
Gems from our Living Parable

On the New Moon of The Goat

    The New Moon of The Goat was the day symbolized in the heavens when the High Priest bore the sins out of the heavenly sanctuary on Himself and transferred them to the head of Azazel the scapegoat. The scapegoat, a symbol representing Satan, the true owner of sins, thereby received their ownership in full. On this very day, the Father unexpectedly caused Michael to execute an actual legal transaction that was to be a living parable for us.

   At 4:30 AM, at the precise time when the sun was in closest proximity to the new moon in The Goat constellation in the heavens, our personal Melchizedec was awakened by the Father. In a time of sweetest communion, Father opened up to Him precious light. Michael had been carrying us on Himself while He blotted the interest we have had in ourselves, out of the sanctuary. The light from the Father revealed a living parable of how Michael was being released from the load He had been carrying. It revealed just how His intercession was ceasing in the sanctuary, and how sins get fully released onto the head of their scapegoat from each soul temple.

    The Father has been breaking open and blessing this living parable to us, as well as breaking us open to see and experience the richness of this treasure He gave to us. This parable commemorated an actual occurrence in the heavenly sanctuary, initiating and bringing into current, vivid life experience three specific prophetic passages, coalescing them into one brilliant, multifaceted gem of present truth for this time.

The Parable

"We are the generation that translates without seeing death - that die without dying. When people die, they abandon [lay down] themselves, their possessions, their loved ones. That's what we have to do while we're still living. That's what happens to the people that translate." Michael

    As Mediator of this living death that translates us, Michael was unexpectedly led to execute the second part of a two-part legal transaction on the New Moon of The Goat. The Father gave to us a real life illustration of the kind of death that He is bringing about which translates us from our earth. A Mediator is "an instrument by which a work is performed or effected; a prepared tool subservient to the execution of a plan; a person who acts for another for a special purpose."

    Several months ago, when Michael received instructions from the Father to put His house in order in preparation for Messiah the Prince being cut off, He was led to make out a will. In accordance with His will, He signed and notarized a Quit Claim of His monetary interest in His former earthly spouse's dwelling place. The execution of His will would be carried out in deed by the executor of His will after He was no longer here [after He had translated]. Spiritual separation and its resultant physical separation had already occurred; but when His Quit Claim Deed would be transferred to her, signifying His departure of this life [in His case, after He translated], full ownership of her dwelling place would be hers. This execution of His will would finalize or terminate all connection.

    Then suddenly and quite unexpectedly Father came to His temple and instructed Melchizedec that now was the time to transfer His interest and execute His own will in deed. He was to put the previously signed and witnessed Quit Claim in the mail, and then personally call His former earthly spouse and notify her that His interest in her dwelling place had been fully transferred to her, and that she was now the sole owner of her dwelling place. The executed will was the proof that His interest had indeed been fully withdrawn.

    Michael does nothing but by the instruction of the Father. When the Father came unexpectedly and said for Him to put His house in order He simply obeyed and made out His will and Quit-Claimed all His earthly interest. Then, after a time, when the Father suddenly came again, and said in effect, Now is the time to transact Your death and execute Your will indeed, He simply followed His Father's instructions again. The anointing simply followed His Father in transacting His translation death.

    How does one know without a physical death for proof, when he has died the kind of death that translates him from his earth? It is impossible not to know. When the Father suddenly comes to His temple and tells you that now is the time to execute your will, make good your will indeed; when He says in effect, Now is the time to transact your death, you feel that death. In the depths of your soul you know that all interest is gone where you had interest just a minute before. There is no more connection; you aren't there anymore. A significant detail of this parable was that Michael said He felt the difference in His feelings when He executed His will and released His interest in His former earthly partner's dwelling place. When His will was executed indeed He felt the emptied place. He felt the absence of that former earthly connection. The Father was the one who brought about Michael's release in will and deed, in decision and in feeling.

The Will and its Execution

    By this living parable on the day when all of the interests of self were being transferred to their true owner from the sanctuary, the Father demonstrated exactly how the interest and investments that have kept self alive are withdrawn from our sanctuary and fully given over to their true owner. To execute is to carry into effect; to complete, as a legal instrument; to perform what is required to give validity to a writing, as a will. It is noteworthy to recognize that there is a dual occurrence when the will of the Father is executed in His soul temple. His will is not only carried into effect by performing what gives validity to the previously signed and witnessed will; but this very execution also executes self-will, but in quite a different way. Self's will is executed and killed, brought to its complete destruction and death, when the will of the Father's anointing in the soul is executed and performed in deed. When our Father instructed Michael to execute His previously signed and witnessed will indeed, He was revealing that that is when the death is transacted that translates us, when the execution or cessation of our own life has truly occurred.

    The scapegoat for all of our difficulties is self. Self has had a presence in the soul sanctuary by the interest we have had in it and the thoughts that we have invested in it. In effect, the soul is being shown how to sever the connection with its former self. When the light of the Father shines on any thought or feeling that betrays the interest of the soul in self, the soul is being brought to the place where it simply says, I am finished here. Father, I am laying myself down. I'm not going to invest another thought in that. When the soul's previous investments are exposed to the light; when it sees the thoughts of self that it has an interest in thinking — thoughts of self's rightness, desires, feelings, fears, planning, busy thinking, reasoning, scheming, worrying, speculating, stressing, or wondering, etc. — self is immediately and consciously layed down. When self finds its thought being returned "unopened," so to speak, our scapegoat feels the transfer, and gets the message that we are finished.

    The Father is very faithful to show each yielded soul exactly where there is still interest and thought investment in self. We cannot bring ourselves there and shine light on those places in ourselves. Michael didn't bring Himself to His translation death indeed. He simply followed the Father's instructions. Father arranges the light for us to honestly and candidly look at our self — the feelings and thoughts that it is producing at the moment, and the temptations that self is attracting to itself. The Father brought this verse to my mind:

Judge [separate] nothing before the time." "I do not even put myself on trial and judge myself. I am not conscious of anything against myself, and I feel blameless; but I am not vindicated and acquitted before God on that account. It is the Lord Himself Who examines and judges me. So do not make any hasty or premature judgments before the time when the Lord comes again; for He will both bring to light the secret things that are now hidden in darkness and disclose and expose the secret aims, motives and purposes of hearts. Then every man will receive his due commendation from God. I Cor. 4:3-5 Amplified.

Michael's Way to Translation Death Opened

    There was another legal agreement transacted on the New Moon of The Goat that illuminated the living parable the Father gave to us. The light that came from this agreement opened a very specific place for us to access Michael's translation death for ourselves; and it also set the stage for appreciating the significance of the message that the Father gave to Michael for us at our New Moon communion. The place of access began opening up on the eve of the New Moon as we listened to a phone conversation that Michael was having in regards to putting His signature on a legal document. He was stating His reasons for not being able to conscientiously sign the agreement because of the way it was worded, even though verbal permission by the other party had been personally given to Him not to mean precisely what He was signing.

    Michael was describing how He had seen human nature reason something out with itself so it could give its word for something it didn't mean exactly, while still being able to feel good about itself. As I listened, I not only saw the true nature of self deliberately working to deceive itself, being brought out into the light and exposed, but I also felt such a keen identity with the human reasoning He was describing. I could look back and see that I had reasoned that way all of my life. My earthly father was very skilled at it, and I had been born and raised in it.

    After Michael got off of the phone, He was sharing with the two witnesses the way that had brought Him to where He is at the present moment. It was the uncompromising honesty that would die before it would be untrue to what was placed before Him, that prepared Him to receive the anointing of Messiah. He shared critical junctures in His life where He had been brought face to face with some new light about something, and how He had had to look each one in the face while saying to himself, if I were to be strictly honest with this light, I will lose everything I have gained so far in following God in order to go forward in it. Then He would simply die to Himself and all the appearances that said it was the end, and pay the cost. Each new light brought Him to a new crossroads, and each decision to be faithful and uncompromising with the light, cost Him His life in some way.

    Michael's integrity would not allow Him to give His word to the legal agreement and sign it unless He could mean every word of it. He had conveyed to the other party that He could not sign the document and be honest with Himself, and they had agreed. As I saw such trueness to His own word, and His unwillingness to give His word unless He could, in all honesty, mean every word of it, I saw that uncompromising faithfulness was the immovable place from which His pure trust in the Father's word to Him sprang forth. Likewise, I saw how unfaithfulness reflects upon everything we do and receive. If we mentally adjust what God commands, so we don't have to take Him at His word, so, in like manner, all of the promises of God are unconsciously adjusted to not mean what they say either, and they can't bear fruit in us. Michael said, "When Father gives me His word, it's written in blood, and I take it that way, too."

    I had previously been aware of Michael's integrity in somewhat of an indistinct way, but as I looked upon Him that night it was as though a divine spotlight was illuminating His uncompromising faithfulness, His sterling integrity, His needle-to-the-pole honesty with Himself, with His Father and with everyone else. The Father Himself was lifting up the beauty and attractiveness of His Son's spotless integrity to us, and it was as if we were looking into the deep expansiveness of a new place of experience of which we had never even imagined the existence. Never before had I seen such unbroken integrity, in all its beauty, perfection and attractiveness. A few days earlier, my whole heart had been drawn out to Michael in a way that words can't describe as I overheard Him quietly say to someone, "The Father has given me a pure heart." Those words simply gave verbal form to the pure and uncompromising faithfulness that was being lifted up to me in Michael.

Feeling the Cost of Unbroken Integrity

    Michael said, "The truth is what takes you from one place to the next." Candidly facing the light that brought each new step — with pure honesty, unimpaired with the human reasoning that saves its self from death — was the way to the unbroken integrity that led to Michael's anointing. The Father drew me to the following descriptive readings, and personalized them to what Michael had experienced as He passed through the ultimate test of His integrity. The Father brought back vividly to my remembrance what I had personally witnessed of what Michael felt as He paid the excruciating cost to maintain His integrity.

Through type and promise God "preached ... the gospel unto Abraham" [the Father preached unto Michael and His Bride at Travesser] Galatians 3:8...It was to impress Abraham's mind with the reality of the gospel, as well as to test his faith, that God commanded him to slay his son. [It was to impress the Bride with the reality of the gospel, as well as to test Michael's faith, that God commanded Him to have a consummation and marriage.] The agony which he [Michael] endured during the dark days of that fearful trial was permitted that he might understand from his own experience something of the greatness of the sacrifice made by the infinite God for man's redemption. No other test could have caused Abraham [Michael]such torture of soul as did the offering of his son [as did the consummation]. God gave His Son [Michael]to a [soul] death of agony and shame. The angels who witnessed the humiliation and soul anguish of the Son of God were not permitted to interpose, as in the case of Isaac [No substitute was in the thicket, because Michael was the substitute and surety for His Bride]. There was no voice to cry, "It is enough." To save the fallen race [fallen Bride], the King of glory [the Divine Husband] yielded up His life. What stronger proof can be given of the infinite compassion and love of God? "He that spared not His own Son [Michael], but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?" Romans 8:32.

Heavenly beings were witnesses of the scene as the faith of Abraham [Michael] and the submission of Isaac [the Bride of Messiah] were tested. The trial was far more severe than that which had been brought upon Adam. Compliance with the prohibition laid upon our first parents involved no suffering, but the command to Abraham [Michael] demanded the most agonizing sacrifice. All heaven beheld with wonder and admiration Abraham's [Michael's] unfaltering obedience. All heaven applauded his fidelity. Satan's accusations were shown to be false. God declared to His servant [His anointed Son Michael], "Now I know that thou fearest God [notwithstanding Satan's charges], seeing thou hast not withheld thy son and, thine only son from Me." [You have not withheld Your life, Your reputation or Your judgment from what I asked of You] God's covenant, confirmed to Abraham [Michael] by an oath before the intelligences of other worlds, testified that obedience will be rewarded.

The sacrifice required of Abraham [Michael] was not alone for his own good, nor solely for the benefit of succeeding generations [others]; but it was also for the instruction of the sinless intelligences of heaven and of other worlds. The field of the controversy [in this land] between Christ [the anointing] and Satan [self] -- the field on which the plan of redemption is wrought out -- is the lesson book of the universe... God desired to prove the loyalty [integrity] of His servant [His anointed Son Michael] before all heaven, to demonstrate that nothing less than perfect obedience can be accepted, and to open more fully before them the plan of salvation.

It had been difficult even for the angels to grasp the mystery of redemption--to comprehend that the Commander of heaven [the Divine Husband], the Son of God, must die for guilty man [for the guilty Bride]. When the command was given to Abraham [Michael] to offer up his son [to carry out the consummation], the interest of all heavenly beings was enlisted. With intense earnestness they watched each step in the fulfillment of this command...Then light was shed upon the mystery of redemption, and even the angels understood more clearly the wonderful provision that God had made for man's [the Bride's] salvation...When man [the Bride] was doomed to death by transgression of the law of God [condemned by unfaithfulness to God], the Father, looking upon His Son [Michael], said to the sinner [His Bride], "Live: I have found a ransom."

The garden of Eden with its foul blot of disobedience [unfaithfulness], is to be carefully studied and compared with the garden of Gethsemane [the anguish of facing the consummation] where the world's Redeemer [the Divine Husband]suffered superhuman agony...In all His suffering He gave an example of absolute submission to the divine will. He could have refused to be thus humiliated [and counted as an adulterer]; but it was to suffer humiliation and death [to Himself] that He came into the world...

In order to secure us to Himself [as His bride] and ensure our eternal salvation [from ourselves] He gave all that He had. For us He endured the agony of the Garden of Gethsemane [the test of unbroken integrity in yielding to the consummation], when the mysterious cup trembled in His hand and His anguished soul cried out, "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me." ["Daddy, don't make me do this!"] From His pale, quivering lips came this anguished prayer, and then the words of submission, "O My Father, if this cup may not pass away from Me except I drink it, Thy will be done". Oh, why was all this suffering, this ignominy and torturing agony? It was that by this sacrifice of Himself His love might stand revealed, that He might woo men [the Bride of Messiah] from the ways of sin. After man [the Bride] has cost so much, will He leave him [her] now? Oh no, no! He is faithful that has promised; His arms are outstretched to clasp the repentant, believing ones to His heart of love, with all the tenderness of divine affection.

Christ [Michael, the anointed Son] suffered not alone. Saith He, "I and my Father are one." God [the Father] suffered with His Son. The sacrifice that an infinite God has made in giving up His Son to [such soul] agony, cannot be comprehended by man. In giving His Son for the sins of men [His Bride], God has evidenced His boundless love to man. The angels who had learned to do Christ's will in Heaven, were anxious to comfort him. But what can they do?...Such agony is beyond their power to alleviate...Although the Father does not remove the cup from the trembling hand and pale lips of his Son, He sends an angel to give Him strength to drink it. The angel raises the Son of God from [His agony] ...and brings Him messages of love from His Father. He is strengthened and fortified. He has the assurance that He is gaining eternal salvation [oneness] for all who will accept it [the redemption of His consummation]. Condensed from P.P. 154,155; 6MR 336; ST 8-09-05; 12MR 116; ST 8-21-79. [Father's personalized words in brackets].

    Michael endured the test of His integrity without breaking or yielding to the force that pressures one to save his own life by human reasoning. He bore the test with unbroken integrity, revealing the price He paid for me to receive the anointing of His unimpaired honesty into myself, as my very life.

Look, O look to the open door [the Way] which God hath opened, and no man can shut. Jesus Christ [Michael] hath He exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour... You may be able to touch every perfection of His being [even His unbroken integrity]. You are one with Christ [Michael's anointing], as He [Michael] is one with the Father. RH 6-24-84.

The Father's Decree

    At noon, when the sun is the brightest, in what was to be His final time with us as our Intercessor, our personal Melchizedec equipped us with the brightest light that has ever been given on exactly how self ceases to be when its interests are blotted out of the sanctuary and returned to their true owner. The Father Himself spoke to the Bride through His Son, exposing to the light the covering that has been between her and the unbroken integrity of her Husband. He removed the covering that had perpetuated the continuance of self in the heavenly sanctuary, giving her everything she needed to go forward in experiencing the fullness of what she really wants, without further hindrance. Michael's time of covering for her, His intercessory protection, wouldn't be needed any more. Her light had come.

"And the word of One shall go forth [The word of the Father literally went forth on the New Moon] Cast up, lift up the highway [Michael, lift up Your own way that brought You to the anointing], prepare the way! Take up the stumbling block [means or occasion of continual hindrance] out of the way of the spiritual return of my people. For thus says the high and lofty One - He Who inhabits eternity, Whose name is Holy: I dwell in the high and holy place, but with him also who is of a thoroughly penitent [laid down] and humble [yielding] spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the thoroughly penitent, bruised with sorrow for sin...I have seen his willful [deliberate] ways, but I will heal him [take away the covering of self-deception from the eyes of the Bride, so she can receive what I have given her]." Isa. 57:14,15,18. Amplified.

"And He will destroy...the face of the covering cast over all people;" "...that cover with a covering, but not of My Spirit; that take counsel [with their own reasoning] but not of Me." Isa. 25:7; 30:1.

    Michael said, "I would like to speak to you very plainly today. I want to talk to you about how great liars you have been. When God speaks plainly and gives a command, and a person adjusts it in their mind, so that it is not black and white, but foggy, that's lying. I am speaking about how you look to yourself [how you make yourself look all right in your own eyes] adjusting what God said so you can still do what you want to do and seem to be obeying. You have believed your own lies. You have exactly what you love, what you set about to make. Your mental reasons are absolutely offensive. God has not tricked you; He has spoken plainly. I have told you the truth from the beginning. It is important to get very clear now, so that today it's off of you forever. What is required is absolute needle-to-the-pole honesty and absolute needle-to-the-pole faith to believe God's word [just the way He said it and meant it]. I tell you the truth, and I always have. I didn't come to run for God, I came to show you something, so you could be delivered. I get nothing and I want nothing. I have not a dust speck of self-interest in this. I have been here for you - that's all. It's not like the Lord is mad; it's like He's broken hearted that He can't talk face to face with you. Don't ever reason away the cross, or His rib, because you're smarter than God is. I have not cast you off. I have given you what my Father has given Me for you. But I would not leave you deceived. The Father is telling you these things to save you. Though He hasn't faulted you, He doesn't want you ignorant of what is required. Only beings of light will be in the kingdom of light. When you tell the truth, the sweet peace of heaven comes like you couldn't imagine. You have been given the ability to lay down your life. The sweet day of release is today. Today you can be done with anything you have owned [the self-deception you have maintained interest in].

The greatest want of the world is the want of men, -- men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall. Education, p. 57 (1903).

Surprised Out of Yourself

    On the day after our New Moon communion, I began experiencing the personal affects of that bright light that came to us. As I was being asked a simple question, quite unexpectedly I experienced a strong feeling of being "on the spot." I was struck with the instant awareness that the internal workings of my mind had suddenly been exposed to me. I had experienced those thought processes and feelings many times in my life, and they were so familiar to me that they had just seemed to be a part of me; but now I was suddenly uncomfortable with them. I felt undone. I also felt the strong urge to make a cover for myself. Michael's words from the evening before came back to me, the words that He had said to Himself, at each crossroads at which He found Himself: "If I were to be strictly honest..."

    I thought, well, if I were to be strictly honest right now, I feel quite naked and undone! It is not comfortable to be exposed to oneself. But I also felt the virtue of Michael's uncompromising purpose to be strictly honest no matter what the cost, holding me quiet and still in the exposing light. I felt virtue flowing from His integrity, and I felt strengthened to be candidly honest and let the light expose everything it came to expose. A phrase came to my mind that I remembered reading about Nicodemus being "surprised out of self-possession" in his midnight visit with Jesus. As I reread this incident, I was feeling Nicodemus' feelings, and I knew that my faithful Father had providentially arranged for me, as well, to be surprised out of my possession of myself.

When night came on, Jesus, pale with the weariness of His long-continued labors, sought for retirement and repose in the Mount of Olives. When Nicodemus came into the presence of Jesus, a strange agitation and timidity assailed him [he became conscious of feeling exposed and uncomfortable and naked; undressed from his previous idea of himself], which he essayed to conceal beneath an air of composure and dignity...[He felt the overwhelming urge to endeavor to hide; he tried to cover himself in the presence of God, instead of waiting naked and exposed, completely at God's mercy, for His disposal]...Jesus bent his calm and searching eye upon the speaker, as if reading his very soul; then, with a sweet and solemn voice, he spoke and revealed the true condition of Nicodemus...The Pharisee was surprised out of his self-possession... Like many others when cutting truth is brought home to the conscience, he revealed the fact that the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God...But...Jesus, raising His hand with solemn, quiet dignity, pressed the truth home with greater assurance...Nicodemus was convinced that he was in the presence of the One Whom John the Baptist had foretold...

There is no safety for one who has merely ... a form of godliness. The Christian's life is not a modification or improvement of the old, but a transformation of nature ... There is a death to self and sin, and a new life altogether. This change can be brought about only by the effectual working of the Holy Spirit ... A repentance commensurate [equal] with the character of the sins committed often produces an agony of spirit hard to bear. [It often feels excruciating to be brought to naked emptiness of yourself. A God-produced repentance yields deep sorrow or grief, with pain so extreme as to cause deep soul wrenching, bringing a complete change in nature from self to God, as one is led to see the extent of what has constituted his very self.] "The soul is to be awakened to cry aloud with every aspiration for the living God. Let your swelling, struggling heart break for the longing it has for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit." [Let your heart break for the longing it has to be possessed by God, instead of yourself.] 1888 Materials pg. 1700.

Nothing less than a practical acceptance[in will] of divine truth and application [execution-death in deed] opens the kingdom of God to man. Only a pure and lowly [emptied] heart, obedient and loving, firm in the faith and service of the Most High, can enter there. If man...takes hold of the divine love of God [if he can accept the love that uncovers him to save him], he becomes a new creature through Christ Jesus [the anointing of Messiah] ...In none of His subsequent discourses did the Saviour explain so thoroughly, step by step, the work necessary to be done in the human heart, if it would inherit the kingdom of Heaven. He traced man's salvation directly to the love of the Father, which led him to give his Son unto death that man might be saved. ST 11-15-83.

Getting Undressed

    I was still very fresh in my own feelings of Nicodemus' undoing, when the Father brought to my mind the scene from the heavenly sanctuary of Joshua standing by the angel of the Lord as God commanded, "Take away the filthy garments from him." The question came to me like a bolt of lightning: What did we imagine it would feel like when that command of God was executed? It hadn't even crossed my mind that I would feel it. I had read about and pondered this prophetic scene many times, always relegating it to the future as "symbolic" and "spiritual". I think I had the notion that its occurrence would be quite unfelt, intangible, and invisible, in heaven somewhere. It had seemed that not knowing when this event might be happening in the heavens, we would not be aware of its real occurrence.

    But through this personal incident on the day immediately following the New Moon of The Goat, the Father brought the strong conviction to me that on the New Moon that He had decreed this very decree. The command had really gone forth to remove the filthy covering, and it had entered us into the literal fulfilling of this prophecy occurring in the heavenly sanctuary. And as Michael had said before, "That sanctuary in heaven is the spiritual and unseen sanctuary of the soul where God dwells."

    What was exposed and commanded to be taken away? The light that the Father gave Michael for us on that day, exposed completely the nature of the offensive reasoning we had fabricated to keep us in deception about ourselves.

Be silent [lie very quiet and still] , O all flesh, before the Lord: for he is raised up out of his holy habitation. And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord.

[The angel of the Lord is the angel of the covenant; the same angel that suddenly came to Jacob in the night. It is defined as the theophanic angel, the visible manifestation of deity; it is "the messenger of the covenant whom ye delight in;" it is literally, the angel of the marriage alliance, that has "suddenly come to His temple."] ...Now Joshua was clothed [covered] filthy garments, and stood before the angel. And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away [remove, depose - lay down, let fall, come to an end, depart from that way of being clothed] the filthy garments from him. Zec. 2:13;3:1-3.

    The definition for the word filthy describes the very covering that Michael exposed to us in our New Moon meeting when He said, "I want to speak very plainly to you. I want to talk to you about how great liars you have been... You have believed your own lies. You have exactly what you love, what you set about to make. Your mental reasons are absolutely offensive." Filthy comes from a root which literally means, "counselor, interpreter of decrees, judge, lawyer; to show insolence."

    The high priest of the heavenly sanctuary, the personal presence of the anointing from the Father in the soul temple, has been clothed and covered with an offensive covering of self-reasoning. Self has employed this reasoning to hide its own presence and maintain its counselor-ship in the soul. Like a lawyer self negotiates a crooked way around the plain requirements of God in order to acquire what it wants for itself, while still trying to appear to be within the legality of the law. "Technically speaking you could look at this in this way..." it argues. It appoints itself as judge of the "right way" of looking at something, instead of humbly and patiently receiving the way God looks at it. Self demonstrates its insolence [pride mingled with contempt] by viewing and treating God and His words and ways as common, ordinary, even inferior; "I don't see things in quite that way ... That doesn't make sense to me ... He just doesn't understand." God says of self, "Thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself." Ps. 50:21. To save itself from being discovered and removed from the sanctuary, self is an interpreter of what God "meant" by mentally adjusting the light that is under consideration at the moment. It innately knows that unless it can somehow adjust the meaning of what God is saying, the anointing in the soul will go forward in candid honesty, and self will have to die.

    In the incident of being surprised out of my self-possession, I saw clearly that the angel of the marriage had suddenly come to His temple. I saw also that I had suddenly lost complete interest in being hidden from myself anymore. My investment in myself, by loving to maintain my self-deceptive reasoning, had been spontaneously withdrawn in the fresh revelation of Michael's pure, candid honesty and unbroken integrity. The covering had been removed! I didn't have the slightest interest any more in the earthly dwelling place of self-deception. Directly as a result of the revelation of Michael's character from the Father, I now wanted to be surprised out of all of the self-possession I had, no matter what it felt like to go through the process, instead of maintaining and investing in it any longer.

    In consenting to be painfully naked in the light, instead of acting on the urge to cover myself, the angel of the marriage had my permission to accomplish His work and take me to a new place of seeing, and I found thankfulness welling up in my heart from the Father at finding myself undone. He had suddenly come to His temple to transact my will in its real death, indeed. He had done for me what I couldn't have done for myself, and brought me to willingly, intelligently and deliberately withdraw my interest in my own life, and to lay down my natural love of it. Candid honesty about the way I was feeling at the moment the Father shone His light, was the doorway into His true light on the subject. Passing through the door of candid acknowledgment to look at my self right in the face caused its covering to fall. I found myself naked, yet clothed and anointed with the light of heaven.

Testing times come to all...If we have made [Messiah] Christ our pattern, if we have walked and worked as He has given us an example in His own life, we shall be able to meet the solemn surprises that will come upon us in our experience, and say from our heart, "Not my will, but thine, be done. RH 9-17-95.

    "May it always be that to learn a truth is to practice it in your life. But to put identification [with Messiah] into practice necessitates suffering. There is no easy path to dying to self and living to God. Recognize the opportunity to die when it comes. Brokenness is the place of blessing; broken personalities, letting the fragrance of Christ [the anointing] out; broken purpose, meaning power; broken plans, meaning life; broken periods, meaning glory. The corn of wheat breaks when it has let itself go into the ground and the embryo is free." From Nests Above the Abyss. Recognize when the Father suddenly says, "Now is the time to transact your death." Let the interest in self go. When the flood of self is let go of and allowed to go into its sepulcher of the earth, the anointing of the Father within stands free.

The Consummation Chamber

    What came to me as Joshua's drama in the heavenly sanctuary unfolded, was that he was standing in the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary, the place where "the marriage of the Lamb" is consummated. He was standing there with his clothes on. The Father wanted to hold intimate communion with this high priest of the heavenly sanctuary He was in. He wanted to consummate with His only begotten anointing in the soul temple of Joshua.

    Anyone knows, when they think about it, that a consummation can't take place with clothes on. So when the Father had said in effect, on the New Moon, "Take away the offensive covering, so there's nothing between Me and My anointing in each soul temple. Michael had conveyed to us, "The Father is telling you these things to save you. It's like He's broken-hearted that He can't talk face to face with you."

    In June, when God suddenly and unexpectedly came and proposed marriage to us, our intention was stated and consent given, our will was witnessed, signed and notarized so to speak, by all present. There was a committal in our will. Now there will be an execution or performance of those things spoken of to the Lord. Now we are to become more naked and exposed than we have yet dreamed possible, in the presence of our Divine Husband, the Lord of the whole earth. Our soul is being uncovered and undressed, so the Father can go into this Most Holy Place of His temple and consummate His anointing in us. Every time we are exposed in new light we are taken to a new place of nakedness, emptiness, and nothingness. The Father is very carefully arranging the circumstances of each soul's preparation for His consummation with the anointing within it.

    From the anointing of Michael the Father draws out His Son's pure, innocent integrity and His real abandonment and laying down, which is quite unlike our human attempts and imitations. We become conscious of the virtue of His anointing flowing into the anointing within us. We find ourselves willing to allow our filthy garments to be taken away and to be stripped of the deceptive way we have appeared to ourselves. As we feel the Father ministering the virtue of Michael's anointing in us, we are suddenly conscious of being yielded where we hadn't been yielded before. We find ourselves in a new place, even abandoned to the angel of the marriage alliance, willing to be truly naked in the presence of our Divine Husband. The language of Michael to the Father becomes the language of our souls, "As for me, behold, I am in your hand: do with me as seemeth good and meet unto you." Jer. 26:14.

    As we lie still and naked in each time of exposure, we are now quiet, not willing any longer to attempt to cover ourselves, but truly convinced of our helplessness and dependence on the Father alone. If He doesn't save us we won't be saved. If He doesn't bring us to death, we can't die. We are totally at the mercy of the One who has brought us to this place of exposure and need, and are willing to wait in silence, and to be covered with Him when He pleases. The anointing in us — of Michael's own divine quietness and abandonment and His pure yielding, which was drawn from His very anointing — is what the Father consummates with.

"The power of the Highest shall overshadow thee." Luke 1:35. Laying abandoned with us, and covering us with Himself, He clothes us with a change of raiment, even the wedding garment, the light of His perpetual presence and union with us; and thereafter "God's nature abides in [us], His principle of life, the divine sperm, remains permanently within [us]." 1 John 3:9. "And unto Joshua he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe [cover] thee with change of raiment." Zech. 3:4. "In this union and communion with Him, love is brought to completion and attains perfection with us, that we may have confidence for the day of judgment [each time the angel of the marriage comes] because as He is [empty, yielded and abandoned to the Father], so are we in this world." 1 John 4:17.

Christ's [Michael's] humanity was united [consummated] with divinity; And He [His anointing] came, to make us partakers of the divine nature...United [consummated] to Him by faith, sin has no more dominion over us. God reaches for the hand of faith in us to direct it to lay fast hold upon the divinity of Christ [Michael's anointing], that we may attain to perfection of character. DA 123.

"Hide not thyself from thine own flesh"

    Recently, the Father gave one of our young children a dream about it being time to translate. She was told that before she could translate she had to "look at her flesh first". As I was writing down the gems that the Father has been revealing from the New Moon of The Goat, He brought the phrase to my mind, "hide not thyself from thine own flesh". Don't hide yourself from your self - your flesh - when the angel of the marriage comes to "take away" something that you have been covered with. Let the light shine, as you lie there quiet and still. The following prophecy, which we are in the fulfillment of right now, encourages us not to hide from ourselves when the flesh covering the anointing within is exposed to the light. This prophecy gives very specific promises to us and reveals the glorious results of yielding to this important prerequisite to translation. This is the Father's decree that went forth on the New Moon, stated in another way.

Cry aloud [Michael] and spare not. Lift up your voice like a trumpet and declare [speak plainly] to My people their transgression [the passing over lightly, or passing beyond My commands, reasoning that they are above them]!...They seek, inquire for, and require Me daily and delight externally to know my ways, as if they were in reality a nation that did righteousness and forsook not the ordinance of their God. They ask of Me righteous judgments, they delight to draw near to God in visible ways. Why have we fasted, they say, and You do not see it? [Why have we tried our hardest to abandon ourselves, and it doesn't seem to work?] Why have we afflicted ourselves, and You take no knowledge of it? [Why have we given up so much and then don't get what we calculated we would get in exchange for it?] Behold, on the day of your fast, you find profit in your business...instead of stopping all work. [not just stopping your physical work when I haven't called you to it, but your own self work in the soul — your "quiet" laying down that hasn't been laying down at all, but simply self trying to get all the words it has heard from Michael to work, so God will do something for it — stop working to save yourself, while deceiving yourself that you have laid down] Fasting [ceasing from yourself] as you do today will not cause your voice to be heard on high. Is such a fast as yours what I have chosen? Is true fasting [true ceasing to be] merely mechanical ... to indicate a condition of heart that he does not have? Will you call this a fast and an acceptable day to the Lord? Rather is not this the fast [ceasing from your self] that I have chosen: to loose the bonds of wickedness [literally, to put off the pangs of being vexed, troubled and uneasy, irritated, disquieted or harassed], to undo the bands of the yoke to let the oppressed go free [undo trying to control your soul's marriage with the Father, or any other soul's marriage with Him], and that you break every enslaving yoke [every attachment of self-interest] ...and that you hide not yourself from your own flesh [don't yield to the strong impulses of your flesh to hide from your real motives and workings of your mind, behind the deliberate self-deception and religious-appearing reasoning that you have loved, in order to hide from yourselves]. Then shall your light break forth like the morning [unhindered and certain], and your healing, your restoration and the power of a new life [the anointing], shall spring forth speedily; your right relationship with God shall go before you, conducting you to peace and prosperity, and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, Here I am. And if you pour out that with which you sustain your own life [lay your self down every time the light suddenly shines upon its reasonings, desires, loves and thinking] ...then shall your light rise in darkness, and your obscurity [confusion] and gloom [grieving] become like the noonday....And the Lord shall guide you continually and satisfy you in drought and in dry places...And you shall be a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not...And you shall be called Restorer of Streets to Dwell In. Isa. 58:1-12. Condensed from The Amplified Bible.

The Work of the Anointing

    As the Father has opened up to me the picture of His precious anointing in the human soul, it has touched me deeply. His anointing is His little child in our soul. If I may use the language of today, the anointing is the quiet clone of the Father within us. In Greek etymology, clone signifies a "twig or slip." Taken from the Father and genetically identical to the Father, the anointing is His own begotten "little one" in the yielded human soul. The anointing is very young and innocent and is eternally pure and simple in His childlikeness. We are called to submit to being led by this young anointing within us. No matter our physical age, the anointing is younger than we are, much more simple and childlike, and we are required to yield to Him, if we want to follow His Father. Self has had far more experience in life, but the young anointing knows the voice of His Father. He knows how to lay down and give over to the Father no matter what His Father brings to Him. The young anointing in the soul is in telepathic communion with the Father's mind and the mind of His anointed Son, Michael. "And this fellowship that we have, which is a distinguishing mark of Christians, is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ the Messiah." 1 John 1:3 Amplified. The Father told me that His anointing is His fortress, which He holds in the soul.

When the soul surrenders itself to Christ [the anointing], a new power takes possession of the new heart. A change is wrought which man can never accomplish for himself. It is a supernatural work, bringing a supernatural element into human nature. The soul that is yielded to Christ [the anointing] becomes His [the anointing's] own fortress, which He holds in a revolted world [in self's unsubmissive world - Satan's-Ego-Literally-Fulfilled], and He [the anointing] intends that no authority shall be known in it but His own. A soul thus kept in possession by the heavenly agencies is impregnable to the assaults of Satan. But unless we do yield ourselves to the control of Christ [the anointing], we shall be dominated by the wicked one [self]. We must inevitably be under the control of the one or the other of the two great powers that are contending for the supremacy of the world. It is not necessary for us deliberately to choose the service of the kingdom of darkness in order to come under its dominion. We have only to neglect to ally ourselves with the kingdom of light. If we do not co-operate with the heavenly agencies, Satan will take possession of the heart, and will make it his abiding place. The only defense against evil is the indwelling of Christ [the anointing] in the heart through faith in His righteousness [the righteousness of the anointing that was founded in Jesus Christ and consummated in Michael]. Unless we become vitally connected with God [unless the anointing within becomes consummated by the Father], we can never resist the unhallowed effects of self-love, self-indulgence, and temptation to sin. We may leave off many bad habits; for the time we may part company with Satan; but without a vital connection [heavenly marriage] with God, through the surrender [literal laying down] of ourselves to Him moment by moment, we shall be overcome. Without a personal acquaintance with Christ [the anointing], and a continual communion [between the anointing within and the Father], we are at the mercy of the enemy, and shall do his bidding in the end. DA 324.

    What has especially touched me about the anointing is the way He takes upon Himself, as His very self, the soul temple He is in. The prayers that I find breathing through my being are the prayers that the Father is breathing through His pure, young anointing within me. It has touched me to see the anointing within, the high priest of my soul's temple, identifying oneness with me when He says, "Father, I lay myself down, with all the thoughts and feelings self is producing. I have no more interest in investing in self anymore." When I feel self-feelings, the prayer I find in my mouth is, "Father, I'm laying down my judging self, or my stressing self, or my noticing self." This is the pure, innocent anointing that is praying that prayer in me, identifying with me as Himself, meekly telling the Father that He is laying down His self. His innocent condescension and adaptation to each need at hand, breaks my heart open. "The evidence of His divinity [the anointing] was seen in its adaptation to the needs of suffering humanity. His glory [beauty] was shown in His condescension to our low estate." DA 217. The anointing carries me on Himself, deals with me as His very self, and quietly follows the Father's instructions for my continual laying down and complete emptying. His work is to bring me to the Father.

The Anointing's Finished Work

    Several months prior to the literal period of the consummation of the heavenly marriage, when the actual sign of the Sun clothing Virgo was in the heavens, Michael's human soul temple was brought to the complete emptiness of the divine anointing, by the anointing Himself. At the time of the consummation, the voice of the anointing was heard, saying:

I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do." John 17:4. Now the anointing was laying Himself down and giving over the kingdom the Father had given Him, to the Father Himself. "After that comes the end, the completion [the consummation], when He [the anointing] delivers over the kingdom [of the soul temple] to God the Father, after rendering inoperative [the reign of self- Satan's Ego Literally Fulfilled] and abolishing every other rule and every authority and power [that has had control over the soul]...When everything [in the soul temple] is subjected to Him [the anointing], then the Son Himself [the only begotten anointing] will also subject Himself to the Father [lay Himself down before the Father to be consummated] Who put all things under Him, so that God may be all in all, be everything, ... supreme, the indwelling and controlling factor of life. 1 Cor. 15:24,28. Amplified.

    Now the Father Himself supernaturally arranged for the actual consummation of the anointing of Michael with Him. He providentially and telepathically brought the two witnesses to witness the intimate and detailed way the Father consummated with His only begotten anointed Son; thereby witnessing exactly how the Father consummates with His only begotten anointing in each soul temple. The instructions from the Father to His begotten One were very simple: He was to just be, and let the Father bring about this consummation. He was to be in submission to the instruments the Father had chosen, and He was to simply follow whatever instructions came from the Father at the moment, without judging the events in the consummation or the instruments He used.

    These are also the same instructions for the anointing in each soul temple who is abandoned to the Father for His consummation. The anointing will bring us to the same emptiness that He brought to Michael. He will merge our soul completely into Himself, and cause us to be lost to sight from ourselves and everyone else. Then He will lay Himself down to be consummated and lost to sight in the Father Himself. In event after event, the Father will confirm that it is His hand alone that is bringing to pass all that is required for His anointing in each soul to be consummated with Himself. He will reenact His consummation with His anointing in the soul temple of every individual.

Quiet in the Flood

    The flood of light from the New Moon of The Goat has been very intense and bright. I have felt its merciful undoing, bringing me to a greater abandonment to my Father's mercy and ordering than I've ever felt before. With the flood I have also been given to feel a spirit of thankfulness to the Father for personally taking me into His hands — hand preparing me for complete emptiness and consummation into Him. Our precious Father Himself is washing us in this flow from the anointing of Michael. He will finish what He has begun in us, if we will let Him; if we will let the anointing lay our self down, moment by moment, and believe Michael. "The Lord of Glory has come down upon you. Go ahead and believe it. Everything you need is supplied, really. Let it be so, instead of working so hard to keep it from being so. The weakest of all men can lay down. That is all God requires." If at any time you don't know what to do, be quiet and still until the anointing hears the voice of the Father. "Keep silence before me; ...and let the people renew their strength [of "quietness and confidence"]:let them come near [to My heart first, in trust and rest in My Faithfulness]; then let them speak: let us come near together to judgment." Isa. 41:1.

Is it a labour to a little child to rest in its mother's arms? Do not the arms of the mother sustain and keep the little one? And so it is with the [Father]. The soul has but to yield to Him, to be still and rest in the confidence that His Love has undertaken and that His faithfulness will perform the work of keeping it safe in the shelter of His bosom. Without this He cannot really give us rest. It is as our heart takes in this truth, and that it is His own work to keep us when we yield ourselves to Him, that we shall cast ourselves into the arms of His Love, and abandon ourselves to His blessed keeping. Andrew Murray


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