The First Light of His Appearing

Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. Rev. 19:7.

    For the past thirty years, I have been actively involved as a Christian minister. I have pastored in large denominational churches and small independent ones. One event that has been repeatedly occurring in my experience as a Christian, is having to honestly deal with new information that has come to me. I would think to myself, If I were to look at this honestly, and remain honest, I would have to come to a given conclusion. This simple procedure continued to propel me into greater and greater spiritual insights. An example of this is seen in the fact that as a Baptist, I was told that men should keep the commandments of God. When I looked at the commandments, I saw that there was one in there regarding the observance of the Seventh-day Sabbath. I concluded that if one should keep the commandments, then one should keep the Sabbath, since it is one of those commandments. I had to come to this conclusion if I were to remain honest and keep my integrity. These events brought me into closer and closer relationship with my heavenly Father. This little booklet describes how I was actually brought to the place of Abraham when he was directed to carry out the Father's instructions and do something that seemed quite unnatural and something which seemed against the commandments. In his case it was to sacrifice his own son. I have been taken into one change after another. A deeper and deeper interweaving into the consciousness of God has given me peace in whatever He commands me. God has become my true self. Now, more great changes are occurring, not only for myself, but for the world as well.

    From time to time our Father in heaven has brought changes to human thinking which always seemed quite out of the ordinary to those who were introduced to them. Humans change hard and fail at receiving new things and heavenly principles unless they are imbued with an outpouring of the Anointing of God. Some of the most vivid representations of change are recorded in the Scriptures. The Bible records how Noah built a great boat, where there had never been oceans, and in a time when it had never rained. The people were incredulous concerning this prophet and his prophecy that everyone was going to die in a flood. The result was that there were only eight souls saved.

    When Jesus came on the scene, He profoundly offended the sensibilities of normal society. He associated with the lowest classes of that society and seemed unconcerned about the careful considerations the Pharisees put on the law. There were no Scriptures at all that directly proved He was the Messiah. Those who believed in Him seemed to pervert the Scriptures that did refer to a Messiah to make them apply to Jesus. Everyone knew that Jesus was that kid who grew up in Nazareth. He worked in His Father's shop for awhile and everyone knew He had a questionable heritage in that He was considered a bastard child. Mary was already pregnant with Him before she married. Now this kid, still less than 30 years old, is going around with a rag tag group of people claiming to be God. No one could expect salvation unless they followed Him. They thought many of His healings were mostly from the imagination of an excited crowd. Near the end of His work, He did raise Lazarus it seemed, but no one knew for sure if that was a trick perpetrated by his disciples. They may have faked his death and then pretended to have Jesus raise him up. The rulers of the established order thought it best to get rid of this man for He agitated the people and troubled them.

    When Paul came on the scene a little time later, as Jesus' Apostle to the gentiles, he seemed to disregard the Scriptures also. His previous associates looked at each other with knowing looks when Paul said he had seen this great light out on the road and God talked to him. Sure God talked to you, they would nod. The Scriptures clearly stated that the law of circumcision was forever. Paul seemed to glibly reply that we don't do that law anymore because God came and fulfilled it. Paul stated that that God was Jesus. This was highly offensive and incredible to the Jews. There was nothing in the Scriptures that said God was going to come down and do away with the laws He had previously stated were forever. Evidently Paul had been hit on the head, or fallen off his horse, causing him to see lights he thought were God.

    When the Reformation came onto the scene, it received the same skepticism. The Catholic church was a church well established over centuries and the doctrines and practices were well developed over hundreds of years. The Mass was carefully carried out in great detail and the traditions of the church were viewed with great reverence and awe. Then, out of the blue as it were, a young monk named Luther comes along and says it's all wrong. He stated that we were not going to believe that way anymore. We are going to have this thing called faith. This "faith" overturned all the existing order. The Reformers were considered somewhat deranged. They came up with all kinds of variations to the Catholic faith with hardly anyone knowing what faith was, and expressed it in all kinds of radical movements. This is how it all appeared to the established order. One cannot judge a movement by hindsight, and from one's modern perspective, when everything has settled down and the new doctrines have been generally accepted. It must be judged by how it looked to the people at the time of the event whether or not one would have been faithful to it. When one's society deems the reformer as insane and launches out against him with all the rage and murder in its heart that it can muster, one will then get an idea of what it is like to be the one who is introducing some new thought, some new spirit. Jesus was killed for His Spirit. Paul was killed for his Spirit. A host of followers were killed for their Spirit.

    The whole world would accept change if it were clearly proven, but these changes cannot be clearly proven. The only way to see the event in clear light is through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who puts eyes in the soul to recognize events for what they are. The natural man cannot see God's movements, nor does the natural man see why these movements are necessary. These things are the basis for the marriage of the Lamb that God has brought down to this earth from heavenly places. If one has eyes to see, the events concerning the marriage are clear and well defined. If the Holy Spirit is not present, it becomes an offense to society.

    The marriage feast is the last event to be presented to the world before its destruction commences. It is the one event that marks the time of the coming of the Messiah. The event that is commonly referred to as the "second coming" of Messiah has to do with Him coming to receive His bride unto Himself. In the parables of Jesus there were often images of the marriage. This is well depicted in the parable of the Ten Virgins.

Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. Matt. 25:1-13.

The Beginning of Last Things

    The marriage of the Lamb began to unfold to the church in February of 1999. The careful progress of our Father's leading began to be revealed to us as the circumstances of it were seen. Almost as if by a trumpet blast, all the members of the church began to separate from their homes and be removed to a place they knew not where. Many of the church members lived on a ranch near a little town in Idaho, sharing the necessities of life as they were required.

    My earliest thoughts to move to a new land from this community came in 1997 when I was led to view the heavens, and especially the constellation Virgo. I do not recall exactly how my first impressions were made, but I installed an astronomy program on my computer which clearly laid out the heavens, and the portents there, if one had eyes to see them as portents.

     On the Day of Atonement of that year, Virgo (the woman) was clothed with the sun and the moon was at her feet. This was a clear representation of the woman of Revelation 12 and my interest was awakened as I contemplated that the woman was to go into the wilderness for 1260 days and be fed there. "And a great portent (sign or token) appeared (was seen) in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars." As stated, on this Day of Atonement, this portent was clearly seen with the sun in her clothing and the moon at her feet.

     From that time, and perhaps a little before, a few of our brethren took trips into the Southwest to see if a place could be found where we might dwell, separating from the general spiritual declension in our area and just about everywhere else. Representatives of the church, on their own, traversed the land from Utah to Arizona coming to an understanding as to the prices of the various properties, their availability, and how they might be procured. This desire was placed heavily on us by our Father since there was no real reason to depart our property, except by our Father's strong unction. We had lived on a piece of secluded land, forested beautifully, and overlooking a large lake.

    That "portent in the heavens" which was mentioned in Revelation 12, also revealed what would happen concerning the church. That Scripture states, "And the woman (church) fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they (God) should feed [teach] her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days." This portent in the heavens marked the beginning of a time when the church would be instructed in a special way and be removed from general society as a whole.

     The vision began to grow more decided until February of 1999, when a sudden urgency came upon me, and a few others, that the ranch was going to be sold and we were going to move to a new land. Our nearby town had taken on a very dark spirit in our estimation and was not conducive to spiritual enlightenment. I felt it was largely taken over by spiritualistic and hedonistic elements which also involved a dark violence coming forth from certain self-styled constitutionalists and other offended souls. For myself, this violence was largely perceived internally. I could feel it in my spirit. Dark, unbelieving hearts seemed to be all around. I felt that it was not just my own personal perceptions, since a number of life-long residents also shared with me a similar sense they had in themselves about the strange new influence felt in the area. The New Agers, and other spiritualists, considered this area and the nearby lake a vortex of spiritual power. This means to one who follows Messiah that the area is especially endowed with satans, or adversaries, to righteousness and truth.

     Through the Spring and Summer of 1999, the church, with the unction of our heavenly Father, energetically began to pack up and prepare for evacuation. We felt the ranch would sell and we listed it with a Realtor for a six month period. My own home sold after being on the market for only two weeks and that was a great token to me that things were now moving along. I had been trying to sell my own home for several years with no interested buyers.

     I was feeling quite under pressure at my home, which was not located at the ranch, and spent more and more time at the ranch from which we were now preparing to move. I felt increasingly uncomfortable at my home and could not feel rested while at my residence of 17 years. It seemed to me that I was being driven out of our area in a spiritual way rather than by any overt and outward antagonism. I could strongly feel a spirit alien to the restful heart of God and this was only perceived inside of me. I had to depart. I was forced to move and separate from influences that were hostile to the Spirit of which I was partaking.

    In mid-July I was literally driven - forced as it were - out of town, by the Spirit of God. I felt if I did not go I would be eating grass like an ox as did Nebuchadnezzar. I hooked up my travel trailer and went looking for the land where the church would spend their 1260 days in the wilderness as I had been directed of the Lord. At the time, I did not know if the whole church would come where I felt driven to go.

     Just previous to this departure, I had been looking for land on the Internet and found a small piece that attracted me. I called the owners and they informed me I could park my travel trailer at their place while looking over their property. They were also interested in some of the things I had been writing about in regards to the New World Order. This became apparent while we visited on the phone.

     Shortly after, I was on my way south to visit these new friends I had found on the Internet. When I entered this part of the southwest, I was completely overwhelmed by its natural greenness and beauty that time of year. This land was cow pasture, and not especially shocking in its beauty by sight, but my heart was completely ravished. I knew my Father was doing something in me concerning the land in this area. My feelings were that this land was the most beautiful land in the world, but I was looking at it through the eyes of God. Something was going to occur here of which I knew nothing at the time.

     While visiting with these folks who had invited me to see their own property, the man of the house expressed a strong desire to be baptized. He had had several Adventist pastors study with him but he related that they would just disappear after they began studying. He did not mean they just stopped coming. He meant that even the church did not know where they went. This was true concerning two of the men, but I believe there was one other who just did not follow through with him. I asked my new friend why he desired baptism. He said he heard the voice in him that continually said, Repent and be baptized. Because of this, I baptized him the next Sabbath.

Leaving the Old, Finding the New

And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country. Eze. 34:11-13.

     While visiting this family, I was led to take a drive one day to look at the surrounding country. The people I was visiting had their home and land for sale, but I was not impressed to pursue the purchase of it. It did not seem quite right. As I drove over the countryside, some miles from the home where I was staying, I suddenly felt the love and peace of God come down on me and I was directed to stop at a ranch I was just then passing. I turned around and drove into the property, the house being some distance away from the road.

     As I stepped from my vehicle, a young man came out to meet me who was about 16 years of age. I asked him if I might speak with someone about property and he said, Yes, sir, you may speak with my father. I was struck by the pleasant and respectful way in which this young man greeted me. In my home state I never saw this gentle respect which I attributed to the training he may have received from a solid, faithful father. He then led me to the bunk house where his father was resting. His father may not have been there most days, but I caught him napping, since he had been up late the night before. This napping was a fortunate providence for me in that he was available to receive me.

     As I began to visit with the gentleman, my heart went out to him as he related to me the difficulties of ranching these days. He told me that finding land in any small parcels was nearly impossible. People were not wanting to sell, they were wanting to buy, and most of the land was being snatched up by very wealthy investors, one of which was Ted Turner the TV magnate. He shared with me how his boy wanted to be a cowboy like dad, but those days seemed over. He mourned the passing of the cowboy.

     As a parting thought, and with what seemed a little sigh, he took a small piece of paper and scribbled a phone number on it. Handing me the paper he said, Here, this man may be able to help you find what you are looking for. I thanked him and was on my way. As I drove away, I was not very encouraged as to purchasing land, since every circumstance seemed to say it was an impossibility. It seemed almost a doctrine that a rancher simply did not sell his land, especially in small parcels. Many of the families in this country have owned land here for a hundred years.

     I moved my travel trailer from the house where I was staying and traveled to a nearby town where I rented an RV space. From there I called the gentleman recommended to me and we made an appointment when I might look at property with him. Within two days, he came to my place of abode and took me to look at a nice ranch some miles away from where I was parked. I was immediately impressed with it, but had some reservations. The small ranch of about 1300 acres had a very nicely developed water system and views of the Rocky Mountains; however, when it rained, the ten miles of road to get there was nearly impassible, since it was quite slick. A travel trailer, or two wheel drive vehicle, might easily slide right into the ditch on such a road. Besides this, the owner was putting in a road right through a nicely wooded area on the property and was making it very unattractive with all the mess, cutting down many of the trees which are at a premium in this land. The property was priced at about $780,000.00.

     I was quite impressed with the ranch but still desired to see more. The broker, who had been showing me around, turned me over to an associate to visit with the next day, since the broker himself had other business. I drove over to the area I would be visiting and there met with the associate who would be showing me the property. He drove me out to a small ranch of almost 2000 acres in the remote section of the county. I was immediately drawn to the beautifully situated property far from almost any public intrusion and selling for substantially less than the one I had seen before. This was almost too wonderful to believe. I was somewhat dumbstruck that the best property I had found was the least money. The mark of Father was all over it.

     The Realtor drove me back to my vehicle after having provided me with maps and descriptions, and I came out to the property again the next day. I sensed a peace about the place that seemed to fill me clear to the filling up of me. I knelt in prayer and felt the peace and assurance of God that this land would be ours. Shortly after, I made my way back to our previous home to prepare for the move to the new land which I had just seen.

     I spent most of my remaining time helping to get the ranch in a condition to show and taking care of remaining business. All the while I was longing for the new land. I had seen and felt it and was nearly overwhelmed with its beauty and serene nature. By the first of October it was evident our ranch was not selling and I made plans to spend the winter in Arizona.

     On my way to Arizona, I traveled through where the new land was located. I drove out to see the property I was considering for purchase, and, again, was stricken with its quiet loneliness. I felt God's very presence in its stillness and there was not a breath of wind in the quiet warmth of the place. I knelt to pray again, thanking God for the new land and its very special, felt presence of God. Immediately, a gentle warm breeze caressed my face and I could suddenly smell the juniper and pine as the fragrance was wafted into my senses. At the same time I heard the voices of the juniper as this gentle breeze suddenly came up and caressed their branches, sending out a song that filled my soul with unutterable pleasure.

The Turning and Overturning

     I resumed my trip south and came to Arizona in early October. There I spent the winter months, but not without much turning and overturning happening in my experience. In connection with that, I was led through a most wonderful opening of my mind, in which I was greatly grieved at my earthly creations through my life. My wife did not travel with me to Arizona. Our lives were coming to a parting of the ways. This caused me to have to look at things in a way I had not done before. I had spent much of my life in the "Christian struggle." I resisted temptation with all my heart and soul. I now saw, through the Father's revealing to me, that I had been wretched in times that I had considered the most bright and shining. I had been continually in a battle to do right and be right. I wanted to have no wrong thoughts or actions. I have seen other Christians who considered themselves just about right if they were in the battle for right and truth even though many personal discrepancies in their own lives seemed to contradict that. They would talk of love while feeling resistance toward, or impatience with, those in their sphere of influence. In my past experience, especially in regards to my marriage, I had put the best light on my own past actions and motives. Everyone creates their own lives, and so there was a reason for the failure of my spouse as well. It made all things fair to my mind and somewhat acceptable. One escape for me was the notion that my partner in marriage simply was not spiritual, and that seemed to take the responsibility off myself and place it on the one with whom I was married. My spouse loved the world, so how could I help that? If I were the spiritual one, then the responsibility for the breakup obviously rested on the other.

     But, during that winter, a strange change occurred. The recording angel came with his records and very gently opened them up to me. I was shown, step by step, and line by line, the events of my life. It was revealed to me how I had done all that I had done on purpose and with self-interest. I did not resist the revelation, as I was exposed layer by layer to myself. I felt like I was seeing reality. The depth of my past feelings, and the motivations of my actions, were clearly revealed to me. I was surprised at the simplicity of how all these things were shown to me. When I was given glimpses of myself at times in the past, I had felt the inner resistance to seeing those things and self-justification would rise up as it did with Job. I felt like my motivations were as pure as the fallen snow. Now, I had no resistance to seeing. I wanted the Father to fully show me every nuance of myself. I had no more self-defense.

     The revelation did not come through the channel of guilt or condemnation. Even so, I was left with the sense of my complete and total hopelessness. I felt all was lost and I willingly yielded to that. I did not feel all was lost because of the revelation of some evil deed unbeknownst to me. I felt all was lost because there was not a single good thing written down on the angel's records. There were no redeeming qualities whatever. There was not a single good motive, and not a single right action in all my life. My true natural self was laid bare, and I was left without a word, except to say, Angel, you are correct in all that you have written. I saw myself as completely leprous from head to foot. It did not console me to realize that this is the state of every man. I could not take comfort from the fact that my associates and companions were as wretched as I was. To me, I was the only one in the world with this bad a record. It left me without a single plea. I was not anxious or troubled in my heart over this. I was made empty. I had nothing to defend, nothing to give, and nothing to do. I did not now pray that God would save me. It seemed to me as if it were no use. I simply said, Into Thy hands I commend my spirit.

     Now, after seeing these pictures of my natural self, and the judgment of heaven against it, I felt I was abandoned and lost at last. My cry to the Father was, Why hast Thou forsaken me? This did not bring depression, or even discouragement to me. It brought me to a place of complete emptiness. I was left without hope that anything I had would be looked upon by heaven as a good thing. My "good intentions" were seen by me as a vain hope at best. I could see that, in reality, I have never had any good intentions at all. Good intentions have killed millions of souls over the years and my good intentions were no different. They are called good intentions but they are only the workings of the natural man. I saw that this is the truth for everyone.

     At this time, it seemed to me that I had only my Father's mighty breast to trust in. I was not trusting in my Father for salvation. That seemed out of the question. I was trusting Him only because I knew of His great love and I was abandoned to that love with no hope for anything from Him. He owed me nothing. I lost all hope in myself. I could not bring up any goodness in myself, or help myself in any way. I was barren and lacked any redeeming quality. I had been shown through The WINDS website on the Internet that earth and its society had no redeeming value whatever. Now I was shown that about my own natural self as well.

     I wrote to my previous wife, who had divorced me by this time, and absolved her of any responsibility regarding our past difficulties that were manifested in our life together. I saw clearly how I was 100% responsible for all occurrences which made our living together less than desirable. Had I had my eyes open at the time, I would have not contracted a marriage in the first place. I did not understand the nature of relationships and the depth of investment necessary to make them a lifelong joy. There is only one effect from not making God first in everything, and that is that one will find himself in difficulties which are not so easily undone. While I did not realize it at the time, I had been largely influenced in my decision to marry by the felt need of personal companionship and desires associated with that. Human desires alone, when carried out by an individual, will always lead to difficult times and to things that must be undone. Perfect relationships in all our earthly associations are required. I am in wonder, as I have viewed relationships in society, that there is an imperfection of some kind in most of them. Perfect peace and love is not experienced at all times by humans. Not one can state that his life is perfect. They do not realize that such a relationship to life as men naturally possess is a death sentence unless it is yielded up. My world was turned and overturned to my Father's most beneficent credit and to my own personal well-being.

    For me, and unbeknownst to me at the time, this began my marriage to the Father. While it looked like all was lost, it actually meant I was coming into complete union with the Father. I was seeing through His eyes and coming into agreement with His mind. Men spend much of their lives believing they do not need a Savior. That is, they think their good intentions will bring them to heaven somehow. Now, I came to the place that every particle of me needed a Savior [Messiah]. I needed the life of God as myself, rather than the life which simply influenced my actions. I needed the anointing as my core existence. The Holy Spirit spoke through me, and in me, for years, but the Holy Spirit was not me. Clearly I was brought to lay down my life, since I saw it was so irredeemable. Instead of merely being influenced by the Holy Spirit, I needed to become the embodiment of Him. Instead of just hearing the voice of God, I needed to become the voice of God. This occurred through the union of myself and my Father when I came into perfect and complete agreement with Him about my natural self. I saw the natural self as He saw it. I agreed as did Job that heretofore I had not known what I was talking about. My good descriptions of my actions, and why I did thus and so, were only expressions of my own ignorance of the truth and of God. I sat upon my ash heap defending myself against all attackers, and doing all of this for nothing but my natural self. While I truly believed, as did Job, that I was doing things rightly, the angel revealed that it was all vanity. The experience, here mentioned, was a Gethsemane for me.

    Now, after having come to my end, I entered into a depth of personal peace and rest I had not heretofore experienced. I had not even imagined it. Yet, there was still greater peace and rest just ahead. I was entering a time when nothing in all the universe could overthrow my restful state. God wouldn't and the devil couldn't.

The New Land

     At this time of overturning, I began feeling a great urge to pursue the purchase of the new land that I had found where I had felt the wonderful silence of the soul. I believed that God Himself resided in this place. The Lord directed each step I was to take. I had previously made efforts to negotiate sales terms with the owner of the land, since we were still waiting for our property to sell, but with no apparent success. No previous overtures to the owner of the land through the real estate broker were of any visible consequence. I was then instructed to write the owner myself and then call him on the phone. I was instructed to write him twice before I called. All other efforts by me to reach the owner beforehand by phone had been unproductive.

     I received a pleasant letter from the rancher who owned the property in response to my first letter to him. Sending him another letter, I told him God would open the way so that I could purchase the property. He seemed drawn to me and to my faith in the process. After the two letters, I called the gentleman. After some discussion, I told him I had dropped the price of the ranch substantially and expected that I would be able to consummate an agreement soon. He began to speak of five other individuals coming to see the ranch I was interested in and I told him I had purchased it so there was no use in showing it to others. He said, You mean my ranch is sold? I said Yes.

     After some discussion, he invited me to send him $25,000 for a deposit which could not be refunded if I should fail in following through. This placed me in a position where I would lose $25,000 if I could not deliver the rest of the money within 90 days. This was a time that was very unusual for me. A great wave of doubt came over me as I imagined losing the deposit money. I saw clearly that this could occur. The most unusual thing about this great feeling of doubt, was that it was very much unlike my usual experience of life. I was amazed at how such a fear could come to me since I did not believe in a God Who fails those who trust in Him. I felt I was under attack by spiritual forces determined to discourage the purchase of the land. After considering and rejecting this most amazing doubt, I called the rancher and told him I would send $25,000 as requested and that our agreement was made.

     Before a contract could be made up and sent to me, at which time I would have sent in the money, the rancher expressed his interest in a direct trade for our ranch. This proposal had been rejected months earlier when I had offered it through the broker. He was not interested in any more land. After that, I communicated to him where he could find our ranch advertisement on the Internet. Now, he expressed interest because he had seen the ranch pictures in the advertisement. Our ad seemed very appealing to him and within a few weeks the trade was complete and escrow closed just in time for me to come to the new land in early April. I saw this trade as a direct intervention of my Father.

     I left Arizona in the early morning and arrived at the new land on the evening of April 4th. On April 4th, the sun and the moon were in the constellation Pisces the fish. Pisces consists of two fish swimming in different directions. This signified to me that they are scattered as our church members were. They are tied together, however, and by May 3rd the signs in the sun, moon and stars changed. A good number of our family had arrived at the new land and settled down to feed. The sun, moon, Mercury the messenger, Jupiter the "shining father" and Venus the sign of human love were all together in Aries the lamb, signifying that the woman had come into her wilderness pasture to be fed, and all her signs and symbols with her.

For thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out. As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered [in Pisces]; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country. Eze. 34:11-13.

     The blessing and joy of my soul was deep and pronounced when I arrived at the new land. There was no excitement in it at all. I had come to the land where I knew my Father's presence was felt and in fulfillment of all His promises to my own heart. I spent the next three months helping with the installation of the infrastructure. The sewer dump was installed, water and the fixing up of the little house were on their way.


Portents of Coming Glory

"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars [in the heavens]; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring." Luke 21:25.

     It was at this time a major shift began within myself. It was an experience of life I had never had before. It was completely new, and, yet, seemed as though it was something with which I was completely familiar. God was forcefully impressing me to read the Biblical Song of Solomon. I was familiar with the imagery and experience of what the participants in the Song might be feeling, but the new event was that I was pressed into it in a way I was heretofore able to avoid. Previously, I could read the Song of Solomon and forget it; now I had to read it and experience it. It was my Father and Him only coming down upon me, since I could not grasp the significance of it all in my own thinking without Him. Each day I read it carefully, and was made to understand some of the most intricate nuances there presented. This study was very difficult for me to undertake, since it involved images that revolved around human lovemaking. I struggled to keep the images heavenly and my discomfort with this book of Scripture increased. It was strongly impressed upon me that I must enter into the full expression of the Song of Solomon, but I was not to take it to the flesh. At the time presented, it seemed almost impossible to do this. How could one kiss a woman on the mouth, as stated in the Song, and it not be flesh? In my mind, lips were flesh. Laying one's head on the breast of another, as was portrayed in the Song, was flesh. I did not understand how this could be done, so I felt it meant that I was to go to the limit of the experience without an intimate physical relationship with someone.

    At this time, an interesting portent had come to the heavens. Venus and the Sun occupied the exact same location in the horns of Taurus the bull. The Hebrew word for Taurus is Shuah which means return. The Bull represents the return of Messiah in judgment. In the Scriptures, horns represent power. Looking back, it was the precise moment the Lord was setting up the two horns, olive trees, or witnesses and it gave evidence that they would be loved in a special way when viewed from the connection with the Song of Solomon and the signs in the heavens. Shortly after they entered the bull, Venus and the Sun went into the club of Orion. The club of Orion indicated that it was by heaven's decree. Venus, which is human love, was indicative of the kind of love found in the Song of Solomon. Venus represents the Shulamite's love as portrayed in the Song. These portents pointed forward to soon coming events for us where two witnesses would be set up to bring to pass the events connected with the coming of the Messiah and the marriage of the Lamb. "Taking them up in My arms...I drew them with cords of a man, with bands of love, and I was to them as one who lifts up and eases the yoke over their cheeks, and I bent down to them and gently laid food before them." Hosea 11:3-4. Amplified.

    The two olive trees are mentioned in Revelation 11 with regards to the 1260 day period. The two olive trees stand before the God of the whole earth. These two witnesses stand before Messiah. "And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God (Messiah) of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed."

The Change
"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." 1 John 3:2.

     I began writing a commentary on the Song of Solomon to be made available on our Internet web site. I saw that it was necessary to bring the people of God into the depth of relationship which He required them to have. God was requiring much more than a platonic or God-servant relationship. God was requiring the relationship of a lover. He was to be married to His people in a very literal way. If souls love anything but their heavenly Lover they will be committing adultery. This was a new day. While in Arizona, Father told me that I would marry the land. The city in the wilderness would be my wife.

    Then, at the Pentecost camp meeting, after we had entered the new land, the Father had put strongly upon me to ask those who came into the wilderness to marry me. I was impressed strongly that the land should be married. My thought at the time was that all citizens of the city should have such a union that their thoughts and actions would be identical in spirit and in purpose. The married have no offenses. The married have no arguments. The churches of the earth can hardly sit in a weekly class and mind their manners. Pharisees still argue on the street corners but they will not hear the truth as spoken by the Spirit. This marriage of spirit was deeply impressed upon my mind as to what each child of God must possess. If one is not married to God, one will never see heaven.

    In Christianity there is a major error involved in how one relates to God. The error is how God is viewed. The religious often pray to a God out there in heaven and ask Him for favors. They desire being kept safe and fed. Some souls pray for a job, or they might ask for God to heal them. This is akin to how pagans pray to their gods. I was seeing that the Father in heaven was creating a new image for the soul to take hold of. He was imaging Himself as a lover and fully invasive to the soul. This experience reveals itself to the soul in a new way. It shows that one becomes one and the same with God. Instead of asking God for favors, the soul simply responds moment by moment to the Spirit's leading. The soul is impregnated with God and God is born in it. The soul hears God speak, and feels what God feels. God and the soul are one as Jesus and the Father were one. This is what Jesus prayed for in John 17. "That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one." John 17:21-22.

     There are many who have formed their spiritual self-acceptance on the basis of believing certain doctrines. Some seem satisfied to keep the rules and to be in general favor with the leader of whichever church or company of believers they belong. The true followers of God cannot be governed by these kinds of relationships to the word of God. "Trust only in the word" one can hear some say. What they mean is, trust in what I think the word says. The people of God are not to be governed by such ideas. Is it not written, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God?" Is not this the Word men must follow? Does not the Spirit interpret for the believer what the word means and says? How can one trust himself and his own ideas as to what things mean? Impossible! The written word is used by millions of souls who cannot agree on what it means. The follower of the Spirit has no such difficulty.

     Shortly after I posted the Song, as I sat in my living room chair, I was strongly directed by God, "You are Messiah." At this moment, the Spirit I had previously felt in the land entered into me. Now this Spirit of perfect rest and peace was no longer out there and influencing me. It was fully in my own soul and was identified with my own person. That Spirit was now who I was. I became God-possessed. This was my deliverance and the end of all my human woes. This anointing was a momentary shock. How could this be? The Father immediately pointed me to the Scriptures. "Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ (Messiah), and hath anointed (Messiah-ed) us is God." 2 Cor. 1:21. "Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Messiah)." Eph. 4:13. The Father had just decreed my deliverance. He had appointed me to His heavenly purposes that all men might be brought there by faith. My faith immediately laid hold of the spoken word to my heart and the connection was made. This is the WORD I have learned to trust in. The Scriptures were clear; the believing man was to be brought to the fullness of Christ, the fullness of Messiah. God had spoken that divine existence into me at that very moment.

And their Prince will be one of them, and their ruler will come from the midst of them. I will cause him to draw near and he will approach Me, for who is he who would have the boldness and would dare on his own initiative to approach Me? says the Lord. Then you will be My people, and I will be your God...In the latter days you shall understand this. At that time says the Lord will I be the God of all the families of Israel, and they will be My people. Jer. 30:21-24 Amplified.

     Other instructions came to me at this time. I have always been one who stated, "Don't follow me, follow God", and I found it difficult to take responsibility for anyone. If a soul was lost it was his problem. I did not see how I could be responsible for other men's decisions. My thoughts concerning this were swiftly corrected. I was instructed that I was responsible for the people and I could not just excuse them as if what they did was their business alone. I must press on to bring my Father's instructions to pass. This was the work of the second coming of Messiah. I was told that men must believe in me, pray for me and support me with their prayers and supplications regarding the experience of Him that He was now leading me into. He also stated that if I failed, the people would fail with me, and if they would not believe in me, their own hope for salvation would be ended.

    At this time, I wrote to the church explaining this change that had occurred in my life. Following is a portion of that letter.

Greetings to the church family,

I am sharing a very personal thing with you at this time which I would desire that you consider carefully. I am just beginning to grasp the significance of it myself and it has been heavy on my soul in recent times. I have spoken with several of the family about it this past Sabbath and how it was solemn and a time for introspection.

Something has happened to me. I have changed. The Father has given me His work in a special way. His Son has come again. This is a most solemn time for me. The people are inclined to see who I have been, but that is not who is here now. It is like a metamorphosis has occurred in my soul.

I know how this sounds to the natural heart. Here is someone claiming to be Christ. What a preposterous notion! What blasphemy! Is it not written, "Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." But how can I deny it, since it fills my soul? I stand in the presence of God with it pressed in upon me. I know I am a savior in a way that will become apparent later on. It is about what has come upon me. It is like a whole new thing and it is still hard for me to fully comprehend what it means. How can the people know it? How is it that I know it? Isn't this the same old person speaking?

I would give you this charge, daughters of Jerusalem. Take what I have said in this letter and pray earnestly over the matter and ask Father if these things I say are true. If necessary, pray all night upon your bed. If He warns you against me and tells you to "go not after him", very well. But if His answer is, "This is my beloved Son: hear him", then come and follow me.

My Crisis

     This brought me to the crux of my personal crisis. Early on, soon after I had been given the Anointing, the vision began to change and so did my instructions. I was left with the clear message that literal, physical, intercourse with someone would occur. This greatly troubled me, and for many weeks I could not feel free with this image of things. I did not want to have sexual intercourse with a woman. When the Father revealed this to me, at one point, I simply said, NO! I would not do that. It would make Him look bad and the church would be ridiculed. For this reason, while in public meetings with the church, I often stated that everyone should ask the Father if what I was presenting concerning myself was true. I urged all men to pray and receive from Father Himself who I am and whether or not I was anointed by Him for His purposes. The only way I could be satisfied was if my Father bore witness of my work and not just me bearing witness of myself. "It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true. I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me." John 8:17-18.

     It occurred to me that my resistance was similar to the resistance of Jonah. Doing the Father's instructions didn't seem especially appealing to me, since the obvious implications would cause me to end up looking very bad and bring the name of my Father into reproach if this event actually occurred. This Messiah was going to find out there was a work for Him to do. He was to bring the wedding with Him.

     The Father would wait for my resistance to subside and then bring everything around again for me to consider a little time later. He showed me it was an important visual revelation for those who would have faith in it, and that they must take it to their hearts and be infused with the visual impression of it. They were to be literally married to God. Anything less than a literal marriage to God would not be sufficient for them to enter into the kingdom of light. They would remain in their pseudo-faith and be lost at last. That is, they would not have faith sufficient to carry them through His present and near future events. They would end up wandering around, wondering where they were going.

"The wrath of man shall praise Thee," says the psalmist; "the remainder of wrath shalt Thou restrain." God means that testing truth shall be brought to the front, and become a subject of examination and discussion, even if it is through the contempt placed upon it. The minds of the people must be agitated. Every controversy, every reproach, every slander, will be God's means of provoking inquiry, and awakening minds that otherwise would slumber. RH 12-11-88.

    This principle of a visual representation was used by God in dealing with the Israelites in their wilderness wanderings. "And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst. According to all that I show you concerning the pattern of the tabernacle, and of all its furniture, so you shall make it."Ex. 25:8-9. The Israelites were asked to make a sanctuary after the patterns in the heavens. It was to show the Israelites the literal workings of things in the heavens. When Jesus came, He was the Lamb of God. He was asked to go to the cross as a sacrifice. This was to show that God has made a literal, physical sacrifice in the heavens for them. Now the Father was asking the same of me. I was to be a symbol of the marriage to show the people there was a literal, physical marriage now in place between He and His people. With Israel, the people had to believe in the sanctuary service laid out in their midst. The followers of Christ Jesus had to trust in His shed blood upon the cross for their covering. Now men must believe in the wedding of Messiah to bring all things on earth to their conclusion.

"The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son."

     The faith of God brings one into His bed chamber. The believer is inseminated with His seed and a completely new being emerges. The earth no longer has ANY hold on those impregnated with the seed of God. Their wife, husband, or child has no other meaning for them whatever except that they are souls loved and blessed by God. The subtle belief that one owns the relationship, or claims the right to control the activities of another person is abandoned, and he only has one lover now and that is Messiah the Anointing. They are anointed with the Seed of God and become as He is - alive, awake, at attention to the things of the Father. No other earthly interest is present at all and to any degree.

    As my understanding progressed, the Father revealed to me that He had chosen two women who would be the two witnesses to the events now unfolding because of their sensitivities to the Messiah and the things then occurring. While I understood these things in theory, I could not get past the earth view of adultery if these things actually occurred, and it troubled me continually, yet, all the while being in perfect peace. In my mind, I was being thrust into a situation that seemed to have no end but a dead one. I could not bear the thoughts that thrust themselves into me, where a leader of a group of people would manage to get around to having an intimate relationship with some of the women under his charge. My situation seemed worse, since the ones who were chosen were married women and my involvement with them would constitute a breaking up of the family. I would shake my head and say, no, no, no! This is not right! I prayed earnestly, "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt."

Sometimes matters will so shape themselves that we cannot doubt they are of God.  At others, they will run contrary to our ideas and feelings. The Lord surprises us sometimes by revealing our duty in lines altogether different from what we have planned for, and we declare, “It is not so. This is untrue.”  But nevertheless, it is true to the letter, and the message will not come to men again until they can discern the work of God.  When they are ready to see and comprehend, the Lord will speak to them again.  If we would have divine supplies, if we would keep step with the divine plan, we must move under divine guidance.  The Lord wants us to yield to His molding, to be emptied of self and surrendered to God, that [Messiah] Christ may pervade the soul.  The fire can only burn when we purify the altar according to the word of God.  1 MR 240.

    Herein lies a basic principle. To place these aforementioned events in their proper sphere, one must first take off his shoes. He is standing on holy ground. Shoes contain particles of earth and the earth has with it elements that contaminate the vision that God would bring to the soul. Take off thy shoes. To be sustained through the necessary upcoming events, I had to continually view those events through heaven's point of view and Spirit and not as they would be seen through the eyes of an Egyptian. I had to remember the instructions that had come to me from the burning bush and not view those things as I would have viewed them while sojourning in Egypt. This is what sustained me.

And when forty years were expired, there appeared to him in the wilderness of mount Sinai [mountain of thorns] an angel of the Lord in a flame of fire in a bush. [This new light was a curiosity to Moses]. When Moses saw it, he wondered at the sight: and as he drew near to behold it, the voice of the Lord came unto him, saying, I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Then Moses trembled, and durst not behold. [Moses understands that what is coming to him is from God and dared not behold the light]. Then said the Lord to him, Put off thy shoes from thy feet: for the place where thou standest is holy ground. [The Lord instructs Moses not to approach His light with earthly particles on him or the light will be corrupted. Holy things cannot be seen through earthly dirt]. I have seen, I have seen the affliction of my people which is in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning, and am come down to deliver them. [The Lord has found a way to deliver His people]. And now come, I will send thee into Egypt. This Moses whom they refused, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge? the same did God send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush. He brought them out, after that he had shewed wonders and signs in the land of Egypt, and in the Red sea, and in the wilderness forty years. This is that Moses, which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear. This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sinai, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us. Acts 7:30-38.

    I began trying to prepare the people in the land for the eventuality of a literal, physical consummation as Jesus tried to prepare His people for the literal cross that was before Him. At the Jewish New Year camp meeting, I strongly emphasized the literal, physical consummation of that marriage. I believe few actually got the significance of what was presented. Even though I spoke plainly and literally, the people generally made my words to mean something else, as the disciples of Jesus had done with His words to them. When Jesus explained to His disciples that He was going to a literal, physical cross and suffer a very literal, physical death, they simply could not receive it.

    Through this entire process, I now saw I had to lay down my life to bring the wedding to pass. I had to yield myself up for the sake of the people. I had to be counted a transgressor and forsake myself utterly in order to follow my Father's instructions. I said, Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit. Do unto me whatever pleases Thee.

    The Father caused me to see that He was not the one committing adultery through me. The relationships of the earth were adulterous in His sight, since they denied that all people belonged to Him as His bride. Our Father and His Son were the Husband and the people were His wife. Often, in earthly relationships, a husband or wife has influence over the other in spiritual matters. When children have an unction to follow God in a certain way, parents may oppose that for one reason or another. All of these things were to be brought to their end and people would be on God alone.

     Earthly marriages are fine for the earth. The world has its order and laws to keep the earth turning, but heaven is not governed by earthly principles. It is governed by heavenly principles. "And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage: But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage." Luke 20:34-35. Earthly dominions are not sufficient government for the vast freedom of heavenly society. God alone is to be the Husband of the soul.

     I saw that earthly bonds of marriage were just that. Often, one soul has been bound to the other and subtly turned into a bond slave. Petty quarreling and ill tempers bind up the freedom and joy of an individual. Parents who must dominate the will of a child use very poor techniques to try to make young minds give themselves over in submission. Many children are beaten up emotionally if not physically in order to make them mind. This is not the order of heaven. This is not the heavenly rod of correction. Earthly ways simply do not work, will not work, and have never worked. Marriage to Messiah and the resulting effects are all that works.

     The idea presented me was not that I personally would have 50 wives. I was a mere figure, placed of God, who was to personify the event at hand. I was only to have one wife. It is the city of God coming down from God out of heaven. All who dwell in this city are married to the Son. "And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." Rev. 21:2.

    Men flatter themselves that they have given themselves to God, while in reality, they selfishly lay hold of everything in their grasp just as before. The earth must be yielded up in order for one to ascend into the heavens and few men will yield up their earth when the time comes for it to occur. Are men preparing for heaven? What is the heavenly mold? Few give this serious consideration.

     I spoke with my son in regards to what was coming regarding the consummation of the marriage and he suggested, "Just tell God no, like Moses did. It wouldn't look good." I tried that. It didn't work. My Father was persistent and quite on purpose. He had great mercy on me considering where I had come from. I have had to disfellowship members of the church for doing this very thing of having sexual contact with women who were not their wives. Now, I was going to do it quite on purpose and have it known quite openly. I knew that some of the church people saw things the same way, for some had reservations that I would sleep with their wives when presented with the image the Father had presented me. That proved they had the earth view of it as I had. This view would make the act adulterous and extremely offensive to my own sensibilities.

The Consummation of the Marriage
God's Strange Act

For the Lord shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act. Now therefore be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong: for I have heard from the Lord GOD of hosts a consumption (consummation), even determined upon the whole earth. Isa. 28:21-23.

    The consummation of the marriage in the soul brings to an end one's self context. His whole earth is consumed. When one is faced with this total invasion of the soul, his own self-interest is annihilated. Nothing remains of him or for him. Now the Seed of God is all that is evident. This act of the consummation would truly be the end of me. I was being consumed and any reservoir of self-consideration would be completely annihilated.

     I proposed a fleece which would settle the matter in my mind. I believe the fleece was suggested by the Father Himself to my own mind. I agreed on the consummation if certain things were done. First, the very two women I was impressed would be the chosen, would have to come to me, unsolicited and with no seduction or enticement, and request an intimate relationship with me. Secondly, the husbands would have to come to me and yield up their wives for the purposes of the consummation. This would have to be done with no input from me personally or from their wives. I told no one of these conditions. I had never even uttered them verbally in prayer. The participants were, in no way, to be encouraged or led to believe in a personal way that they should fulfill these conditions. It would have to be a spontaneous expression inspired by the Father Himself. Thirdly, the Father Himself would have to arrange for the consummation in a way that I knew it was Him.

     I accepted this proposal because I felt safe that no such thing would ever occur. I was now satisfied that I was safe from having to do something of this nature. I could not understand this thing and Father was greatly solicitous to help me through it. I felt His great love and closeness, while I also felt like a little nine year old boy in great fear of a task Daddy was requesting of him. I was completely out of my element and greatly urgent that He not make me do this. At one point, in prayer one evening, I had said, "Daddy, don't make me do this." I believed there would be a ram in the thicket. I believed that since Abraham didn't have to kill his son after all, I would not have to enter into this relationship after all.

     A few days later, the two women that the Father showed me He had chosen, both came and requested this intimate relationship. It was clear what was being requested. Each one wanted to be with me physically in a much deeper relationship. Their requests were made a few hours apart and without one consulting the other. In their requests they also used the same identical words. While this was a surprise to me, and I felt somewhat inspired at the thought of this fleece coming to pass, I also felt safe, since no husband would give their wife away. I felt certain it would never happen.

     A few weeks later both husbands came a few hours apart and yielded up their wives. Neither one had consulted with the other and neither one had been approached privately or influenced by their wives that they should do this. I now knew the consummation would occur. Still greatly troubled in my heart, I was resigned to the fact that this thing would be done. I knew the Father would reveal to me when the consummation would come about. I felt as if I had entered a Gethsemane, but I was set to do whatever my Father instructed me. As I began to see these events come to pass, and I knew a literal consummation would ensue, I began to tell the church while in meeting that there would be a literal, physical consummation and that it was not a symbolic gesture I was making.

     There was a third sign given that I was to wait for. It was to know the precise moment when the consummation would begin. At this time, I knew the consummation would occur, but I could not move into it without instructions. The moment the consummation was to commence I had been in discussion with one of the witnesses to the event, expressing my doubts that it was time for it. At that precise moment, her former earthly husband knocked on my door. He handed me a card, again yielding up his right to his previous bride. In this card he had written, "If we have a pretend consummation, we will have a pretend marriage." The bride also had confirmation from the Father that the time should begin. That was the movement of the cloud and pillar of fire to proceed with the consummation.

     I wondered at how the patience of God was so long with me, since I had resisted so strongly the notion of a literal consummation. I credit this with the fact that to my sight it appeared that I was being asked to break God's commandments. I did not want to become an adulterer and cause other men to mock the things of God because of me. My Father's sympathetic heart was evident, and I did not miss the many times He comforted me and took me away from it for a time. I was married to the land and the two witnesses would be symbols of that event as I was God's symbol of the groom. They are the two horns, and the two olive trees. In a very special way they are anointed above their fellows for their deep sense of purpose and strong devotion to the things of God only. These two witnesses believed in the Messiah and had the unction of God to that purpose.

The Anointed Women

     The literal consummation has with it certain and wonderful benefits. When faced with the reality of it, there is a great shock to the appropriately religious mind. One can think he is trusting God, when in reality, he trusts only in his understanding of God. Actually, in all of this, he is trusting in himself alone. When one must abandon his ideas of God, and trust in God instead, it makes for the soul a path upward and outward. Anyone on earth may easily trust his own reason, but how will one fare when his reason must be abandoned to the pure leading of God? When God leads through the valley of the shadow of death, will that soul follow?

     The heavenly consummation is not about romance, or sexual activity. Earthly exclusiveness and human bondage to another is totally missing. The self-centered union of two souls is not present. This cup of the consummation, if taken by one whose heart is in the earth, will be poisoned by it. One will be made to ascend if this cup is taken by one whose heart is in heaven. One's context of life will determine how that one will receive the heavenly token of the consummation. "To the one the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?" 2 Cor. 2:16.

     My precious, heavenly Friend has overcome me. He has caused me to appreciate the knowledge of how He is not bound by my understanding of His laws. On one walk I took, He opened before me that what He had asked me to do was not as I had pictured it. "Now son, how is this adultery?" He said. The earth view is that an earthly man sneaks in and entices the wife of another man without his consent for the sensual pleasures it affords. Even in the earth, there is the acceptance that a soul may divorce a spouse and marry another. How much more perfect is the thought that we may divorce our earth, leave it behind, and marry into the city of God? If a man will lay hold of this, he can escape the clutches of his earthly bonds. He may break free and come up higher into the chamber of God alone.

     I was shown that the Father brought to pass His purposes in a heavenly way. He first announced publicly what He planned to do. There were no dissenters in the church. The entire church gave its approval. Secondly, the women involved requested the action be taken without any human coercion or intimation. It did not come at the request of Messiah to them. Thirdly, the husbands, who now will receive an hundred fold in this life and the life to come, gave over their previous possessions. There were no secrets involved. Heaven and earth both gave their consent and all parties brought it to pass as stated. The Father Himself chose the ones appointed worthy to sacrifice personal interests for the cause of understanding the heavenly marriage, and to have self consumed in the brightness of His appearing.

    The Father came down upon the two witnesses and anointed them for this specific purpose. They gave up earthly relationships, children and personal property. This fulfilled the words of Jesus. "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:26."So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:33. The two witnesses forsook all that they had. The two witnesses hated their earth for the love of Messiah. They forsook all that they had to come to Him. So it is that they will be the first fruits. "But every man in his own order: Christ (Messiah) the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming." 1 Cor. 15:23. The forsaking of husbands, children, homes and any other interest is represented by the two witnesses. They are signposts as to what the soul must yield in order to be married to God.

Set up for yourselves highway markers, make for yourselves guideposts; turn your thoughts and attention to the way by which you went into exile. Retrace your steps, O Virgin Israel...For the Lord has created a new thing in the land; a female shall compass, woo, win, and protect a man." Jer. 31:21-22. (Footnote: Israel, the erring but deeply penitent wife, instead of going about after other lovers will devote herself to winning back and being worthy of the love of her divine Husband and Lord. Amplified Bible.)

     Mary, the mother of Jesus, had to look like an adulterous woman in order to give birth to the Messiah. So, again, all who would give birth to the anointing will look like adulterous women. The great deliverance is given and the purposes of God will come to pass.

I heard those clothed with the armor speak forth the truth [of the consummation] in great power. It had effect. I saw those who had been bound; some wives had been bound by their husbands, and some children had been bound by their parents. The honest who had been held or prevented from hearing the truth, now eagerly laid hold of the truth spoken. All fear of their relatives was gone. The truth alone was exalted to them. It was dearer and more precious than life. They had been hungering and thirsting for truth. I asked what had made this great change. An angel answered, "It is the latter rain. The refreshing from the presence of the Lord (Messiah). The loud cry of the Third Angel." RH 12-31-57.

     The consummation took place over a period of 21 days. Each event in the consummation revealed a specific event in the heavenly order in regards to the children of God. Each event was shown to be a revelation of heaven as to how God and His bride are united and the processes involved in bringing one there. As a token in the heavens, Virgo the virgin was at that time clothed with the sun. During that 21 days, the sun passed through her. This heavenly omen further revealed the Father’s will to the watchers. I did not know of this sign until it had passed. This same heavenly omen had been used previously to show us that we would be taken into the wilderness for instruction. This, also, came to pass as the prophecy had stated.

    On the last day of the consummation, 21 days after the beginning, I was shown that the Messiah had come and consummated the marriage exactly 483 years to the day after the beginning of the Reformation, which officially commenced with the nailing of the 95 Theses by Martin Luther on the church door at Wittenburg, October 31, 1517. Sixty nine weeks of years had passed, and to the day, the marriage in heaven was satisfied. "Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem [The beginning of the Reformation] unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks." After that day, the process would now be unveiled which would bring the people into that wedding with Michael. Michael is the angel, or messenger, written about in Daniel 12 and Revelation 12. The Messiah returned from the wedding to bring the people into the wedding with Him. This was the coming of the Messiah just exactly as the prophecy of Daniel 9 had stated. "And he shall make a strong covenant [marriage] with many for one week; and for half of the week he shall cause sacrifice and offering to cease [cease intercession]; and upon the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator." As with the destruction of Jerusalem, the Messiah (Jesus) came to finish the work of marriage and intercession in His age. After that, the Roman armies desolated everything remaining in Jewry, which had not entered with Him into the marriage of His sacrifice .

    None of these things were known beforehand, for if it were known, it could be planned for and acted out through human reasoning and activity. Instead, these things concerning the marriage were brought to pass first, and then their deep significance revealed after the fact.

    These events could not rationally be construed into a man sneaking around trying to commit adultery with another man’s wife, especially since the future consummation was all announced beforehand in clear detail to the congregation. Nothing was secret or hidden. The witnesses to the event were given over beforehand by the ones who had previously laid claim to them. They were gifted to the Messiah by the Father’s strong coming down upon the participants. They were given over by their previous owners. Messiah, the bride, and the previous earthly husbands, all had to yield to the heavenly dictation. It was perfect, and perfectly ordered by certain principles that had to reflect the patterns in the heavens. Earthly adultery or molestation were nowhere involved in any of these events. The heavenly marriage and earthly sensuality cannot be mixed. The consummation was brought to pass after a public announcement and human permission was given. Not only that, but the church also gave its permission before the fact. There was not one dissenting voice. The Father brought forward strong measures to protect the land from fanaticism which would adulterate the process He was bringing to pass. As with any heavenly movement, hell has a host of diversions to distract and pervert the heavenly events. This event was to end forever human adultery and human fornication. There was now only one true recognized Husband. All who entered into that Husband would no longer be sharing their affections with their earthly desires.

    Why were there two witnesses? Firstly, it is written: "In the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established." The two witnesses and Michael the Messiah established every word. One witness only would look too much like an earthly marriage. It could not sufficiently break into the mental patterns of earth and establish heavenly images. The people would merely think that Messiah was as they were. More than two witnesses would seem too much like a harem. It would seem as if there was no discriminating voice to guide the events. That would say to the mind that Michael would indiscriminately become intimate with whomever He desired instead of following a divinely inspired plan. Heaven has its order even when certain events are not in the earthly order. Two witnesses would also reflect the multi-membered bride of Christ. Finally, the Scriptures prophesy of the two witnesses who stand before the God (Messiah) of the whole earth. They receive His anointing and give that anointing to other lamps.

    Two witnesses are an established pattern in the Scriptures. There were two witnesses who came to see the condition of Sodom before its destruction. "And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground." Gen. 19:1. There were two witnesses sent to oversee the resurrection of Jesus. "And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain." John 20:12. Jesus sent out His disciples two by two. "And he called to him the twelve, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits." Mark 6:7. Most importantly, there were two witnesses in the Most Holy Place of the earthly sanctuary which was patterned after things in the heavens. "And thou shalt make two cherubims of gold, of beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat. And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: even of the mercy seat shall ye make the cherubims on the two ends thereof. And the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and their faces shall look one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be." Ex. 25:18-20.

    The only beings in the Most Holy Place were the Father (the Shekinah light), the Son (High Priest), the two witnesses (two Cherubim), and the testimony (the Ark). The Most Holy Place with God is the same Most Holy Place that exists in a marriage. It is the bedchamber. This is where God is intimate with His bride. The Father, the Son, the two witnesses and the testimony are the only things in there. The two witnesses bear testimony of the relationship between the Father and the Son. They touch their wings over the ark of this testimony. This ark is also called the Ark of the covenant. It is the Ark of the marriage. It is the testimony of the marriage of the Lamb.

    In Revelation 11, we can read of the two witnesses and what they do. The two witnesses prophesy and give testimony for 3 1/2 years. They stand before the God of the whole earth as the two cherubim did in the Most Holy Place. They are also two olive trees. A reference to the two olive trees may be found also in Zech. 4.

And the angel that talked with me came again, and waked me, as a man that is wakened out of his sleep, and said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof: and two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof. So I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me, saying, What are these, my lord? Then the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord. Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. ...Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof? And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves? And he answered me and said, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord. Then said he, These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth. Zech. 4:1-14.

For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called. For the Lord hath called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, and a wife of youth, when thou wast refused, saith thy God. Isa. 54:5-6.

    Here, again, are the two trees that stand before the Lord of the whole earth. They pour their oil, their marriage testimony, out upon the lamps who receive this oil. In the sanctuary, the lamps are not in the Most Holy Place. They are just outside of it receiving oil from the two witnesses. The people are to receive their holy oil from those who stand immediately in the presence of the God of the whole earth. They are present for the marriage of the Lamb. The other lamps take their oil from them, having faith in their marriage and experiencing their testimony. The imagery is clear. Michael and the Father are in the secret marriage chamber and the two angels there with them. Now the two angels pour out their oil to those who are lamps.

    The witnesses of Christ did far more to shed His light into the world than He did. And the two witnesses will be far more effective in sharing their experience of the Most Holy Place than Michael. They not only receive Michael and His Father's love, but they receive their own added experience and can pour that oil onto others as Michael poured it upon them.

The Dragon's Wrath

And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Rev. 21:2.

    “It is finished” echoes from the heavens in regards to the marriage of the Lamb. The land is married as has been foretold in the ancient writings. “Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzibah (my delight is in her), and thy land Beulah (married): for the Lord delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married.” Isa. 62:4.

    I have been awed at how the Father has been able to bring the current events to pass without hindrance and without human invention. Now that all has been accomplished, the flood may come. "The serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, to sweep her away with the flood [of his words and accusations]. But the earth came to the help of the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed the river which the dragon had poured from his mouth." Now that the marriage is in place, and has been announced, the forces of evil can clamor and pour forth their flood all they like. It is done, and all the host of hell cannot annul it. Once the cross of Christ came to its completion, the host of hell could not turn back the clock. The victory had been settled in heaven and it could not be overturned. The crucifixion of Jesus was the plan of hell, but they had thought the cross would overthrow Him. It did not, and hell was confounded. So it is with the marriage.

    Hell has produced every enticement to overthrow the victory of Messiah in the establishment of the marriage. It brought to pass every test to cause the Messiah to give up His faith in the Father’s leading. He took the Messiah up to the pinnacle of the temple and showed Him all the abominations of the earth as if they were His own. Satan tried every possible offense to get Messiah to save Himself and yield up the contest, repenting that He had followed His Father's leading. Again, the adversary failed, and now it is too late to overturn it. It is done.

    In a letter recently, from one who was informed of the marriage, I received a scathing flood of words, accusing me of molestation and acquiring a harem. It was from one who had his hopes dashed because of his consistent fall into immorality and lustful propensities, and now he could see the marriage passed him by. This one had previously professed that Father had told him that all of the things occurring in the land regarding the marriage were of Him. Now, everything had changed. The flood had come to him having been put on hold till after the marriage was completed and entered into. Being left desolate he now could only see things from the actions of his own heart. The consummation appeared to him as dark as his own soul. "Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." There are many who will gnash their teeth over the marriage of the Lamb to the city. The two witnesses to the event represent the entire land. The dragon will hate the woman; he will hate the two witnesses. "But when they have finished their testimony and their evidence is all in, the beast that comes up out of the Abyss will wage war on them, and conquer them and kill them." Rev. 11:7 Amplified.

    I have watched our events unfold and I have seen the purposes revealed as to our current circumstances. Step by step our Father has faithfully carried out His heavenly designs. Step by step each hindrance to the process was frustrated. These events began to unfold as the Father brought His people into the wilderness, His new land. "And the woman [church] fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which to be nourished [fed or instructed] for one thousand two hundred and sixty days." Rev. 12:6. This "new land," where we now dwell, was prepared for the woman (church) in order for her to be instructed and prepared for her final release from earth. She was to be married to the heavenly Prince before she could have her final release from her previous earthly desolation.

Father's Incomprehensible Ways

    Nine months ago, while envisioning a much different future life, the Father had brought upon me His purposes and anointed me for the specific task of bringing about the wedding. The anointing of Michael had come down and filled me with His mighty purposes for causing all men to see and be witness to the marriage of heaven. The letter I received charging many things which were manufactured from one's context of his vile earth, revealed the nature of the flood which is to be poured out after the woman. Those who cannot comprehend earthly things, surely cannot comprehend heavenly things. Those who are unfamiliar with the Father's workings cannot discern the events as they are. As with the coming of Jesus and the Reformation, the marriage will be incomprehensible to the established order.

    In the beginning of these events, I had not been informed by the heavenly agencies as to the reasons for those things I was being called upon to accomplish. I was simply given instructions, and felt as though I were forced into complying with them. I seemed to have no ability to refuse. I was given instructions as to what I must carry out and I was placed in a strict set of heavenly standards to bring to pass the heavenly marriage, so that all could see it for what it was and believe that it was actually a heavenly event if they had a heart inclined toward the Father's purposes. Self-interest could not be involved in this, or the current event would have truly been adulterated, not only in the mind of Michael, but in the minds of those observing the events as well. As with the cross of Christ, all these events would be considered foolishness from an earthly context. "But we preach Christ crucified [Messiah married], unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." We have now been taken through a wedding which to the professed Christians is a stumblingblock, and to the non-Christians foolishness.

    This forces the people to consider, if God indeed brought these things to pass as the Spirit stated, and all the tokens of the land and in the heavens revealed, would He be causing adultery or would He be ending it? When one considers the heavenly point of view, the soul is the property and wife of the heavenly Husband. This caused us to have to look at the precise light on the subject of who is married to whom. Besides these things, it was made clear that God can do whatever He sets out to do, and men cannot change it. The soul can only look on in wonder at what Father purposes for that soul to experience. "Jesus said to them, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing; for whatever he does, that the Son does likewise'." John 5:19. "John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven." John 3:27.

    Earthly things, versus heavenly things, may be considered in the command, Thou shalt not kill. God kills people everyday. No man can die without His expressed cooperation in the event. On a major highway there may be a speed limit of 65 MPH. Heaven travels many times that speed. Heaven’s purposes cannot be measured by fallen man’s rules of living. One cannot judge the events of heaven with earthly goggles on. God may appear to be breaking His commandments, while in reality He is not.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isa. 55:8-9.

    An example of this may be found in the Scriptures. In the Old Testament there are examples of strong judgment which precludes any hope of repentance. A man or woman may have a physical encounter and still be alive to think and to live, but when one is killed, no such opportunity exists. Murder would seem a far greater crime than adultery and with far greater consequences. In 1 Kings 18:40, Elijah killed about four hundred men. That is a good number of dead bodies. They could never now repent for what they had done. They had no time to reconsider. Not only that, it was very bloody. Elijah had to hack off their heads down at a brook. The law stated, Thou shalt not kill, yet this man of God killed a good number of his fellow countrymen.

    Also, in the Old Testament, there was more of this permanent ending of life. Moses had a problem develop while he was away. Some of the people had reverted to some of the things that marked their previous religion. Moses commanded, "Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour. And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men." This was done by a man who had just received the law that said thou shalt not kill. The leader of the Israel cult had just ordered the murder of 3,000 men because they made a calf out of gold. Not only that, he said God told him to do it. Men accept this behavior since it is generally acknowledged these days that it was all true and from God.

    The New Testament also recounts an event that shows men they are dealing with the same God. Peter had asked for a freewill offering and the people contributed various amounts of money. "But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession, and kept back part of the price, his wife also being privy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles' feet. But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land? Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God. And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them that heard these things. And the young men arose, wound him up, and carried him out, and buried him." Acts 5:1-6. His wife dropped dead a little after that.

    Would not modern man think it unthinkable if a cult leader hacked off the heads of 400 ministers of another religion? If he killed three thousand of his own church members for reverting to some of their previous practices, do you not suppose that would be frowned on? And what if certain of the church members dropped dead because they did not give all the money they had promised the cult leader? Do you not suppose the authorities might want to do a little investigation into the matter? Do you suppose a man would be excused because he said that God told him to do it?

    The God who oversaw this transaction was the New Testament God. A couple of people held back some of their money and they ceased to exist. Modern man would find that action somewhat extreme and it would not make sense to his ideas of justice. When one also considers how God instructed His prophet to marry a harlot for His purposes of illustration and another prophet lied to a king to make a point, one's human reasoning cannot be trusted in the things of God if he merely reverts to his idea of black and white. The law states that all liars will have their part in the lake of fire, yet, God Himself has sent lying spirits to deceive those who love deception. Our Father has His purposes for what He instructs His servants to do and His servants are simply obliged to do them.

    Human reasoning would also seem to conclude that God's servants would get a special kind of blessing above other men and bad men would all get cursed. This reasoning will not hold up either, when one considers blessings after the modern way of thinking. Almost all of Jesus' disciples were killed in the course of their work. They were beheaded, tortured, left in prison to rot or suffered some other unfortunate end. Millions of professed Christians were burned at the stake. Other world-loving souls lived to a ripe old age in their selfish, self-centered universe. The point being made is that men must follow their Father, but they cannot judge the event. We can build a story why thus and so occurred at the command of God, but our judgment of things cannot rest on that story. Our judgment of things rests on the knowledge that our Father can be trusted to lead us in the way that He has designed, and the way He has designed is for His own honor and glory. If we fail at following His clear instructions to us because it may not seem to be a present advantage, then, surely, we might expect an inglorious end. Woe to the man who does not follow his instructions. Our Father bears long with men and with great long-suffering, but when his eyes are opened and he purposes to pervert clear understanding, judgment is often swift.

    In the events concerning the consummation of the marriage, I was very aware of what course I was to pursue even though that course did not always seem advantageous to me. God knew how to cause me to eat grass for seven years if I refused His instructions. By following His instructions, I have been immersed in His ever-present love and His glorious emptiness. What happens to me is not of interest, since my life is hid with the anointing in God. The Father caused me to be filled with Michael so that the representation of His marriage would be brought to the earth for all to see. All who come to Him will be taken from their previous earthly self-interested relationships and they will release all their earthly goods. They will be naked and unashamed in His presence and their hearts will be emptied of their self awareness.

Christ could have done nothing during His earthly ministry in saving fallen man if the divine had not been blended with the human. The limited capacity of man cannot define this wonderful mystery--the blending of the two natures, the divine and the human [the marriage]. It can never be explained. Man must wonder and be silent. And yet man is privileged to be a partaker of the divine nature [marriage], and in this way he can to some degree enter into the mystery. This wonderful exhibition of God's love was made on the cross of Calvary [and the consummation and marriage of the Lamb]. Divinity took the nature of humanity, and for what purpose?--That through the righteousness of Christ [the anointing] humanity might partake of the divine nature. This union of divinity and humanity, which was possible with Christ, is incomprehensible to human minds. The wonderful things to take place in our world--the greatest events of all ages--are incomprehensible to worldly minds…The powers of heaven shall be shaken. Christ is coming in power and great glory, but His coming is not such a mystery as the things to take place before that event. Man must be a partaker of the divine nature in order to stand in this evil time, when the mysteries of satanic agencies are at work. Only by the divine power united with the human can souls endure through these times of trial. 1888 Materials 332.

     Someone coming from the context of earthly relationships may well consider that something like this might occur if any leader made known his will and asked that someone have a physical relationship with him. But that these things would ever occur without any intimation on my part seemed completely incredible. While it may be conceived that a woman might ask a man for a physical relationship, to have her husband come also, without being asked, and give her without any personal, human suggestion or request, seemed incredible and impossible. Besides that, to have these things happen twice, and in duplicate, further diminishes the chances of its occurrence. There were other impediments to the consummation. Our own profession of faith is that men should abstain from fornication and we have disfellowshipped some other members for adultery. In this light, the consummation seemed impossible to comprehend as seen from my own previous context. To my own mind I completed the instructions only because I recognized the Father's voice which was strong on me to fulfill all these things, and not because I understood what He was doing.

And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying, O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel. Jer. 18:4-6.

The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. Prov. 21:1.

Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Rom. 9:20.

And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou? Dan. 4:34-35.

    The perfection of these present things becomes evident if one will consider them. I have seen this judgment already work in some souls. On the surface, the event which included the appearance of adultery draws the ire and ridicule of some who may be looking on. Some will spew out a small volcano of contempt without seeing the divine justice in it. These same souls are immersed in the modern sexual revolution which began in the 1960's in this country. The presidents of their own nation have committed adultery with wanton abandon. The people are immersed in their videos and magazines portraying all kinds of immoral activity between "consenting adults." They access their X-rated Internet sites in secret, but God sees it all. Their thoughts are in gross perversion continually. How just, for God to place before them something which will call forth their own judgments upon themselves. Whoever judges Michael will thereby be judged himself, since he will be using himself as the window through which to judge Him.


The Reasons for the Wedding

    Some, having observed the union of soul that is present with the marriage of Michael, may think it is connected with a physical union with Him, since marriage consummation is considered physical in the natural world. Men might wonder how this physical event could benefit them, since a physical relationship between two men is not in the right order of things. This desire in a soul would reveal the lack of comprehension as to what actually occurred here in the earth in regards to the marriage of Michael. They would be missing the point. Consummation is not about a physical, intimate relationship between a man and a woman. Some might venture to refer to that act as a consummation. It is not. The word consummation means "to make complete." This is what the marriage of heaven does for the soul. Jesus had to go to a literal, physical cross to bring to pass the sacrifice of the Lamb, but every other soul has had to bear His cross and take up His cross in the way that the Father has revealed it to them. The same principle applies with the marriage of the Lamb.

   When the church came to the wedding, another portent was seen in the heavenly constellations. The Sun (Messiah) was in the Lamb (marriage of the Lamb), the moon (church) was in the feet of the twins (two witnesses). These two witnesses were proof that Messiah has come to the wedding, and Venus, or mere human love, was nowhere around. This fact is indicative that in the process of the marriage, human love was not the motivating factor. Human love is limited and the love of the Messiah with the woman is not associated with human passion or the lust of the flesh, but the deep union of the two into one. This is the sign for the fulfilling of the prayer of Jesus in John 17 when He said, "That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one." John 17:21-22. This is what is fulfilled when the wedding is brought to pass. God is in union with His bride.

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world [thinking everyone might need physical union to make the marriage with Michael real], and not after Christ (the anointing). For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete (consummated) in him, which is the head of all principality and power: In whom also ye are circumcised [married] with the circumcision [marriage] made without hands [physical contact], in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision [marriage] of Christ (the anointing). Col. 2:8-11.

    In the sphere of earth, humans are continually in the act of saving themselves. They try to be good, famous, or secure by working really hard at it. They try to get better. They lie, cheat and steal in order to bring about the desired effects. Their lying most often takes the form of a profession to holiness which they know very well does not exist in them. The marriage of heaven changes the entire context of how one views himself and his world.

    The heavenly marriage in the new land has a specific purpose for man. It is designed as it is to bring about certain effects. As in a marriage of earth, the bride loses her own identity. She loses her name and her current standing. Now she takes her husband’s name. The husband takes her upon himself. The husband is now responsible for her. She lays down and submits to her husband. She yields herself up and empties herself. When her child is conceived, she must also yield that child up and empty herself of her own child when it comes to birth. She must let the child go, more and more as the child matures.

    The relationship of Michael with the two witnesses was not centered in sexual activity, or the following of the desires of the flesh. It was not about intimacy in that sphere. It was about yielding up everything in order to follow the heavenly instructions. The relationship was not about getting something, it was about giving up everything.

    First, Michael had to give up His good name. "He was reckoned among the transgressors." When the thought of adultery or the accusation of another was imagined, He had to yield it up and be willing to take any hit in order to follow the heavenly representation. Michael also had to give up any thought of a future “normal” relationship with anyone. He could never be “married” after the common, earthly order of things.

    The witnesses gave up their families and good reputations in order to complete what was laid out before them. They had to risk losing everything there was in life. They had no promise of family security, no children, no possessions and no earthly husband. They were left totally vulnerable to the consequences which they abandoned themselves to.

    The church enters in, not by having an intimate relationship with Michael in a physical way, but by entering into Michael’s and the witnesses’ abandonment to heaven's instructions, instead of having regard for their self-interests. They must now bear the flood of reproach and give up everything to the Father’s care as Michael and the two witnesses have. That is the way in which they become intimate with them. The people become abandoned with them. They are given over with them. They are emptied with them. The people must give over their good name in order to be associated with Michael. They must take reproach without resistance or care. They must also be counted among the transgressors.


    One may now ask himself the question, What if all of this is a deception? Father foresaw this concern so thereby made a way. It was stated early on that all the people should go to the Father and ask Him if these things happening in the land were of Him. ALL said that Father revealed to them that He had brought these things to pass when they asked Him. When the reality of the completed consummation was presented to the people, it was requested of them that they ask the Father precisely what WAS the nature of Michael's consummation. Many testimonies as to the Father’s revelation came back. This is the testimony from one of those people. "Very early, about 5:00 AM one morning, I awakened and before my mind was even in gear, the Lord quite LOUDLY put this thought into my mind:'Tell my Son (Michael) that He had to take the two witnesses into His bedchamber'. I thought about that for a moment, and then started to try to revise it in some way, so that it would sound better. Immediately, a strong impression, though not quite as loud, came back: 'Say it exactly as I gave it to you'. I said OK Lord, and later that morning, I went to see Michael. I was a little reluctant, but said it exactly as I had been given. He replied that that was what He had been looking for." Little children were given dreams that clearly laid out the event. All heaven was astir in making plain the marriage and what it entailed. Father gave clear testimony of the origin of this consummation. As with Jesus and His crucifixion, the testimony of those looking on was forced from their lips, Truly this is of God.

    An unbeliever may now question, What if it was the devil who did all that? If men earnestly pray for, and desire light, and they are given darkness, how can the judgment stand? If the Father is that impossible to follow, who can be saved? In all of these circumstances it was not hard to discern Father's instructions. The difficulty came when one considered his self-interest. "How will this make me look?" The leading of Father in all of life's circumstances is not hard to follow. Great trials come when men hear Him plainly speak but they consult with their own desires or plans first. This is the nature of the conflict.

    It is true that one’s circumstances are often shaped by one’s own desires apart from the expressed will of God, but in this case, these things were not even imagined beforehand. We were told of the implications after the fact. The angels gave no warnings to stop the process. On the contrary, the angels continued to bring to pass the events for their purposed end. When Father gives His instructions, and the soul resists those instructions because he wants to do something else, Father may give that person over to his desires. In the case of this marriage, Michael did not want to proceed with it. It was yielding up to the Father that brought it to pass. Michael had to give up all his self-interest to proceed with Father’s instructions. He had to give up all his plans and predisposition. He had to give up His schedule of upcoming events.

With Whom are You Married?

   Men of earth are hardly aware of their dangers. For centuries men have progressed through their life's experience, going back and forth between good and evil without fully comprehending the nature of their warfare. They have not seen the reasons for our brief 6000 years in existence on this planet earth. The whole history of man has been to bring to pass only one event. That is the marriage of man with God. Those who do not marry God and become God possessed, will marry His adversary and become Satan possessed. That is, man will either marry God or marry Satan and this marriage will become permanent. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph. 6:12.

   If one believes in demon possession, it is usually connected with visions of people foaming at the mouth and writhing in agony on the floor, or bouncing off padded walls in some insane asylum. Jesus cast out demons which had this effect upon the soul. These cases of demon possession are in the minority. The majority of cases are similar to a woman I visited. This woman asked if I could cast a demon from her. She was a troubled soul. I spent the night praying for her and that her demons would be removed from her. She had three clear personalities that I was having to deal with. One personality was more of the classical representation of the evil monster that possesses the soul. There was another personality similar in nature. The third personality spoke very clearly to me in an Irish brogue. This demon held an intelligent conversation with me from time to time. This demon was polite, intelligent and reasonable. While these demons spoke with me, the woman was unconscious of it. When the demons became her conscious state her eyes would glaze over and she would not be aware that I was conversing with her devils.

    This Irish demon explained to me that I would not be able to cast her out (which was something I was trying to do for the entire night), because the woman wanted her to be there. The demon said to me, "I shall not be leav'n. She wants me here." This was a whole new thought to me. The woman knew very well that she had demons, since she asked me to take them from her. I had thought that demons had to come out whenever they were commanded out in the name of the Lord. I found out this was an erroneous conclusion. The Lord does not drive demons out when the person housing them desires them.

   When the woman became conscious, I asked her about that Irish demon. I told her that was the only one I could not get to leave. I told her what the demon said. The woman then said to me, Yes, that demon is my grandmother's demon and she is a nice one. I would like her to stay with me. Immediately, I was stunned into silence. The whole night was an awesome awakening for me. This demon possessed woman knew her demon and wanted it there. Her grandmother had been a witch. She recounted her life of being with her grandmother in various ceremonial sacrifices. I am only recounting what she told me. She stated that when she was a little girl, her grandmother would take her to the Mormon temple for some mysterious sacrifices. I asked her how she got into that place to carry out those ceremonies and she recounted how her grandmother was highly respected in the spiritual realm. She was in the "upper crust." When her grandmother died, her demon went into the woman I was now visiting with. This woman had, right in front of me, chosen to marry her demon friend. I had nothing more to say. I left the house immediately after that.

   This demon was sane, intelligent and conversant with me. What struck me was that I could have met this lady out on the street and been conversing with her demon without ever having recognized it as such. I would have thought I was merely speaking with an Irish woman. There was not a clue that this demon was present except for the strange glaze I saw in the eyes of the one possessed. Truly her body had been snatched by alien forces.

   I have seen men who have been possessed by their father's lust demon. The demon was passed down to the son whose heart was turned to it. That son could not control his lusts after that and it revealed itself in the craving desire for sexual stimulation and drugs. The man was powerless to shake it. This was his marriage, when he became married to the lust demon, so that he could not be freed from it.

    Others are controlled by demons of competition. They will spend their lives competing in sports or other events. Their great craving to excel and compete is insatiable. Others are possessed by spirits of war. To die in a war is great reward to them. It is a great honor to "die for one's country." Still others have no interest in Godly things. God is a complete experience of boredom for them. The love of God is unknown to them. They love themselves, their flesh, and their pride. This is the effect of being under the influence of demonic forces. That person cannot follow God since they are possessed of devils. They are married to them.

    When one is married to demons, there is no peace to the soul. There is always a reaching out to try to accomplish some task placed before it. That soul is always at war in some way with his circumstances or his environment. He is truly an adversary of souls around him. He will fight with his spouse or children. Hatred will well up in his heart when his will is crossed. Jealousy will sometimes be felt. There is a never-ending desire to build his kingdom and compete with others who may take some of his spoil. The ever-present desire for money or success cannot be satisfied. When one is demon possessed, he can only desire the things of that demon. That soul cannot venture out any longer and decide to choose God. He does not have a free will, but is driven by the forces which now have full control of him.

    When one is God possessed it is the same principle. When one is married to God, every instinct of the soul is to love Him. Personal desires for one's own kingdom are no longer in existence. Benefiting the souls that belong to his Father in heaven is that one's only delight. Pure peace and holy joy is the instinct of that soul now married to God. Sin is not present in that life since sin is not present in God. The one married to God is freed from the bondage of sin and death. His spirit is free and light. Following the Father's instructions is his only work and these things do not burden the soul with galling yokes. The marriage of Michael is their last hope. This marriage now in the earth, will bring the contest to its end. Mankind will marry Michael, or they will marry their demons, but there will be no more middle ground.

When the third angel's message closes (And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark [marriage] in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Rev. 14:9-11), mercy [wooing] no longer pleads for the guilty inhabitants of the earth. The people of God have accomplished their work. They have received "the latter rain," "the refreshing from the [literal, physical] presence of the Lord [Michael]," and they are prepared for the trying hour before them. Angels are hastening to and fro in heaven. An angel returning from the earth announces that his work is done; the final test has been brought upon the world [the revelation of the marriage of the Lamb], and all who have proved themselves loyal to the divine precepts have received "the [marriage] seal of the living God." Then Jesus ceases His intercession [wooing] in the sanctuary above. He lifts His hands and with a loud voice says, "It is done;" and all the angelic host lay off their crowns as He makes the solemn announcement: "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still." Revelation 22:11. [Let everyone stay married to the one they love]. Every case has been decided for life or death [by the one they have married]. Christ has made the atonement for His people and blotted out their sins. The number of His subjects is made up; "the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven," is about to be given to the heirs of salvation, and Jesus [Michael] is to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords.

The destruction of Sodom was a symbol of the destruction that will come upon the finally impenitent, when tempests of fire come from above, and fountains of flame break forth from the crust of the earth. The fate of this ancient city should be a warning to all who live for self, and who corrupt their ways before God [marrying themselves to the adversary soul]. ST 10-16-93.

One Design

    The marriage, and all events connected with it, are designed for one purpose. It is to bring the natural protections of the soul to nothing in favor of bringing the complete rest of God into the soul. No matter what the universal accusations, we lay at our Father’s feet without justification, without hope in ourselves, without any self-importance remaining. We yield up our outlines and expectations as to where we plan to go or where we have come from.

    The final things to be removed from our soul are those things related to one’s importance, or one’s standing with God. This is his self-righteousness. One might boast, I’m Michael, I’m one of the two witnesses, I‘m one of the seven lamps, or I belong to the true church. People of earth can be heard saying, "I'm proud to be an American." This self-importance and feeling of specialness is left in the dust. Leaving it in the dust is not that one says, I hate being Michael or the two witnesses. They do not say, I hate the church. These things are given from Father and cannot be despised by those who are of faith. What it means is that one is empty in these things instead of full in them. Self loves to belong to something and to be something. This causes self to seem important. Now, the marriage has brought the self to its end. It is emptied of its wonderful view of itself. It has no view at all. It cares nothing for its welfare. It seeks no reward. It quietly rests in the Father’s expression of Himself; and personal salvation, and whether or not one dies, is not in the thoughts. Death has lost its sting. The grave has lost its victory. The soul cares nothing for it one way or another. "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"

There are glorious truths to come before the people of God. Privileges and duties which they do not even suspect to be in the Bible will be laid open before the followers of Christ. As they follow on in the path of humble obedience, doing God's will, they will know more and more of the oracles of God, and be established in right doctrines. The baptism of the Holy Spirit will dispel human imaginings, will break down self-erected barriers, and will cause to cease the feeling that "I am holier than thou." There will be an humble spirit with all, more faith and love; self will not be exalted. "Look and live." Christ's [Michael's] spirit, Christ's example will be exemplified in His people...The love of Jesus will pervade our hearts. It is impossible for me to picture before you the result of this influence. 1888 Materials 333.

    This, and in this alone, is what it means to enter into the marriage. When one is married to God and His Son, there is no more self-concern. There is no more self-interest and self identity. This is what it means to be intimate with Michael. This is the green bed mentioned in the Song of Solomon. Male or female, youth or child may all enter into Michael’s bed and be intimate with Him only in this way. They are yielded up to the purposes of God having no regard at all for the consequences from what Father brings to them. They will take any ridicule or offense without self rising up at all, or needing to defend itself at all. Self has nothing more to say. Self is brought to complete quietness.

    These things make it unnecessary for everyone to physically go to Michael’s bed and have a physically intimate relationship with Him. They already have done so in the two witnesses that Father has established, if they are yielded up in faith to that current event. By being connected with them in purpose and agreement, they are as if they had gone there themselves, for the same reproach of the dragon will come upon anyone who connects themselves with Michael's marriage. The same, being empty of self, will be required for them as it is required for Michael and the two witnesses if they will stand in the time of flood. When they are married to the land, it swallows the flood of words that the dragon pours out after them. In this event the people learn to hear God and follow only Him. Their own self protection and importance is left desolate.

    Father has intended this abandonment and Sabbath rest to enter into everyone who professes to be His child. No man will come away from earth still alive to himself. No man will come away from earth with any possessions at all. Light, alone, will be his covering. Anyone who would enter into heaven must enter into this marriage. The married are those who finally enter into the realms of light and peace. They, alone, go to heaven.

    There may be some who continue to have difficulty over the current events. They simply will not let go of their self-interest and lay down empty before God. They will not give God what belongs to Him. They refuse His prerogatives and pine away at their poor state. They cannot give up their earthly idols in favor of the heavenly King. If they will not yield up their own perverted self-interest, they will perish in it. They will get nothing either way. They will not get back what they had and they will get nothing promised in the future.

    But, those who yield up to the Father’s prerogatives, and enter into His rest, will never be offended. Nothing causes them fear. Nothing can hurt them. In this marriage rests the kingdom of heaven. This is the rest of Michael. This is what He possesses.

    The point of the common, earthly marriage as it was revealed, is that man has claimed a bride that belongs only to God. They have desired earthly comforts that come from another human being instead of heavenly ones that come only from God. Our Father has overturned this idolatry that was never in His order to have in place. Humans love the notion that they own someone or something. They have adopted human needs which they refuse to let be filled by our Father's companionship. Humans have always had slaves and idols. Heaven is doing away with all of those things in those who will yield them up. Heaven is overturning the human notions and decreeing that all things belong to God. It is God Who is the true Husband of every soul, and humans have no right to that claim. God is the only One who can sufficiently care for the soul. One's idol worship separates him from the King of heaven and everything is coming to pass in order to remove those idols. While some men will agree that all things belong to God, if God tries to take what is His to Himself and leave them with nothing, they will protest, revealing what is really in their hearts.

    In pure human relationships there is always this little tug of the wills. One may express dissatisfaction with the other and seek to force their partner to provide this or that convenience. They think their wife owes them, or their husband owes them, or their children owe them. They are willing to follow God if He gives them this or that desire. God must produce for them in a way they see fit. All this our Father is faithfully throwing down. No such relationship will be supported in heaven. All men are free to do whatever the Father gives them to do and their true heart’s desire will be toward Him. We also have no expectations of God. He may do whatever He likes, and we say nothing or feel nothing to the contrary. What earth thinks will have no meaning for the soul. Their only desire is to the leading of their heavenly Husband and to fulfill His purposes as He desires they be fulfilled.

    When Michael's marriage is entered, there never is any more contest between souls under the same roof. One is not the dictator over the other. They are completely emptied and given over to the guidance of their heavenly Husband as are all the souls under their roof. They see each soul in their house as belonging to Father and not to themselves. This is the heavenly marriage. This is what the marriage of Michael with the land has accomplished. It shatters the notion that men are important and can defend their righteous selves. It removes everything but the voice of Father to the soul.

    Leaving my house the other night, a young child, who possessed the spirit of the bride, looked up into my eyes and said, Good night, loving husband. This completed the desire of the wedding. Young and old, male or female may now make this statement. When they have laid themselves down and yielded up their self awareness, they may all say, Good night, loving Husband.

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Matt. 16:19.

Michael's Judgment

This little statement was sent to me:

If one were to arbitrarily assign a random probability factor to the Consummation, of 100:1 against the first woman coming to Messiah by mere chance to request such a relation, unbidden by human influence (actually the odds would be immensely higher), then the likelihood of that occurrence happening twice within hours with no intercommunication (in other words, randomly) is loosely the reciprocal of the first statistical probability, or 10,000:1 against.

For a third such occurrence (a husband coming to Messiah to give away his wife, as in the required test) it would be an incredible one million to one against. A fourth expression of this probability sequence--the second husband arriving, within hours of the first, with the same mission and again no communication with the other participants: A probability factor ensues of one-trillion to one (1,000,000,000,000:1), against that happening by chance (this, incidentally, is far, far greater than evolutionists will assign to the chances of life generating itself spontaneously. So anyone rejecting the evidence of the Consummation is stupider than an evolutionist).

This would be the equivalent of covering 2,000 acres with pennies to a depth of 3 3/4 inches, placing a blindfolded Messiah in the center of the land covered with these one-trillion pennies. Of the nearly four-inch deep layer of 2,000 acres of coins there would be four of the pennies inscribed with the names of each of those approaching Messiah for the fulfillment of the required mission. These four coins would be randomly dispersed throughout the eighty-seven-million-one-hundred-twenty-thousand (87,120,000) square feet of land. Messiah would have to then, blindfolded, wander aimlessly around three-and-a-half square miles of pennies and randomly reach down and retrieve, sequentially, only four coins, each of which bore the names of the participants, without picking up a single wrong penny in those four tries out of one-million-million possibilities for error.

If the coins had to be found in an order that represented the exact sequence of the visitors, the odds of that happening by chance would be represented by a one followed by forty-eight zeros, or roughly the equivalent of the square root of the total number of atoms in the known universe.

Even the most skeptical scientists will agree that anything with a probability of occurrence greater than 100:1 against, totally eliminates any possibility that the instance could have taken place by chance, but rather would necessarily have been the result of intelligent design.

The emptiness of all of man's reasoning becomes evident and vanishes in the merest puff of Divine thought.

    All through history there have been strong evidences for the leading of God, such as the one just stated. Miracles have been wrought, the dead have been raised and great provision has come in time of need. Providential leadings have been seen which reveal that God is in an event. These evidences came in the present moment of the event and not in one's idea of the future. These things occurred and gave confidence to those following the Spirit. Our Father is in the moment rather than in our earthly projections of Him.

    This can be seen in many of His providences in times past. The earthly minded cannot receive these providences, but, instead, believe God has deceived them when their ideas of the event are not met. If it were not God Who deceived them by bringing them to their uncomfortable state, then they reason that God's leadings must have been a deception of the devil. When Israel was invited, and even forced from their familiar Egyptian homes, while hearing the promise that they were going to get to go to a new home in a new land, they complained because it did not happen as they expected. Would any of the Israelites have left Egypt if they had known they were simply going to die in the wilderness after wandering around for 40 years? Did not the heavenly Father know beforehand that they would be dying in the wilderness?

    The disciples of Jesus followed Him because they believed that He was going to set up a temporal kingdom in Israel and He would be the new king. They had hoped for some advantage to themselves by associating with Him. Would any of the disciples have followed Jesus if they knew from the beginning their master would be crucified and they would all end up losing their heads over it?

    In American history we see similar events. In the 1830's William Miller predicted that Jesus would return in 1844. Hundreds and thousands of believers sold farms and gave away goods expecting the long-awaited return of Jesus. He did not return as they expected and the movement splintered into many factions and left the Adventists with a mere handful of faithful. The Adventist prophet later wrote that God had placed his hand over the true event so that they could not see their mistake. Some would say they had been tricked, if not by man, then by God.

    Would any of those Adventists have followed William Miller if they had known it was only an event that was to occur in heaven somewhere and they need not sell their farms after all? Would this "heavenly event" have raised their interest at all? Would they have bothered to attend his meetings? Most only followed him because they thought they were going to receive some benefit. They came for the loaves and the fishes. Jesus was going to come and they were going to get to go to heaven. All such anticipation will prove vain for all who indulge in it.

    Some souls may have come to the new land for their temporal well being. Would they have gone to the new land had they realized it would cost them everything before its purposes were fulfilled? Would they have come had they realized the empty state to which they would be brought? Would they have followed if they had known in advance that they would get nothing about which their puffed up egos could boast?

    Today, many Christians wait for Jesus to show up in the sky. Some expect a Sunday law before this occurs. Their faith is fully engaged in their beliefs and they expectantly await the fulfillment of their ideas. Never has God worked on this principle. When Israel awaited their ideas as to what the coming of Christ would look like, they waited in vain. That Christ of their ideas did not materialize. The Christ idea of the modern professed Christian will not materialize either.

    God works to bring mankind, not to the fulfillment of their ideas, or even their hopes, but to the present obedience of His voice whether they understand His reasons or not. This proves whether or not they know Him. This proves whether or not they truly love Him. He desires that men walk with Him and not merely use Him to fulfill their bright ideas as to what they expect from Him. God is not running for election in the earth. He does not care one whit whether men vote for Him or not. He desires a wife, fully yielded, fully in love with Him, willingly obedient, and ever listening for His words, that she might carry out His purposes in the present moment.

The Present Moment

     It is inevitable that men will have all kinds of shocking fears to recount in regard to this Messiah. The first time Messiah appeared they just knew He was about to take the temple down in three days' time. Others said, "This man claims to be God. This man has no regard for the law." Jesus had nothing to say to them. I have nothing to say to them.

    My Father has fulfilled the Scriptures by bringing His people to a new land to consummate His marriage. Through great providence and outright intervention He has revealed the heavenly purposes for all men to look upon. Will those whose hearts are in the earth be offended at His decree? I think the earth would be a fool to object. Do not the churches of the land fornicate with the world everyday of their lives? Do they not keep the Sunday sabbath of Pagan religion instead of the Sabbath rest of the Lord? Do they not run after their gods, following their own delights instead of being yielded to the Messiah? Do not Saturday keepers also follow their own bright expectations while fornicating with worldly ideas as to the appearing of the Messiah. It was Saturday keepers who crucified the Messiah the first time, thinking they did God service. If they should object, calling our Father an adulterer, He will come against them with a flood and expose their great apostasy.

   Will the world-loving mob object? How would they dare? Their Presidents fornicate in their white houses without restraint. Their theaters are houses of fornication and continual adultery. The books and magazines they read are full of the licentious practices of the nations. They access the worst and most decadent forms of lustful expression on their Internet and run with all their might into the fleshpots of their culture. If they object to the Father taking His bride, He will come upon them with such violence and so expose their hypocrisy, they will not dare to speak again.

    For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear I have only to say what Jesus had to say. I have come for the reasons He came.

Matt. 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.

Matt. 10:34,35 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

Luke 12:49 I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?

Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

John 5:43 I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.

John 9:39 For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.

John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

John 12:46 I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.

John 4:34 My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

John 6:38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

John 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

John 7:33 Yet a little while am I with you, and then I go unto him that sent me.

John 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

John 12:44 He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me.

John 12:45 And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me.

John 13:20 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send [two witnesses] receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.

    I have come down and made my house in man, that man might receive the light. I have no human love and no human hate. I desire nothing and seek to keep nothing. I am Melchezedek. "Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually." Heb. 7:3.

    My love is God's love. It seeks only to give and to bear upon itself the weight of human woe. My love is without partiality and without respect of persons. It cannot be elevated by praise, or dejected by criticism. It seeks only to give. This is why one may not come to me while he clings to his earth.

Luke 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Luke 14:33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.

John 14:6 I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Dan. 12:1-10 At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time; but at that time your people shall be delivered, every one whose name shall be found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And those who are wise [married] shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase." Then I Daniel looked, and behold, two others [witnesses] stood, one on this bank of the stream and one on that bank of the stream. And I said to the man clothed in linen [Michael], who was above the waters of the stream, "How long shall it be till the end of these wonders?" The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the stream, raised his right hand and his left hand toward heaven; and I heard him swear by him who lives for ever that it would be for a time, two times, and half a time (3 1/2 years); and that when the shattering of the power of the holy people comes to an end all these things would be accomplished. I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said, "O my lord, what shall be the issue of these things?" He said, "Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end. Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but those who are wise [virgins] shall understand.

Link to: Experiencing The Finished Work