Support of the Appeal
The trial of Wayne Bent (Wayne Bent v. State of New Mexico) occurred in Taos, New Mexico, December 8, 2008 through December 12, 2008 with the verdict being rendered on December 15, 2008. An appeal is in process now. The following are several writings supporting the position of Wayne Bent in the appeal.
The Writers of the Support statements
These writers are individuals who state that they witnessed firsthand,
glaring legal injustices and dishonesty in the way the trial was conducted
by the State and the Court. These witnesses also affirm that they have
firsthand knowledge of prior legal proceedings beyond the scope of mere
perusal of the transcripts — information which enables the testimony
given in the trial to be seen in a clearer light. They believe this information
should be included in considering the trial and sentencing of Wayne Bent.
They have prepared the following documents of support.