Defense direct of Wayne Bent

Michael Travesser / Wayne Bent at sunset

Defense direct of Wayne Bent - by Sara Montoya

Ms. Montoya: The Defense would call Wayne Bent.

Judge Baca swears Mr. Bent in.

Ms. Montoya: Would you please state your name for the record?

Wayne Bent: Wayne Bent.

<Ms. Montoya: Mr. Bent, it has been alleged that on the 3st day of July 2006 that you had applied unlawfully and intentionally force to the unclothed intimate parts of L.S.; Is that true?

Wayne Bent: No ma’am.

Ms. Montoya: It has been charged that on the 2nd day of August 2006 that you applied unlawfully and intentionally force to the unclothed intimate parts of A.S.; Is that true?

Wayne Bent: No ma’am.

Ms. Montoya: It has been charged than on or about the 31st day of July 2006 that you did commit an act or omit the performance of a duty which caused or tended to encourage the delinquency of L.S.; Is that true?

Wayne Bent: No ma’am.

Ms. Montoya: It is charged that on or about the 2nd day of August 2006 that you did commit an act or omit the performance of a duty which caused or tended to cause or encourage the delinquency of A.S.; Is that true?

Wayne Bent: No ma’am.

Ms. Montoya: Mr. Bent would you ever cause any minor to become delinquent in any manner?

Wayne Bent: No ma’am.

Ms. Montoya: As to the criminal sexual contact of minor in regarding A.S. on the 2nd day of August 2006, do you recall A.S. coming to your house on that date?

Wayne Bent: Yes.

Ms. Montoya: Did you invite her?

Wayne Bent: No.

Ms. Montoya: At any time or at any point during that day did you apply any touch to any intimate private parts of A.S.?

Wayne Bent: No ma’am.

Ms. Montoya: Are you very clear about that given the encounter that you had with her that day?

Wayne Bent: Very certain.

Ms. Montoya: And as to L.S. on the 31st day of July 2006 did you invite her to your home?

Wayne Bent: No ma’am.

Ms. Montoya: Did you apply any touch anywhere on her body that would be considered an intimate part of her body?

Wayne Bent: No ma’am.

Ms. Montoya: Thank you, nothing further.

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