling God the truth - speaking frankly. That is the only way you receive anything from Him. If you come to Him with a divided heart or are afraid of being rejected if you tell Him the truth, you are none of His.

Don't you think the Father can handle the truth? He already knows you. He knows also when you lie to Him. "Lord, I want You." And so the Father said, "Well, let Me see if you do." And He brought by something to test you. And you got into an argument, or got impatient or something. And you saw it.

Or He said, "Well, is that what you want? You really want Me? Then I will take your husband away." And the first thought with some is, "Well how am I going to eat? How am I going to take care of myself?" The Father responds, "You don't want Me, you want the earth. Here, have your husband back."

Father can work great miracles in your life if He can just bring you to the place where you're basically honest. He can do nothing with you, at all, ever, if you are not. All you'll have then is good intentions, hopes for the future, but it will be the same. If you lived a million years it would be the same. God won't change you if you're not honest.

Truth never offends me, I don't care what it is. The lie always does. Someone may say, "Michael doesn't understand me, He doesn't know how it is." I know you much more than you think. I not only understand, I read you like a book. I know how you think and why you think the way you think. It's as clear as crystal to me. And this is what my love comes from, I understand very well. And I understand in that how you deceive yourself and how you pretend, and how you think that's the way. I understand that. This is why we're here. Nothing gets to settle down. It keeps getting cleaned out.

I can't be happy knowing very well what I read on your forehead and what I hear out of your mouth are two different things. I know very well what's happening. Father sits right there and says, "This is what they're thinking. This is who they are." I see it, I know it as clear as anything. The reason I do is that I know myself, and have always told the truth about myself. So Father has given it for Me to have that discernment concerning you. You don't think I know?

And so that's what I did during the consummation, I just followed instructions. Simple and plain as that. God is not a molester. He is not a rapist. Neither is He a seducer. And He can receive those only in whose heart is Him only, and nothing else in this world matters at all. That is who He will receive. And that is the parable that has been played out before you this past year.

If you want to know what goes to heaven it's that. So some of you are thinking right now, "I don't have that, I don't love that much." Well, then say so. Quit fooling yourself, "I don't love God enough to go to heaven. I love me, it's me I love." Say it. God already knew it. But you can't move until you do. Once you know it, then when Father shows up, you lay hold of His garment. You lay hold on those little opportunities He brings you.

That is why this has always been pictured as coming into His bed. The marriage bed is where the softest and most gentle communications are made. That is what God is like. He is always in bed, naked. That's what the Most Holy Place looks like. That is why the Most Holy Place was closed with a curtain. God was in there naked. The High Priest had to go in there carefully because God was naked. That is what He is like.

What do you think God would do with a bride, when He took her blouse off, and with her other hand she put it back on; He would take a scarf off and with her other hand she would put it back on. Do you think He wants to spend the rest of your life having a clothing exchange with you? What husband would last that long? But Father is naked and He is in bed, and it's green, and the green cord is something that's coming down from His comforter. It comes down to us that we can hang on to it and end up in His bed. He is a worthy lover, so precious, so careful. But He doesn't make love to clothes, they are gotten out of the way.

Honesty and integrity are the basis for being able to come to the place where you love Him only. If you are truthful, the way He does it is, He begins to expose to you the lack of continuity in your own life, which can only be done when you are telling the truth. And He'll show you this, and you can tell the truth about it, and then that covering comes off. Then He shows you this next thing, and that comes off. And you don't grab it and put it back on again. But you're always telling the truth. "Yes, angel, what you show me is correct. I acknowledge that."

You don't run off for some "get better" clothing. You are not better. So it comes off and stays off. And finally when you are all naked, you discover the only one left is Him. Your clothing was a facade, a pretense, it was someone else. If God intended to destroy you, you'd have been all dead when He thought of it. His intention is simply to take your ear plugs out, and your veil off so He can see you and you can see Him. Not like through a glass darkly, but face to face. Father intends to save you, and this is the way. Michael

"More of Thee"

    Early on the morning of August 19, 2000, the day after the Father had compelled each of us to express the desire we found on our heart to Michael, I felt the weight of the presence of the Father again come down strongly upon my heart, and consume me again with the yearning to be taken deeper into God and to experience more of Him in me. The urgency was even stronger than the day before.
    Michael, I cannot take myself deeper into You. You must take me deeper INTO Messiah.
    Michael was quiet and thoughtful. Then He said, I need some time to consider this. I told Him that I knew that He would feel the need for that, and I asked Him to call me after He received further instructions from the Father. As soon as I got back home, the Father pressed upon me the following Scripture verses to send to Michael in an e-mail:
Lord, ALL my desire is before Thee; and my groaning is not hid from Thee. Ps. 38:9.

As the hart pants and longs for the water brooks, so I pant and long for You, O God. MY INNER SELF THIRSTS FOR GOD, for the LIVING GOD. Ps. 42:1 Amplified.

When shall I come and behold the face of God? Ps. 42:2 Amplified.

    Innately the Father had already communicated to me that time was going to be required for this request. When He had drawn near to me again and compelled me to restate the desire that He had put on me to Michael, it was as though with His very presence had come the solemn knowing that a greater preparation of soul was now required. Having to restate this intimate request to Michael with greater conviction of desire, brought me into a place of greater receptivity to the Father's preparation, and intensity of purpose to go forward in whatever might be required. It was like, the very coming out of myself to be nakedly honest about pressing this unexplainable desire, put me in a new place. It brought me to greater emptiness or receptivity so I could receive a deeper divine preparation.
The persistent asking brings the petitioner into a more earnest attitude, and gives him an increased desire to receive the things for which he asks. COL 145.

The heart that has once tasted of the love of Christ, cries out continually for a deeper draft...Every revelation of God to the soul increases the capacity to know and to love. The continual cry of the heart is, More of thee, and ever the Spirit's answer is, Much more; for our God delights to do "exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think." MB 20.

Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking reverently [with the desire given from heaven] and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who keeps on asking receives; and he who keeps on seeking finds; and to him who keeps on knocking, the door [to knowing and experiencing God intimately] will be opened. Matt. 7:7,8 Amplified.

You will seek Me, inquire for and require Me as a vital necessity, and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord. Jer. 29:13,14 Amplified.

    In the Father's marriage covenant with His people, He pledges "I will give them a heart to know Me. Jer. 24:7. "A new heart will I give unto you." Eze. 36:26. Our physical heart itself reveals what He is desiring to convey to us, for it is a hollow organ. The Father is really saying, I will give you a new capacity to know Me, a new hollowness for me to come into. This new hollowness is something that is reflected in feelings that can be felt physically. When your stomach is empty, you feel it! Likewise, each new hollowness and increased capacity to feel even more the need of the Father, is distinctly felt, in stronger heart yearnings after Him. "That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us." Ac 17:27.
Let your heart struggle and break for the longing it has for God, the living God. Let nothing divert your mind from the work of God to unimportant matters. TM 312.

They must have none of self and all of Jesus...The soul is to be awakened to cry aloud with every aspiration for the living God. Let your swelling, struggling heart break for the longing it has for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit... 1888 Materials 1700;

The life of Christ [in Jesus of Nazareth, and now Michael] has shown what humanity can do by being partaker of the divine nature. All that Christ (Michael) received from God we too may have. Then ask and receive. With the persevering faith of Jacob, with the unyielding persistence of Elijah, claim for yourself all that God has promised. Maranatha 86.

    From the very beginning of Messiah's return, I saw that every new knowing of Him required a new heart, a larger capacity to receive more of Him. Every time the Father broke me open in the night and exposed to me a deeper, greater need of soul, my capacity was enlarged to receive the Son in a new way. At every step, there was a soul breaking and emptying that enabled me to come into greater intimacy with God. It was this divine exposing of my soul to myself that rendered me naked. Everything in me was already "open and exposed, naked and defenseless" to the eyes of the Father and the Son, but my times with them rendered me open and exposed, naked and defenseless to my own eyes.
When perfection comes, we shall see in reality and face to face!...Then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood by God. 1 Cor. 13:12 Amplified.
    Contrary to what one might imagine, the deep heart exposures which I experienced, first with the Father, and then later with the Son, rendered me unashamed at my nakedness before them; because it was there, at the place of greatest exposure that I also saw my greatest need of a Savior. Being nakedly honest with God was what enabled me to see Him AS HE IS, the ONLY true Lover of my soul, my ONLY true Faithful Friend. Every time He drew nearer to my earth, the light of His still more intimate presence, exposed Him as the only One Who could truly help me, the only One Who knew me better than I knew myself, and Who mercifully opened each new exposure of need to me, so He could make room to come into me more deeply.

The next five days I was shut in alone with the Father, as He prepared me to be taken deeper into Messiah. It was a time of special strengthening for the intensified soul preparation required next. As I look back now, I see that the intensity and urgency of the desire from the Father that came upon me, brought me into a state where I could take in the light of God's immediate presence in increased invasiveness.


Chapter 6, page: 1, 2, 3, 4

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