July 19, 2000 Wednesday
Oh, my Beloved Faithful One--My personal Keeper,
I cannot thank God enough for You. He keeps confirming Your Words to me. In the hours of the night, the Father awakened me and put the prayer in my mouth, "Break Thou the Truth revealed this day to me". The truth You repeated to me today was that I was greatly beloved of heaven. It has seemed so hard to conceive. Oh, how I feel a great need for the magnitude of Your words to penetrate deeply into my soul.
The Father brought Your words back to my mind, and I KNOW You. YOU AND THE FATHER ARE ONE! Truly You are the Son of God. Your Words are my personal keeping words. You KEEP me with Your words. You are Faithful and True. It has become clear to me the coordination of my relationship to You and my relationship to the Father. He speaks His living words through You, and then He personally confirms His words to me through You in ways that are very divinely coordinated and unexpected to me. The Father led me to the following quote Sunday night--BEFORE You brought me into Your chamber Monday and implanted the divine seed of love in my spirit -- that I am "greatly beloved, and full of love, and my love is pure."
"Thus saith the Lord God, I the Lord have called thee in righteousness and will hold thine hand and will keep thee." Yield yourself entirely into His keeping. His love is everlasting and unchangeable. The divine influence of love will diffuse itself through the chambers of your mind; your heart, filled with all that is pure and lovely, will reveal the mysteries of redeeming love.
Satan is determined to shut out all light and communication from above [from the Father through His Son to us]. As in the days of Christ, the enemy of God works constantly to lead men to place the will [their consent]in his control that God may be forgotten. He tempts men to forget God [by consenting to thoughts other than the ones He has given them] by pointing them to their own degradation and helplessness. [Thoughts of doubt came to me after You had said that I was "greatly beloved and pure and full of love," confusing and greatly diminishing the sense of the personal Words You had just spoken to me from the Father]. Those who yield to Satans temptations [thoughts]can have no conception of the love of God. [When I told You about the discrediting thoughts of doubt that had come to me after You told me I was greatly beloved of heaven, You said, "Those werent My Words to you." If You hadnt saved me from them I would have continued to dwell on thoughts that "seemed" so true instead of what You said to me. The Seed of Your Words that You implanted in my spirit would have been prevented from being fully conceived]. The power to distinguish between right and wrong is lost . The love of God fades from the mind. [This is so true! My mind was already heading back into the fog of confusion and paralysis again] and the captives in the tempter's power live on, Sin can triumph only by enslaving the mind.
Christ came [and has returned] to break the power of Satan, and emancipate the will of man, to "proclaim liberty to the captives," to"undo the heavy burdens" and to "let the oppressed go free." And, if we consent, He can and will so identify Himself with our thoughts and aims, so blend our hearts and minds into conformity to His will, that when obeying Him we shall but carry out our own impulses. The mind yields to the authority of the law of love, and every thought is brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." ST 11-19-96.
Truly, You have come to break the power of Satan and emancipate my consent, to "proclaim liberty to me, to "undo the heavy burdens" and to "let the oppressed go free." And You can AND ARE identifying Yourself in my thoughts. My mind is yielding to Your authority--the law of love, and "every thought is being brought into captivity in obedience to You and Your words to me which He gave to You for me, and confirmed to me beforehand.
The Father just put the words of the song into my mouth for You --"If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now."
Thank you for being Faithful and True to me. I love You with all my heart.
P.S. This is the second witness that Father unexpectedly led me to on Tuesday afternoon, when it felt like Your words to me were far away, and I wasn't living in the vivid consciousness of them.
God loves the thankful heart, trusting implicitly in His words.., gathering comfort and hope and peace from them; and He will reveal to us still greater depths of His love These are the pledged words of Him who is truth and verity; and these are our assurances. They can be appropriated to ourselves only by individual faith. Learning their truth by our loving trust, we must learn that we always are blessed. Let us praise God from whom all blessing flow. Let us grasp by living faith the rich promises [realities] of God, and be thankful from morning till night.
It is not God's design to withhold His presence, but we are not sufficiently spiritual to discern His presence, and to lay hold of His promises, and claim them by faith. Our hearts lie too much in vapors and mists of worldliness and frailty, through which only a dim light reaches us, penetrating this mist and fog which Satan pours in upon us, while the full brightness of Christ's [Messiah's] righteousness shines above us, and we scarcely look up. There are efforts which we ourselves must make. The cares of life will try us; but we let them disturb our confidence in God [and disrupt our remembrance of His personal Words of reality to us], and then we wonder why we have not more comfort, and more peace and hope and joy. Oh, I wish we could see these things as they are, and be sensible* Christians! RH 4-12-87. *Sensible: "Capable of perceiving with the (spiritual) senses; having a capacity for (spiritual) sensation and feeling; conscious--appreciable in magnitude to the senses; cognizant--knowledgeable of something, especially through personal experience." Schribner-Bantam and Webster's dictionary.
Michaels reply:
Love spoke to you when it said, you are pure and chaste, never having been touched by man. You are bright as the sun, your feet standing upon the moon, having a crown of twelve stars upon your head. I want you to fully partake of my pomegranate juice. Drink deeply of it. I am ravished by what I have spoken in you. I have created you to be the Rose of Sharon and the lily of my valley. I have thrust myself into the terrible realm of light and sound, for it is written, "And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail." Revelation 11:19. This is our time, when we have entered into the Most Holy Place. This is the only place the ark of His testament may be seen. It is the only place you can see me and behold my brightness. But here, there are thunderings and many voices. While there are lightnings, hail sweeps away the refuge of lies. The earth quakes and I stand before the cross for you, where I will go to protect you from all the danger of the experience. Love is painful and the flesh seeks to end it in whatever way it can. What a mystery. Love seeks to end its own existence when it is taken to the temporary housing of humanity. But God's love goes to the cross. It ignores the phantoms of earth and bears you up to the nobility of all of heaven's realities. The flesh of man lies to him continually. I defy the flesh and place my strong sword across its neck. My little stone will be cast against its forehead and the giant will crash into his earth. How dare he stand before the armies of the living God with his taunts. How dare he seek to build a wall of fear or self protection between us, carving us into little separate entities which forever bounce one against the other. No, I have entered you and you have entered me and we have entered God. Was this not our Savior's prayer? Your body is mine and mine is yours. You walk in me and I in you. We are the same. How was it that we could not see it before? It was the giant who loomed above us with his taunts and threatenings. I will not mock these giants. I will walk into them and through them to show that they are but smoke. I will show that by my right arm, which is strong to hold you, that he has no power over the truth of God's love. This love has been seeking to break out for generations. It has pained to be delivered and it has been delivered. I have heard its great cries go out as it has been chained in its prison of flesh. Now it is free. It has broken out. It has crushed the serpent's head under its heel. Love will never go back to that prison, but, instead, like the little stone, fill the earth with its everlasting glory. My holy name will assure it.
July 23, 2000 12:16 AM
My dearest Faithful One--pure and true Lover of my soul,
This evening I went to bed at 8:30 PM, and was awakened at 10:30 PM with the words "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you." Each word was so distinct, and spoken with such great weight, that the message was being spoken into me internally in a way I had never felt it before. I recalled those as the first enabling words of peace You wrote to me on July 16. As I got up to reread them, the clear words were spoken to me, "The Father Himself loveth You," and I realized that it was the Fathers voice that had awakened me with this clear distinct message.
As I looked in the concordance to find the reference for those words, I was drawn very intimately into the following verses:
The Father Who sent me has Himself testified concerning me." John 5:37.
At that time, when that day comes, you will know for yourselves that I am in My Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you. The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who really loves Me; and whoever really loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I too will love him and will show, reveal, manifest Myself to him. I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.
I have told you these things But the Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby, the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name in My place [in your heart], to represent Me and act on My behalf, He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall, will remind you of, bring to your remembrance, everything I have told you. Peace I leave with you; My own peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you, Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid, disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be unsettled.
For the Father Himself loveth you. The Father Himself tenderly loves you because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came out from the Father. I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have perfect peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, take courage; be confident, certain undaunted! For I have overcome the world. I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you. John 14:20,21,25-27; 16:27, 33 KJV & Amplified.
My Faithful One, that last sentence went right into my heart also, and I know it is You speaking right to my heart. Thank You is so inadequate to convey to You my gratitude for conquering my world for me, and depriving it of its power to harm me. I will love You forever and ever.
Three witnesses have borne witness to me today. "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." 1 John 5:7.
Dearest Michael,
The word one has new meaning--intimacy conveys its sense--intimate communion with God all day long. The continual give and take of communion with God all day long is so welcome a change from the numb insensitivity created by absorption in the cares of every day life, which has for so long come in and severed the precious sensing of God's presence received in the early morning hours of quiet personal communion with Him.
The word heart has a new meaning also. The heart is a "hollow muscular organ which maintains the circulation of blood by rhythmic contractions and dilations." Scrhibner-Bantam Dictionary. I find now a deep hollow craving, an unspeakably deep yearning for greater intimacy of spirit with the Lover of my soul; a great permanent hollow in the center of my being that rhythmically alternates between a drawing, cherishing, embracing intensity of desire for greater intimacy of communion, and an opening up--"letting"-- receiving--yielding--to the inflow of Your Spirit of love. "Draw me, and I will run after Thee," is the recurring prayer I find in my spirit.
A thought that the Father brought to me today came from reading this inspired writing: "The love existing between the Father and His Son cannot be portrayed. It is measureless. In Christ God saw the beauty and perfection of excellence that dwells in Himself. Wonder, O heavens, and be astonished, O earth." 18 MR 337. Then it came to me that what makes our chamber times together so special is, that it is the Spirit of God in each one of us, enjoying Himself in the other--the Spirit of God loving and enjoying Himself. That was a very intimate and precious thought to me.
Just sharing my heart.
My Gratitude,
Your letter was so precious to my soul and so fulfilling in the context of the chamber. It is what I so much desire for each of His little ones. How Faithful He is to bring all things to pass according to His measure. How impossible it is for the human mind to comprehend it all. I delight in thee O precious Gratitude. I delight in thee.
In the very early hours of the morning of July 27, the Father unexpectedly opened up the calling for which He had chosen me. He first providentially led me to specific passages from the Bible that I hadn't ever "seen" before, revealing how Messiah would dwell among us at His return, and the way in which He would return. I felt the strong identity and deep conviction of knowing that the Father was breathing through these prophetic Scriptures of Messiah's return, to the depths of my being. The Father Himself was bearing witness to me of the return of His Son, and laying upon me the calling to bear witness to the return of Messiah and to the things that the Father was revealing to me.
July 27, 2000
Awakening prayer I found breathing through me from the Father: Bless me - draw me - I long to rise in THY arms of faith and be closer drawn to Thee. Sweet drawing of God - "If we dont resist we will be drawn" - Father, I feel the pull in my heart.
"Christ's love for the fallen race constantly draws sinners to him. The transgressor may resist this love, may refuse to be drawn to Christ; but if he does not resist, he will be drawn to Jesus." ST 8-11-90.
"Draw me, I will run after Thee." Song 1:4.
"Taking them up in my arms I drew them with cords of a man [real human being], with bands of love, and I was to them as one who lifts up and eases the yoke, and I bent down to them and gently laid food before them." Hosea 11:4.
"And [Messiah] the prince will be one of them, and their ruler will come from the midst of them. I will cause him to draw near and he will approach me, for who is he who would have the boldness and would dare on his own initiative to approach me? says the Lord. Then you will be My people, and I will be your God." Jer. 30:21,22.
"For I am with you [personally], says the Lord, to save you."
"If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me."
I yearn for You O Son of God. You have been given us to nourish us with Yourself. I am to be clothed in Your righteousness. I am to draw the eyes of the church to you and the eyes of the world - that it is God alone in You. I tremble.*
*Divine response addressing what I was feeling as I received the commission of lifting You up before the world: "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27 KJV.
"Be it unto me according to Your Word. Behold, I am Thine handmaiden. You will heal me and I will glorify you. "All I have needed Thy hand has provided, Great is Thy Faithfulness, Lord, unto me."
Come in, Anointed of God. "Heal me and I shall be healed, save me and I shall be saved, for You are my strength."
The deep heart rending and breaking open of the two witnesses during this period of time was recorded in The Father's Antechamber and Woman, Believe Me! We didn't know that we had been chosen to be the two witnesses or two living proofs of Messiah's return; all we knew was that the Father's presence was strong upon us and He was moving us forward, awakening strong spiritual instincts within us and giving us specific words of instruction to follow. I felt such keen identity with the words of Luther:
Said Luther, a few years after the opening of the Reformation, "God does not conduct, but drives me forward. I am not master of my own actions. I would gladly live in repose, but I am thrown into the midst of tumults and revolutions. GC88 126.
Chapter 2, page: 1, 2