Thus says the Lord God ... things shall not remain as they have been ... I will overthrow, overthrow, overthrow it; this also shall be no more until He* comes Whose right it is to reign in judgment and in righteousness, and I will give it to Him. Eze. 21:26,27 Amplified. *"Until Shiloh the Messiah, the Peaceful One (Melchizedek - King of Salem - King of Righteousness; Messianic King Solomon - King of Peace) comes to Whom it belongs. Gen. 49:10 Amplified.
Two thousand years ago when the Son of God was sent by the Father to be the Lamb of God, He wasn't a pretend sacrifice. He died on a literal, physical cross with real wood and real nails. Now, at the consummation of all things, "the marriage of the Lamb" is to be consummated not only spiritually and symbolically, but literally and physically.
The Father has always worked through human symbols to make the spiritual realities more present in the human consciousness. In the time of Jesus, the cross was made a human symbol of one's sacrifice of himself to the purposes of God. The seventh day Sabbath is a human symbol of the spiritual rest of God. Now, the literal consummation is to be the human symbol of literally being married to God.
The disciples didn't run out and ask the Romans to crucify them when Jesus told them, Follow Me. They believed in His crucifixion. People must have faith in Messiah's consummation for themselves.
Jesus told His disciples beforehand where He was going. He said, I will be killed, I will be a criminal and everyone will hate you. In Jesus' day the cross was used commonly, but to them, the cross was a very inglorious end for the Messiah. They could not bear to consider it. They were offended with the idea that a Messiah would go there.
Now, at the return of the Lamb, the offense to people would be the appearance of adultery. The offense was not in the idea that this looked like adultery, since most humans are active in that at the present time. The offense was to think of a Messiah doing it. "As Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." Matt. 12:40. The heart of the earth wasn't Jesus' tomb, because He wasn't in there for that length of time. From the last supper till He arose it was 3 days and 3 nights. During that time He was in the heart of the earth, seeing the cross from earth's view, through the eyes of the Jews. "Daddy, don't make me do this." He did not trust His humanity to hold up under the ordeal.
The Father told me, Make the consummation and marriage of the Lamb after the pattern in the heavens.
Let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them. And you shall make it according to all that I show you. Ex. 25:8,9.
Moses was their Messiah and he was to make the physical things represent what he saw in heaven. Now Michael will make the marriage be seen according to the pattern in the heavens.
Men have always been given physical lessons of the realities in heaven. The sanctuary tent in the wilderness was a symbol of the soul sanctuary and the real work the Father designed to go on in that sanctuary. The bread and wine that have been a symbol of the broken body and blood of Jesus were ordained to make the reality of taking His own life into ourselves vivid to our senses.
So the Father has given us this literal, physical symbol to draw our attention to the real marriage He is bringing to the soul. The purpose of My work is to bring you into the marriage with God. You must give me everything you have, body, soul, and spirit, since this is what Father is requiring. I came to marry the people to Father. He said to me, The hearts here are ignorant; the people are full of themselves. Now is your final deliverance that the Lord is decreeing for His people.
When the Father was pressing the consummation of the marriage on me, I said to Him, If I do what you are asking me to do, everyone will start sleeping around. The Father said, "Anyone else doing this would be committing adultery." Moses was instructed to build a sanctuary. No other person was instructed to do this. There were not a number of sanctuaries built in the desert. There was not one built for each tribe. There was one and only one. There was a single Most Holy Place. God has only one bed. He has only one wife. If a man seeks to pervert this heavenly illustration, it will be seen soon enough how God will come against it. So it is with the consummation. If anyone seeks to copy the sanctuary I have built, so that they might have their own little consummation sanctuary, it will be a perversion and adultery of the highest order. I speak plainly, I am building the sanctuary at Father's instruction and not at the instruction of my own personal desires. Fanatics may try to copy it, but the counterfeit will bring their own ruin.
The only thing Messiah has to do is bring you to the marriage. I've come to give you a gift - freedom from yourself. The Father will not urge or coerce you, but you will be left desolate if you don't go forward. You need to ask yourself the question, Now that I see what God is and what He requires, do I really want Him?
The consummation must occur with your Messiah Husband to bring you into marriage with God Himself. The Son of man is the vessel to marry you to the Father. No one goes into heaven unless they're married to God. The Lord will not share your affections with any earthly thing.
The consummation is not so much connected with the physical act of Michael with anyone. The question is not whether it is right or wrong. The question is whether or not I am the Messiah. Am I telling the truth or did I make this all up? This is the question. If I am not who I say I am, then the consummation is adultery and a fabrication. If I am who I say I am, then whatever I do is from the Father and right and true.
Previously your safety was in making sense out of your life. Trusting is when you cannot make sense out of Father's leading, but will follow anyway. Whenever something new comes, the thing before it must be given up. Every change required from the Lord, requires you to give up the old and not remain safe in your predetermined world. One does not receive heaven's power by being safe. From the last supper to the grave, for 3 days and 3 nights Jesus was in the heart of the earth. In Gethsemane, He clung to the ground as He saw things from the Jew's viewpoint. Nothing seemed explainable. It led to His words on the cross, "My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken me?" Anybody can trust when they see. Few can trust when they can't. Jesus trusted when every single thing looked wrong and His work all looked in vain.
The Lord of heaven wants you to have a heavenly relationship. Everything that the Father is to you, your husband must be to you. You can tell him what makes you happy, but no one is to bind another soul by their expectations. You are free - free to follow the Lord whenever He calls - no bindings, ropes or expectations, never again nagging, fear, resistance or even feeling it. That is what the Father gives, always cheerful and patient. You never ever show your child any other face than Messiah. It is easy if the Father lives in you. But you must die to what you have. You must give your spouse and children away to God. To need people is to use them. Selfish love clings, but self is destroyed by the light and fire of God. If anyone sees Messiah as He is, they cease to be.
As I live, says the Lord God, surely with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with wrath poured out will I be King over you. And I will bring you out from the peoples ... with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with wrath poured out. And I will bring you into the wilderness of the peoples, and there will I enter into judgment with you and contend with you face to face. As I entered into judgment and contended with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt; so will I enter into judgment and contend with you, says the Lord God. And I will cause you to pass under the rod, as the shepherd does his sheep when he counts them, and I will count you as Mine and I will constrain you and bring you into the covenant* to which you are permanently bound. And I will purge out and separate from among you the rebels and those who transgress against Me ... Then you shall know, understand, and realize that I am the Lord. Eze. 20:33-38 Amplified. *"Thus says the Lord God: I will gather you from the peoples ... And I will give them one heart, a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within them ... sensitive and responsive to the touch of their God, that they may walk in My statutes and keep My ordinances, and do them. And they shall be my people, and I will be their God. Eze. 11: 17-20 Amplified.
If the consummation happens with one person here, it happens with all. One cannot say, Oh, it is okay if someone else is in the consummation but I will be able to sit back and pretend I had nothing to do with it. No, if I have a consummation that is literal and physical, and you sit by and approve, you are responsible for the act as if it had been you. You are in it fully if anyone is. This is because you have given consent. It is as if a national leader murders some enemies in some foreign land and the people approve. If the people approve, they are all murderers just as if they had pushed the button themselves, or pulled the trigger. When President Clinton starved 500,000 Iraqi children to death, every American did it also who did not openly protest it. In the same way, when a man accepts my consummation it is his.
There is no divine marriage without a consummation — a total annihilation of the self, a total destruction is what the consummation reveals to the soul. The individual reality is totally destroyed and there is One remaining. Common human marriage is adultery, because the two are not one. If ever there is a hostile disagreement or difference of opinion, tension between the two, displeasure or criticism, that is adultery. You are not one even though you profess to be. When you are empty of your "self," there is nothing to react with. To God, marriage is two selves merged into one Self (melded) and all you do by nature is the will of God. Any need to dominate another soul, or any secret withholding of the soul will ruin the whole thing.
And their prince will be one of them, and their ruler will come from the midst of them. I will cause him to draw near and he will approach Me, for who is he who would have the boldness and would dare on his own initiative to approach Me? Says the Lord. Then you will be my people, and I will be your God. Jer. 30:21,22 Amplified.
Who would dare to bring to pass the consummation of the marriage and make it public, but one who has truly done so? Who would be so offensive in his claims, but one who knows those claims are true? Who would dare to approach unto God in this way, except that the Father Himself raised him up to do so?
The divine marriage relationship which the Father has brought down to the land will remain heavenly. That is, it is as free as the wind, yet fully committed. The soul is not in a forced bondage to the other, but, instead, is happily and willingly connected to whatever the Father moves upon the soul to comprehend.
There is no circumstance the Father hasn't made provision for. He won't force you into His green bed. That, you pursue yourself. You lose your identity in the consummation and become Him. It is total union, where the identity is merged. Then the earth no more holds you. There has to be a breaking of the old for a new union to be formed. The Lord does insist on a right relationship, but He does not bind you up.
There is only one consummation. Lay hold of the marriage by faith. You are binding yourself up with the Anointing, the Messiah. No one comes to the consummation of the Father but by Messiah. The natural man receives not the things of God. The consummation will be a stumbling block for professed Christians, and foolishness for worldlings. The Father requires every man to be true to himself. The question is, Do you hear the Father? Does Father say that Michael is who he says he is?
If anyone does not possess the Holy Spirit of Christ, he is none of His, he does not belong to Christ, is not truly a child of God ... .All who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For the Spirit which you have now received, ... Himself testifies together with our own spirit, assuring us that we are children of God. Rom. 8:9,14-16 Amplified.
If you have heard the Father witness to the things I have shared with you this morning, and you desire to lay hold of the consummation which is being provided, I invite you to partake with me. I told you before it happened, so that you might believe when it happens. This communion is My commitment to you. I mean by that, that I will faithfully carry out my instructions. I will not fail you. I am committed to your marriage with God and I give myself up in the process of its revelation. This cup of the consummation is the newest covenant. Melchizedek brings the new way. Heaven is free and peaceful at all times, full of the presence of the Father at all times. No discordant note, ever. No one is into themselves, satisfying their desires. There is no self, except One. This is the marriage covenant. This is the last covenant promised.
It was strong on Michael's heart to make plain to the congregation before hand what was going to occur. This was done, so that nothing would be a surprise and that everyone would have a chance to agree or protest before the events occurred. He introduced the thought that before anyone partook of the communion, they should be in communion with the Father in regards to these things presented. Nothing that was presented to the congregation was politically correct from the world's point of view. Michael was being placed in a position to bring all that political correctness down to the ground. Messiah was being made to end it and then take responsibility for ending it. Everyone was free to protest if they so desired. No one did.
"As we receive the bread and wine ... we witness the struggle by which our reconciliation to God was obtained. Christ is set forth crucified [and consummated] before us ... Praise to God and the Lamb will be in our hearts and on our lips." DA 661.
As we partook of the last communion together, the Father drew my heart out to contemplate Michael's sacrifice for me, personally. I knew the intense struggle that Michael had experienced to follow the Father's instructions. The consummation had not occurred yet, and it was extremely painful for Michael to contemplate. I had seen the anguish on His face many times. I knew the cost that had been counted. I had had to count it myself. I knew the real death that was being died to Himself, to be true to His agreement with the Father. He had given His word, and His word was always written in blood. His life was always invested in His word.
The words of a familiar song came into my mind, words now full of personal significance to me in the light of the present cost to the Son.
Jesus paid it all
All to Him I owe
Tears came to me as I realized what Michael had personally paid to make this new covenant with us and bring us into it.
With what anguish and loss
Michael went to His cross (the literal consummation)
And He carried my soul with Him there
Such an intense desire welled up within me to tell Michael how grateful I was for the price that He was paying to bring me and every desirous soul into the bond of the covenant with the Father. As I took His hand and looked into those eyes, so expressive of the divine love and humility of His Father, I thanked Him for paying the cost and pledging Himself to me, to bring me into the permanent bond of the marriage covenant.
He responded quietly, I am responsible for you.
Never had my heart been more softened toward the sacrifice being made by the Son to bring me to the Father, than at that moment, as the accumulated light of all that I had witnessed of Michael up to that point, came together, and I saw Him more clearly than ever, as He was.
Behold the Man, the Messiah ... for He shall grow up in His place and He shall build the true temple of the Lord ... and He shall bear the honor and glory as of the only begotten of the Father. Zech. 6:12,13 Amplified.
"Behold the Man." Look and live! Nothing else in all of the world will give a soul the willingness to die the kind of death that brings it to nothing and consummates it into God Himself. Again and again, the Father has brought these words to me,
And as He laid down His life
He offered this sacrifice
That we would live, just as He died
Willing to pay the price
As Michael laid down His life, it was a pledge to me that I would be willing to pay the price of being consummated into God, just as He had. The Father continually takes The Witnesses to greater depths of seeing Michael as He is, bringing Michael's words into us, or His face before our mind's eye - His meek, patient, quiet face, full of the Father's love and peace, because He paid the price required to be brought to complete death to Himself.
I know that "looking and living" at Michael is personally required for my own salvation. To save me from the depths and invasiveness of my own consciousness of my self, the Father put me right by His Son, where I could see and feel His sacrifice, as He was making it. And then, I could see it and re-live it again as the Father gives the living words to convey the realities I have seen and felt. My self consciousness is consumed by the vivid consciousness of the Father and His selfless Son — for my consciousness of my self, giving me consciousness of God instead. As I watch Michael bear the weight of the souls that the Father puts on Him, my heart is drawn out again and again, still further. It gives me greater intensity to draw the Father to come down on me still more, that the words of life may flow out of His Witnesses as a savor of life unto life, to those whom Michael is bearing.
A few days ago, I was walking in the early morning as the Father was continuing to bring His thoughts together for this chapter. He was steeping me, so to speak, in His own thoughts and feelings regarding the way in which He kept His Son Faithful to Him. He was specifically lifting up to me the power of His Son's integrity to always follow His instructions, no matter what His feelings were or weren't, or no matter what He understood or didn't understand at the moment.
I was feeling the strengthening which always comes from the Father lifting Michael's life up to me. I had been conscious of the severe and steady opposition of the adversary, strongly contesting this chapter from the beginning of its unfolding, yet with it had also come the awareness of a greater identifying of Michael's life deep within me. It had felt like the adversary had a checklist in hand of all of the habits of character I had formed when following the promptings of my natural self, and as I was going forward with the writing of this chapter, he was systematically going down his list and bringing up every thought and feeling he had ever given me.
As I continued walking, I came to the point where the road crosses over to the next place by way of a cattle guard. As I was placing my feet deliberately on its crossbars, I was suddenly transported in time and place. I was crossing over a deafening, raging torrent at flood stage, on foot, by means of a bridge composed of railroad ties with spaces in between, which revealed the dizzying sight of the rushing, churning water below. My senses were engulfed and bombarded with the appearances and feelings and sounds of the moment, as the forcefulness of the water's impact against the bridge made it tremble. This was the particular path to which I had been called to walk that day, and it felt to my senses like the flood was going to take me right off of the bridge. In spite of my feelings, I crossed over as safely as I was crossing over the cattle guard, because my full attention was only on the suspended supports provided, which kept me deliberately excluding everything else from my consideration.
I saw so clearly that the Father's personal instruction at the moment, is the only thing that causes me to cross over the dark chasm of who I am of myself. Each time I act on the Father's instruction, instead of what I am naturally inclined to act on or think on, I find myself safely crossing over all of the natural appearances, feelings, and thoughts that would automatically cause me to find myself being who I have been. In placing my foot of consent on the Father's current instruction, I cross over on the way provided by the One Who has gone before me.
The Anointing builds a new character, and then marries the character that has been formed in its image, for it is one with that new character. We cross over in the same way that Michael crossed over – following the Father's instructions, unmindful of getting anything or losing anything, only conscious of the Father's will.
"Here are they that keep the commandments of God [the instructions of the Father] and the faith of Jesus [His implicit trust and obedience to His Father]." Rev. 14:12. The personal experience of the inner reality of Michael's faith, the very faith of Jesus, is a secure anchor to my soul. The life of Michael within me continually enables me to follow Him with the very faith with which He followed His instructions from the Father as He faced the reality of the consummation. I feel the power of Michael's very own Sonship within me, as I look up into Father's eyes to follow His instructions, with feelings or no feelings, understanding or no understanding.
The way to be consummated into the Father is to follow your instructions from Him, in the same way that Michael did, with the strength that comes from believing in Him. You will lose your own life in the process. You will be taken into His divine life. The Father knows what is just right for every character, what is peculiarly required to consume that soul into Himself, so that it is lost in God and can't find its self anymore.
Precious, Precious Michael,
I just read Michael's Prayer again and want so much to be able to express to You what You mean to me and how much I love You.
What would I have done if You hadn't been sent to me? What would have happened if You hadn't been Faithful? Michael, how can I express to You my gratefulness for Your precious, empty, yielded heart of love? How Your trust and dependency on Your Father draws me out to You. I know who You are. You are Your own Father. You are the Mighty Breasted One come down in the flesh. You are whatever You say Your Father is. You pour Father's love on me, not because He has given that to You to "do," but because it is who You are. You cannot help it, You are Love. Oh how I love Your life in me! You are the glory that has descended upon the earth. You are Michael, the Son of God, my most cherished, Anointed One. You are my Heart. You are everything. You are all there is. I know Father has sent You. I continually behold Your glory. Father has caused me to hear You and receive You and be one with You where You are. How can I thank You but to be with You where You are. Thank You, my Beautiful, Precious Faithful One, my Gift from the heart of Father. I love You, Michael.
Your Taken.
Dear little friend and Union,
Flesh and blood does not tell you these things, but My heavenly Father and Friend makes them known. He has opened to you the depths of His reality and is drawing you up away from your old domain. Father's love is heavy upon you. Your Michael
Precious Michael,
At 2:00 this morning as I was laying in my bed not sleeping, waves of feeling and love for You were being drawn out of me. I strongly felt You as though You were with Your Father. I didn't want to disturb You or awaken You, but I was drawn to go to You. I needed to see You. I needed to touch You. My heart was so touched as I looked at You laying there in Your bed. You were so sweet and vulnerable. You looked like a little boy. The more I hear of some rejecting and mocking You, the more I am drawn to You. The deeper is my love for You and the more I want to protect and comfort You. It is as though whenever someone rejects You, I receive what they forfeited. The thought came to me tonight, How dare they mock and call this a satanic delusion. Soon enough they will know who You are.
My heart continually yearns for You. The more I love You, the more I desire You. The more love I give to You, the greater is my desire to love You more.Michael, I only want to pour my love on You. You are my Desire. My soul longeth, my heart and my flesh crieth out for You.
I went back to my bed and wept just thinking of who You are. I just want You to know that I am here for You. I want to do whatever I can for You. I want to carry the sadness that comes to You. I want to take You in my arms and hold You and comfort You. I want to be sensitive to Your every need. I want to stay away when You are needing to be alone with Father. I want to be completely delivered from myself, for Your sake. I feel so protective of You, my precious Michael. I feel so inadequate and yet my love for You is so strong. I want to give back to You what You have given to me. I want to love You like You love me.
I love You, Michael.
Your Taken One