The cross of Christ, and the consummation of Messiah, both require a depth of yielding, and giving over, not previously considered necessary by some. The precursor of emptiness is an agreement that is not natural to man. American courts are fully involved in defending the client against the charges made against him. If found guilty, the one charged with a crime will exert every effort to make it seem that he was not all that guilty, so that his sentence will be minimal.
Condemnation of the soul comes from the self trying to be good but finding it can't. Condemnation is the natural self's own judgment of itself. This is why the self is in a constant battle to defend. The self is in constant agitation, since it cannot meet the requirements placed upon it by the law it says is just and right. For the law to be fulfilled in the soul, the natural self must die, but it seems dedicated to keeping itself alive. This is the continual war being fought in so many souls today.
The heavenly judgment is of a different nature and accomplishes a different purpose than the measurement made to see if one has more good deeds than bad. The heavenly judgment does not look to see if a person is good enough to enter the gates to paradise. The purpose of the judgment in heaven is to prove that man's natural self is not good enough to enter heaven and never will be. Job wrestled with this for a good deal of time and went through every mental gymnastic to make his own wretched situation seem unfair. This is the lot of man. He continually wants to appear acceptable to himself, and any thought of condemnation sends terror through his heart as if he were before the hangman. As Job, if a man appears righteous to himself, he is only proven a liar, as events are opened to him revealing his own misjudgment concerning his true state. Job's righteousness was not proven by the position he had taken concerning himself, but by the fact that he yielded up that position to the judgment of God. He gave up on his arguments concerning his righteous condition.
I have heard some say that when self rises up they ignore it. Some say they claim the promises when that happens and they believe God rather than themselves. While this sounds noble and laudable, it is still self. Self is still working it all out and trying to make the soul feel safe enough in its obvious wretched state. Self rising up is still self rising up no matter what spin one puts on it. One can say nice positive things about his condition but it does not alter the fact that self is still alive and well.
God has no intention of helping the natural self get to heaven. He does not want to make someone's self better, or to give that self the Holy Spirit, so it will hear the voice of God speak, and be acceptable with God. One's natural self must be abandoned as a wretched wreck with no hope of restoration. One's self is destined for the ash heap. Man's hope in himself, and for himself, is a waste of time and faith, for God never promised to do anything for that self except to burn it up.
Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? Jer 30:6
My own experience of such an event came in Arizona last winter. I had spent much of my life in the Christian struggle. I resisted temptation with all my heart and soul. I saw myself as wretched in my most bright and shining times, since I was continually in a battle to do right and be right. I wanted to have no wrong thoughts or actions. In my past experience, especially in regards to my marriages, I would put the best light on my own past actions and motives. Everyone creates their own lives and so there was a reason for the failure of my spouses as well. It made all things fair to my mind and somewhat acceptable. One escape for me was in the notion that my partner in marriage simply was not spiritual, and that seemed to take the responsibility off myself and place it on the one with whom I was married. My spouse loved the world, so how could I help that? If I were the spiritual one, then the responsibility for the breakup obviously rested on my previous partner.
But during this time last winter, a strange change came. The angel came with his records and very gently opened them up to me. I was shown, step by step, and line by line, the events of my life. It was revealed to me how I had done all that I had done on purpose and with self-interest. I did not resist the revelation, as I was exposed layer by layer to myself. I felt like I was seeing reality. The depth of my past feelings, and the motivations of my actions, were clearly revealed to me. I was surprised at the simplicity of how all these things were shown to me. When I was given glimpses of myself at times in the past, I had felt the inner resistance to seeing those things and self-justification would rise up as it did with Job. I felt like my motivations were as pure as the fallen snow. Now, I had no resistance to seeing. I wanted the Father to fully show me every nuance of myself. I had no more self-defense.
The revelation did not come through the channel of guilt or condemnation. Even so, I was left with the sense of my complete and total hopelessness. I felt all was lost and I had willingly yielded to that. I did not feel all was lost because of the revelation of some evil deed unbeknownst to me. I felt all was lost because there was not a single good thing written down on the angel's records. There were no redeeming qualities whatever. There was not a single good motive, and not a single right action in all my life. My true natural self was laid bare, and I was left without a word, except to say, "Angel, you are correct in all that you have written." I saw myself as completely leprous from head to foot. It did not console me to realize that this is the state of every man. I could not take comfort from the fact that my associates and companions were as wretched as I was. To me, I was the only one in the world with this bad a record. It left me without a single plea. I was not anxious or troubled in my heart over this. I was made empty. I had nothing to defend, nothing to give, and nothing to do. I did not now pray that God would save me. It seemed to me as it were no use. I simply said, into thy hands I commend my spirit.
Now, after seeing these pictures of my natural self, and the judgment of heaven against it, I felt I was abandoned and lost at last. My cry to the Father was, why hast thou forsaken me? This did not bring depression, or even discouragement to me. It brought me to a place of complete emptiness. I was left without hope that anything I had would be looked upon by heaven as a good thing. My "good intentions" were seen by me as a vain hope at best. In reality, I could see that I have never had any good intentions at all. Good intentions have killed millions of souls over the years and my good intentions were no different. They are called good intentions but they are only the workings of the natural man.
At this time, it seemed to me that I had only my Father's mighty breast to trust in. I was not trusting in my Father for salvation. That seemed out of the question. I was trusting Him only because I knew of His great love and I was abandoned to that love with no hope for anything from Him. He owed me nothing. I lost all hope in myself. I could not bring up any goodness in myself, or help myself in any way. I was barren and lacked any redeeming quality. I had been shown through The WINDS, which is on the Internet, that earth and its society had no redeeming value whatever. Now I was shown that about my own natural self as well.
For me, and unbeknownst to me at the time, this began the marriage. While it looked like all was lost, it actually meant I was coming into complete union with the Father. I was seeing through His eyes and coming into agreement with His mind. Men spend much of their lives believing they do not need a Savior. That is, they think their good intentions will bring them to heaven. Now, I came to the place that every particle of me needed a Savior [Messiah]. I needed the life of God as myself, rather than the life which simply influenced my actions. I needed the anointing as my core existence. The Holy Spirit spoke through me, and in me, for years, but the Holy Spirit was not me. Clearly I was brought to lay down my life, since I saw it was so irredeemable. Instead of merely being influenced by the Holy Spirit, I needed to become the embodiment of Him. Instead of just hearing the voice of God, I needed to become the voice of God. This occurred through the union of myself and my Father when I came into perfect and complete agreement with Him about my natural self. I saw the natural self as He saw it. I agreed as did Job that heretofore I had not known what I was talking about. My good descriptions of my actions, and why I did thus and so, were only expressions of my own ignorance of the truth and of God. I sat upon my ash heap defending myself against all attackers, and doing all of this for nothing but my natural self. While I truly believed, as Job did, that I was doing things rightly, the angel revealed that it was all vanity. The experience, here mentioned, was Gethsemane for me. I yielded up in the face of it all. Months later, the consummation was the cross for me. It brought me to the absolute end of my natural self. I had to yield up the last of any righteousness I may have suspected in myself. All I had left was my Father's embrace, since even the law appeared to be accusing me.
This caused me to enter into the marriage. It caused me to become One with my Father. Now, He alone would stand. I had to be left in His dust and on His ash heap. I was finished, no more to rise up another time. One who is true to himself will not handle feces any longer when he sees it is feces and not the fresh yellow banana he had previously envisioned. He drops his natural self like a hot coal when it is shown him from above what it is. One is only left with the Father when he does this. This very thing is what made the revelation of the Christ within me. When self dies his last, only the Christ remains. There is now no competing voice in the soul. God alone lives. This very thing constitutes the blood of Christ. This blood (life) of Christ (Messiah) is the only thing God can save at last. He saves His only begotten Son and only His Son will rise up from the earth and leave it behind just as He did 2000 years ago. He comes again, just as He left. This same Jesus has come again and it will be this same Jesus who leaves. Those who leave the earth are those who are on Him, in Him, of Him and Him.
When one is married, he becomes that to which he is married. Married is like the side of the glass being married to the bottom of it. It makes them of the same unit. When he is married, one is not welded on, he is on. He is it and of it. When the marriage is consummated, the very seed of God is placed in the bride. She gives birth to God. The life in her is God and from Him.
Earthly marriages are not marriages at all in reality. They are business agreements and each partner vies for various advantages from the other. In a heavenly marriage, the one partner is the other partner. They are one flesh and one Spirit. They have one life, and are fully involved in that union. When you see one you see the other. This is revealed as the single light coming into a prism. The prism reveals how that light is divided into many colors, yet all in the same light. The light constitutes a single bright beam, even though it has various frequencies of light involved in it.
Some have said they just ignore self when it rises up. They think this is a victory. In the marriage with Messiah, the natural self does not rise up. Why is this? It is because the natural self has been laid down. There is no selfishness remaining. Why? Because the natural self has been laid down. There is no fear or unbelief. Why? Because the natural self has been laid down. There is no impatience or irritation. Why? Because the natural self has been laid down. The sweet peace that comes when the self is laid down is the result of only God doing the living.
One may now say, Yes, but what if I take it up again? That would only mean you are not married. Married cannot take it up again. Have we not read, that sin shall not rise a second time? Once the natural self has been laid in the grave, it will not get up again. When some souls see it get up again, it is because it was not laid down the first time. How can one raise up a dead self? Self must be alive to raise itself up. It must still have life in itself. Have we not read that good and bad fruit do not come off the same tree? Surely God will not resurrect a dead self. It has to be the self raising it up. "Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." Matt. 19:6. God has nothing to do with divorces from Himself.
Some ask, When is the marriage? I have spoken of the marriage being in the spring in a general way. Particularly, however, the marriage occurs when one is married. The tokens in the heavens seem to indicate the marriage in the spring. The Christmas token, as well, seems to indicate this event when the woman rests upon the breast of the Son. We are at this moment in the feast of the marriage, and one will be married when he believes in the reality of the event and enters into this union with the Son as described here. It is not acceptable to God to merely follow along behind Him. One must be married to Him. Where He goes, they naturally go, since they are on His breast being carried whithersoever He goeth. This is the kind of following that is required. This is the time of the wedding and not the time of the waiting. The oil in the lamp will determine who is prepared to enter into the wedding. That oil will provide sufficient light for one to see where he is going. So, the wedding for you is when you are wed. The marriage for you is when you are married. This will occur when you have laid down your natural self and yielded to the heavenly Husband. It will come when you have abandoned your pseudo and pretend marriages for His holy bed.
In the spring of the year the cross of Christ shed its reality upon the minds of men. That did not indicate, however, that all men would receive that cross. It is the same with the marriage. The marriage is now in progress, but that does not mean a person will be married. He must enter into the necessary faith in it. A couple may very well have a wedding, but if they do not enter into the chamber naked and unashamed, if they do not follow through with the consummation, the marriage can be annulled. This is true of the heavenly marriage as well. The time is here for this most holy event. May every soul come now to the wedding that the King has made for His Son. Let every soul yield up their natural self and give over to the presence of the anointing only.
Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God. I will also save you from all your uncleannesses: and I will call for the corn, and will increase it, and lay no famine upon you. And I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and the increase of the field, that ye shall receive no more reproach of famine among the heathen. Then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and shall lothe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and for your abominations. Not for your sakes do I this, saith the Lord God, be it known unto you: be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel. Thus saith the Lord God; In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be builded. And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by. And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced, and are inhabited. Then the heathen that are left round about you shall know that I the Lord build the ruined places, and plant that was desolate: I the Lord have spoken it, and I will do it. Thus saith the Lord God; I will yet [for] this be inquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock. As the holy flock, as the flock of Jerusalem in her solemn feasts; so shall the waste cities be filled with flocks of men: and they shall know that I am the Lord. Eze. 36:25-38.
Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzibah, and thy land Beulah: for the LORD delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married. Isa 62:4